blob: 94162782b357834c665aa43397b869637d55cacf [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_shared_CodeGenerator_shared_h
#define jit_shared_CodeGenerator_shared_h
#include "mozilla/Alignment.h"
#include "mozilla/Move.h"
#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
#include "jit/JitFrames.h"
#include "jit/LIR.h"
#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
#include "jit/MIRGenerator.h"
#include "jit/MIRGraph.h"
#include "jit/OptimizationTracking.h"
#include "jit/Safepoints.h"
#include "jit/Snapshots.h"
#include "jit/VMFunctions.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
class OutOfLineCode;
class CodeGenerator;
class MacroAssembler;
class IonCache;
template <class ArgSeq, class StoreOutputTo>
class OutOfLineCallVM;
class OutOfLineTruncateSlow;
struct PatchableBackedgeInfo
CodeOffsetJump backedge;
Label* loopHeader;
Label* interruptCheck;
PatchableBackedgeInfo(CodeOffsetJump backedge, Label* loopHeader, Label* interruptCheck)
: backedge(backedge), loopHeader(loopHeader), interruptCheck(interruptCheck)
struct ReciprocalMulConstants {
int64_t multiplier;
int32_t shiftAmount;
// This should be nested in CodeGeneratorShared, but it is used in
// optimization tracking implementation and nested classes cannot be
// forward-declared.
struct NativeToTrackedOptimizations
// [startOffset, endOffset]
CodeOffset startOffset;
CodeOffset endOffset;
const TrackedOptimizations* optimizations;
class CodeGeneratorShared : public LElementVisitor
js::Vector<OutOfLineCode*, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> outOfLineCode_;
MacroAssembler& ensureMasm(MacroAssembler* masm);
mozilla::Maybe<MacroAssembler> maybeMasm_;
MacroAssembler& masm;
MIRGenerator* gen;
LIRGraph& graph;
LBlock* current;
SnapshotWriter snapshots_;
RecoverWriter recovers_;
JitCode* deoptTable_;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t pushedArgs_;
uint32_t lastOsiPointOffset_;
SafepointWriter safepoints_;
Label invalidate_;
CodeOffset invalidateEpilogueData_;
// Label for the common return path.
NonAssertingLabel returnLabel_;
FallbackICStubSpace stubSpace_;
js::Vector<SafepointIndex, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> safepointIndices_;
js::Vector<OsiIndex, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> osiIndices_;
// Mapping from bailout table ID to an offset in the snapshot buffer.
js::Vector<SnapshotOffset, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> bailouts_;
// Allocated data space needed at runtime.
js::Vector<uint8_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> runtimeData_;
// Vector of information about generated polymorphic inline caches.
js::Vector<uint32_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> cacheList_;
// Patchable backedges generated for loops.
Vector<PatchableBackedgeInfo, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> patchableBackedges_;
js::Vector<CodeOffset, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> patchableTraceLoggers_;
js::Vector<CodeOffset, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> patchableTLScripts_;
struct NativeToBytecode {
CodeOffset nativeOffset;
InlineScriptTree* tree;
jsbytecode* pc;
js::Vector<NativeToBytecode, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> nativeToBytecodeList_;
uint8_t* nativeToBytecodeMap_;
uint32_t nativeToBytecodeMapSize_;
uint32_t nativeToBytecodeTableOffset_;
uint32_t nativeToBytecodeNumRegions_;
JSScript** nativeToBytecodeScriptList_;
uint32_t nativeToBytecodeScriptListLength_;
bool isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled() {
return gen->isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled();
js::Vector<NativeToTrackedOptimizations, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> trackedOptimizations_;
uint8_t* trackedOptimizationsMap_;
uint32_t trackedOptimizationsMapSize_;
uint32_t trackedOptimizationsRegionTableOffset_;
uint32_t trackedOptimizationsTypesTableOffset_;
uint32_t trackedOptimizationsAttemptsTableOffset_;
bool isOptimizationTrackingEnabled() {
return gen->isOptimizationTrackingEnabled();
// The offset of the first instruction of the OSR entry block from the
// beginning of the code buffer.
size_t osrEntryOffset_;
TempAllocator& alloc() const {
return graph.mir().alloc();
inline void setOsrEntryOffset(size_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(osrEntryOffset_ == 0);
osrEntryOffset_ = offset;
inline size_t getOsrEntryOffset() const {
return osrEntryOffset_;
// The offset of the first instruction of the body.
