blob: 7670ef2f2565b4c91112c8f919f09ad1dabaef51 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- cperl -*-
# Version: MPL 1.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Remote Credential Updater.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Mozilla Corporation.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Reed Loden <>
# Chris Cooper <>
# Nick Thomas <>
use strict;
$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin";
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Manip;
use diagnostics;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP;
use Net::SSH::Expect;
use vars qw(
$default_ssh_timeout = 5;
$start_timestamp = UnixDate("now","%q");
sub loadExistingMachineList($) {
my $machine_list_file = shift;
print "Loading existing machine list: $machine_list_file..." if ($verbose);
if (-e $machine_list_file and
-r $machine_list_file) {
open(MACHINELIST, $machine_list_file) or die "Unable to open machine list file: $machine_list_file";
undef $machine_list;
while (<MACHINELIST>) {
next if (/^\s*$/);
my ($machine_name,$platform,$timeout) = split(',',$_);
$machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} = $platform;
$machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'timeout'} = $timeout || $default_ssh_timeout;
print "Done.\n" if ($verbose);
warn "Unable to find machine list file: $machine_list_file";
return undef;
sub updateMachineListFromWeb($$$) {
my $http_user = shift;
my $http_password = shift;
my $skip_known = shift;
print "Updating machine list from web...\n" if ($verbose);
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
'Inventory - LDAP Login',
$http_user => $http_password
my $csv_url = '';
my $response = $browser->get($csv_url);
die "Error at $csv_url\n ", $response->status_line, "\n Aborting"
unless $response->is_success;
my @csv = split("\n", $response->content);
foreach my $line (@csv) {
$line =~ s/^"//g;
$line =~ s/"$//g;
$line =~ s/,(.*)$//g;
$line =~ s/^\s*//g;
$line =~ s/\s*$//g;
next if ($line =~ /^Host Name/);
next if ($line =~ /^,/);
next if ($line =~ /^\w*$/);
if ($machine_list and
$machine_list->{$line} and
$skip_known) {
print "Already know about $line, skipping...\n";
# Ignore our ref VMs since they're not powered on by default anyway.
if ($line =~ /-ref-vm/ or
$line =~ /-ref-tools-vm/) {
$machine_list->{$line}->{'platform'} = 'skipped_refvm';
if ($line =~ /xserve/i or
$line =~ /mac[^h]/i or
$line =~ /darwin/i or
$line =~ /tiger/i or
$line =~ /snow/i or
$line =~ /osx/i) {
$machine_list->{$line}->{'platform'} = 'mac';
if ($line =~ /win/i or
$line =~ /w32/ or
$line =~ /w64/ or
$line =~ /xp/i or
$line =~ /vista/i or
$line =~ /r3-w7/i or
$line =~ /2k3/i) {
$machine_list->{$line}->{'platform'} = 'win32';
if ($line =~ /linux/i or
$line =~ /centos/i or
$line =~ /r3-fed/i or
$line =~ /ubuntu/i) {
$machine_list->{$line}->{'platform'} = 'linux';
$machine_list->{$line}->{'platform'} = 'unknown';
sub updateMachineListEntry($$$$) {
my $old_machine_name = shift;
my $new_machine_name = shift;
my $new_platform = shift;
my $new_timeout = shift;
if (!$old_machine_name or
!$machine_list->{$old_machine_name}) {
return undef;
if (!$new_platform) {
$new_platform = $machine_list->{$old_machine_name}->{'platform'};
$new_timeout = $machine_list->{$old_machine_name}->{'timeout'};
if (!$new_timeout) {
$new_timeout = $machine_list->{$old_machine_name}->{'timeout'} || $default_ssh_timeout;
if (!$new_machine_name) {
$new_machine_name = $old_machine_name;
} else {
delete $machine_list->{$old_machine_name};
$machine_list->{$new_machine_name}->{'platform'} = $new_platform;
$machine_list->{$new_machine_name}->{'timeout'} =
$new_timeout || $default_ssh_timeout;
return 1;
sub writeMachineListToDisk($) {
my $new_machine_list_file = shift;
$new_machine_list_file =~ s/\.\d{14,14}$//g;
$new_machine_list_file .= '.' . $start_timestamp;
print "Writing machine list to disk: $new_machine_list_file..." if ($verbose);
open(MACHINELIST, ">$new_machine_list_file") or
die "Unable to write out machine list: $new_machine_list_file";
foreach my $machine_name (sort keys %{$machine_list}) {
my $platform = $machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} || 'unknown';
my $timeout = $machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'timeout'} || $default_ssh_timeout;
print MACHINELIST "${machine_name},${platform},${timeout}\n";
print "Done.\n" if ($verbose);
return $new_machine_list_file;
sub updateRemotePasswordViaSSH($$$$$) {
my $host = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $current_password = shift;
my $new_password = shift;
my $new_vnc_password = shift;
my $platform = $machine_list->{$host}->{'platform'};
my $timeout = $machine_list->{$host}->{'timeout'} || $default_ssh_timeout;
