blob: 7088fb0d43f2a94049b43639077ce4f6b9ffe1d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/js-call-reducer.h"
#include <functional>
#include "include/v8-fast-api-calls.h"
#include "src/api/api-inl.h"
#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-promise.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-utils.h"
#include "src/codegen/code-factory.h"
#include "src/codegen/tnode.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-info.h"
#include "src/compiler/allocation-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/compilation-dependencies.h"
#include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph-assembler.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
#include "src/compiler/map-inference.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/property-access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/type-cache.h"
#include "src/ic/call-optimization.h"
#include "src/logging/counters.h"
#include "src/objects/arguments-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/feedback-vector-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/js-array-buffer-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/js-array-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/js-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/ordered-hash-table.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Shorter lambda declarations with less visual clutter.
#define _ [&]() // NOLINT(whitespace/braces)
class JSCallReducerAssembler : public JSGraphAssembler {
class CatchScope;
static constexpr bool kMarkLoopExits = true;
JSCallReducerAssembler(JSCallReducer* reducer, Node* node)
: JSGraphAssembler(
[reducer](Node* n) { reducer->RevisitForGraphAssembler(n); },
nullptr, kMarkLoopExits),
catch_scope_(&outermost_catch_scope_) {
// Finish initializing the outermost catch scope.
bool has_handler =
NodeProperties::IsExceptionalCall(node, &outermost_handler_);
TNode<Object> ReduceMathUnary(const Operator* op);
TNode<Object> ReduceMathBinary(const Operator* op);
TNode<String> ReduceStringPrototypeSubstring();
TNode<String> ReduceStringPrototypeSlice();
TNode<Object> TargetInput() const { return JSCallNode{node_ptr()}.target(); }
template <typename T>
TNode<T> ReceiverInputAs() const {
return TNode<T>::UncheckedCast(JSCallNode{node_ptr()}.receiver());
TNode<Object> ReceiverInput() const { return ReceiverInputAs<Object>(); }
CatchScope* catch_scope() const { return catch_scope_; }
Node* outermost_handler() const { return outermost_handler_; }
Node* node_ptr() const { return node_; }
using NodeGenerator0 = std::function<TNode<Object>()>;
using VoidGenerator0 = std::function<void()>;
// TODO(jgruber): Currently IfBuilder0 and IfBuilder1 are implemented as
// separate classes. If, in the future, we encounter additional use cases that
// return more than 1 value, we should merge these back into a single variadic
// implementation.
class IfBuilder0 final {
IfBuilder0(JSGraphAssembler* gasm, TNode<Boolean> cond, bool negate_cond)
: gasm_(gasm),
initial_control_(gasm->control()) {}
IfBuilder0& ExpectTrue() {
DCHECK_EQ(hint_, BranchHint::kNone);
hint_ = BranchHint::kTrue;
return *this;
IfBuilder0& ExpectFalse() {
DCHECK_EQ(hint_, BranchHint::kNone);
hint_ = BranchHint::kFalse;
return *this;
IfBuilder0& Then(const VoidGenerator0& body) {
then_body_ = body;
return *this;
IfBuilder0& Else(const VoidGenerator0& body) {
else_body_ = body;
return *this;
~IfBuilder0() {
// Ensure correct usage: effect/control must not have been modified while
// the IfBuilder0 instance is alive.
DCHECK_EQ(gasm_->effect(), initial_effect_);
DCHECK_EQ(gasm_->control(), initial_control_);
// Unlike IfBuilder1, this supports an empty then or else body. This is
// possible since the merge does not take any value inputs.
DCHECK(then_body_ || else_body_);
if (negate_cond_) std::swap(then_body_, else_body_);
auto if_true = (hint_ == BranchHint::kFalse) ? gasm_->MakeDeferredLabel()
: gasm_->MakeLabel();
auto if_false = (hint_ == BranchHint::kTrue) ? gasm_->MakeDeferredLabel()
: gasm_->MakeLabel();
auto merge = gasm_->MakeLabel();
gasm_->Branch(cond_, &if_true, &if_false);
if (then_body_) then_body_();
if (gasm_->HasActiveBlock()) gasm_->Goto(&merge);
if (else_body_) else_body_();
if (gasm_->HasActiveBlock()) gasm_->Goto(&merge);
IfBuilder0(const IfBuilder0&) = delete;
IfBuilder0& operator=(const IfBuilder0&) = delete;
JSGraphAssembler* const gasm_;
const TNode<Boolean> cond_;
const bool negate_cond_;
const Effect initial_effect_;
const Control initial_control_;
BranchHint hint_ = BranchHint::kNone;
VoidGenerator0 then_body_;
VoidGenerator0 else_body_;
IfBuilder0 If(TNode<Boolean> cond) { return {this, cond, false}; }
IfBuilder0 IfNot(TNode<Boolean> cond) { return {this, cond, true}; }
template <typename T>
class IfBuilder1 {
using If1BodyFunction = std::function<TNode<T>()>;
IfBuilder1(JSGraphAssembler* gasm, TNode<Boolean> cond)
: gasm_(gasm), cond_(cond) {}
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT IfBuilder1& ExpectTrue() {
DCHECK_EQ(hint_, BranchHint::kNone);
hint_ = BranchHint::kTrue;
return *this;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT IfBuilder1& ExpectFalse() {
DCHECK_EQ(hint_, BranchHint::kNone);
hint_ = BranchHint::kFalse;
return *this;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT IfBuilder1& Then(const If1BodyFunction& body) {
then_body_ = body;
return *this;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT IfBuilder1& Else(const If1BodyFunction& body) {
else_body_ = body;
return *this;
auto if_true = (hint_ == BranchHint::kFalse) ? gasm_->MakeDeferredLabel()
: gasm_->MakeLabel();
auto if_false = (hint_ == BranchHint::kTrue) ? gasm_->MakeDeferredLabel()
: gasm_->MakeLabel();
auto merge = gasm_->MakeLabel(kPhiRepresentation);
gasm_->Branch(cond_, &if_true, &if_false);
TNode<T> then_result = then_body_();
if (gasm_->HasActiveBlock()) gasm_->Goto(&merge, then_result);
TNode<T> else_result = else_body_();
if (gasm_->HasActiveBlock()) {
gasm_->Goto(&merge, else_result);
return merge.PhiAt<T>(0);
static constexpr MachineRepresentation kPhiRepresentation =
JSGraphAssembler* const gasm_;
const TNode<Boolean> cond_;
BranchHint hint_ = BranchHint::kNone;
If1BodyFunction then_body_;
If1BodyFunction else_body_;
template <typename T>
IfBuilder1<T> SelectIf(TNode<Boolean> cond) {
return {this, cond};
// Simplified operators.
TNode<Number> SpeculativeToNumber(
TNode<Object> value,
NumberOperationHint hint = NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrOddball);
TNode<Smi> CheckSmi(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<String> CheckString(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Number> CheckBounds(TNode<Number> value, TNode<Number> limit);
// Common operators.
TNode<Smi> TypeGuardUnsignedSmall(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Object> TypeGuardNonInternal(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Number> TypeGuardFixedArrayLength(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Object> Call4(const Callable& callable, TNode<Context> context,
TNode<Object> arg0, TNode<Object> arg1,
TNode<Object> arg2, TNode<Object> arg3);
// Javascript operators.
TNode<Object> JSCall3(TNode<Object> function, TNode<Object> this_arg,
TNode<Object> arg0, TNode<Object> arg1,
TNode<Object> arg2, FrameState frame_state);
TNode<Object> JSCall4(TNode<Object> function, TNode<Object> this_arg,
TNode<Object> arg0, TNode<Object> arg1,
TNode<Object> arg2, TNode<Object> arg3,
FrameState frame_state);
TNode<Object> JSCallRuntime2(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
TNode<Object> arg0, TNode<Object> arg1,
FrameState frame_state);
// Used in special cases in which we are certain CreateArray does not throw.
TNode<JSArray> CreateArrayNoThrow(TNode<Object> ctor, TNode<Number> size,
FrameState frame_state);
TNode<JSArray> AllocateEmptyJSArray(ElementsKind kind,
const NativeContextRef& native_context);
TNode<Number> NumberInc(TNode<Number> value) {
return NumberAdd(value, OneConstant());
void MaybeInsertMapChecks(MapInference* inference,
bool has_stability_dependency) {
// TODO(jgruber): Implement MapInference::InsertMapChecks in graph
// assembler.
if (!has_stability_dependency) {
Effect e = effect();
inference->InsertMapChecks(jsgraph(), &e, Control{control()}, feedback());
InitializeEffectControl(e, control());
// TODO(jgruber): Currently, it's the responsibility of the developer to note
// which operations may throw and appropriately wrap these in a call to
// MayThrow (see e.g. JSCall3 and CallRuntime2). A more methodical approach
// would be good.
TNode<Object> MayThrow(const NodeGenerator0& body) {
TNode<Object> result = body();
if (catch_scope()->has_handler()) {
// The IfException node is later merged into the outer graph.
// Note: AddNode is intentionally not called since effect and control
// should not be updated.
Node* if_exception =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), effect(), control());
// Control resumes here.
AddNode(graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), control()));
return result;
// A catch scope represents a single catch handler. The handler can be
// custom catch logic within the reduction itself; or a catch handler in the
// outside graph into which the reduction will be integrated (in this case
// the scope is called 'outermost').
class CatchScope {
// Only used to partially construct the outermost scope.
explicit CatchScope(Zone* zone) : if_exception_nodes_(zone) {}
// For all inner scopes.
CatchScope(Zone* zone, JSCallReducerAssembler* gasm)
: gasm_(gasm),
if_exception_nodes_(zone) {
gasm_->catch_scope_ = this;
~CatchScope() { gasm_->catch_scope_ = parent_; }
static CatchScope Outermost(Zone* zone) { return CatchScope{zone}; }
static CatchScope Inner(Zone* zone, JSCallReducerAssembler* gasm) {
return {zone, gasm};
bool has_handler() const { return has_handler_; }
bool is_outermost() const { return parent_ == nullptr; }
CatchScope* parent() const { return parent_; }
// Should only be used to initialize the outermost scope (inner scopes
// always have a handler and are passed the gasm pointer at construction).
void set_has_handler(bool v) {
has_handler_ = v;
void set_gasm(JSCallReducerAssembler* v) {
gasm_ = v;
bool has_exceptional_control_flow() const {
return !if_exception_nodes_.empty();
void RegisterIfExceptionNode(Node* if_exception) {
void MergeExceptionalPaths(TNode<Object>* exception_out, Effect* effect_out,
Control* control_out) {
const int size = static_cast<int>(if_exception_nodes_.size());
if (size == 1) {
// No merge needed.
Node* e =;
*exception_out = TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(e);
*effect_out = Effect(e);
*control_out = Control(e);
} else {
DCHECK_GT(size, 1);
Node* merge = gasm_->graph()->NewNode(gasm_->common()->Merge(size),
// These phis additionally take {merge} as an input. Temporarily add
// it to the list.
const int size_with_merge =
Node* ephi = gasm_->graph()->NewNode(gasm_->common()->EffectPhi(size),
Node* phi = gasm_->graph()->NewNode(
gasm_->common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, size),
*exception_out = TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(phi);
*effect_out = Effect(ephi);
*control_out = Control(merge);
JSCallReducerAssembler* gasm_ = nullptr;
CatchScope* const parent_ = nullptr;
bool has_handler_ = false;
NodeVector if_exception_nodes_;
class TryCatchBuilder0 {
using TryFunction = VoidGenerator0;
using CatchFunction = std::function<void(TNode<Object>)>;
TryCatchBuilder0(JSCallReducerAssembler* gasm, const TryFunction& try_body)
: gasm_(gasm), try_body_(try_body) {}
void Catch(const CatchFunction& catch_body) {
TNode<Object> handler_exception;
Effect handler_effect{nullptr};
Control handler_control{nullptr};
auto continuation = gasm_->MakeLabel();
// Try.
CatchScope catch_scope = CatchScope::Inner(gasm_->temp_zone(), gasm_);
catch_scope.MergeExceptionalPaths(&handler_exception, &handler_effect,
// Catch.
gasm_->InitializeEffectControl(handler_effect, handler_control);
JSCallReducerAssembler* const gasm_;
const VoidGenerator0 try_body_;
TryCatchBuilder0 Try(const VoidGenerator0& try_body) {
return {this, try_body};
using ConditionFunction1 = std::function<TNode<Boolean>(TNode<Number>)>;
using StepFunction1 = std::function<TNode<Number>(TNode<Number>)>;
class ForBuilder0 {
using For0BodyFunction = std::function<void(TNode<Number>)>;
ForBuilder0(JSGraphAssembler* gasm, TNode<Number> initial_value,
const ConditionFunction1& cond, const StepFunction1& step)
: gasm_(gasm),
step_(step) {}
void Do(const For0BodyFunction& body) {
auto loop_exit = gasm_->MakeLabel();
GraphAssembler::LoopScope<kPhiRepresentation> loop_scope(gasm_);
auto loop_header = loop_scope.loop_header_label();
auto loop_body = gasm_->MakeLabel();
gasm_->Goto(loop_header, initial_value_);
TNode<Number> i = loop_header->PhiAt<Number>(0);
gasm_->BranchWithHint(cond_(i), &loop_body, &loop_exit,
gasm_->Goto(loop_header, step_(i));
static constexpr MachineRepresentation kPhiRepresentation =
JSGraphAssembler* const gasm_;
const TNode<Number> initial_value_;
const ConditionFunction1 cond_;
const StepFunction1 step_;
ForBuilder0 ForZeroUntil(TNode<Number> excluded_limit) {
TNode<Number> initial_value = ZeroConstant();
auto cond = [=](TNode<Number> i) {
return NumberLessThan(i, excluded_limit);
auto step = [=](TNode<Number> i) { return NumberAdd(i, OneConstant()); };
return {this, initial_value, cond, step};
ForBuilder0 Forever(TNode<Number> initial_value, const StepFunction1& step) {
return {this, initial_value, [=](TNode<Number>) { return TrueConstant(); },
using For1BodyFunction = std::function<void(TNode<Number>, TNode<Object>*)>;
class ForBuilder1 {
ForBuilder1(JSGraphAssembler* gasm, TNode<Number> initial_value,
const ConditionFunction1& cond, const StepFunction1& step,
TNode<Object> initial_arg0)
: gasm_(gasm),
initial_arg0_(initial_arg0) {}
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ForBuilder1& Do(const For1BodyFunction& body) {
body_ = body;
return *this;
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT TNode<Object> Value() {
TNode<Object> arg0 = initial_arg0_;
auto loop_exit = gasm_->MakeDeferredLabel(kPhiRepresentation);
GraphAssembler::LoopScope<kPhiRepresentation, kPhiRepresentation>
auto loop_header = loop_scope.loop_header_label();
auto loop_body = gasm_->MakeDeferredLabel(kPhiRepresentation);
gasm_->Goto(loop_header, initial_value_, initial_arg0_);
TNode<Number> i = loop_header->PhiAt<Number>(0);
arg0 = loop_header->PhiAt<Object>(1);
gasm_->BranchWithHint(cond_(i), &loop_body, &loop_exit,
BranchHint::kTrue, arg0);
body_(i, &arg0);
gasm_->Goto(loop_header, step_(i), arg0);
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(loop_exit.PhiAt<Object>(0));
void ValueIsUnused() { USE(Value()); }
static constexpr MachineRepresentation kPhiRepresentation =
JSGraphAssembler* const gasm_;
const TNode<Number> initial_value_;
const ConditionFunction1 cond_;
const StepFunction1 step_;
For1BodyFunction body_;
const TNode<Object> initial_arg0_;
ForBuilder1 For1(TNode<Number> initial_value, const ConditionFunction1& cond,
const StepFunction1& step, TNode<Object> initial_arg0) {
return {this, initial_value, cond, step, initial_arg0};
ForBuilder1 For1ZeroUntil(TNode<Number> excluded_limit,
TNode<Object> initial_arg0) {
TNode<Number> initial_value = ZeroConstant();
auto cond = [=](TNode<Number> i) {
return NumberLessThan(i, excluded_limit);
auto step = [=](TNode<Number> i) { return NumberAdd(i, OneConstant()); };
return {this, initial_value, cond, step, initial_arg0};
void ThrowIfNotCallable(TNode<Object> maybe_callable,
FrameState frame_state) {
.Then(_ {
maybe_callable, frame_state);
Unreachable(); // The runtime call throws unconditionally.