// This skips the arguments type checks.
size_t skipArgCheckEntryOffset_;
inline void setSkipArgCheckEntryOffset(size_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(skipArgCheckEntryOffset_ == 0);
skipArgCheckEntryOffset_ = offset;
inline size_t getSkipArgCheckEntryOffset() const {
return skipArgCheckEntryOffset_;
typedef js::Vector<SafepointIndex, 8, SystemAllocPolicy> SafepointIndices;
// See JitOptions.checkOsiPointRegisters. We set this here to avoid
// races when enableOsiPointRegisterChecks is called while we're generating
// code off-thread.
bool checkOsiPointRegisters;
// The initial size of the frame in bytes. These are bytes beyond the
// constant header present for every Ion frame, used for pre-determined
// spills.
int32_t frameDepth_;
// In some cases, we force stack alignment to platform boundaries, see
// also CodeGeneratorShared constructor. This value records the adjustment
// we've done.
int32_t frameInitialAdjustment_;
// Frame class this frame's size falls into (see IonFrame.h).
FrameSizeClass frameClass_;
// For arguments to the current function.
inline int32_t ArgToStackOffset(int32_t slot) const;
// For the callee of the current function.
inline int32_t CalleeStackOffset() const;
inline int32_t SlotToStackOffset(int32_t slot) const;
inline int32_t StackOffsetToSlot(int32_t offset) const;
// For argument construction for calls. Argslots are Value-sized.
inline int32_t StackOffsetOfPassedArg(int32_t slot) const;
inline int32_t ToStackOffset(LAllocation a) const;
inline int32_t ToStackOffset(const LAllocation* a) const;
uint32_t frameSize() const {
return frameClass_ == FrameSizeClass::None() ? frameDepth_ : frameClass_.frameSize();
inline Operand ToOperand(const LAllocation& a);
inline Operand ToOperand(const LAllocation* a);
inline Operand ToOperand(const LDefinition* def);
void resetOsiPointRegs(LSafepoint* safepoint);
bool shouldVerifyOsiPointRegs(LSafepoint* safepoint);
void verifyOsiPointRegs(LSafepoint* safepoint);
bool addNativeToBytecodeEntry(const BytecodeSite* site);
void dumpNativeToBytecodeEntries();
void dumpNativeToBytecodeEntry(uint32_t idx);
bool addTrackedOptimizationsEntry(const TrackedOptimizations* optimizations);
void extendTrackedOptimizationsEntry(const TrackedOptimizations* optimizations);
MIRGenerator& mirGen() const {
return *gen;
// When appending to runtimeData_, the vector might realloc, leaving pointers
// int the origianl vector stale and unusable. DataPtr acts like a pointer,
// but allows safety in the face of potentially realloc'ing vector appends.
friend class DataPtr;
template <typename T>
class DataPtr
CodeGeneratorShared* cg_;
size_t index_;
T* lookup() {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&cg_->runtimeData_[index_]);
DataPtr(CodeGeneratorShared* cg, size_t index)
: cg_(cg), index_(index) { }
T * operator ->() {
return lookup();
T * operator*() {
return lookup();
bool allocateData(size_t size, size_t* offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(size % sizeof(void*) == 0);
*offset = runtimeData_.length();
masm.propagateOOM(runtimeData_.appendN(0, size));
return !masm.oom();
// Ensure the cache is an IonCache while expecting the size of the derived
// class. We only need the cache list at GC time. Everyone else can just take
// runtimeData offsets.
template <typename T>
inline size_t allocateCache(const T& cache) {
static_assert(mozilla::IsBaseOf<IonCache, T>::value, "T must inherit from IonCache");
size_t index;
masm.propagateOOM(allocateData(sizeof(mozilla::AlignedStorage2<T>), &index));
if (masm.oom())
return SIZE_MAX;
// Use the copy constructor on the allocated space.