# Our hostname may be missing a domain suffix.
my @hostnames;
push @hostnames, $host;
if ($host !~ /mozilla\.org/i) {
push @hostnames, "$", "$";
foreach my $hostname (@hostnames) {
undef $@;
eval {
# Construct the SSH object
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => $hostname,
user => $username,
password => $current_password,
raw_pty => 1,
ssh_option => '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
timeout => $timeout
# Log in to the SSH server using those credentials.
if (!$ssh->run_ssh()) {
die "unreachable";
# If a password was supplied, check if key-based
# authentication worked; if not, try using the password
# Due to the difficulties of dealing with remote timing, we append
# remote output and clear it when we're in a known state,
# i.e. command prompt.
my $remote_output = "";
if ($current_password) {
$remote_output = $ssh->peek($timeout);
if ($remote_output =~ /[pP]assword:\s*$/) {
# send the password if password-based authentication
$remote_output .= $ssh->login();
# test the login output to make sure we had success
if ($remote_output =~ /Permission denied/) {
die "login_failed_$username";
$remote_output .= $ssh->peek($timeout);
# Should be logged in now. Test if received the remote prompt:
if ($remote_output !~ m/(\$|#|>)\s*\z/) {
die "no_prompt_$username";
# - all logged in - #
$remote_output = "";
# Change the user's password to new password
if ($current_password and
$new_password and
$new_password ne $current_password) {
if ($username ne 'root') {
if (! $ssh->waitfor('[Pp]assword:\s*\z', $timeout)) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: current password prompt not found after $timeout seconds";
return 0;
if (! $ssh->waitfor('[Pp]assword:\s*\z', $timeout)) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: new password prompt not found after $timeout seconds";
return 0;
if (! $ssh->waitfor('[Pp]assword:\s*\z', $timeout)) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: confirm password prompt not found after $timeout seconds";
return 0;
# We insert a short pause here, otherwise the two sends seem to get
# concatenated, screwing up our password change.
$ssh->send("echo \"success: \$?\"");
# Check to see if the password change was successful
if (! $ssh->waitfor("success: 0", $timeout, "-ex")) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: passwd changed failed.";
return 0;
} else {
print "Password changed for $username on $host\n" if ($verbose);
$remote_output = "";
# Change the VNC password, but only if we're not root.
if ($username ne 'root' and
$new_vnc_password and
$new_vnc_password ne "") {
if ($platform eq "mac") {
# On OS X (Darwin), use kickstart but require password for sudo
if ($current_password) {
# get Darwin version (eg 8.8.1, 9.2.0, 10.2.0)
$ssh->send("uname -v");
$remote_output = $ssh->peek($timeout);
my $vnc_password;
# use the xor'd password for Tiger, otherwise plain text
if ($remote_output =~ /Darwin Kernel Version 8\./) {
$vnc_password = $new_vnc_password;
} else {
$vnc_password = $new_password;
$remote_output = "";
$ssh->send("sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -configure -activate -access -on -clientopts -setvnclegacy -vnclegacy yes -setvncpw -vncpw $vnc_password -restart -agent");
if (! $ssh->waitfor('Password:\s*\z', $timeout)) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: VNC prompt 'Password' not found after $timeout seconds";
return 0;
$remote_output .= $ssh->peek($timeout);
# print STDERR $remote_output;
if ($remote_output =~ m/Done\./) {
print "VNC password changed on $host.\n" if ($verbose);
} else {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: Never saw VNC command return succesfully.";
return 0;
# write auto-logon password
my $kcpassword = kcpassword_xor($new_password);
$ssh->send("echo -e '$kcpassword' > ~/kcpassword");
$ssh->send('sudo cp ~/kcpassword /etc/kcpassword');
# sudo has cached our credentials, no password needed
$ssh->send('rm -f ~/kcpassword');
# blow away default keychain, so we don't get prompted that the
# passwords for the user account and keychain differ on 10.6
$ssh->send('rm -f ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain');
# need to flush the output to make things happen
$remote_output = $ssh->peek(1);
} elsif ($platform eq "linux") {
# On Linux, use vncpasswd
if (! $ssh->waitfor('Password:\s*\z', $timeout)) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: VNC prompt 'Password' not found after $timeout seconds";
return 0;
if (! $ssh->waitfor('Verify:\s*\z', $timeout)) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: VNC prompt 'Verify:' not found";
return 0;
