blob: bede0e6ea34dbe2ea390182e2368d27d2827cc95 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'includes': [
'variables': {
'common_jit_defines': [
'target_defaults': {
'defines': [
# This makes it so the embedded JavaScript that is generated in the
# CreateEmbeddedJS action is compressed.
# Do not use the default js_xxx allocator function implementations, but
# include "jscustomallocator.h", which should implement them.
# Do not export symbols that are declare with JS_PUBLIC_[API|DATA].
# Option that enables support for running multiple threads of JavaScript
# code concurrently as long as no objects or strings are shared between
# them.
'include_dirs': [
'conditions': [
[ 'target_arch == "x64"', {
'defines': [
[ 'target_arch == "x86"', {
'defines': [
[ 'target_arch == "arm"', {
'defines': [
[ 'cobalt_enable_jit == 1', {
'defines': [
[ 'use_asan == 1', {
'defines': [
'targets': [
# The SpiderMonkey library.
'target_name': 'mozjs_lib',
'type': 'static_library',
'sources': [ '<@(mozjs_sources)' ],
'defines': [
# Enable incremental garbage collection.
# See vm/Probes.h for different values. This was the value set by the
# configure script when building for linux-release.
# Set this to enable the ECMAScript Internationalization API. Consider
# doing this after upgrading to a more recent version of ICU, since
# Cobalt's is older than the one SpiderMonkey needs for this.
'cflags' : [
'conditions': [
[ 'target_arch == "x64" and cobalt_enable_jit == 1', {
'sources': [
[ 'target_arch == "x86" and cobalt_enable_jit == 1', {
'sources': [
[ 'target_arch == "arm" and cobalt_enable_jit == 1', {
'sources': [
'dependencies': [
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'defines': [
'cflags' : [
# Mark this target as a hard dependency because targets that depend on
# this one need to wait for the build_include_directory to be generated.
# The more correct things would be to insert that target as a dependency
# in direct_dependent_settings, but it wasn't as straightforward as I'd
# hoped.
'hard_dependency': 1,
# Command line SpiderMonkey shell.
'target_name': 'mozjs_shell',
'type': '<(final_executable_type)',
'sources': [
'dependencies': [
'actions': [
'action_name': 'copy_test_data',
'variables': {
'input_files': [
'output_dir': 'mozjs/tests/',
'includes': ['../../starboard/build/copy_test_data.gypi'],
'target_name': 'mozjs_shell_deploy',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'executable_name': 'mozjs_shell',
'includes': [ '../../starboard/build/deploy.gypi' ],
# SpiderMonkey source expects to include files from a certain directory
# structure that is made by copying (or symlinking) the real source files
# into the destination directory structure.
'target_name': 'build_include_directory',
'type': 'none',
'copies': [
'destination': '<(generated_include_directory)/mozilla',
'files': [
'destination': '<(generated_include_directory)/js',
'files': [
'destination': '<(generated_include_directory)',
'files': [
'dependencies': [
'hard_dependency': 1,
'target_name': 'generated_headers',
'type': 'none',
'actions': [
# Embed JavaScript source into a header file.
'action_name': 'CreateEmbeddedJS',
'inputs': [ '<@(embedded_js_sources)', 'js/src/js.msg'],
'outputs': [
'action': [
'<(CC) -E',
'action_name': 'CreateKeywordHeader',
'inputs': [],
'outputs': [ '<(generated_keyword_header)' ],
'action': [
'action_name': 'CreateOpcodeLengthHeader',
'inputs': [],
'outputs': [ '<(generated_opcode_length_header)' ],
'action': [
'dependencies': [
'hard_dependency': 1,
# Host tool used to generate a header file that defines a huge switch
# statement for JavaScript keywords.
'target_name': 'mozjs_keyword_header_gen',
'type': 'executable',
'toolsets': ['host'],
'sources': [
'hard_dependency': 1,
# Host tool used to generate a header file that defines opcode lengths.
'target_name': 'mozjs_opcode_length_header_gen',
'type': 'executable',
'toolsets': ['host'],
'sources': [
'hard_dependency': 1,