const FeedbackSource& feedback() const {
CallParameters const& p = CallParametersOf(node_ptr()->op());
int ArgumentCount() const { return JSCallNode{node_ptr()}.ArgumentCount(); }
TNode<Object> Argument(int index) const {
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(JSCallNode{node_ptr()}.Argument(index));
template <typename T>
TNode<T> ArgumentAs(int index) const {
return TNode<T>::UncheckedCast(Argument(index));
TNode<Object> ArgumentOrNaN(int index) {
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(
ArgumentCount() > index ? Argument(index) : NaNConstant());
TNode<Object> ArgumentOrUndefined(int index) {
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(
ArgumentCount() > index ? Argument(index) : UndefinedConstant());
TNode<Number> ArgumentOrZero(int index) {
return TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(
ArgumentCount() > index ? Argument(index) : ZeroConstant());
TNode<Context> ContextInput() const {
return TNode<Context>::UncheckedCast(
FrameState FrameStateInput() const {
return FrameState(NodeProperties::GetFrameStateInput(node_));
JSOperatorBuilder* javascript() const { return jsgraph()->javascript(); }
Node* const node_;
CatchScope outermost_catch_scope_;
Node* outermost_handler_;
CatchScope* catch_scope_;
friend class CatchScope;
enum class ArrayReduceDirection { kLeft, kRight };
enum class ArrayFindVariant { kFind, kFindIndex };
enum class ArrayEverySomeVariant { kEvery, kSome };
enum class ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant { kIncludes, kIndexOf };
// This subclass bundles functionality specific to reducing iterating array
// builtins.
class IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler : public JSCallReducerAssembler {
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler(JSCallReducer* reducer, Node* node)
: JSCallReducerAssembler(reducer, node) {
TNode<Object> ReduceArrayPrototypeForEach(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared);
TNode<Object> ReduceArrayPrototypeReduce(MapInference* inference,
const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind,
ArrayReduceDirection direction,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared);
TNode<JSArray> ReduceArrayPrototypeMap(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context);
TNode<JSArray> ReduceArrayPrototypeFilter(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context);
TNode<Object> ReduceArrayPrototypeFind(MapInference* inference,
const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context,
ArrayFindVariant variant);
TNode<Boolean> ReduceArrayPrototypeEverySome(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context, ArrayEverySomeVariant variant);
TNode<Object> ReduceArrayPrototypeIndexOfIncludes(
ElementsKind kind, ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant variant);
// Returns {index,value}. Assumes that the map has not changed, but possibly
// the length and backing store.
std::pair<TNode<Number>, TNode<Object>> SafeLoadElement(ElementsKind kind,
TNode<JSArray> o,
TNode<Number> index) {
// Make sure that the access is still in bounds, since the callback could
// have changed the array's size.
TNode<Number> length = LoadJSArrayLength(o, kind);
index = CheckBounds(index, length);
// Reload the elements pointer before calling the callback, since the
// previous callback might have resized the array causing the elements
// buffer to be re-allocated.
TNode<HeapObject> elements =
LoadField<HeapObject>(AccessBuilder::ForJSObjectElements(), o);
TNode<Object> value = LoadElement<Object>(
AccessBuilder::ForFixedArrayElement(kind, LoadSensitivity::kCritical),
elements, index);
return std::make_pair(index, value);
template <typename... Vars>
TNode<Object> MaybeSkipHole(
TNode<Object> o, ElementsKind kind,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* continue_label,
TNode<Vars>... vars) {
if (!IsHoleyElementsKind(kind)) return o;
std::array<MachineRepresentation, sizeof...(Vars)> reps = {
auto if_not_hole =
MakeLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>(reps, GraphAssemblerLabelType::kNonDeferred);
BranchWithHint(HoleCheck(kind, o), continue_label, &if_not_hole,
BranchHint::kFalse, vars...);
// The contract is that we don't leak "the hole" into "user JavaScript",
// so we must rename the {element} here to explicitly exclude "the hole"
// from the type of {element}.
return TypeGuardNonInternal(o);
TNode<Smi> LoadJSArrayLength(TNode<JSArray> array, ElementsKind kind) {
return LoadField<Smi>(AccessBuilder::ForJSArrayLength(kind), array);
void StoreJSArrayLength(TNode<JSArray> array, TNode<Number> value,
ElementsKind kind) {
StoreField(AccessBuilder::ForJSArrayLength(kind), array, value);
void StoreFixedArrayBaseElement(TNode<FixedArrayBase> o, TNode<Number> index,
TNode<Object> v, ElementsKind kind) {
StoreElement(AccessBuilder::ForFixedArrayElement(kind), o, index, v);
TNode<FixedArrayBase> LoadElements(TNode<JSObject> o) {
return LoadField<FixedArrayBase>(AccessBuilder::ForJSObjectElements(), o);
TNode<Smi> LoadFixedArrayBaseLength(TNode<FixedArrayBase> o) {
return LoadField<Smi>(AccessBuilder::ForFixedArrayLength(), o);
TNode<Boolean> HoleCheck(ElementsKind kind, TNode<Object> v) {
return IsDoubleElementsKind(kind)
? NumberIsFloat64Hole(TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(v))
: IsTheHole(v);
TNode<Number> CheckFloat64Hole(TNode<Number> value,
CheckFloat64HoleMode mode) {
return AddNode<Number>(
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckFloat64Hole(mode, feedback()),
value, effect(), control()));
// May deopt for holey double elements.
TNode<Object> TryConvertHoleToUndefined(TNode<Object> value,
ElementsKind kind) {
// TODO(7409): avoid deopt if not all uses of value are truncated.
TNode<Number> number = TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(value);
return CheckFloat64Hole(number, CheckFloat64HoleMode::kAllowReturnHole);
return ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(value);
class PromiseBuiltinReducerAssembler : public JSCallReducerAssembler {
PromiseBuiltinReducerAssembler(JSCallReducer* reducer, Node* node,
JSHeapBroker* broker)
: JSCallReducerAssembler(reducer, node), broker_(broker) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSConstruct, node->opcode());
TNode<Object> ReducePromiseConstructor(
const NativeContextRef& native_context);
int ConstructArity() const {
return JSConstructNode{node_ptr()}.ArgumentCount();
TNode<Object> TargetInput() const {
return JSConstructNode{node_ptr()}.target();
TNode<Object> NewTargetInput() const {
return JSConstructNode{node_ptr()}.new_target();
TNode<JSPromise> CreatePromise(TNode<Context> context) {
return AddNode<JSPromise>(
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreatePromise(), context, effect()));
TNode<Context> CreateFunctionContext(const NativeContextRef& native_context,
TNode<Context> outer_context,
int slot_count) {
return AddNode<Context>(graph()->NewNode(
outer_context, effect(), control()));
void StoreContextSlot(TNode<Context> context, size_t slot_index,
TNode<Object> value) {
StoreField(AccessBuilder::ForContextSlot(slot_index), context, value);
TNode<JSFunction> CreateClosureFromBuiltinSharedFunctionInfo(
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared, TNode<Context> context) {
Handle<FeedbackCell> feedback_cell =
Callable const callable = Builtins::CallableFor(
isolate(), static_cast<Builtins::Name>(shared.builtin_id()));
return AddNode<JSFunction>(graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CreateClosure(shared.object(), callable.code()),
HeapConstant(feedback_cell), context, effect(), control()));
void CallPromiseExecutor(TNode<Object> executor, TNode<JSFunction> resolve,
TNode<JSFunction> reject, FrameState frame_state) {
JSConstructNode n(node_ptr());
const ConstructParameters& p = n.Parameters();
FeedbackSource no_feedback_source{};
Node* no_feedback = UndefinedConstant();
MayThrow(_ {
return AddNode<Object>(graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(2), p.frequency(),
executor, UndefinedConstant(), resolve, reject, no_feedback,
n.context(), frame_state, effect(), control()));
void CallPromiseReject(TNode<JSFunction> reject, TNode<Object> exception,
FrameState frame_state) {
JSConstructNode n(node_ptr());
const ConstructParameters& p = n.Parameters();
FeedbackSource no_feedback_source{};
Node* no_feedback = UndefinedConstant();
MayThrow(_ {
return AddNode<Object>(graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(1), p.frequency(),
reject, UndefinedConstant(), exception, no_feedback, n.context(),
frame_state, effect(), control()));
JSHeapBroker* const broker_;
class FastApiCallReducerAssembler : public JSCallReducerAssembler {
JSCallReducer* reducer, Node* node,
const FunctionTemplateInfoRef function_template_info, Node* receiver,
Node* holder, const SharedFunctionInfoRef shared, Node* target,
const int arity, Node* effect)
: JSCallReducerAssembler(reducer, node),
arity_(arity) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCall, node->opcode());
DCHECK_NE(c_function_, kNullAddress);
InitializeEffectControl(effect, NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node));
TNode<Object> ReduceFastApiCall() {
JSCallNode n(node_ptr());
// C arguments include the receiver at index 0. Thus C index 1 corresponds
// to the JS argument 0, etc.
const int c_argument_count =
CHECK_GE(c_argument_count, kReceiver);
int cursor = 0;
base::SmallVector<Node*, kInlineSize> inputs(c_argument_count + arity_ +
inputs[cursor++] = ExternalConstant(ExternalReference::Create(c_function_));
inputs[cursor++] = n.receiver();
// TODO(turbofan): Consider refactoring CFunctionInfo to distinguish
// between receiver and arguments, simplifying this (and related) spots.
int js_args_count = c_argument_count - kReceiver;
for (int i = 0; i < js_args_count; ++i) {
if (i < n.ArgumentCount()) {
inputs[cursor++] = n.Argument(i);
} else {
inputs[cursor++] = UndefinedConstant();
// Here we add the arguments for the slow call, which will be
// reconstructed at a later phase. Those are effectively the same
// arguments as for the fast call, but we want to have them as
// separate inputs, so that SimplifiedLowering can provide the best
// possible UseInfos for each of them. The inputs to FastApiCall
// look like:
// [fast callee, receiver, ... C arguments,
// call code, external constant for function, argc, call handler info data,
// holder, receiver, ... JS arguments, context, new frame state]
CallHandlerInfoRef call_handler_info = *function_template_info_.call_code();
Callable call_api_callback = CodeFactory::CallApiCallback(isolate());
CallInterfaceDescriptor cid = call_api_callback.descriptor();
CallDescriptor* call_descriptor =
Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(graph()->zone(), cid, arity_ + kReceiver,
ApiFunction api_function(call_handler_info.callback());
ExternalReference function_reference = ExternalReference::Create(
&api_function, ExternalReference::DIRECT_API_CALL);
Node* continuation_frame_state =
jsgraph(), shared_, target_, ContextInput(), receiver_,
inputs[cursor++] = HeapConstant(call_api_callback.code());
inputs[cursor++] = ExternalConstant(function_reference);
inputs[cursor++] = NumberConstant(arity_);
inputs[cursor++] = Constant(;
inputs[cursor++] = holder_;
inputs[cursor++] = receiver_;
for (int i = 0; i < arity_; ++i) {
inputs[cursor++] = Argument(i);
inputs[cursor++] = ContextInput();
inputs[cursor++] = continuation_frame_state;
inputs[cursor++] = effect();
inputs[cursor++] = control();
DCHECK_EQ(cursor, c_argument_count + arity_ + kExtraInputsCount);
return FastApiCall(call_descriptor, inputs.begin(), inputs.size());
static constexpr int kTarget = 1;
static constexpr int kEffectAndControl = 2;
static constexpr int kContextAndFrameState = 2;
static constexpr int kCallCodeDataAndArgc = 3;
static constexpr int kHolder = 1, kReceiver = 1;
static constexpr int kExtraInputsCount =
kTarget * 2 + kEffectAndControl + kContextAndFrameState +
kCallCodeDataAndArgc + kHolder + kReceiver;
static constexpr int kInlineSize = 12;
TNode<Object> FastApiCall(CallDescriptor* descriptor, Node** inputs,
size_t inputs_size) {
return AddNode<Object>(graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->FastApiCall(c_signature_, feedback(), descriptor),
static_cast<int>(inputs_size), inputs));
const Address c_function_;
const CFunctionInfo* const c_signature_;
const FunctionTemplateInfoRef function_template_info_;
Node* const receiver_;
Node* const holder_;
const SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_;
Node* const target_;
const int arity_;
TNode<Number> JSCallReducerAssembler::SpeculativeToNumber(
TNode<Object> value, NumberOperationHint hint) {
return AddNode<Number>(
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->SpeculativeToNumber(hint, feedback()),
value, effect(), control()));
TNode<Smi> JSCallReducerAssembler::CheckSmi(TNode<Object> value) {
return AddNode<Smi>(graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckSmi(feedback()),
value, effect(), control()));
TNode<String> JSCallReducerAssembler::CheckString(TNode<Object> value) {
return AddNode<String>(graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckString(feedback()),
value, effect(), control()));
TNode<Number> JSCallReducerAssembler::CheckBounds(TNode<Number> value,
TNode<Number> limit) {
return AddNode<Number>(graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckBounds(feedback()),
value, limit, effect(), control()));
TNode<Smi> JSCallReducerAssembler::TypeGuardUnsignedSmall(TNode<Object> value) {
return TNode<Smi>::UncheckedCast(TypeGuard(Type::UnsignedSmall(), value));
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::TypeGuardNonInternal(
TNode<Object> value) {
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(TypeGuard(Type::NonInternal(), value));
TNode<Number> JSCallReducerAssembler::TypeGuardFixedArrayLength(
TNode<Object> value) {
return TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(
TypeGuard(TypeCache::Get()->kFixedArrayLengthType, value));
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::Call4(
const Callable& callable, TNode<Context> context, TNode<Object> arg0,
TNode<Object> arg1, TNode<Object> arg2, TNode<Object> arg3) {
// TODO(jgruber): Make this more generic. Currently it's fitted to its single
// callsite.
CallDescriptor* desc = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph()->zone(), callable.descriptor(),
callable.descriptor().GetStackParameterCount(), CallDescriptor::kNoFlags,
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(Call(desc, HeapConstant(callable.code()),
arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, context));
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::JSCall3(
TNode<Object> function, TNode<Object> this_arg, TNode<Object> arg0,
TNode<Object> arg1, TNode<Object> arg2, FrameState frame_state) {
JSCallNode n(node_ptr());
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
return MayThrow(_ {
return AddNode<Object>(graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(3), p.frequency(),, ConvertReceiverMode::kAny,
function, this_arg, arg0, arg1, arg2, n.feedback_vector(),
ContextInput(), frame_state, effect(), control()));
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::JSCall4(
TNode<Object> function, TNode<Object> this_arg, TNode<Object> arg0,
TNode<Object> arg1, TNode<Object> arg2, TNode<Object> arg3,
FrameState frame_state) {
JSCallNode n(node_ptr());
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
return MayThrow(_ {
return AddNode<Object>(graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(4), p.frequency(),, ConvertReceiverMode::kAny,
function, this_arg, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, n.feedback_vector(),
ContextInput(), frame_state, effect(), control()));
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::JSCallRuntime2(
Runtime::FunctionId function_id, TNode<Object> arg0, TNode<Object> arg1,
FrameState frame_state) {
return MayThrow(_ {
return AddNode<Object>(
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CallRuntime(function_id, 2), arg0, arg1,
ContextInput(), frame_state, effect(), control()));
TNode<JSArray> JSCallReducerAssembler::CreateArrayNoThrow(
TNode<Object> ctor, TNode<Number> size, FrameState frame_state) {
return AddNode<JSArray>(graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CreateArray(1, MaybeHandle<AllocationSite>()), ctor, ctor,
size, ContextInput(), frame_state, effect(), control()));
TNode<JSArray> JSCallReducerAssembler::AllocateEmptyJSArray(
ElementsKind kind, const NativeContextRef& native_context) {
// TODO(jgruber): Port AllocationBuilder to JSGraphAssembler.