# Again, we insert a short pause here, otherwise the two sends
# seem to get concatenated, screwing up our password change.
$ssh->send("echo \"success: \$?\"");
# Check to see if the password change was successful
if (! $ssh->waitfor("success: 0", $timeout, "-ex")) {
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, "User $username: vncpasswd change failed.";
return 0;
# vncpasswd said: ".$ssh->before()
print "VNC password changed for $username on $host.\n" if ($verbose);
# If we had to amend the hostname to connect, make that change in the
# machine list to speed up the next iteration.
# Close the SSH connection
return 0;
next if ($@);
if ($@) {
my $status = $platform;
if ($@ =~ /^SSHProcessError/) {
$status .= "(unreachable)";
} else {
my ($short_error,undef) = split(' ',$@,2);
$status .= "(${short_error})";
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, $@ || "unreachable";
return 0;
return 1;
sub confirmSSHConnection($$$) {
my $host = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $current_password = shift;
my $platform = $machine_list->{$host}->{'platform'};
my $timeout = $machine_list->{$host}->{'timeout'} || $default_ssh_timeout;
# Our hostname may be missing a domain suffix.
my @hostnames;
push @hostnames, $host;
if ($host !~ /mozilla\.org/i) {
push @hostnames, "$", "$";
foreach my $hostname (@hostnames) {
undef $@;
eval {
# Construct the SSH object
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => $hostname,
user => $username,
password => $current_password,
raw_pty => 1,
ssh_option => '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
timeout => $timeout
# Log in to the SSH server using those credentials.
if (!$ssh->run_ssh()) {
die "unreachable";
# If a password was supplied, check if key-based
# authentication worked; if not, try using the password
# Due to the difficulties of dealing with remote timing, we append
# remote output and clear it when we're in a known state,
# i.e. command prompt.
my $remote_output = "";
if ($current_password) {
$remote_output = $ssh->peek($timeout);
if ($remote_output =~ /[pP]assword:\s*$/) {
# send the password if password-based authentication
$remote_output .= $ssh->login();
# test the login output to make sure we had success
if ($remote_output =~ /Permission denied/) {
die "login_failed_$username";
$remote_output .= $ssh->peek($timeout);
# Should be logged in now. Test if received the remote prompt:
if ($remote_output !~ m/(\$|#|>)\s*\z/) {
die "no_prompt_$username";
# - all logged in - #
$remote_output = "";
$remote_output = $ssh->peek($timeout);
if ($remote_output !~ /$username/) {
die "wrong_username_$username";
# If we had to amend the hostname to connect, make that change in the
# machine list to speed up the next iteration.
# Close the SSH connection
return 0;
next if ($@);
if ($@) {
my $status = $platform;
if ($@ =~ /^SSHProcessError/) {
$status .= "(unreachable)";
} else {
my ($short_error,undef) = split(' ',$@,2);
$status .= "(${short_error})";
push @{$host_errors->{$host}}, $@ || "unreachable";
return 0;
return 1;
sub writeHostErrorsToDisk($) {
my $username = shift;
my $host_errors_log = "./";
if ($username and $username ne "") {
$host_errors_log .= $username . "_";
$host_errors_log .= "host_errors_" . $start_timestamp . ".log";
open(HOSTERRORS, ">$host_errors_log") or die "Couldn't open $host_errors_log: $!";
if (!$host_errors) {
print HOSTERRORS "$0 encountered no errors.\n\n" if ($verbose);
return 1;
foreach my $host (sort keys %$host_errors) {
if (scalar(@{$host_errors->{$host}}) > 0) {
foreach my $error_msg (@{$host_errors->{$host}}) {
chomp $error_msg;
print HOSTERRORS "$host: $error_msg\n";
sub diffMachineLists($$) {
my $machine_list_file = shift;
my $new_machine_list_file = shift;
if (-r $machine_list_file and
-r $new_machine_list_file) {
system("diff -up $machine_list_file $new_machine_list_file");
# credit:
# and then convert to something we can push through a shell
sub kcpassword_xor($) {
my $pass = shift;
### The magic 11 bytes - these are just repeated
# 0x7D 0x89 0x52 0x23 0xD2 0xBC 0xDD 0xEA 0xA3 0xB9 0x1F
my @key = qw( 125 137 82 35 210 188 221 234 163 185 31 );
my $key = pack "C*", @key;
my $key_len = length $key;
for (my $n=0; $n<length($pass); $n+=$key_len) {
substr($pass,$n,$key_len) ^= $key;
# convert to string suitable for echo -e in a terminal
$pass =~ s/(.)/sprintf('\x%x',ord($1))/eg;
return $pass;
sub usage() {
Usage: $0 --username=X --current_password=X
[--new_password=X] [--verbose] [--machine_list_file=X] \
[--update_from_web --http_user=X --http_password=X \
--skip_known --update_only] \
[--platform=mac|linux] \
--username=X : the username to use when connceting
--current_password=X : the current password for \$username
--new_password=X : the new password for \$username. Not required for a
--verbose : narrate the action
--machine_list_file=X : path to an existing machine list file
--update_from_web : update the list of machines from the build inventory
on the web
--http_user=X : user to use when connecting to the build inventory
--http_password=X : password to use when connecting to the build inventory
--update_only : update the machine list from the web and then exit.