MOZ_ASSERT(index == cacheList_.back());
new (&runtimeData_[index]) T(cache);
return index;
// Encodes an LSnapshot into the compressed snapshot buffer.
void encode(LRecoverInfo* recover);
void encode(LSnapshot* snapshot);
void encodeAllocation(LSnapshot* snapshot, MDefinition* def, uint32_t* startIndex);
// Attempts to assign a BailoutId to a snapshot, if one isn't already set.
// If the bailout table is full, this returns false, which is not a fatal
// error (the code generator may use a slower bailout mechanism).
bool assignBailoutId(LSnapshot* snapshot);
// Encode all encountered safepoints in CG-order, and resolve |indices| for
// safepoint offsets.
bool encodeSafepoints();
// Fixup offsets of native-to-bytecode map.
bool createNativeToBytecodeScriptList(JSContext* cx);
bool generateCompactNativeToBytecodeMap(JSContext* cx, JitCode* code);
void verifyCompactNativeToBytecodeMap(JitCode* code);
bool generateCompactTrackedOptimizationsMap(JSContext* cx, JitCode* code,
IonTrackedTypeVector* allTypes);
void verifyCompactTrackedOptimizationsMap(JitCode* code, uint32_t numRegions,
const UniqueTrackedOptimizations& unique,
const IonTrackedTypeVector* allTypes);
// Mark the safepoint on |ins| as corresponding to the current assembler location.
// The location should be just after a call.
void markSafepoint(LInstruction* ins);
void markSafepointAt(uint32_t offset, LInstruction* ins);
// Mark the OSI point |ins| as corresponding to the current
// assembler location inside the |osiIndices_|. Return the assembler
// location for the OSI point return location.
uint32_t markOsiPoint(LOsiPoint* ins);
// Ensure that there is enough room between the last OSI point and the
// current instruction, such that:
// (1) Invalidation will not overwrite the current instruction, and
// (2) Overwriting the current instruction will not overwrite
// an invalidation marker.
void ensureOsiSpace();
OutOfLineCode* oolTruncateDouble(FloatRegister src, Register dest, MInstruction* mir);
void emitTruncateDouble(FloatRegister src, Register dest, MInstruction* mir);
void emitTruncateFloat32(FloatRegister src, Register dest, MInstruction* mir);
void emitAsmJSCall(LAsmJSCall* ins);
void emitPreBarrier(Register base, const LAllocation* index);
void emitPreBarrier(Address address);
// We don't emit code for trivial blocks, so if we want to branch to the
// given block, and it's trivial, return the ultimate block we should
// actually branch directly to.
MBasicBlock* skipTrivialBlocks(MBasicBlock* block) {
while (block->lir()->isTrivial()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(block->lir()->rbegin()->numSuccessors() == 1);
block = block->lir()->rbegin()->getSuccessor(0);
return block;
// Test whether the given block can be reached via fallthrough from the
// current block.
inline bool isNextBlock(LBlock* block) {
uint32_t target = skipTrivialBlocks(block->mir())->id();
uint32_t i = current->mir()->id() + 1;
if (target < i)
return false;
// Trivial blocks can be crossed via fallthrough.
for (; i != target; ++i) {
if (!graph.getBlock(i)->isTrivial())
return false;
return true;
// Save and restore all volatile registers to/from the stack, excluding the
// specified register(s), before a function call made using callWithABI and
// after storing the function call's return value to an output register.
// (The only registers that don't need to be saved/restored are 1) the
// temporary register used to store the return value of the function call,
// if there is one [otherwise that stored value would be overwritten]; and
// 2) temporary registers whose values aren't needed in the rest of the LIR
// instruction [this is purely an optimization]. All other volatiles must
// be saved and restored in case future LIR instructions need those values.)
void saveVolatile(Register output) {
LiveRegisterSet regs(RegisterSet::Volatile());
void restoreVolatile(Register output) {
LiveRegisterSet regs(RegisterSet::Volatile());
void saveVolatile(FloatRegister output) {
LiveRegisterSet regs(RegisterSet::Volatile());
void restoreVolatile(FloatRegister output) {
LiveRegisterSet regs(RegisterSet::Volatile());
void saveVolatile(LiveRegisterSet temps) {
void restoreVolatile(LiveRegisterSet temps) {
void saveVolatile() {
void restoreVolatile() {
// These functions have to be called before and after any callVM and before
// any modifications of the stack. Modification of the stack made after
// these calls should update the framePushed variable, needed by the exit
// frame produced by callVM.