MapRef map = native_context.GetInitialJSArrayMap(kind);
AllocationBuilder ab(jsgraph(), effect(), control());
ab.Allocate(map.instance_size(), AllocationType::kYoung, Type::Array());
ab.Store(AccessBuilder::ForMap(), map);
Node* empty_fixed_array = jsgraph()->EmptyFixedArrayConstant();
ab.Store(AccessBuilder::ForJSObjectElements(), empty_fixed_array);
ab.Store(AccessBuilder::ForJSArrayLength(kind), jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
for (int i = 0; i < map.GetInObjectProperties(); ++i) {
ab.Store(AccessBuilder::ForJSObjectInObjectProperty(map, i),
Node* result = ab.Finish();
InitializeEffectControl(result, control());
return TNode<JSArray>::UncheckedCast(result);
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::ReduceMathUnary(const Operator* op) {
TNode<Object> input = Argument(0);
TNode<Number> input_as_number = SpeculativeToNumber(input);
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(graph()->NewNode(op, input_as_number));
TNode<Object> JSCallReducerAssembler::ReduceMathBinary(const Operator* op) {
TNode<Object> left = Argument(0);
TNode<Object> right = ArgumentOrNaN(1);
TNode<Number> left_number = SpeculativeToNumber(left);
TNode<Number> right_number = SpeculativeToNumber(right);
return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(
graph()->NewNode(op, left_number, right_number));
TNode<String> JSCallReducerAssembler::ReduceStringPrototypeSubstring() {
TNode<Object> receiver = ReceiverInput();
TNode<Object> start = Argument(0);
TNode<Object> end = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
TNode<String> receiver_string = CheckString(receiver);
TNode<Number> start_smi = CheckSmi(start);
TNode<Number> length = StringLength(receiver_string);
TNode<Number> end_smi = SelectIf<Number>(IsUndefined(end))
.Then(_ { return length; })
.Else(_ { return CheckSmi(end); })
TNode<Number> zero = TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(ZeroConstant());
TNode<Number> finalStart = NumberMin(NumberMax(start_smi, zero), length);
TNode<Number> finalEnd = NumberMin(NumberMax(end_smi, zero), length);
TNode<Number> from = NumberMin(finalStart, finalEnd);
TNode<Number> to = NumberMax(finalStart, finalEnd);
return StringSubstring(receiver_string, from, to);
TNode<String> JSCallReducerAssembler::ReduceStringPrototypeSlice() {
TNode<Object> receiver = ReceiverInput();
TNode<Object> start = Argument(0);
TNode<Object> end = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
TNode<String> receiver_string = CheckString(receiver);
TNode<Number> start_smi = CheckSmi(start);
TNode<Number> length = StringLength(receiver_string);
TNode<Number> end_smi = SelectIf<Number>(IsUndefined(end))
.Then(_ { return length; })
.Else(_ { return CheckSmi(end); })
TNode<Number> zero = TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(ZeroConstant());
TNode<Number> from_untyped =
SelectIf<Number>(NumberLessThan(start_smi, zero))
.Then(_ { return NumberMax(NumberAdd(length, start_smi), zero); })
.Else(_ { return NumberMin(start_smi, length); })
// {from} is always in non-negative Smi range, but our typer cannot figure
// that out yet.
TNode<Smi> from = TypeGuardUnsignedSmall(from_untyped);
TNode<Number> to_untyped =
SelectIf<Number>(NumberLessThan(end_smi, zero))
.Then(_ { return NumberMax(NumberAdd(length, end_smi), zero); })
.Else(_ { return NumberMin(end_smi, length); })
// {to} is always in non-negative Smi range, but our typer cannot figure that
// out yet.
TNode<Smi> to = TypeGuardUnsignedSmall(to_untyped);
return SelectIf<String>(NumberLessThan(from, to))
.Then(_ { return StringSubstring(receiver_string, from, to); })
.Else(_ { return EmptyStringConstant(); })
namespace {
struct ForEachFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
TNode<Object> receiver;
TNode<Object> callback;
TNode<Object> this_arg;
TNode<Object> original_length;
FrameState ForEachLoopLazyFrameState(const ForEachFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Object> k) {
Builtins::Name builtin = Builtins::kArrayForEachLoopLazyDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, k, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState ForEachLoopEagerFrameState(const ForEachFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Object> k) {
Builtins::Name builtin = Builtins::kArrayForEachLoopEagerDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, k, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
} // namespace
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> fncallback = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
TNode<Object> this_arg = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
TNode<Number> original_length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
ForEachFrameStateParams frame_state_params{
jsgraph(), shared, context, target, outer_frame_state,
receiver, fncallback, this_arg, original_length};
ThrowIfNotCallable(fncallback, ForEachLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params,
ForZeroUntil(original_length).Do([&](TNode<Number> k) {
Checkpoint(ForEachLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, k));
// Deopt if the map has changed during the iteration.
MaybeInsertMapChecks(inference, has_stability_dependency);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
auto continue_label = MakeLabel();
element = MaybeSkipHole(element, kind, &continue_label);
TNode<Number> next_k = NumberAdd(k, OneConstant());
JSCall3(fncallback, this_arg, element, k, receiver,
ForEachLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, next_k));
return UndefinedConstant();
namespace {
struct ReduceFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
ArrayReduceDirection direction;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
FrameState ReducePreLoopLazyFrameState(const ReduceFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Object> receiver,
TNode<Object> callback, TNode<Object> k,
TNode<Number> original_length) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(params.direction == ArrayReduceDirection::kLeft)
? Builtins::kArrayReduceLoopLazyDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayReduceRightLoopLazyDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {receiver, callback, k, original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState ReducePreLoopEagerFrameState(const ReduceFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Object> receiver,
TNode<Object> callback,
TNode<Number> original_length) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(params.direction == ArrayReduceDirection::kLeft)
? Builtins::kArrayReducePreLoopEagerDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayReduceRightPreLoopEagerDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {receiver, callback, original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState ReduceLoopLazyFrameState(const ReduceFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Object> receiver,
TNode<Object> callback, TNode<Object> k,
TNode<Number> original_length) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(params.direction == ArrayReduceDirection::kLeft)
? Builtins::kArrayReduceLoopLazyDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayReduceRightLoopLazyDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {receiver, callback, k, original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState ReduceLoopEagerFrameState(const ReduceFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Object> receiver,
TNode<Object> callback, TNode<Object> k,
TNode<Number> original_length,
TNode<Object> accumulator) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(params.direction == ArrayReduceDirection::kLeft)
? Builtins::kArrayReduceLoopEagerDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayReduceRightLoopEagerDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {receiver, callback, k, original_length,
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
} // namespace
TNode<Object> IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler::ReduceArrayPrototypeReduce(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, ArrayReduceDirection direction,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> fncallback = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
ReduceFrameStateParams frame_state_params{
jsgraph(), shared, direction, context, target, outer_frame_state};
TNode<Number> original_length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
// Set up variable behavior depending on the reduction kind (left/right).
TNode<Number> k;
StepFunction1 step;
ConditionFunction1 cond;
TNode<Number> zero = ZeroConstant();
TNode<Number> one = OneConstant();
if (direction == ArrayReduceDirection::kLeft) {
k = zero;
step = [&](TNode<Number> i) { return NumberAdd(i, one); };
cond = [&](TNode<Number> i) { return NumberLessThan(i, original_length); };
} else {
k = NumberSubtract(original_length, one);
step = [&](TNode<Number> i) { return NumberSubtract(i, one); };
cond = [&](TNode<Number> i) { return NumberLessThanOrEqual(zero, i); };
fncallback, ReducePreLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, receiver,
fncallback, k, original_length));
// Set initial accumulator value.
TNode<Object> accumulator;
if (ArgumentCount() > 1) {
accumulator = Argument(1); // Initial value specified by the user.
} else {
// The initial value was not specified by the user. In this case, the first
// (or last in the case of reduceRight) non-holey value of the array is
// used. Loop until we find it. If not found, trigger a deopt.
// TODO(jgruber): The deopt does not seem necessary. Instead we could simply
// throw the TypeError here from optimized code.
auto found_initial_element = MakeLabel(MachineRepresentation::kTagged,
Forever(k, step).Do([&](TNode<Number> k) {
Checkpoint(ReducePreLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, receiver,
fncallback, original_length));
CheckIf(cond(k), DeoptimizeReason::kNoInitialElement);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
auto continue_label = MakeLabel();
GotoIf(HoleCheck(kind, element), &continue_label);
Goto(&found_initial_element, k, TypeGuardNonInternal(element));
Unreachable(); // The loop is exited either by deopt or a jump to below.
// TODO(jgruber): This manual fiddling with blocks could be avoided by
// implementing a `break` mechanic for loop builders.
k = step(found_initial_element.PhiAt<Number>(0));
accumulator = found_initial_element.PhiAt<Object>(1);
TNode<Object> result =
For1(k, cond, step, accumulator)
.Do([&](TNode<Number> k, TNode<Object>* accumulator) {
Checkpoint(ReduceLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, receiver,
fncallback, k, original_length,
// Deopt if the map has changed during the iteration.
MaybeInsertMapChecks(inference, has_stability_dependency);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
auto continue_label = MakeLabel(MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
element =
MaybeSkipHole(element, kind, &continue_label, *accumulator);
TNode<Number> next_k = step(k);
TNode<Object> next_accumulator = JSCall4(
fncallback, UndefinedConstant(), *accumulator, element, k,
ReduceLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, receiver,
fncallback, next_k, original_length));
Goto(&continue_label, next_accumulator);
*accumulator = continue_label.PhiAt<Object>(0);
return result;
namespace {
struct MapFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
TNode<Object> receiver;
TNode<Object> callback;
TNode<Object> this_arg;
TNode<JSArray> a;
TNode<Object> original_length;
FrameState MapPreLoopLazyFrameState(const MapFrameStateParams& params) {
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
params.outer_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::LAZY);
FrameState MapLoopLazyFrameState(const MapFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k) {
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {
params.receiver, params.callback, params.this_arg, params.a, k,
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
params.outer_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::LAZY);
FrameState MapLoopEagerFrameState(const MapFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k) {
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {
params.receiver, params.callback, params.this_arg, params.a, k,
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
params.outer_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::EAGER);
} // namespace
TNode<JSArray> IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler::ReduceArrayPrototypeMap(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context) {
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> fncallback = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
TNode<Object> this_arg = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
TNode<Number> original_length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
// If the array length >= kMaxFastArrayLength, then CreateArray
// will create a dictionary. We should deopt in this case, and make sure
// not to attempt inlining again.
original_length = CheckBounds(original_length,
// Even though {JSCreateArray} is not marked as {kNoThrow}, we can elide the
// exceptional projections because it cannot throw with the given
// parameters.
TNode<Object> array_ctor =
MapFrameStateParams frame_state_params{
jsgraph(), shared, context, target, outer_frame_state,
receiver, fncallback, this_arg, {} /* TBD */, original_length};
TNode<JSArray> a =
CreateArrayNoThrow(array_ctor, original_length,
frame_state_params.a = a;
MapLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, ZeroConstant()));
ForZeroUntil(original_length).Do([&](TNode<Number> k) {
Checkpoint(MapLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, k));
MaybeInsertMapChecks(inference, has_stability_dependency);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
auto continue_label = MakeLabel();
element = MaybeSkipHole(element, kind, &continue_label);
TNode<Object> v = JSCall3(fncallback, this_arg, element, k, receiver,
MapLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, k));
// The array {a} should be HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS because we'd only come into
// this loop if the input array length is non-zero, and "new Array({x > 0})"
// always produces a HOLEY array.
MapRef holey_double_map =
MapRef holey_map = native_context.GetInitialJSArrayMap(HOLEY_ELEMENTS);
TransitionAndStoreElement(holey_double_map, holey_map, a, k, v);
return a;
namespace {
struct FilterFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
TNode<Object> receiver;
TNode<Object> callback;
TNode<Object> this_arg;
TNode<JSArray> a;
TNode<Object> original_length;
FrameState FilterLoopLazyFrameState(const FilterFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k, TNode<Number> to,
TNode<Object> element) {
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver,
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
params.outer_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::LAZY);
FrameState FilterLoopEagerPostCallbackFrameState(
const FilterFrameStateParams& params, TNode<Number> k, TNode<Number> to,
TNode<Object> element, TNode<Object> callback_value) {
// Note that we are intentionally reusing the
// Builtins::kArrayFilterLoopLazyDeoptContinuation as an *eager* entry point
// in this case. This is safe, because re-evaluating a [ToBoolean] coercion is
// safe.
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver,
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
params.outer_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::EAGER);
FrameState FilterLoopEagerFrameState(const FilterFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k, TNode<Number> to) {
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver,
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
params.outer_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::EAGER);
} // namespace
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context) {
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> fncallback = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
TNode<Object> this_arg = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
// The output array is packed (filter doesn't visit holes).
const ElementsKind packed_kind = GetPackedElementsKind(kind);
TNode<JSArray> a = AllocateEmptyJSArray(packed_kind, native_context);
TNode<Number> original_length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
FilterFrameStateParams frame_state_params{
jsgraph(), shared, context, target, outer_frame_state,
receiver, fncallback, this_arg, a, original_length};
// This frame state doesn't ever call the deopt continuation, it's only
// necessary to specify a continuation in order to handle the exceptional
// case. We don't have all the values available to completely fill out
// the checkpoint parameters yet, but that's okay because it'll never be
// called.
TNode<Number> zero = ZeroConstant();
ThrowIfNotCallable(fncallback, FilterLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params,
zero, zero, zero));
TNode<Number> initial_a_length = zero;
For1ZeroUntil(original_length, initial_a_length)
.Do([&](TNode<Number> k, TNode<Object>* a_length_object) {
TNode<Number> a_length = TNode<Number>::UncheckedCast(*a_length_object);
Checkpoint(FilterLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, k, a_length));
MaybeInsertMapChecks(inference, has_stability_dependency);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
auto continue_label = MakeLabel(MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned);
element = MaybeSkipHole(element, kind, &continue_label, a_length);
TNode<Object> v = JSCall3(
fncallback, this_arg, element, k, receiver,
FilterLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, k, a_length, element));
// We need an eager frame state for right after the callback function
// returned, just in case an attempt to grow the output array fails.
Checkpoint(FilterLoopEagerPostCallbackFrameState(frame_state_params, k,
a_length, element, v));
GotoIfNot(ToBoolean(v), &continue_label, a_length);
// Since the callback returned a trueish value, store the element in a.
