| // Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Flags: --harmony-regexp-property |
| |
| function t(re, s) { assertTrue(re.test(s)); } |
| function f(re, s) { assertFalse(re.test(s)); } |
| |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Hiragana}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Bidi_Class}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Bidi_C=False}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\P{Bidi_Control=Y}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{AHex=Yes}/u"); |
| |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Composition_Exclusion}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{CE}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Full_Composition_Exclusion}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Comp_Ex}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Grapheme_Link}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Gr_Link}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Hyphen}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{NFD_Inert}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{NFDK_Inert}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{NFC_Inert}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{NFKC_Inert}/u"); |
| assertThrows("/\\p{Segment_Starter}/u"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Alphabetic}/u, "æ"); |
| f(/\p{Alpha}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}/u, "f"); |
| f(/\p{AHex}/u, "g"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Bidi_Control}/u, "\u200e"); |
| f(/\p{Bidi_C}/u, "g"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Bidi_Mirrored}/u, "("); |
| f(/\p{Bidi_M}/u, "-"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Case_Ignorable}/u, "\u02b0"); |
| f(/\p{CI}/u, "a"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Changes_When_Casefolded}/u, "B"); |
| f(/\p{CWCF}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Changes_When_Casemapped}/u, "b"); |
| f(/\p{CWCM}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Changes_When_Lowercased}/u, "B"); |
| f(/\p{CWL}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Changes_When_Titlecased}/u, "b"); |
| f(/\p{CWT}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Changes_When_Uppercased}/u, "b"); |
| f(/\p{CWU}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Dash}/u, "-"); |
| f(/\p{Dash}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point}/u, "\u00ad"); |
| f(/\p{DI}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Deprecated}/u, "\u17a3"); |
| f(/\p{Dep}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Diacritic}/u, "\u0301"); |
| f(/\p{Dia}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Emoji}/u, "\u2603"); |
| f(/\p{Emoji}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Emoji_Component}/u, "\u{1F1E6}"); |
| f(/\p{Emoji_Component}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Emoji_Modifier_Base}/u, "\u{1F6CC}"); |
| f(/\p{Emoji_Modifier_Base}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Emoji_Modifier}/u, "\u{1F3FE}"); |
| f(/\p{Emoji_Modifier}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Emoji_Presentation}/u, "\u{1F308}"); |
| f(/\p{Emoji_Presentation}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Extender}/u, "\u3005"); |
| f(/\p{Ext}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Grapheme_Base}/u, " "); |
| f(/\p{Gr_Base}/u, "\u0010"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Grapheme_Extend}/u, "\u0300"); |
| f(/\p{Gr_Ext}/u, "x"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Hex_Digit}/u, "a"); |
| f(/\p{Hex}/u, "g"); |
| |
| t(/\p{ID_Continue}/u, "1"); |
| f(/\p{IDC}/u, "."); |
| |
| t(/\p{ID_Start}/u, "a"); |
| f(/\p{IDS}/u, "1"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Ideographic}/u, "漢"); |
| f(/\p{Ideo}/u, "H"); |
| |
| t(/\p{IDS_Binary_Operator}/u, "\u2FF0"); |
| f(/\p{IDSB}/u, "a"); |
| |
| t(/\p{IDS_Trinary_Operator}/u, "\u2FF2"); |
| f(/\p{IDST}/u, "a"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Join_Control}/u, "\u200c"); |
| f(/\p{Join_C}/u, "a"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Logical_Order_Exception}/u, "\u0e40"); |
| f(/\p{LOE}/u, "a"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Lowercase}/u, "a"); |
| f(/\p{Lower}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Math}/u, "="); |
| f(/\p{Math}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Noncharacter_Code_Point}/u, "\uFDD0"); |
| f(/\p{NChar}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Pattern_Syntax}/u, "\u0021"); |
| f(/\p{NChar}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Pattern_White_Space}/u, "\u0009"); |
| f(/\p{Pat_Syn}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Quotation_Mark}/u, "'"); |
| f(/\p{QMark}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Radical}/u, "\u2FAD"); |
| f(/\p{Radical}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Regional_Indicator}/u, "\u{1F1E6}"); |
| f(/\p{Regional_Indicator}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Sentence_Terminal}/u, "!"); |
| f(/\p{STerm}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Soft_Dotted}/u, "i"); |
| f(/\p{SD}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Terminal_Punctuation}/u, "."); |
| f(/\p{Term}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Unified_Ideograph}/u, "\u4e00"); |
| f(/\p{UIdeo}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Uppercase}/u, "A"); |
| f(/\p{Upper}/u, "a"); |
| |
| t(/\p{Variation_Selector}/u, "\uFE00"); |
| f(/\p{VS}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{White_Space}/u, " "); |
| f(/\p{WSpace}/u, "A"); |
| |
| t(/\p{XID_Continue}/u, "1"); |
| f(/\p{XIDC}/u, " "); |
| |
| t(/\p{XID_Start}/u, "A"); |
| f(/\p{XIDS}/u, " "); |