inline void saveLive(LInstruction* ins);
inline void restoreLive(LInstruction* ins);
inline void restoreLiveIgnore(LInstruction* ins, LiveRegisterSet reg);
// Save/restore all registers that are both live and volatile.
inline void saveLiveVolatile(LInstruction* ins);
inline void restoreLiveVolatile(LInstruction* ins);
template <typename T>
void pushArg(const T& t) {
#ifdef DEBUG
void storeResultTo(Register reg) {
void storeFloatResultTo(FloatRegister reg) {
template <typename T>
void storeResultValueTo(const T& t) {
void callVM(const VMFunction& f, LInstruction* ins, const Register* dynStack = nullptr);
template <class ArgSeq, class StoreOutputTo>
inline OutOfLineCode* oolCallVM(const VMFunction& fun, LInstruction* ins, const ArgSeq& args,
const StoreOutputTo& out);
void addCache(LInstruction* lir, size_t cacheIndex);
bool addCacheLocations(const CacheLocationList& locs, size_t* numLocs, size_t* offset);
ReciprocalMulConstants computeDivisionConstants(uint32_t d, int maxLog);
bool generatePrologue();
bool generateEpilogue();
void addOutOfLineCode(OutOfLineCode* code, const MInstruction* mir);
void addOutOfLineCode(OutOfLineCode* code, const BytecodeSite* site);
bool generateOutOfLineCode();
Label* labelForBackedgeWithImplicitCheck(MBasicBlock* mir);
// Generate a jump to the start of the specified block, adding information
// if this is a loop backedge. Use this in place of jumping directly to
// mir->lir()->label(), or use getJumpLabelForBranch() if a label to use
// directly is needed.
void jumpToBlock(MBasicBlock* mir);
// This function is not used for MIPS. MIPS has branchToBlock.
#if !defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) && !defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64)
void jumpToBlock(MBasicBlock* mir, Assembler::Condition cond);
void generateInvalidateEpilogue();
CodeGeneratorShared(MIRGenerator* gen, LIRGraph* graph, MacroAssembler* masm);
template <class ArgSeq, class StoreOutputTo>
void visitOutOfLineCallVM(OutOfLineCallVM<ArgSeq, StoreOutputTo>* ool);
void visitOutOfLineTruncateSlow(OutOfLineTruncateSlow* ool);
bool omitOverRecursedCheck() const;
void emitTracelogScript(bool isStart);
void emitTracelogTree(bool isStart, uint32_t textId);
void emitTracelogScriptStart() {
emitTracelogScript(/* isStart =*/ true);
void emitTracelogScriptStop() {
emitTracelogScript(/* isStart =*/ false);
void emitTracelogStartEvent(uint32_t textId) {
emitTracelogTree(/* isStart =*/ true, textId);
void emitTracelogStopEvent(uint32_t textId) {
emitTracelogTree(/* isStart =*/ false, textId);
void emitTracelogIonStart() {
void emitTracelogIonStop() {
inline void verifyHeapAccessDisassembly(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, bool isLoad,
Scalar::Type type, unsigned numElems,
const Operand& mem, LAllocation alloc);
// An out-of-line path is generated at the end of the function.
class OutOfLineCode : public TempObject
Label entry_;
Label rejoin_;
uint32_t framePushed_;
const BytecodeSite* site_;
: framePushed_(0),
{ }
virtual void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) = 0;
Label* entry() {
return &entry_;
virtual void bind(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label* rejoin() {
return &rejoin_;
void setFramePushed(uint32_t framePushed) {
framePushed_ = framePushed;
uint32_t framePushed() const {
return framePushed_;
void setBytecodeSite(const BytecodeSite* site) {
site_ = site;
const BytecodeSite* bytecodeSite() const {
return site_;
jsbytecode* pc() const {
return site_->pc();
JSScript* script() const {
return site_->script();
// For OOL paths that want a specific-typed code generator.
template <typename T>
class OutOfLineCodeBase : public OutOfLineCode
virtual void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) {
virtual void accept(T* codegen) = 0;
// ArgSeq store arguments for OutOfLineCallVM.