TNode<Number> a_length1 = TypeGuardFixedArrayLength(a_length);
TNode<FixedArrayBase> elements = LoadElements(a);
elements = MaybeGrowFastElements(kind, FeedbackSource{}, a, elements,
TNode<Number> new_a_length = NumberInc(a_length1);
StoreJSArrayLength(a, new_a_length, kind);
StoreFixedArrayBaseElement(elements, a_length1, element, kind);
Goto(&continue_label, new_a_length);
*a_length_object =
return a;
namespace {
struct FindFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
TNode<Object> receiver;
TNode<Object> callback;
TNode<Object> this_arg;
TNode<Object> original_length;
FrameState FindLoopLazyFrameState(const FindFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k, ArrayFindVariant variant) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(variant == ArrayFindVariant::kFind)
? Builtins::kArrayFindLoopLazyDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayFindIndexLoopLazyDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, k, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState FindLoopEagerFrameState(const FindFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k, ArrayFindVariant variant) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(variant == ArrayFindVariant::kFind)
? Builtins::kArrayFindLoopEagerDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayFindIndexLoopEagerDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, k, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState FindLoopAfterCallbackLazyFrameState(
const FindFrameStateParams& params, TNode<Number> next_k,
TNode<Object> if_found_value, ArrayFindVariant variant) {
Builtins::Name builtin =
(variant == ArrayFindVariant::kFind)
? Builtins::kArrayFindLoopAfterCallbackLazyDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArrayFindIndexLoopAfterCallbackLazyDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, next_k,
params.original_length, if_found_value};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
} // namespace
TNode<Object> IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler::ReduceArrayPrototypeFind(
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context, ArrayFindVariant variant) {
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> fncallback = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
TNode<Object> this_arg = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
TNode<Number> original_length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
FindFrameStateParams frame_state_params{
jsgraph(), shared, context, target, outer_frame_state,
receiver, fncallback, this_arg, original_length};
FindLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, ZeroConstant(), variant));
const bool is_find_variant = (variant == ArrayFindVariant::kFind);
auto out = MakeLabel(MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
ForZeroUntil(original_length).Do([&](TNode<Number> k) {
Checkpoint(FindLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, k, variant));
MaybeInsertMapChecks(inference, has_stability_dependency);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
if (IsHoleyElementsKind(kind)) {
element = TryConvertHoleToUndefined(element, kind);
TNode<Object> if_found_value = is_find_variant ? element : k;
TNode<Number> next_k = NumberInc(k);
// The callback result states whether the desired element was found.
TNode<Object> v =
JSCall3(fncallback, this_arg, element, k, receiver,
FindLoopAfterCallbackLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, next_k,
if_found_value, variant));
GotoIf(ToBoolean(v), &out, if_found_value);
// If the loop completed, the element was not found.
TNode<Object> if_not_found_value =
is_find_variant ? TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(UndefinedConstant())
: TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(MinusOneConstant());
Goto(&out, if_not_found_value);
return out.PhiAt<Object>(0);
namespace {
struct EverySomeFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
TNode<Object> receiver;
TNode<Object> callback;
TNode<Object> this_arg;
TNode<Object> original_length;
FrameState EverySomeLoopLazyFrameState(const EverySomeFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k,
ArrayEverySomeVariant variant) {
Builtins::Name builtin = (variant == ArrayEverySomeVariant::kEvery)
? Builtins::kArrayEveryLoopLazyDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArraySomeLoopLazyDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, k, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
FrameState EverySomeLoopEagerFrameState(const EverySomeFrameStateParams& params,
TNode<Number> k,
ArrayEverySomeVariant variant) {
Builtins::Name builtin = (variant == ArrayEverySomeVariant::kEvery)
? Builtins::kArrayEveryLoopEagerDeoptContinuation
: Builtins::kArraySomeLoopEagerDeoptContinuation;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {params.receiver, params.callback,
params.this_arg, k, params.original_length};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared, builtin,, params.context,
checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params), params.outer_frame_state,
} // namespace
MapInference* inference, const bool has_stability_dependency,
ElementsKind kind, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const NativeContextRef& native_context, ArrayEverySomeVariant variant) {
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> fncallback = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
TNode<Object> this_arg = ArgumentOrUndefined(1);
TNode<Number> original_length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
EverySomeFrameStateParams frame_state_params{
jsgraph(), shared, context, target, outer_frame_state,
receiver, fncallback, this_arg, original_length};
EverySomeLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, ZeroConstant(), variant));
auto out = MakeLabel(MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
ForZeroUntil(original_length).Do([&](TNode<Number> k) {
Checkpoint(EverySomeLoopEagerFrameState(frame_state_params, k, variant));
MaybeInsertMapChecks(inference, has_stability_dependency);
TNode<Object> element;
std::tie(k, element) = SafeLoadElement(kind, receiver, k);
auto continue_label = MakeLabel();
element = MaybeSkipHole(element, kind, &continue_label);
TNode<Object> v =
JSCall3(fncallback, this_arg, element, k, receiver,
EverySomeLoopLazyFrameState(frame_state_params, k, variant));
if (variant == ArrayEverySomeVariant::kEvery) {
GotoIfNot(ToBoolean(v), &out, FalseConstant());
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(variant, ArrayEverySomeVariant::kSome);
GotoIf(ToBoolean(v), &out, TrueConstant());
Goto(&out, (variant == ArrayEverySomeVariant::kEvery) ? TrueConstant()
: FalseConstant());
return out.PhiAt<Boolean>(0);
namespace {
Callable GetCallableForArrayIndexOfIncludes(ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant variant,
ElementsKind elements_kind,
Isolate* isolate) {
if (variant == ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant::kIndexOf) {
switch (elements_kind) {
return Builtins::CallableFor(isolate,
return Builtins::CallableFor(isolate,
return Builtins::CallableFor(isolate,
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(variant, ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant::kIncludes);
switch (elements_kind) {
return Builtins::CallableFor(isolate,
return Builtins::CallableFor(isolate,
return Builtins::CallableFor(isolate,
} // namespace
ElementsKind kind, ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant variant) {
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<JSArray> receiver = ReceiverInputAs<JSArray>();
TNode<Object> search_element = ArgumentOrUndefined(0);
TNode<Object> from_index = ArgumentOrZero(1);
// TODO(jgruber): This currently only reduces to a stub call. Create a full
// reduction (similar to other higher-order array builtins) instead of
// lowering to a builtin call. E.g. Array.p.every and Array.p.some have almost
// identical functionality.
TNode<Number> length = LoadJSArrayLength(receiver, kind);
TNode<FixedArrayBase> elements = LoadElements(receiver);
const bool have_from_index = ArgumentCount() > 1;
if (have_from_index) {
TNode<Smi> from_index_smi = CheckSmi(from_index);
// If the index is negative, it means the offset from the end and
// therefore needs to be added to the length. If the result is still
// negative, it needs to be clamped to 0.
TNode<Boolean> cond = NumberLessThan(from_index_smi, ZeroConstant());
from_index = SelectIf<Number>(cond)
.Then(_ {
return NumberMax(NumberAdd(length, from_index_smi),
.Else(_ { return from_index_smi; })
return Call4(GetCallableForArrayIndexOfIncludes(variant, kind, isolate()),
context, elements, search_element, length, from_index);
namespace {
struct PromiseCtorFrameStateParams {
JSGraph* jsgraph;
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
Node* node_ptr;
TNode<Context> context;
TNode<Object> target;
FrameState outer_frame_state;
// Remnant of old-style JSCallReducer code. Could be ported to graph assembler,
// but probably not worth the effort.
FrameState CreateArtificialFrameState(Node* node, Node* outer_frame_state,
int parameter_count, BailoutId bailout_id,
FrameStateType frame_state_type,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
Node* context,
CommonOperatorBuilder* common,
Graph* graph) {
const FrameStateFunctionInfo* state_info =
frame_state_type, parameter_count + 1, 0, shared.object());
const Operator* op = common->FrameState(
bailout_id, OutputFrameStateCombine::Ignore(), state_info);
const Operator* op0 = common->StateValues(0, SparseInputMask::Dense());
Node* node0 = graph->NewNode(op0);
static constexpr int kTargetInputIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kReceiverInputIndex = 1;
const int parameter_count_with_receiver = parameter_count + 1;
std::vector<Node*> params;
for (int i = 0; i < parameter_count_with_receiver; i++) {
params.push_back(node->InputAt(kReceiverInputIndex + i));
const Operator* op_param = common->StateValues(
static_cast<int>(params.size()), SparseInputMask::Dense());
Node* params_node = graph->NewNode(op_param, static_cast<int>(params.size()),
return FrameState(graph->NewNode(op, params_node, node0, node0, context,
FrameState PromiseConstructorFrameState(
const PromiseCtorFrameStateParams& params, CommonOperatorBuilder* common,
Graph* graph) {
DCHECK_EQ(1, params.shared.internal_formal_parameter_count());
return CreateArtificialFrameState(
params.node_ptr, params.outer_frame_state, 1,
BailoutId::ConstructStubInvoke(), FrameStateType::kConstructStub,
params.shared, params.context, common, graph);
FrameState PromiseConstructorLazyFrameState(
const PromiseCtorFrameStateParams& params,
FrameState constructor_frame_state) {
// The deopt continuation of this frame state is never called; the frame state
// is only necessary to obtain the right stack trace.
JSGraph* jsgraph = params.jsgraph;
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {
jsgraph->UndefinedConstant(), /* receiver */
jsgraph->UndefinedConstant(), /* promise */
jsgraph->UndefinedConstant(), /* reject function */
jsgraph->TheHoleConstant() /* exception */
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
constructor_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::LAZY);
FrameState PromiseConstructorLazyWithCatchFrameState(
const PromiseCtorFrameStateParams& params,
FrameState constructor_frame_state, TNode<JSPromise> promise,
TNode<JSFunction> reject) {
// This continuation just returns the created promise and takes care of
// exceptions thrown by the executor.
Node* checkpoint_params[] = {
params.jsgraph->UndefinedConstant(), /* receiver */
promise, reject};
return CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
params.jsgraph, params.shared,
params.context, checkpoint_params, arraysize(checkpoint_params),
constructor_frame_state, ContinuationFrameStateMode::LAZY_WITH_CATCH);
} // namespace
TNode<Object> PromiseBuiltinReducerAssembler::ReducePromiseConstructor(
const NativeContextRef& native_context) {
DCHECK_GE(ConstructArity(), 1);
JSConstructNode n(node_ptr());
FrameState outer_frame_state = FrameStateInput();
TNode<Context> context = ContextInput();
TNode<Object> target = TargetInput();
TNode<Object> executor = n.Argument(0);
DCHECK_EQ(target, NewTargetInput());
SharedFunctionInfoRef promise_shared =
PromiseCtorFrameStateParams frame_state_params{jsgraph(), promise_shared,
node_ptr(), context,
target, outer_frame_state};
// Insert a construct stub frame into the chain of frame states. This will
// reconstruct the proper frame when deoptimizing within the constructor.
// For the frame state, we only provide the executor parameter, even if more
// arguments were passed. This is not observable from JS.
FrameState constructor_frame_state =
PromiseConstructorFrameState(frame_state_params, common(), graph());
TNode<JSPromise> promise = CreatePromise(context);
// 8. CreatePromiseResolvingFunctions
// Allocate a promise context for the closures below.
TNode<Context> promise_context = CreateFunctionContext(
native_context, context, PromiseBuiltins::kPromiseContextLength);
StoreContextSlot(promise_context, PromiseBuiltins::kPromiseSlot, promise);
StoreContextSlot(promise_context, PromiseBuiltins::kAlreadyResolvedSlot,
StoreContextSlot(promise_context, PromiseBuiltins::kDebugEventSlot,
// Allocate closures for the resolve and reject cases.
SharedFunctionInfoRef resolve_sfi(
broker_, broker_->isolate()
TNode<JSFunction> resolve =
CreateClosureFromBuiltinSharedFunctionInfo(resolve_sfi, promise_context);
SharedFunctionInfoRef reject_sfi(
broker_, broker_->isolate()
TNode<JSFunction> reject =
CreateClosureFromBuiltinSharedFunctionInfo(reject_sfi, promise_context);
FrameState lazy_with_catch_frame_state =
frame_state_params, constructor_frame_state, promise, reject);
// 9. Call executor with both resolving functions.
// 10a. Call reject if the call to executor threw.
Try(_ {
CallPromiseExecutor(executor, resolve, reject, lazy_with_catch_frame_state);
}).Catch([&](TNode<Object> exception) {
CallPromiseReject(reject, exception, lazy_with_catch_frame_state);
return promise;
#undef _
bool JSCallReducer::should_disallow_heap_access() const {
return broker_->is_concurrent_inlining();
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReplaceWithSubgraph(JSCallReducerAssembler* gasm,
Node* subgraph) {
// TODO(jgruber): Consider a less fiddly way of integrating the new subgraph
// into the outer graph. For instance, the subgraph could be created in
// complete isolation, and then plugged into the outer graph in one go.
// Instead of manually tracking IfException nodes, we could iterate the
// subgraph.
// Replace the Call node with the newly-produced subgraph.
ReplaceWithValue(gasm->node_ptr(), subgraph, gasm->effect(), gasm->control());
// Wire exception edges contained in the newly-produced subgraph into the
// outer graph.
auto catch_scope = gasm->catch_scope();
if (catch_scope->has_handler() &&
catch_scope->has_exceptional_control_flow()) {
TNode<Object> handler_exception;
Effect handler_effect{nullptr};
Control handler_control{nullptr};
&handler_exception, &handler_effect, &handler_control);
ReplaceWithValue(gasm->outermost_handler(), handler_exception,
handler_effect, handler_control);
return Replace(subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMathUnary(Node* node, const Operator* op) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->NaNConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
JSCallReducerAssembler a(this, node);
Node* subgraph = a.ReduceMathUnary(op);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMathBinary(Node* node, const Operator* op) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->NaNConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
JSCallReducerAssembler a(this, node);
Node* subgraph = a.ReduceMathBinary(op);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
// ES6 section Math.imul ( x, y )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMathImul(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->ZeroConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Node* left = n.Argument(0);
Node* right = n.ArgumentOr(1, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
left = effect =
left, effect, control);
right = effect =
right, effect, control);
left = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToUint32(), left);
right = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToUint32(), right);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberImul(), left, right);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Math.clz32 ( x )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMathClz32(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->Constant(32);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
input = effect =
input, effect, control);
input = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToUint32(), input);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberClz32(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Math.max ( value1, value2, ...values )
// ES6 section Math.min ( value1, value2, ...values )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMathMinMax(Node* node, const Operator* op,
Node* empty_value) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
ReplaceWithValue(node, empty_value);
return Replace(empty_value);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* value = effect =
n.Argument(0), effect, control);
for (int i = 1; i < n.ArgumentCount(); i++) {
Node* input = effect = graph()->NewNode(
n.Argument(i), effect, control);
value = graph()->NewNode(op, value, input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::Reduce(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kJSConstruct:
return ReduceJSConstruct(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithArrayLike:
return ReduceJSConstructWithArrayLike(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithSpread:
return ReduceJSConstructWithSpread(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSCall:
return ReduceJSCall(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike:
return ReduceJSCallWithArrayLike(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread:
return ReduceJSCallWithSpread(node);
return NoChange();
void JSCallReducer::Finalize() {
// TODO(turbofan): This is not the best solution; ideally we would be able
// to teach the GraphReducer about arbitrary dependencies between different
// nodes, even if they don't show up in the use list of the other node.
std::set<Node*> const waitlist = std::move(waitlist_);
for (Node* node : waitlist) {
if (!node->IsDead()) {
Reduction const reduction = Reduce(node);
if (reduction.Changed()) {
Node* replacement = reduction.replacement();
if (replacement != node) {
Replace(node, replacement);
// ES6 section 22.1.1 The Array Constructor
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayConstructor(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* target =;
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
// Turn the {node} into a {JSCreateArray} call.
size_t const arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, target, 0);
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, target, 1);
node, javascript()->CreateArray(arity, MaybeHandle<AllocationSite>()));
return Changed(node);
// ES6 section Boolean ( value )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceBooleanConstructor(Node* node) {
// Replace the {node} with a proper {ToBoolean} operator.
