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<title>Properties of the window object</title>
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function assert_data_propdesc(pd, Writable, Enumerable, Configurable) {
assert_equals(typeof pd, "object");
assert_equals(pd.writable, Writable);
assert_equals(pd.enumerable, Enumerable);
assert_equals(pd.configurable, Configurable);
function assert_accessor_propdesc(pd, hasSetter, Enumerable, Configurable) {
assert_equals(typeof pd, "object");
assert_equals(typeof pd.get, "function");
assert_true("set" in pd,
"Should always have a setter property on the property descriptor");
assert_equals(typeof pd.set, hasSetter ? "function" : "undefined");
assert_equals(pd.enumerable, Enumerable);
assert_equals(pd.configurable, Configurable);
var unforgeableAttributes = [
var replaceableAttributes = [
// CSSOM-View
var methods = [
// See below: "showModalDialog",
// WindowBase64
// WindowTimers
// HTML Editing APIs
// CSSOM-View
// We would like to remove showModalDialog from the platform,
// see <>.
if ("showModalDialog" in window) {
var readonlyAttributes = [
// WindowSessionStorage
// WindowLocalStorage
var writableAttributes = [
test(function() {
// 15.1.1 Value Properties of the Global Object
["NaN", "Infinity", "undefined"].forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
false, false, false);
}, "Value Property: " + id);
}, "Value Properties of the Global Object");
test(function() {
// 15.1.2 Function Properties of the Global Object
["eval", "parseInt", "parseFloat", "isNaN", "isFinite"].forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, false, true);
}, "Function Property: " + id);
}, "Function Properties of the Global Object");
test(function() {
// 15.1.3 URI Handling Function Properties
["decodeURI", "decodeURIComponent", "encodeURI", "encodeURIComponent"].forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, false, true);
}, "URI Handling Function Property: " + id);
}, "URI Handling Function Properties");
test(function() {
// 15.1.4 Constructor Properties of the Global Object
["Object", "Function", "Array", "String", "Boolean", "Number", "Date",
"RegExp", "Error", "EvalError", "RangeError", "ReferenceError",
"SyntaxError", "TypeError", "URIError"].forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, false, true);
}, "Constructor Property: " + id);
}, "Constructor Properties of the Global Object");
test(function() {
// 15.1.5 Other Properties of the Global Object
["Math", "JSON"].forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, false, true);
}, "Other Property: " + id);
}, "Other Properties of the Global Object");
test(function() {
// EventTarget interface
["addEventListener", "removeEventListener", "dispatchEvent"].forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
var EventTargetProto = EventTarget.prototype;
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_equals(window[id], EventTargetProto[id]);
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(EventTargetProto, id),
true, true, true);
assert_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id), undefined);
}, "EventTarget method: " + id);
}, "EventTarget interface");
test(function() {
// Window interface
methods.forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
var WindowProto = Window.prototype;
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_false(id in WindowProto, id + " in Window.prototype");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, true, true);
}, "Window method: " + id);
readonlyAttributes.forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
var WindowProto = Window.prototype;
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_false(id in WindowProto, id + " in Window.prototype");
assert_accessor_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
false, true, true);
}, "Window readonly attribute: " + id);
writableAttributes.forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
var WindowProto = Window.prototype;
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_false(id in WindowProto, id + " in Window.prototype");
assert_accessor_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, true, true);
}, "Window attribute: " + id);
unforgeableAttributes.forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
var WindowProto = Window.prototype;
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_false(id in WindowProto, id + " in Window.prototype");
// location has a [PutForwards] extended attribute.
assert_accessor_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
id === "location", true, false);
}, "Window unforgeable attribute: " + id);
replaceableAttributes.forEach(function(id) {
test(function() {
var WindowProto = Window.prototype;
assert_true(id in window, id + " in window");
assert_false(id in WindowProto, id + " in Window.prototype");
assert_accessor_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, id),
true, true, true);
}, "Window replaceable attribute: " + id);
}, "Window interface");
test(function() {
assert_equals(window.constructor, Window);
assert_false(window.hasOwnProperty("constructor"), "window.constructor should not be an own property.");
assert_data_propdesc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Window.prototype, "constructor"),
true, false, true);
}, "constructor");