blob: f7d78c5dd3e3744afb1093629974a1eb021b4f43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <DbgModel.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace WRL = Microsoft::WRL;
constexpr char kObject[] = "v8::internal::Object";
constexpr char16_t kObjectU[] = u"v8::internal::Object";
constexpr char kTaggedValue[] = "v8::internal::TaggedValue";
constexpr char16_t kTaggedValueU[] = u"v8::internal::TaggedValue";
enum class PropertyType {
kPointer = 0,
kArray = 1,
kStruct = 2,
kStructArray = kArray | kStruct,
struct StructField {
StructField(std::u16string field_name, std::u16string type_name,
std::string uncompressed_type_name, uint64_t address,
uint8_t num_bits, uint8_t shift_bits);
StructField(const StructField&);
StructField& operator=(const StructField&);
StructField& operator=(StructField&&);
std::u16string name;
// Statically-determined type, such as from .tq definition. This type should
// be treated as if it were used in the v8::internal namespace; that is, type
// "X::Y" can mean any of the following, in order of decreasing preference:
// - v8::internal::X::Y
// - v8::X::Y
// - X::Y
std::u16string type_name;
// In some cases, |type_name| may be a simple type representing a compressed
// pointer such as v8::internal::TaggedValue. In those cases,
// |uncompressed_type_name| will contain the type of the object when
// decompressed. Otherwise, |uncompressed_type_name| will match |type_name|.
// In any case, it is safe to pass the |uncompressed_type_name| value as the
// type_hint on a subsequent call to GetObjectProperties.
std::string uncompressed_type_name;
// Offset, in bytes, from beginning of struct.
uint64_t offset;
// The number of bits that are present, if this value is a bitfield. Zero
// indicates that this value is not a bitfield (the full value is stored).
uint8_t num_bits;
// The number of bits by which this value has been left-shifted for storage as
// a bitfield.
uint8_t shift_bits;
struct Property {
Property(std::u16string property_name, std::u16string type_name,
std::string uncompressed_type_name, uint64_t address,
size_t item_size);
Property(const Property&);
Property& operator=(const Property&);
Property& operator=(Property&&);
std::u16string name;
PropertyType type;
// Statically-determined type, such as from .tq definition. Can be an empty
// string if this property is itself a Torque-defined struct; in that case use
// |fields| instead. This type should be treated as if it were used in the
// v8::internal namespace; that is, type "X::Y" can mean any of the following,
// in order of decreasing preference:
// - v8::internal::X::Y
// - v8::X::Y
// - X::Y
std::u16string type_name;
// In some cases, |type_name| may be a simple type representing a compressed
// pointer such as v8::internal::TaggedValue. In those cases,
// |uncompressed_type_name| will contain the type of the object when
// decompressed. Otherwise, |uncompressed_type_name| will match |type_name|.
// In any case, it is safe to pass the |uncompressed_type_name| value as the
// type_hint on a subsequent call to GetObjectProperties.
std::string uncompressed_type_name;
// The address where the property value can be found in the debuggee's address
// space, or the address of the first value for an array.
uint64_t addr_value;
// Size of each array item, if this property is an array.
size_t item_size;
// Number of array items, if this property is an array.
size_t length = 0;
// Fields within this property, if this property is a struct, or fields within
// each array element, if this property is a struct array.
std::vector<StructField> fields;
struct V8HeapObject {
V8HeapObject(const V8HeapObject&);
V8HeapObject& operator=(const V8HeapObject&);
V8HeapObject& operator=(V8HeapObject&&);
std::u16string friendly_name; // String to print in single-line description.
std::vector<Property> properties;
V8HeapObject GetHeapObject(WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_context,
uint64_t address, uint64_t referring_pointer,
const char* type_name, bool is_compressed);
// Expand a compressed pointer from 32 bits to the format that
// GetObjectProperties expects for compressed pointers.
inline uint64_t ExpandCompressedPointer(uint32_t ptr) { return ptr; }
std::vector<std::u16string> ListObjectClasses();
const char* BitsetName(uint64_t payload);
std::vector<Property> GetStackFrame(WRL::ComPtr<IDebugHostContext> sp_context,
uint64_t frame_pointer);