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* value = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ToBoolean(), value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// ES section #sec-object-constructor
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectConstructor(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) return NoChange();
Node* value = n.Argument(0);
Effect effect = n.effect();
// We can fold away the Object(x) call if |x| is definitely not a primitive.
if (NodeProperties::CanBePrimitive(broker(), value, effect)) {
if (!NodeProperties::CanBeNullOrUndefined(broker(), value, effect)) {
// Turn the {node} into a {JSToObject} call if we know that
// the {value} cannot be null or undefined.
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInputs(node, value);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->ToObject());
return Changed(node);
} else {
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Function.prototype.apply ( thisArg, argArray )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceFunctionPrototypeApply(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
ConvertReceiverMode convert_mode = ConvertReceiverMode::kAny;
if (arity == 0) {
// Neither thisArg nor argArray was provided.
convert_mode = ConvertReceiverMode::kNullOrUndefined;
node->ReplaceInput(n.TargetIndex(), n.receiver());
node->ReplaceInput(n.ReceiverIndex(), jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
} else if (arity == 1) {
// The argArray was not provided, just remove the {target}.
} else {
Node* target = n.receiver();
Node* this_argument = n.Argument(0);
Node* arguments_list = n.Argument(1);
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// If {arguments_list} cannot be null or undefined, we don't need
// to expand this {node} to control-flow.
if (!NodeProperties::CanBeNullOrUndefined(broker(), arguments_list,
effect)) {
// Massage the value inputs appropriately.
node->ReplaceInput(n.TargetIndex(), target);
node->ReplaceInput(n.ReceiverIndex(), this_argument);
node->ReplaceInput(n.ArgumentIndex(0), arguments_list);
while (arity-- > 1) node->RemoveInput(n.ArgumentIndex(1));
// Morph the {node} to a {JSCallWithArrayLike}.
node, javascript()->CallWithArrayLike(
p.frequency(),, p.speculation_mode(),
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCallWithArrayLike(node));
} else {
// Check whether {arguments_list} is null.
Node* check_null =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), arguments_list,
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse),
check_null, control);
Node* if_null = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), control);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), control);
// Check whether {arguments_list} is undefined.
Node* check_undefined =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), arguments_list,
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse),
check_undefined, control);
Node* if_undefined = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), control);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), control);
// Lower to {JSCallWithArrayLike} if {arguments_list} is neither null
// nor undefined.
Node* effect0 = effect;
Node* control0 = control;
Node* value0 = effect0 = control0 = graph()->NewNode(
target, this_argument, arguments_list, n.feedback_vector(), context,
frame_state, effect0, control0);
// Lower to {JSCall} if {arguments_list} is either null or undefined.
Node* effect1 = effect;
Node* control1 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_null, if_undefined);
Node* value1 = effect1 = control1 =
target, this_argument, n.feedback_vector(), context,
frame_state, effect1, control1);
// Rewire potential exception edges.
Node* if_exception = nullptr;
if (NodeProperties::IsExceptionalCall(node, &if_exception)) {
// Create appropriate {IfException} and {IfSuccess} nodes.
Node* if_exception0 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), control0, effect0);
control0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), control0);
Node* if_exception1 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), control1, effect1);
control1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), control1);
// Join the exception edges.
Node* merge =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_exception0, if_exception1);
Node* ephi = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), if_exception0,
if_exception1, merge);
Node* phi =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
if_exception0, if_exception1, merge);
ReplaceWithValue(if_exception, phi, ephi, merge);
// Join control paths.
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), control0, control1);
effect =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), effect0, effect1, control);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
value0, value1, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// Change {node} to the new {JSCall} operator.
node, javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(arity), p.frequency(),, convert_mode, p.speculation_mode(),
// Try to further reduce the JSCall {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
// ES section #sec-function.prototype.bind
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceFunctionPrototypeBind(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
// Value inputs to the {node} are as follows:
// - target, which is Function.prototype.bind JSFunction
// - receiver, which is the [[BoundTargetFunction]]
// - bound_this (optional), which is the [[BoundThis]]
// - and all the remaining value inputs are [[BoundArguments]]
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Ensure that the {receiver} is known to be a JSBoundFunction or
// a JSFunction with the same [[Prototype]], and all maps we've
// seen for the {receiver} so far indicate that {receiver} is
// definitely a constructor or not a constructor.
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
MapRef first_receiver_map(broker(), receiver_maps[0]);
bool const is_constructor = first_receiver_map.is_constructor();
if (should_disallow_heap_access() &&
!first_receiver_map.serialized_prototype()) {
"serialized prototype on map " << first_receiver_map);
return inference.NoChange();
ObjectRef const prototype = first_receiver_map.prototype();
for (Handle<Map> const map : receiver_maps) {
MapRef receiver_map(broker(), map);
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !receiver_map.serialized_prototype()) {
"serialized prototype on map " << receiver_map);
return inference.NoChange();
// Check for consistency among the {receiver_maps}.
if (!receiver_map.prototype().equals(prototype) ||
receiver_map.is_constructor() != is_constructor ||
receiver_map.instance_type() < FIRST_FUNCTION_TYPE) {
return inference.NoChange();
// Disallow binding of slow-mode functions. We need to figure out
// whether the length and name property are in the original state.
if (receiver_map.is_dictionary_map()) return inference.NoChange();
// Check whether the length and name properties are still present
// as AccessorInfo objects. In that case, their values can be
// recomputed even if the actual value of the object changes.
// This mirrors the checks done in at
// runtime otherwise.
int minimum_nof_descriptors = std::max({JSFunction::kLengthDescriptorIndex,
JSFunction::kNameDescriptorIndex}) +
if (receiver_map.NumberOfOwnDescriptors() < minimum_nof_descriptors) {
return inference.NoChange();
const InternalIndex kLengthIndex(JSFunction::kLengthDescriptorIndex);
const InternalIndex kNameIndex(JSFunction::kNameDescriptorIndex);
if (!receiver_map.serialized_own_descriptor(kLengthIndex) ||
!receiver_map.serialized_own_descriptor(kNameIndex)) {
"serialized descriptors on map " << receiver_map);
return inference.NoChange();
ReadOnlyRoots roots(isolate());
StringRef length_string(broker(), roots.length_string_handle());
StringRef name_string(broker(), roots.name_string_handle());
base::Optional<ObjectRef> length_value(
base::Optional<ObjectRef> name_value(
if (!length_value || !name_value) {
broker(), "name or length descriptors on map " << receiver_map);
return inference.NoChange();
if (!receiver_map.GetPropertyKey(kLengthIndex).equals(length_string) ||
!length_value->IsAccessorInfo() ||
!receiver_map.GetPropertyKey(kNameIndex).equals(name_string) ||
!name_value->IsAccessorInfo()) {
return inference.NoChange();
// Choose the map for the resulting JSBoundFunction (but bail out in case of a
// custom prototype).
MapRef map = is_constructor
? native_context().bound_function_with_constructor_map()
: native_context().bound_function_without_constructor_map();
if (!map.prototype().equals(prototype)) return inference.NoChange();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// Replace the {node} with a JSCreateBoundFunction.
static constexpr int kBoundThis = 1;
static constexpr int kReceiverContextEffectAndControl = 4;
int const arity = n.ArgumentCount();
int const arity_with_bound_this = std::max(arity, kBoundThis);
int const input_count =
arity_with_bound_this + kReceiverContextEffectAndControl;
Node** inputs = graph()->zone()->NewArray<Node*>(input_count);
int cursor = 0;
inputs[cursor++] = receiver;
inputs[cursor++] = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph()); // bound_this.
for (int i = 1; i < arity; ++i) {
inputs[cursor++] = n.Argument(i);
inputs[cursor++] = context;
inputs[cursor++] = effect;
inputs[cursor++] = control;
DCHECK_EQ(cursor, input_count);
Node* value = effect =
arity_with_bound_this - kBoundThis, map.object()),
input_count, inputs);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section (thisArg, ...args)
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceFunctionPrototypeCall(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
Node* target =;
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Change context of {node} to the context,
// to ensure any exception is thrown in the correct context.
Node* context;
HeapObjectMatcher m(target);
if (m.HasResolvedValue() && m.Ref(broker()).IsJSFunction()) {
JSFunctionRef function = m.Ref(broker()).AsJSFunction();
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !function.serialized()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "Serialize call on function " << function);
return NoChange();
context = jsgraph()->Constant(function.context());
} else {
context = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSFunctionContext()), target,
effect, control);
NodeProperties::ReplaceContextInput(node, context);
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
// Remove the target from {node} and use the receiver as target instead, and
// the thisArg becomes the new target. If thisArg was not provided, insert
// undefined instead.
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
ConvertReceiverMode convert_mode;
if (arity == 0) {
// The thisArg was not provided, use undefined as receiver.
convert_mode = ConvertReceiverMode::kNullOrUndefined;
node->ReplaceInput(n.TargetIndex(), n.receiver());
node->ReplaceInput(n.ReceiverIndex(), jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
} else {
// Just remove the target, which is the first value input.
convert_mode = ConvertReceiverMode::kAny;
node, javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(arity), p.frequency(),, convert_mode, p.speculation_mode(),
// Try to further reduce the JSCall {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
// ES6 section Function.prototype [ @@hasInstance ] (V)
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceFunctionPrototypeHasInstance(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* object = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// TODO(turbofan): If JSOrdinaryToInstance raises an exception, the
// stack trace doesn't contain the @@hasInstance call; we have the
// corresponding bug in the baseline case. Some massaging of the frame
// state would be necessary here.
// Morph this {node} into a JSOrdinaryHasInstance node.
node->ReplaceInput(0, receiver);
node->ReplaceInput(1, object);
node->ReplaceInput(2, context);
node->ReplaceInput(3, frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(4, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(5, control);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->OrdinaryHasInstance());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectGetPrototype(Node* node, Node* object) {
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
// Try to determine the {object} map.
MapInference inference(broker(), object, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& object_maps = inference.GetMaps();
MapRef candidate_map(broker(), object_maps[0]);
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !candidate_map.serialized_prototype()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "prototype for map " << candidate_map);
return inference.NoChange();
ObjectRef candidate_prototype = candidate_map.prototype();
// Check if we can constant-fold the {candidate_prototype}.
for (size_t i = 0; i < object_maps.size(); ++i) {
MapRef object_map(broker(), object_maps[i]);
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !object_map.serialized_prototype()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "prototype for map " << object_map);
return inference.NoChange();
if (IsSpecialReceiverInstanceType(object_map.instance_type()) ||
!object_map.prototype().equals(candidate_prototype)) {
// We exclude special receivers, like JSProxy or API objects that
// might require access checks here; we also don't want to deal
// with hidden prototypes at this point.
return inference.NoChange();
// The above check also excludes maps for primitive values, which is
// important because we are not applying [[ToObject]] here as expected.
DCHECK(!object_map.IsPrimitiveMap() && object_map.IsJSReceiverMap());
if (!inference.RelyOnMapsViaStability(dependencies())) {
return inference.NoChange();
Node* value = jsgraph()->Constant(candidate_prototype);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Object.getPrototypeOf ( O )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectGetPrototypeOf(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* object = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
return ReduceObjectGetPrototype(node, object);
// ES section
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectIs(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* lhs = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* rhs = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->SameValue(), lhs, rhs);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section B. get Object.prototype.__proto__
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectPrototypeGetProto(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
return ReduceObjectGetPrototype(node, n.receiver());
// ES #sec-object.prototype.hasownproperty
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* name = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// We can optimize a call to Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty if it's being
// used inside a fast-mode, so for code like this:
// for (name in receiver) {
// if (receiver.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
// ...
// }
// }
// If the is in fast-mode, we know that the {receiver} has {name}
// as own property, otherwise the enumeration wouldn't include it. The graph
// constructed by the BytecodeGraphBuilder in this case looks like this:
// receiver
// ^ ^
// | |
// | +-+
// | |
// | JSToObject
// | ^
// | |
// | JSForInNext
// | ^
// +----+ |
// | |
// JSCall[hasOwnProperty]
// We can constant-fold the {node} to True in this case, and insert
// a (potentially redundant) map check to guard the fact that the
// {receiver} map didn't change since the dominating JSForInNext. This
// map check is only necessary when TurboFan cannot prove that there
// is no observable side effect between the {JSForInNext} and the
// {JSCall} to Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.
// Also note that it's safe to look through the {JSToObject}, since the
// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty does an implicit ToObject anyway, and
// these operations are not observable.
if (name->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSForInNext) {
JSForInNextNode n(name);
if (n.Parameters().mode() != ForInMode::kGeneric) {
Node* object = n.receiver();
Node* cache_type = n.cache_type();
if (object->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSToObject) {
object = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(object, 0);
if (object == receiver) {
// No need to repeat the map check if we can prove that there's no
// observable side effect between {effect} and {name].
if (!NodeProperties::NoObservableSideEffectBetween(effect, name)) {
Node* receiver_map = effect =
receiver, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(),
receiver_map, cache_type);
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckIf(DeoptimizeReason::kWrongMap), check, effect,
Node* value = jsgraph()->TrueConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES #sec-object.prototype.isprototypeof
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* value = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Effect effect = n.effect();
// Ensure that the {receiver} is known to be a JSReceiver (so that
// the ToObject step of Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf is a no-op).
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAreJSReceiver()) {
return NoChange();
// We don't check whether {value} is a proper JSReceiver here explicitly,
// and don't explicitly rule out Primitive {value}s, since all of them
// have null as their prototype, so the prototype chain walk inside the
// JSHasInPrototypeChain operator immediately aborts and yields false.
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, value, n.TargetIndex());
for (int i = node->op()->ValueInputCount(); i > 2; i--) {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->HasInPrototypeChain());
return Changed(node);
// ES6 section 26.1.1 Reflect.apply ( target, thisArgument, argumentsList )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceReflectApply(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
// Massage value inputs appropriately.
STATIC_ASSERT(n.ReceiverIndex() > n.TargetIndex());
while (arity < 3) {
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), arity++, jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
while (arity-- > 3) {
node, javascript()->CallWithArrayLike(p.frequency(),,
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCallWithArrayLike(node));
// ES6 section 26.1.2 Reflect.construct ( target, argumentsList [, newTarget] )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceReflectConstruct(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
// Massage value inputs appropriately.
Node* arg_target = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* arg_argument_list = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
Node* arg_new_target = n.ArgumentOr(2, arg_target);
STATIC_ASSERT(n.ReceiverIndex() > n.TargetIndex());
// TODO(jgruber): This pattern essentially ensures that we have the correct
// number of inputs for a given argument count. Wrap it in a helper function.
STATIC_ASSERT(JSConstructNode::FirstArgumentIndex() == 2);
while (arity < 3) {
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), arity++, jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
while (arity-- > 3) {
STATIC_ASSERT(JSConstructNode::TargetIndex() == 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(JSConstructNode::NewTargetIndex() == 1);
node->ReplaceInput(JSConstructNode::TargetIndex(), arg_target);
node->ReplaceInput(JSConstructNode::NewTargetIndex(), arg_new_target);
node->ReplaceInput(JSConstructNode::ArgumentIndex(0), arg_argument_list);
node, javascript()->ConstructWithArrayLike(p.frequency(),;
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSConstructWithArrayLike(node));
// ES6 section 26.1.7 Reflect.getPrototypeOf ( target )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceReflectGetPrototypeOf(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* target = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
return ReduceObjectGetPrototype(node, target);
// ES6 section #sec-object.create Object.create(proto, properties)
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceObjectCreate(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* properties = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
if (properties != jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant()) return NoChange();
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* prototype = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
node->ReplaceInput(0, prototype);
node->ReplaceInput(1, context);
node->ReplaceInput(2, frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(3, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(4, control);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->CreateObject());
return Changed(node);
// ES section #sec-reflect.get
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceReflectGet(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
if (arity != 2) return NoChange();
Node* target = n.Argument(0);
Node* key = n.Argument(1);
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Check whether {target} is a JSReceiver.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsReceiver(), target);
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
// Throw an appropriate TypeError if the {target} is not a JSReceiver.