Useful as a first pass if you want to tweak the
machine list prior to running.
--skip-known : when updating from the web, don't clobber the
descriptions for machines we already know about.
This is useful for just looking up new machines.
--dry_run : simply try to connect to the remote machines without
changing any passwords. This is a good way to prune
and/or verify your machine before doing anything
--platform=X : limit the script to updating one platform only.
Valid options are "linux" or "mac"
my $machine_list_file = "";
my $http_user;
my $http_password;
my $update_from_web = 0;
my $update_only = 0;
my $skip_known = 0;
my $dry_run = 0;
my $username = "";
my $current_password = "";
my $new_password = "";
my $help;
my $platform;
$verbose = 0;
"http_user=s" => \$http_user,
"http_password=s" => \$http_password,
"update_from_web" => \$update_from_web,
"update_only" => \$update_only,
"skip_known" => \$skip_known,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"dry_run" => \$dry_run,
"username=s" => \$username,
"current_password=s" => \$current_password,
"new_password=s" => \$new_password,
"machine_list_file=s" => \$machine_list_file,
"help" => \$help,
"platform=s" => \$platform,
if ($help) {
if ($platform and $platform ne "mac" and $platform ne "linux") {
print STDERR "The only supported platforms are 'mac' and 'linux.'\n\n";
exit 1;
if (!$username and !$update_only) {
print STDERR "No username supplied.\n\n";
exit 2;
if (!$current_password and !$update_only) {
print STDERR "Current password not supplied.\n\n";
exit 3;
if (!$new_password and !$dry_run and !$update_only) {
print STDERR "New password not supplied.\n\n";
exit 3;
if (!$machine_list_file) {
$machine_list_file = "./build_machine_list_for_$username.txt";
if (!$machine_list) {
if (!$http_user or
!$http_password) {
die "Unable to load existing machine list, and we have no auth credentials to grab it from the web.\n";
$update_from_web = 1;
if ($update_from_web and
$http_user and
$http_password) {
if ($update_only) {
my $new_machine_list_file = writeMachineListToDisk($machine_list_file);
my $rv = diffMachineLists($machine_list_file,
if (!$machine_list) {
die "Failed to find any machines. Exiting.\n";
if ($platform) {
if (!$dry_run) {
print "Changing passwords on all $platform machines...\n";
} else {
if (!$dry_run) {
print "Changing passwords on all machines...\n";
if ($dry_run) {
foreach my $machine_name (sort keys %{$machine_list}) {
next if ($machine_name =~ /^#/);
next if ($machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} ne "mac" and
$machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} ne "linux");
if ($platform) {
next if ($machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} ne $platform);
print "Connecting as $username to $machine_name...\n" if ($verbose);
my $rv = confirmSSHConnection(
} else {
my $new_vnc_password = $new_password;
$new_vnc_password =~ s/^(.{8}).*/$1/;
# convert the password to an array
my @vnc_password_array = unpack "C*", $new_vnc_password;
# XOR key
my @vnc_xor_key = unpack "C*", pack "H*", "1734516E8BA8C5E2FF1C39567390ADCA";
my $xor_vnc_password = "";
foreach my $byte_value (@vnc_xor_key) {
$xor_vnc_password .= sprintf("%02X",$byte_value ^ (shift @vnc_password_array || 0));
print STDERR "New VNC password (xor): $xor_vnc_password\n" if ($verbose);
foreach my $machine_name (sort keys %{$machine_list}) {
next if ($machine_name =~ /^#/);
next if ($machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} ne "mac" and
$machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} ne "linux");
if ($platform) {
next if ($machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} ne $platform);
print "Updating " . $username . " on $machine_name...\n" if ($verbose);
my $vnc_password = $new_password;
if ($machine_list->{$machine_name}->{'platform'} eq 'mac') {
$vnc_password = $xor_vnc_password;
my $rv = updateRemotePasswordViaSSH(
next if ($rv);
my $rv = writeHostErrorsToDisk($username);
my $new_machine_list_file = writeMachineListToDisk($machine_list_file);
$rv = diffMachineLists($machine_list_file,