// OutOfLineCallVM are created with "oolCallVM" function. The third argument of
// this function is an instance of a class which provides a "generate" in charge
// of pushing the argument, with "pushArg", for a VMFunction.
// Such list of arguments can be created by using the "ArgList" function which
// creates one instance of "ArgSeq", where the type of the arguments are inferred
// from the type of the arguments.
// The list of arguments must be written in the same order as if you were
// calling the function in C++.
// Example:
// ArgList(ToRegister(lir->lhs()), ToRegister(lir->rhs()))
template <typename... ArgTypes>
class ArgSeq;
template <>
class ArgSeq<>
ArgSeq() { }
inline void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) const {
template <typename HeadType, typename... TailTypes>
class ArgSeq<HeadType, TailTypes...> : public ArgSeq<TailTypes...>
HeadType head_;
explicit ArgSeq(HeadType&& head, TailTypes&&... tail)
: ArgSeq<TailTypes...>(mozilla::Move(tail)...),
{ }
// Arguments are pushed in reverse order, from last argument to first
// argument.
inline void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) const {
template <typename... ArgTypes>
inline ArgSeq<ArgTypes...>
ArgList(ArgTypes... args)
return ArgSeq<ArgTypes...>(mozilla::Move(args)...);
// Store wrappers, to generate the right move of data after the VM call.
struct StoreNothing
inline void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) const {
inline LiveRegisterSet clobbered() const {
return LiveRegisterSet(); // No register gets clobbered
class StoreRegisterTo
Register out_;
explicit StoreRegisterTo(Register out)
: out_(out)
{ }
inline void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) const {
inline LiveRegisterSet clobbered() const {
LiveRegisterSet set;
return set;
class StoreFloatRegisterTo
FloatRegister out_;
explicit StoreFloatRegisterTo(FloatRegister out)
: out_(out)
{ }
inline void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) const {
inline LiveRegisterSet clobbered() const {
LiveRegisterSet set;
return set;
template <typename Output>
class StoreValueTo_
Output out_;
explicit StoreValueTo_(const Output& out)
: out_(out)
{ }
inline void generate(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) const {
inline LiveRegisterSet clobbered() const {
LiveRegisterSet set;
return set;
template <typename Output>
StoreValueTo_<Output> StoreValueTo(const Output& out)
return StoreValueTo_<Output>(out);
template <class ArgSeq, class StoreOutputTo>
class OutOfLineCallVM : public OutOfLineCodeBase<CodeGeneratorShared>
LInstruction* lir_;
const VMFunction& fun_;
ArgSeq args_;
StoreOutputTo out_;
OutOfLineCallVM(LInstruction* lir, const VMFunction& fun, const ArgSeq& args,
const StoreOutputTo& out)
: lir_(lir),
{ }
void accept(CodeGeneratorShared* codegen) {
LInstruction* lir() const { return lir_; }
const VMFunction& function() const { return fun_; }
const ArgSeq& args() const { return args_; }
const StoreOutputTo& out() const { return out_; }
template <class ArgSeq, class StoreOutputTo>
inline OutOfLineCode*
CodeGeneratorShared::oolCallVM(const VMFunction& fun, LInstruction* lir, const ArgSeq& args,
const StoreOutputTo& out)
OutOfLineCode* ool = new(alloc()) OutOfLineCallVM<ArgSeq, StoreOutputTo>(lir, fun, args, out);
addOutOfLineCode(ool, lir->mirRaw()->toInstruction());
return ool;
template <class ArgSeq, class StoreOutputTo>
CodeGeneratorShared::visitOutOfLineCallVM(OutOfLineCallVM<ArgSeq, StoreOutputTo>* ool)
LInstruction* lir = ool->lir();
callVM(ool->function(), lir);
restoreLiveIgnore(lir, ool->out().clobbered());
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_shared_CodeGenerator_shared_h */