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
if_false = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowTypeError, 2),
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(factory()->ReflectGet_string()), context,
frame_state, efalse, if_false);
// Otherwise just use the existing GetPropertyStub.
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue;
Callable callable =
Builtins::CallableFor(isolate(), Builtins::kGetProperty);
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph()->zone(), callable.descriptor(),
CallDescriptor::kNeedsFrameState, Operator::kNoProperties);
Node* stub_code = jsgraph()->HeapConstant(callable.code());
vtrue = etrue = if_true =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Call(call_descriptor), stub_code, target,
key, context, frame_state, etrue, if_true);
// Rewire potential exception edges.
Node* on_exception = nullptr;
if (NodeProperties::IsExceptionalCall(node, &on_exception)) {
// Create appropriate {IfException} and {IfSuccess} nodes.
Node* extrue = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), etrue, if_true);
if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), if_true);
Node* exfalse = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), efalse, if_false);
if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), if_false);
// Join the exception edges.
Node* merge = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), extrue, exfalse);
Node* ephi =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), extrue, exfalse, merge);
Node* phi =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
extrue, exfalse, merge);
ReplaceWithValue(on_exception, phi, ephi, merge);
// Connect the throwing path to end.
if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->Throw(), efalse, if_false);
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), if_false);
// Continue on the regular path.
ReplaceWithValue(node, vtrue, etrue, if_true);
return Changed(vtrue);
// ES section #sec-reflect.has
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceReflectHas(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* target = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* key = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
// Check whether {target} is a JSReceiver.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsReceiver(), target);
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
// Throw an appropriate TypeError if the {target} is not a JSReceiver.
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
if_false = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowTypeError, 2),
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(factory()->ReflectHas_string()), context,
frame_state, efalse, if_false);
// Otherwise just use the existing {JSHasProperty} logic.
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue;
// TODO(magardn): collect feedback so this can be optimized
vtrue = etrue = if_true = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->HasProperty(FeedbackSource()), target, key,
jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant(), context, frame_state, etrue, if_true);
// Rewire potential exception edges.
Node* on_exception = nullptr;
if (NodeProperties::IsExceptionalCall(node, &on_exception)) {
// Create appropriate {IfException} and {IfSuccess} nodes.
Node* extrue = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), etrue, if_true);
if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), if_true);
Node* exfalse = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), efalse, if_false);
if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), if_false);
// Join the exception edges.
Node* merge = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), extrue, exfalse);
Node* ephi =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), extrue, exfalse, merge);
Node* phi =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
extrue, exfalse, merge);
ReplaceWithValue(on_exception, phi, ephi, merge);
// Connect the throwing path to end.
if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->Throw(), efalse, if_false);
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), if_false);
// Continue on the regular path.
ReplaceWithValue(node, vtrue, etrue, if_true);
return Changed(vtrue);
namespace {
bool CanInlineArrayIteratingBuiltin(JSHeapBroker* broker,
MapHandles const& receiver_maps,
ElementsKind* kind_return) {
DCHECK_NE(0, receiver_maps.size());
*kind_return = MapRef(broker, receiver_maps[0]).elements_kind();
for (auto receiver_map : receiver_maps) {
MapRef map(broker, receiver_map);
if (!map.supports_fast_array_iteration() ||
!UnionElementsKindUptoSize(kind_return, map.elements_kind())) {
return false;
return true;
bool CanInlineArrayResizingBuiltin(JSHeapBroker* broker,
MapHandles const& receiver_maps,
std::vector<ElementsKind>* kinds,
bool builtin_is_push = false) {
DCHECK_NE(0, receiver_maps.size());
for (auto receiver_map : receiver_maps) {
MapRef map(broker, receiver_map);
if (!map.supports_fast_array_resize()) return false;
// TODO(turbofan): We should also handle fast holey double elements once
// we got the hole NaN mess sorted out in TurboFan/V8.
if (map.elements_kind() == HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS && !builtin_is_push) {
return false;
ElementsKind current_kind = map.elements_kind();
auto kind_ptr = kinds->data();
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < kinds->size(); i++, kind_ptr++) {
if (UnionElementsKindUptoPackedness(kind_ptr, current_kind)) {
if (i == kinds->size()) kinds->push_back(current_kind);
return true;
// Wraps common setup code for iterating array builtins.
class IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper {
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper(Node* node, JSHeapBroker* broker,
JSGraph* jsgraph,
CompilationDependencies* dependencies)
: receiver_(NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1)),
inference_(broker, receiver_, effect_) {
if (!FLAG_turbo_inline_array_builtins) return;
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCall, node->opcode());
const CallParameters& p = CallParametersOf(node->op());
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
// Try to determine the {receiver} map.
if (!inference_.HaveMaps()) return;
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference_.GetMaps();
if (!CanInlineArrayIteratingBuiltin(broker, receiver_maps,
&elements_kind_)) {
// TODO(jgruber): May only be needed for holey elements kinds.
if (!dependencies->DependOnNoElementsProtector()) UNREACHABLE();
has_stability_dependency_ = inference_.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(
dependencies, jsgraph, &effect_, control_,;
can_reduce_ = true;
bool can_reduce() const { return can_reduce_; }
bool has_stability_dependency() const { return has_stability_dependency_; }
Effect effect() const { return effect_; }
Control control() const { return control_; }
MapInference* inference() { return &inference_; }
ElementsKind elements_kind() const { return elements_kind_; }
bool can_reduce_ = false;
bool has_stability_dependency_ = false;
Node* receiver_;
Effect effect_;
Control control_;
MapInference inference_;
ElementsKind elements_kind_;
} // namespace
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayForEach(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeForEach(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(), shared);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayReduce(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeReduce(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(),
ArrayReduceDirection::kLeft, shared);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayReduceRight(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeReduce(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(),
ArrayReduceDirection::kRight, shared);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayMap(Node* node,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
// Calls CreateArray and thus requires this additional protector dependency.
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArraySpeciesProtector()) {
return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph =
a.ReduceArrayPrototypeMap(h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(),
h.elements_kind(), shared, native_context());
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayFilter(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
// Calls CreateArray and thus requires this additional protector dependency.
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArraySpeciesProtector()) {
return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph =
a.ReduceArrayPrototypeFilter(h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(),
h.elements_kind(), shared, native_context());
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayFind(Node* node,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeFind(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(), shared,
native_context(), ArrayFindVariant::kFind);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayFindIndex(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeFind(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(), shared,
native_context(), ArrayFindVariant::kFindIndex);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayEvery(Node* node,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeEverySome(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(), shared,
native_context(), ArrayEverySomeVariant::kEvery);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
// ES7 Array.prototype.inludes(searchElement[, fromIndex])
// #sec-array.prototype.includes
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayIncludes(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeIndexOfIncludes(
h.elements_kind(), ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant::kIncludes);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
// ES6 Array.prototype.indexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex])
// #sec-array.prototype.indexof
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayIndexOf(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeIndexOfIncludes(
h.elements_kind(), ArrayIndexOfIncludesVariant::kIndexOf);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArraySome(Node* node,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
IteratingArrayBuiltinHelper h(node, broker(), jsgraph(), dependencies());
if (!h.can_reduce()) return h.inference()->NoChange();
IteratingArrayBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node);
a.InitializeEffectControl(h.effect(), h.control());
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReduceArrayPrototypeEverySome(
h.inference(), h.has_stability_dependency(), h.elements_kind(), shared,
native_context(), ArrayEverySomeVariant::kSome);
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
namespace {
bool HasFPParamsInSignature(const CFunctionInfo* c_signature) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c_signature->ArgumentCount(); ++i) {
if (c_signature->ArgumentInfo(i).GetType() == CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat32 ||
c_signature->ArgumentInfo(i).GetType() == CTypeInfo::Type::kFloat64) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
#ifndef V8_TARGET_ARCH_64_BIT
namespace {
bool Has64BitIntegerParamsInSignature(const CFunctionInfo* c_signature) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c_signature->ArgumentCount(); ++i) {
if (c_signature->ArgumentInfo(i).GetType() == CTypeInfo::Type::kInt64 ||
c_signature->ArgumentInfo(i).GetType() == CTypeInfo::Type::kUint64) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
bool CanOptimizeFastCall(
const FunctionTemplateInfoRef& function_template_info) {
const CFunctionInfo* c_signature = function_template_info.c_signature();
bool optimize_to_fast_call =
FLAG_turbo_fast_api_calls &&
function_template_info.c_function() != kNullAddress;
optimize_to_fast_call =
optimize_to_fast_call && !HasFPParamsInSignature(c_signature);
#ifndef V8_TARGET_ARCH_64_BIT
optimize_to_fast_call =
optimize_to_fast_call && !Has64BitIntegerParamsInSignature(c_signature);
return optimize_to_fast_call;
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceCallApiFunction(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int const argc = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
Node* target =;
Node* global_proxy =
Node* receiver = (p.convert_mode() == ConvertReceiverMode::kNullOrUndefined)
? global_proxy
: n.receiver();
Node* holder;
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
if (!shared.function_template_info().has_value()) {
broker(), "FunctionTemplateInfo for function with SFI " << shared);
return NoChange();
// See if we can optimize this API call to {shared}.
FunctionTemplateInfoRef function_template_info(
if (!function_template_info.has_call_code()) return NoChange();
if (function_template_info.accept_any_receiver() &&
function_template_info.is_signature_undefined()) {
// We might be able to
// optimize the API call depending on the {function_template_info}.
// If the API function accepts any kind of {receiver}, we only need to
// ensure that the {receiver} is actually a JSReceiver at this point,
// and also pass that as the {holder}. There are two independent bits
// here:
// a. When the "accept any receiver" bit is set, it means we don't
// need to perform access checks, even if the {receiver}'s map
// has the "needs access check" bit set.
// b. When the {function_template_info} has no signature, we don't
// need to do the compatible receiver check, since all receivers
// are considered compatible at that point, and the {receiver}
// will be pass as the {holder}.
receiver = holder = effect =
receiver, global_proxy, effect, control);
} else {
// Try to infer the {receiver} maps from the graph.
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (inference.HaveMaps()) {
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
MapRef first_receiver_map(broker(), receiver_maps[0]);
// See if we can constant-fold the compatible receiver checks.
HolderLookupResult api_holder =
if (api_holder.lookup == CallOptimization::kHolderNotFound) {
return inference.NoChange();
// Check that all {receiver_maps} are actually JSReceiver maps and
// that the {function_template_info} accepts them without access
// checks (even if "access check needed" is set for {receiver}).
// Note that we don't need to know the concrete {receiver} maps here,
// meaning it's fine if the {receiver_maps} are unreliable, and we also
// don't need to install any stability dependencies, since the only
// relevant information regarding the {receiver} is the Map::constructor
// field on the root map (which is different from the JavaScript exposed
// "constructor" property) and that field cannot change.
// So if we know that {receiver} had a certain constructor at some point
// in the past (i.e. it had a certain map), then this constructor is going
// to be the same later, since this information cannot change with map
// transitions.
// The same is true for the instance type, e.g. we still know that the
// instance type is JSObject even if that information is unreliable, and
// the "access check needed" bit, which also cannot change later.
CHECK(!first_receiver_map.is_access_check_needed() ||
for (size_t i = 1; i < receiver_maps.size(); ++i) {
MapRef receiver_map(broker(), receiver_maps[i]);
HolderLookupResult holder_i =
if (api_holder.lookup != holder_i.lookup) return inference.NoChange();
DCHECK(holder_i.lookup == CallOptimization::kHolderFound ||
holder_i.lookup == CallOptimization::kHolderIsReceiver);
if (holder_i.lookup == CallOptimization::kHolderFound) {
DCHECK(api_holder.holder.has_value() && holder_i.holder.has_value());
if (!api_holder.holder->equals(*holder_i.holder)) {
return inference.NoChange();
CHECK(!receiver_map.is_access_check_needed() ||
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation &&
!inference.RelyOnMapsViaStability(dependencies())) {
// We were not able to make the receiver maps reliable without map
// checks but doing map checks would lead to deopt loops, so give up.
return inference.NoChange();
// TODO(neis): The maps were used in a way that does not actually require
// map checks or stability dependencies.
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// Determine the appropriate holder for the {lookup}.
holder = api_holder.lookup == CallOptimization::kHolderFound
? jsgraph()->Constant(*api_holder.holder)
: receiver;
} else {
// We don't have enough information to eliminate the access check
// and/or the compatible receiver check, so use the generic builtin
// that does those checks dynamically. This is still significantly
// faster than the generic call sequence.
Builtins::Name builtin_name;
if (function_template_info.accept_any_receiver()) {
builtin_name = Builtins::kCallFunctionTemplate_CheckCompatibleReceiver;
} else if (function_template_info.is_signature_undefined()) {
builtin_name = Builtins::kCallFunctionTemplate_CheckAccess;
} else {
builtin_name =
// The CallFunctionTemplate builtin requires the {receiver} to be
// an actual JSReceiver, so make sure we do the proper conversion
// first if necessary.
receiver = holder = effect =
receiver, global_proxy, effect, control);
Callable callable = Builtins::CallableFor(isolate(), builtin_name);
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph()->zone(), callable.descriptor(),
argc + 1 /* implicit receiver */, CallDescriptor::kNeedsFrameState);
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 0,
node->ReplaceInput(1, jsgraph()->Constant(function_template_info));
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 2, jsgraph()->Constant(argc));
node->ReplaceInput(3, receiver); // Update receiver input.
node->ReplaceInput(6 + argc, effect); // Update effect input.
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, common()->Call(call_descriptor));
return Changed(node);
// TODO(turbofan): Consider introducing a JSCallApiCallback operator for
// this and lower it during JSGenericLowering, and unify this with the
// JSNativeContextSpecialization::InlineApiCall method a bit.
if (!function_template_info.call_code().has_value()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "call code for function template info "
<< function_template_info);
return NoChange();
if (CanOptimizeFastCall(function_template_info)) {
FastApiCallReducerAssembler a(this, node, function_template_info, receiver,
holder, shared, target, argc, effect);
Node* fast_call_subgraph = a.ReduceFastApiCall();
ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, fast_call_subgraph);
return Replace(fast_call_subgraph);
CallHandlerInfoRef call_handler_info = *function_template_info.call_code();
Callable call_api_callback = CodeFactory::CallApiCallback(isolate());
CallInterfaceDescriptor cid = call_api_callback.descriptor();
auto call_descriptor =
Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(graph()->zone(), cid, argc + 1 /*
implicit receiver */, CallDescriptor::kNeedsFrameState);
ApiFunction api_function(call_handler_info.callback());
ExternalReference function_reference = ExternalReference::Create(
&api_function, ExternalReference::DIRECT_API_CALL);
Node* continuation_frame_state = CreateGenericLazyDeoptContinuationFrameState(
jsgraph(), shared, target, context, receiver, frame_state);
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 0,
node->ReplaceInput(1, jsgraph()->ExternalConstant(function_reference));
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 2, jsgraph()->Constant(argc));
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 3,
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 4, holder);
node->ReplaceInput(5, receiver); // Update receiver input.
