blob: 284f88704a6d6f7764d9806cbcfd596d4277d149 [file] [log] [blame]
# buildbot -> bouncer platform mapping
# 64-bit windows
import simplejson as json
import json
bouncer_platform_map = {'win32': 'win', 'win64': 'win64', 'macosx': 'osx',
'linux': 'linux', 'linux64': 'linux64',
'macosx64': 'osx'}
# buildbot -> ftp platform mapping
ftp_platform_map = {'win32': 'win32', 'win64': 'win64', 'macosx': 'mac',
'linux': 'linux-i686', 'linux64': 'linux-x86_64',
'macosx64': 'mac', 'linux-android': 'android',
'linux-mobile': 'linux', 'macosx-mobile': 'macosx',
'win32-mobile': 'win32', 'android': 'android',
'android-xul': 'android-xul'}
# buildbot -> shipped-locales platform mapping
# TODO: make sure 'win64' is correct when shipped-locales becomes aware of it
sl_platform_map = {'win32': 'win32', 'win64': 'win32', 'macosx': 'osx',
'linux': 'linux', 'linux64': 'linux', 'macosx64': 'osx'}
# buildbot -> update platform mapping
update_platform_map = {
'android': ['Android_arm-eabi-gcc3'],
'android-api-9': ['Android_arm-eabi-gcc3'],
'android-api-11': ['Android_arm-eabi-gcc3'],
'android-x86': ['Android_x86-gcc3'],
'linux': ['Linux_x86-gcc3'],
'linux64': ['Linux_x86_64-gcc3'],
'macosx64': ['Darwin_x86_64-gcc3-u-i386-x86_64', # The main platofrm
# We don't ship builds with these build targets, but some users
# modify their builds in a way that has them report like these.
# See bug 1071576 for details.
'Darwin_x86-gcc3', 'Darwin_x86_64-gcc3'],
'win32': ['WINNT_x86-msvc', 'WINNT_x86-msvc-x86', 'WINNT_x86-msvc-x64'],
'win64': ['WINNT_x86_64-msvc', 'WINNT_x86_64-msvc-x64'],
# This is for v2.1 and v2.2 branches.
# Must be killed in the future.
'flame-kk': ['flame-kk','flame'],
# BUILD_TARGET follows the pattern <platform>-<variant>-<sdk-version>
# We add the proper aliases for backward compatibility
'flame-user-kk': ['flame-user-kk', 'flame-kk', 'flame'],
'aries-user-kk': ['aries-user-kk', 'aries'],
# These FTP -> other mappings are provided so that things interpreting patcher
# configs can figure update/bouncer platforms without using the Buildbot
# platform as an intermediary. (It's difficult to do that, because ftp:buildbot
# is a many:1 mapping, so some guesswork ends up being involved.) In the future
# when we redesign the patcher configs we can use Buildbot platform in them and
# rid ourselves of these mappings. (bug 778125)
ftp_update_platform_map = {
'linux-i686': update_platform_map['linux'],
'linux-x86_64': update_platform_map['linux64'],
'mac': update_platform_map['macosx64'],
'win32': update_platform_map['win32'],
'win64': update_platform_map['win64'],
ftp_bouncer_platform_map = {
'linux-i686': 'linux',
'linux-x86_64': 'linux64',
'mac': 'osx',
'win32': 'win',
'win64': 'win64',
def buildbot2bouncer(platform):
return bouncer_platform_map.get(platform, platform)
def buildbot2ftp(platform):
return ftp_platform_map.get(platform, platform)
def buildbot2shippedlocales(platform):
return sl_platform_map.get(platform, platform)
def shippedlocales2buildbot(platform):
matches = []
k) for k, v in sl_platform_map.iteritems() if v == platform][0]
return matches
except IndexError:
return [platform]
def buildbot2updatePlatforms(platform):
return update_platform_map.get(platform, [platform])
def ftp2updatePlatforms(platform):
return ftp_update_platform_map.get(platform, platform)
def ftp2bouncer(platform):
return ftp_bouncer_platform_map.get(platform, platform)
def getPlatformLocales(shipped_locales, platforms):
platform_locales = {}
for platform in platforms:
platform_locales[platform] = []
for line in shipped_locales.splitlines():
entry = line.strip().split()
locale = entry[0]
if len(entry) > 1:
for platform in entry[1:]:
for bb_platform in shippedlocales2buildbot(platform):
if bb_platform in platforms:
for platform in platforms:
return platform_locales
def getLocaleListFromShippedLocales(shipped_locales):
""" return the list of locales in shipped_locales, without platform specific info """
shipped_locales_list = []
for line in shipped_locales.splitlines():
entry = line.strip().split()
return shipped_locales_list
def getPlatformLocalesFromJson(json_file, platforms):
platform_locales = {}
for platform in platforms:
platform_locales[platform] = []
fh = open(json_file)
json_contents = json.load(fh)
for locale in json_contents.keys():
for platform in json_contents[locale]["platforms"]:
if platform not in platform_locales:
platform_locales[platform] = []
return platform_locales
def getAllLocales(shipped_locales):
locales = []
f = open(shipped_locales)
for line in f.readlines():
entry = line.split()
locale = entry[0]
if locale:
return locales
def getPlatforms():
return bouncer_platform_map.keys()
def getSupportedPlatforms():
return ('linux', 'linux64', 'win32', 'win64', 'macosx', 'macosx64')