// 6 + argc is context input.
node->ReplaceInput(6 + argc + 1, continuation_frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(6 + argc + 2, effect);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, common()->Call(call_descriptor));
return Changed(node);
namespace {
// Check whether elements aren't mutated; we play it extremely safe here by
// explicitly checking that {node} is only used by {LoadField} or
// {LoadElement}.
bool IsSafeArgumentsElements(Node* node) {
for (Edge const edge : node->use_edges()) {
if (!NodeProperties::IsValueEdge(edge)) continue;
if (edge.from()->opcode() != IrOpcode::kLoadField &&
edge.from()->opcode() != IrOpcode::kLoadElement) {
return false;
return true;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool IsCallOrConstructWithArrayLike(Node* node) {
return node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike ||
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithArrayLike;
bool IsCallOrConstructWithSpread(Node* node) {
return node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread ||
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithSpread;
bool IsCallWithArrayLikeOrSpread(Node* node) {
return node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike ||
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread;
} // namespace
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceCallOrConstructWithArrayLikeOrSpread(
Node* node, int arraylike_or_spread_index, CallFrequency const& frequency,
FeedbackSource const& feedback, SpeculationMode speculation_mode,
CallFeedbackRelation feedback_relation) {
DCHECK(IsCallOrConstructWithArrayLike(node) ||
DCHECK_IMPLIES(speculation_mode == SpeculationMode::kAllowSpeculation,
Node* arguments_list =
NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, arraylike_or_spread_index);
if (arguments_list->opcode() != IrOpcode::kJSCreateArguments) {
return NoChange();
// Check if {node} is the only value user of {arguments_list} (except for
// value uses in frame states). If not, we give up for now.
for (Edge edge : arguments_list->use_edges()) {
if (!NodeProperties::IsValueEdge(edge)) continue;
Node* const user = edge.from();
switch (user->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kCheckMaps:
case IrOpcode::kFrameState:
case IrOpcode::kStateValues:
case IrOpcode::kReferenceEqual:
case IrOpcode::kReturn:
// Ignore safe uses that definitely don't mess with the arguments.
case IrOpcode::kLoadField: {
DCHECK_EQ(arguments_list, user->InputAt(0));
FieldAccess const& access = FieldAccessOf(user->op());
if (access.offset == JSArray::kLengthOffset) {
// Ignore uses for arguments#length.
static_cast<int>(JSArray::kLengthOffset) ==
static_cast<int>(JSArray::kLengthOffset) ==
} else if (access.offset == JSObject::kElementsOffset) {
// Ignore safe uses for arguments#elements.
if (IsSafeArgumentsElements(user)) continue;
case IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike: {
// Ignore uses as argumentsList input to calls with array like.
JSCallWithArrayLikeNode n(user);
if (n.Argument(0) == arguments_list) continue;
case IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithArrayLike: {
// Ignore uses as argumentsList input to calls with array like.
JSConstructWithArrayLikeNode n(user);
if (n.Argument(0) == arguments_list) continue;
case IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread: {
// Ignore uses as spread input to calls with spread.
JSCallWithSpreadNode n(user);
if (n.LastArgument() == arguments_list) continue;
case IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithSpread: {
// Ignore uses as spread input to construct with spread.
JSConstructWithSpreadNode n(user);
if (n.LastArgument() == arguments_list) continue;
// We cannot currently reduce the {node} to something better than what
// it already is, but we might be able to do something about the {node}
// later, so put it on the waitlist and try again during finalization.
return NoChange();
// Get to the actual frame state from which to extract the arguments;
// we can only optimize this in case the {node} was already inlined into
// some other function (and same for the {arguments_list}).
CreateArgumentsType const type = CreateArgumentsTypeOf(arguments_list->op());
Node* frame_state = NodeProperties::GetFrameStateInput(arguments_list);
FrameStateInfo state_info = FrameStateInfoOf(frame_state->op());
int start_index = 0;
int formal_parameter_count;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared;
if (!state_info.shared_info().ToHandle(&shared)) return NoChange();
formal_parameter_count = SharedFunctionInfoRef(broker(), shared)
if (type == CreateArgumentsType::kMappedArguments) {
// Mapped arguments (sloppy mode) that are aliased can only be handled
// here if there's no side-effect between the {node} and the {arg_array}.
// TODO(turbofan): Further relax this constraint.
if (formal_parameter_count != 0) {
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
if (!NodeProperties::NoObservableSideEffectBetween(effect,
arguments_list)) {
return NoChange();
} else if (type == CreateArgumentsType::kRestParameter) {
start_index = formal_parameter_count;
// TODO(jgruber,v8:8888): Attempt to remove this restriction. The reason it
// currently exists is because we cannot create code dependencies in NCI code.
if (broker()->is_native_context_independent()) return NoChange();
// For call/construct with spread, we need to also install a code
// dependency on the array iterator lookup protector cell to ensure
// that no one messed with the method.
if (IsCallOrConstructWithSpread(node)) {
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArrayIteratorProtector()) return NoChange();
// Remove the {arguments_list} input from the {node}.
// After removing the arraylike or spread object, the argument count is:
int argc =
arraylike_or_spread_index - JSCallOrConstructNode::FirstArgumentIndex();
// Check if are spreading to inlined arguments or to the arguments of
// the outermost function.
Node* outer_state = frame_state->InputAt(kFrameStateOuterStateInput);
if (outer_state->opcode() != IrOpcode::kFrameState) {
Operator const* op;
if (IsCallWithArrayLikeOrSpread(node)) {
static constexpr int kTargetAndReceiver = 2;
op = javascript()->CallForwardVarargs(argc + kTargetAndReceiver,
} else {
static constexpr int kTargetAndNewTarget = 2;
op = javascript()->ConstructForwardVarargs(argc + kTargetAndNewTarget,
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, op);
return Changed(node);
// Get to the actual frame state from which to extract the arguments;
// we can only optimize this in case the {node} was already inlined into
// some other function (and same for the {arg_array}).
FrameStateInfo outer_info = FrameStateInfoOf(outer_state->op());
if (outer_info.type() == FrameStateType::kArgumentsAdaptor) {
// Need to take the parameters from the arguments adaptor.
frame_state = outer_state;
// Add the actual parameters to the {node}, skipping the receiver.
Node* const parameters = frame_state->InputAt(kFrameStateParametersInput);
for (int i = start_index + 1; i < parameters->InputCount(); ++i) {
if (IsCallWithArrayLikeOrSpread(node)) {
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(argc), frequency, feedback,
ConvertReceiverMode::kAny, speculation_mode,
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
} else {
node, javascript()->Construct(JSConstructNode::ArityForArgc(argc),
frequency, feedback));
JSConstructNode n(node);
Node* new_target = n.new_target();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Check whether the given new target value is a constructor function. The
// replacement {JSConstruct} operator only checks the passed target value
// but relies on the new target value to be implicitly valid.
Node* check =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsConstructor(), new_target);
Node* check_branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
Node* check_fail = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), check_branch);
Node* check_throw = check_fail = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowTypeError, 2),
new_target, context, frame_state, effect, check_fail);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), check_branch);
NodeProperties::ReplaceControlInput(node, control);
// Rewire potential exception edges.
Node* on_exception = nullptr;
if (NodeProperties::IsExceptionalCall(node, &on_exception)) {
// Create appropriate {IfException} and {IfSuccess} nodes.
Node* if_exception =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfException(), check_throw, check_fail);
check_fail = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfSuccess(), check_fail);
// Join the exception edges.
Node* merge =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_exception, on_exception);
Node* ephi = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), if_exception,
on_exception, merge);
Node* phi =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
if_exception, on_exception, merge);
ReplaceWithValue(on_exception, phi, ephi, merge);
merge->ReplaceInput(1, on_exception);
ephi->ReplaceInput(1, on_exception);
phi->ReplaceInput(1, on_exception);
// The above %ThrowTypeError runtime call is an unconditional throw,
// making it impossible to return a successful completion in this case. We
// simply connect the successful completion to the graph end.
Node* throw_node =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Throw(), check_throw, check_fail);
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), throw_node);
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSConstruct(node));
namespace {
bool ShouldUseCallICFeedback(Node* node) {
HeapObjectMatcher m(node);
if (m.HasResolvedValue() || m.IsCheckClosure() || m.IsJSCreateClosure()) {
// Don't use CallIC feedback when we know the function
// being called, i.e. either know the closure itself or
// at least the SharedFunctionInfo.
return false;
} else if (m.IsPhi()) {
// Protect against endless loops here.
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
if (control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop) return false;
// Check if {node} is a Phi of nodes which shouldn't
// use CallIC feedback (not looking through loops).
int const value_input_count = m.node()->op()->ValueInputCount();
for (int n = 0; n < value_input_count; ++n) {
if (ShouldUseCallICFeedback(node->InputAt(n))) return true;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
bool JSCallReducer::IsBuiltinOrApiFunction(JSFunctionRef function) const {
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !function.serialized()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "data for function " << function);
return false;
// TODO(neis): Add a way to check if function template info isn't serialized
// and add a warning in such cases. Currently we can't tell if function
// template info doesn't exist or wasn't serialized.
return function.shared().HasBuiltinId() ||
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSCall(Node* node) {
if (broker()->StackHasOverflowed()) return NoChange();
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
Node* target =;
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
// Try to specialize JSCall {node}s with constant {target}s.
HeapObjectMatcher m(target);
if (m.HasResolvedValue()) {
ObjectRef target_ref = m.Ref(broker());
if (target_ref.IsJSFunction()) {
JSFunctionRef function = target_ref.AsJSFunction();
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !function.serialized()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "data for function " << function);
return NoChange();
// Don't inline cross native context.
if (!function.native_context().equals(native_context())) {
return NoChange();
return ReduceJSCall(node, function.shared());
} else if (target_ref.IsJSBoundFunction()) {
JSBoundFunctionRef function = target_ref.AsJSBoundFunction();
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !function.serialized()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "data for function " << function);
return NoChange();
ObjectRef bound_this = function.bound_this();
ConvertReceiverMode const convert_mode =
? ConvertReceiverMode::kNullOrUndefined
: ConvertReceiverMode::kNotNullOrUndefined;
// Patch {node} to use [[BoundTargetFunction]] and [[BoundThis]].
node, jsgraph()->Constant(function.bound_target_function()),
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, jsgraph()->Constant(bound_this),
// Insert the [[BoundArguments]] for {node}.
FixedArrayRef bound_arguments = function.bound_arguments();
for (int i = 0; i < bound_arguments.length(); ++i) {
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), i + 2,
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(arity), p.frequency(),, convert_mode, p.speculation_mode(),
// Try to further reduce the JSCall {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
// Don't mess with other {node}s that have a constant {target}.
// TODO(bmeurer): Also support proxies here.
return NoChange();
// If {target} is the result of a JSCreateClosure operation, we can
// just immediately try to inline based on the SharedFunctionInfo,
// since TurboFan generally doesn't inline cross-context, and hence
// the {target} must have the same native context as the call site.
// Same if the {target} is the result of a CheckClosure operation.
if (target->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCreateClosure) {
CreateClosureParameters const& p = JSCreateClosureNode{target}.Parameters();
return ReduceJSCall(node, SharedFunctionInfoRef(broker(), p.shared_info()));
} else if (target->opcode() == IrOpcode::kCheckClosure) {
FeedbackCellRef cell(broker(), FeedbackCellOf(target->op()));
return ReduceJSCall(node,
// If {target} is the result of a JSCreateBoundFunction operation,
// we can just fold the construction and call the bound target
// function directly instead.
if (target->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCreateBoundFunction) {
Node* bound_target_function = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(target, 0);
Node* bound_this = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(target, 1);
int const bound_arguments_length =
// Patch the {node} to use [[BoundTargetFunction]] and [[BoundThis]].
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, bound_target_function,
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, bound_this, n.ReceiverIndex());
// Insert the [[BoundArguments]] for {node}.
for (int i = 0; i < bound_arguments_length; ++i) {
Node* value = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(target, 2 + i);
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), n.ArgumentIndex(i), value);
// Update the JSCall operator on {node}.
ConvertReceiverMode const convert_mode =
NodeProperties::CanBeNullOrUndefined(broker(), bound_this, effect)
? ConvertReceiverMode::kAny
: ConvertReceiverMode::kNotNullOrUndefined;
javascript()->Call(JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(arity), p.frequency(),, convert_mode, p.speculation_mode(),
// Try to further reduce the JSCall {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
if (!ShouldUseCallICFeedback(target) ||
p.feedback_relation() != CallFeedbackRelation::kRelated ||
! {
return NoChange();
ProcessedFeedback const& feedback =
if (feedback.IsInsufficient()) {
return ReduceForInsufficientFeedback(
node, DeoptimizeReason::kInsufficientTypeFeedbackForCall);
base::Optional<HeapObjectRef> feedback_target = feedback.AsCall().target();
if (feedback_target.has_value() && feedback_target->map().is_callable()) {
Node* target_function = jsgraph()->Constant(*feedback_target);
if (broker()->is_turboprop()) {
if (!feedback_target->IsJSFunction()) return NoChange();
if (!IsBuiltinOrApiFunction(feedback_target->AsJSFunction())) {
return NoChange();
// Check that the {target} is still the {target_function}.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), target,
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckIf(DeoptimizeReason::kWrongCallTarget), check,
effect, control);
// Specialize the JSCall node to the {target_function}.
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, target_function, n.TargetIndex());
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
// Try to further reduce the JSCall {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
} else if (feedback_target.has_value() && feedback_target->IsFeedbackCell()) {
FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell(
broker(), feedback_target.value().AsFeedbackCell().object());
if (feedback_cell.value().IsFeedbackVector()) {
// Check that {target} is a closure with given {feedback_cell},
// which uniquely identifies a given function inside a native context.
FeedbackVectorRef feedback_vector =
if (!feedback_vector.serialized()) {
broker(), "feedback vector, not serialized: " << feedback_vector);
return NoChange();
if (broker()->is_turboprop() &&
!feedback_vector.shared_function_info().HasBuiltinId()) {
return NoChange();
Node* target_closure = effect =
target, effect, control);
// Specialize the JSCall node to the {target_closure}.
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, target_closure, n.TargetIndex());
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
// Try to further reduce the JSCall {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSCall(node));
return NoChange();
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSCall(Node* node,
const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* target =;
// Do not reduce calls to functions with break points.
if (shared.HasBreakInfo()) return NoChange();
// Raise a TypeError if the {target} is a "classConstructor".
if (IsClassConstructor(shared.kind())) {
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInputs(node, target);
node, javascript()->CallRuntime(
Runtime::kThrowConstructorNonCallableError, 1));
return Changed(node);
// Check for known builtin functions.
int builtin_id =
shared.HasBuiltinId() ? shared.builtin_id() : Builtins::kNoBuiltinId;
switch (builtin_id) {
case Builtins::kArrayConstructor:
return ReduceArrayConstructor(node);
case Builtins::kBooleanConstructor:
return ReduceBooleanConstructor(node);
case Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeApply:
return ReduceFunctionPrototypeApply(node);
case Builtins::kFastFunctionPrototypeBind:
return ReduceFunctionPrototypeBind(node);
case Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeCall:
return ReduceFunctionPrototypeCall(node);
case Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeHasInstance:
return ReduceFunctionPrototypeHasInstance(node);
case Builtins::kObjectConstructor:
return ReduceObjectConstructor(node);
case Builtins::kObjectCreate:
return ReduceObjectCreate(node);
case Builtins::kObjectGetPrototypeOf:
return ReduceObjectGetPrototypeOf(node);
case Builtins::kObjectIs:
return ReduceObjectIs(node);
case Builtins::kObjectPrototypeGetProto:
return ReduceObjectPrototypeGetProto(node);
case Builtins::kObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty:
return ReduceObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(node);
case Builtins::kObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf:
return ReduceObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(node);
case Builtins::kReflectApply:
return ReduceReflectApply(node);
case Builtins::kReflectConstruct:
return ReduceReflectConstruct(node);
case Builtins::kReflectGet:
return ReduceReflectGet(node);
case Builtins::kReflectGetPrototypeOf:
return ReduceReflectGetPrototypeOf(node);
case Builtins::kReflectHas:
return ReduceReflectHas(node);
case Builtins::kArrayForEach:
return ReduceArrayForEach(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayMap:
return ReduceArrayMap(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayFilter:
return ReduceArrayFilter(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayReduce:
return ReduceArrayReduce(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayReduceRight:
return ReduceArrayReduceRight(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeFind:
return ReduceArrayFind(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeFindIndex:
return ReduceArrayFindIndex(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayEvery:
return ReduceArrayEvery(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayIndexOf:
return ReduceArrayIndexOf(node);
case Builtins::kArrayIncludes:
return ReduceArrayIncludes(node);
case Builtins::kArraySome:
return ReduceArraySome(node, shared);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypePush:
return ReduceArrayPrototypePush(node);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypePop:
return ReduceArrayPrototypePop(node);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeShift:
return ReduceArrayPrototypeShift(node);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeSlice:
return ReduceArrayPrototypeSlice(node);
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeEntries:
return ReduceArrayIterator(node, ArrayIteratorKind::kArrayLike,
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeKeys:
return ReduceArrayIterator(node, ArrayIteratorKind::kArrayLike,
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeValues:
return ReduceArrayIterator(node, ArrayIteratorKind::kArrayLike,
case Builtins::kArrayIteratorPrototypeNext:
return ReduceArrayIteratorPrototypeNext(node);
case Builtins::kArrayIsArray:
return ReduceArrayIsArray(node);
case Builtins::kArrayBufferIsView:
return ReduceArrayBufferIsView(node);
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetByteLength:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetUint8:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetInt8:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetUint16:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetInt16:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetUint32:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetInt32:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetFloat32:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeGetFloat64:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kGet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetUint8:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetInt8:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetUint16:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetInt16:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetUint32:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetInt32:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetFloat32:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kDataViewPrototypeSetFloat64:
return ReduceDataViewAccess(node, DataViewAccess::kSet,
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeByteLength:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeByteOffset:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeLength:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
node, JS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPE, AccessBuilder::ForJSTypedArrayLength());
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeToStringTag:
return ReduceTypedArrayPrototypeToStringTag(node);
case Builtins::kMathAbs:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAbs());
case Builtins::kMathAcos:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAcos());
case Builtins::kMathAcosh:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAcosh());
case Builtins::kMathAsin:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAsin());
case Builtins::kMathAsinh:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAsinh());
case Builtins::kMathAtan:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAtan());
case Builtins::kMathAtanh:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberAtanh());
case Builtins::kMathCbrt:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberCbrt());
case Builtins::kMathCeil:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberCeil());
case Builtins::kMathCos:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberCos());
case Builtins::kMathCosh:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberCosh());
case Builtins::kMathExp:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberExp());
case Builtins::kMathExpm1:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberExpm1());
case Builtins::kMathFloor:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberFloor());
case Builtins::kMathFround:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberFround());
case Builtins::kMathLog:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberLog());
case Builtins::kMathLog1p:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberLog1p());
case Builtins::kMathLog10:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberLog10());
case Builtins::kMathLog2:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberLog2());
case Builtins::kMathRound:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberRound());
case Builtins::kMathSign:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberSign());
case Builtins::kMathSin:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberSin());
case Builtins::kMathSinh:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberSinh());
case Builtins::kMathSqrt:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberSqrt());
case Builtins::kMathTan:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberTan());
case Builtins::kMathTanh:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberTanh());
case Builtins::kMathTrunc:
return ReduceMathUnary(node, simplified()->NumberTrunc());
case Builtins::kMathAtan2:
return ReduceMathBinary(node, simplified()->NumberAtan2());
case Builtins::kMathPow:
return ReduceMathBinary(node, simplified()->NumberPow());
case Builtins::kMathClz32:
return ReduceMathClz32(node);
case Builtins::kMathImul:
return ReduceMathImul(node);
case Builtins::kMathMax:
return ReduceMathMinMax(node, simplified()->NumberMax(),
case Builtins::kMathMin:
return ReduceMathMinMax(node, simplified()->NumberMin(),
case Builtins::kNumberIsFinite:
return ReduceNumberIsFinite(node);
case Builtins::kNumberIsInteger:
return ReduceNumberIsInteger(node);
case Builtins::kNumberIsSafeInteger:
return ReduceNumberIsSafeInteger(node);
case Builtins::kNumberIsNaN:
return ReduceNumberIsNaN(node);
case Builtins::kNumberParseInt:
return ReduceNumberParseInt(node);
case Builtins::kGlobalIsFinite:
return ReduceGlobalIsFinite(node);
case Builtins::kGlobalIsNaN:
return ReduceGlobalIsNaN(node);
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeGet:
return ReduceMapPrototypeGet(node);
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeHas:
return ReduceMapPrototypeHas(node);
case Builtins::kRegExpPrototypeTest:
return ReduceRegExpPrototypeTest(node);
case Builtins::kReturnReceiver:
return ReduceReturnReceiver(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeIndexOf:
return ReduceStringPrototypeIndexOf(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeCharAt:
return ReduceStringPrototypeCharAt(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeCharCodeAt:
return ReduceStringPrototypeStringAt(simplified()->StringCharCodeAt(),
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeCodePointAt:
return ReduceStringPrototypeStringAt(simplified()->StringCodePointAt(),
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeSubstring:
return ReduceStringPrototypeSubstring(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeSlice:
return ReduceStringPrototypeSlice(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeSubstr:
return ReduceStringPrototypeSubstr(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeStartsWith:
return ReduceStringPrototypeStartsWith(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToLowerCaseIntl:
return ReduceStringPrototypeToLowerCaseIntl(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToUpperCaseIntl:
return ReduceStringPrototypeToUpperCaseIntl(node);
#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
case Builtins::kStringFromCharCode:
return ReduceStringFromCharCode(node);
case Builtins::kStringFromCodePoint:
return ReduceStringFromCodePoint(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeIterator:
return ReduceStringPrototypeIterator(node);
case Builtins::kStringIteratorPrototypeNext:
return ReduceStringIteratorPrototypeNext(node);
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeConcat:
return ReduceStringPrototypeConcat(node);
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeEntries:
return ReduceArrayIterator(node, ArrayIteratorKind::kTypedArray,
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeKeys:
return ReduceArrayIterator(node, ArrayIteratorKind::kTypedArray,
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeValues:
return ReduceArrayIterator(node, ArrayIteratorKind::kTypedArray,
case Builtins::kPromisePrototypeCatch:
return ReducePromisePrototypeCatch(node);
case Builtins::kPromisePrototypeFinally:
return ReducePromisePrototypeFinally(node);
case Builtins::kPromisePrototypeThen:
return ReducePromisePrototypeThen(node);
case Builtins::kPromiseResolveTrampoline:
return ReducePromiseResolveTrampoline(node);
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeEntries:
return ReduceCollectionIteration(node, CollectionKind::kMap,
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeKeys:
return ReduceCollectionIteration(node, CollectionKind::kMap,
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeGetSize:
return ReduceCollectionPrototypeSize(node, CollectionKind::kMap);
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeValues:
return ReduceCollectionIteration(node, CollectionKind::kMap,
case Builtins::kMapIteratorPrototypeNext:
return ReduceCollectionIteratorPrototypeNext(
node, OrderedHashMap::kEntrySize, factory()->empty_ordered_hash_map(),
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeEntries:
return ReduceCollectionIteration(node, CollectionKind::kSet,
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeGetSize:
return ReduceCollectionPrototypeSize(node, CollectionKind::kSet);
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeValues:
return ReduceCollectionIteration(node, CollectionKind::kSet,
case Builtins::kSetIteratorPrototypeNext:
return ReduceCollectionIteratorPrototypeNext(
node, OrderedHashSet::kEntrySize, factory()->empty_ordered_hash_set(),
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetTime:
return ReduceDatePrototypeGetTime(node);
case Builtins::kDateNow:
return ReduceDateNow(node);
case Builtins::kNumberConstructor:
return ReduceNumberConstructor(node);
case Builtins::kBigIntAsUintN:
return ReduceBigIntAsUintN(node);
if (shared.function_template_info().has_value()) {
return ReduceCallApiFunction(node, shared);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSCallWithArrayLike(Node* node) {
JSCallWithArrayLikeNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
DCHECK_EQ(p.arity_without_implicit_args(), 1); // The arraylike object.
return ReduceCallOrConstructWithArrayLikeOrSpread(
node, n.LastArgumentIndex(), p.frequency(),,
p.speculation_mode(), p.feedback_relation());
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSCallWithSpread(Node* node) {
JSCallWithSpreadNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
DCHECK_GE(p.arity_without_implicit_args(), 1); // At least the spread.
return ReduceCallOrConstructWithArrayLikeOrSpread(
node, n.LastArgumentIndex(), p.frequency(),,
p.speculation_mode(), p.feedback_relation());
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSConstruct(Node* node) {
JSConstructNode n(node);
ConstructParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
Node* target =;
Node* new_target = n.new_target();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
if ( {
ProcessedFeedback const& feedback =
if (feedback.IsInsufficient()) {
return ReduceForInsufficientFeedback(
node, DeoptimizeReason::kInsufficientTypeFeedbackForConstruct);
base::Optional<HeapObjectRef> feedback_target = feedback.AsCall().target();
if (feedback_target.has_value() && feedback_target->IsAllocationSite()) {
// The feedback is an AllocationSite, which means we have called the
// Array function and collected transition (and pretenuring) feedback
// for the resulting arrays. This has to be kept in sync with the
// implementation in Ignition.
Node* array_function =
// Check that the {target} is still the {array_function}.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), target,
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckIf(DeoptimizeReason::kWrongCallTarget), check,
effect, control);
// Turn the {node} into a {JSCreateArray} call.
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
STATIC_ASSERT(JSConstructNode::NewTargetIndex() == 1);
node->ReplaceInput(n.NewTargetIndex(), array_function);
node, javascript()->CreateArray(
arity, feedback_target->AsAllocationSite().object()));
return Changed(node);
} else if (feedback_target.has_value() &&
!HeapObjectMatcher(new_target).HasResolvedValue() &&
feedback_target->map().is_constructor()) {
Node* new_target_feedback = jsgraph()->Constant(*feedback_target);
// Check that the {new_target} is still the {new_target_feedback}.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), new_target,
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckIf(DeoptimizeReason::kWrongCallTarget), check,
effect, control);
// Specialize the JSConstruct node to the {new_target_feedback}.
node->ReplaceInput(n.NewTargetIndex(), new_target_feedback);
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
if (target == new_target) {
node->ReplaceInput(n.TargetIndex(), new_target_feedback);
// Try to further reduce the JSConstruct {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSConstruct(node));
// Try to specialize JSConstruct {node}s with constant {target}s.
HeapObjectMatcher m(target);
if (m.HasResolvedValue()) {
HeapObjectRef target_ref = m.Ref(broker());
// Raise a TypeError if the {target} is not a constructor.
if (! {
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInputs(node, target);
return Changed(node);
if (target_ref.IsJSFunction()) {
JSFunctionRef function = target_ref.AsJSFunction();
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !function.serialized()) {
"function, not serialized: " << function);
return NoChange();
// Do not reduce constructors with break points.
if (function.shared().HasBreakInfo()) return NoChange();
// Don't inline cross native context.
if (!function.native_context().equals(native_context())) {
return NoChange();
// Check for known builtin functions.
int builtin_id = function.shared().HasBuiltinId()
? function.shared().builtin_id()
: Builtins::kNoBuiltinId;
switch (builtin_id) {
case Builtins::kArrayConstructor: {
// TODO(bmeurer): Deal with Array subclasses here.
// Turn the {node} into a {JSCreateArray} call.
STATIC_ASSERT(JSConstructNode::NewTargetIndex() == 1);
node->ReplaceInput(n.NewTargetIndex(), new_target);
node, javascript()->CreateArray(arity, Handle<AllocationSite>()));
return Changed(node);
case Builtins::kObjectConstructor: {
// If no value is passed, we can immediately lower to a simple
// JSCreate and don't need to do any massaging of the {node}.
if (arity == 0) {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->Create());
return Changed(node);
// If {target} is not the same as {new_target} (i.e. the Object
// constructor), {value} will be ignored and therefore we can lower
// to {JSCreate}. See
HeapObjectMatcher mnew_target(new_target);
if (mnew_target.HasResolvedValue() &&
!mnew_target.Ref(broker()).equals(function)) {
// Drop the value inputs.
for (int i = n.ArgumentCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->Create());
return Changed(node);
case Builtins::kPromiseConstructor:
return ReducePromiseConstructor(node);
case Builtins::kTypedArrayConstructor:
return ReduceTypedArrayConstructor(node, function.shared());
} else if (target_ref.IsJSBoundFunction()) {
JSBoundFunctionRef function = target_ref.AsJSBoundFunction();
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !function.serialized()) {
"function, not serialized: " << function);
return NoChange();
ObjectRef bound_target_function = function.bound_target_function();
FixedArrayRef bound_arguments = function.bound_arguments();
// Patch {node} to use [[BoundTargetFunction]].
// Patch {node} to use [[BoundTargetFunction]]
// as if {new_target} equals {target}.
target, new_target),
// Insert the [[BoundArguments]] for {node}.
for (int i = 0; i < bound_arguments.length(); ++i) {
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), n.ArgumentIndex(i),
// Update the JSConstruct operator on {node}.
node, javascript()->Construct(JSConstructNode::ArityForArgc(arity),
p.frequency(), FeedbackSource()));
// Try to further reduce the JSConstruct {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSConstruct(node));
// TODO(bmeurer): Also support optimizing proxies here.
// If {target} is the result of a JSCreateBoundFunction operation,
// we can just fold the construction and construct the bound target
// function directly instead.
if (target->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCreateBoundFunction) {
Node* bound_target_function = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(target, 0);
int const bound_arguments_length =
// Patch the {node} to use [[BoundTargetFunction]].
node->ReplaceInput(n.TargetIndex(), bound_target_function);
// Patch {node} to use [[BoundTargetFunction]]
// as if {new_target} equals {target}.
target, new_target),
bound_target_function, new_target));
// Insert the [[BoundArguments]] for {node}.
for (int i = 0; i < bound_arguments_length; ++i) {
Node* value = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(target, 2 + i);
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), n.ArgumentIndex(i), value);
// Update the JSConstruct operator on {node}.
node, javascript()->Construct(JSConstructNode::ArityForArgc(arity),
p.frequency(), FeedbackSource()));
// Try to further reduce the JSConstruct {node}.
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReduceJSConstruct(node));
return NoChange();
// ES #sec-string.prototype.indexof
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeIndexOf(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
if (n.ArgumentCount() > 0) {
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* new_receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, receiver, effect, control);
Node* search_string = n.Argument(0);
Node* new_search_string = effect =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckString(, search_string,
effect, control);
Node* new_position = jsgraph()->ZeroConstant();
if (n.ArgumentCount() > 1) {
Node* position = n.Argument(1);
new_position = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckSmi(, position, effect, control);
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(0, new_receiver);
node->ReplaceInput(1, new_search_string);
node->ReplaceInput(2, new_position);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, simplified()->StringIndexOf());
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
// ES #sec-string.prototype.substring
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeSubstring(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) return NoChange();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
JSCallReducerAssembler a(this, node);
Node* subgraph = a.ReduceStringPrototypeSubstring();
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
// ES #sec-string.prototype.slice
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeSlice(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) return NoChange();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
JSCallReducerAssembler a(this, node);
Node* subgraph = a.ReduceStringPrototypeSlice();
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
// ES #sec-string.prototype.substr
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeSubstr(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) return NoChange();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* start = n.Argument(0);
Node* end = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckString(,
receiver, effect, control);
start = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckSmi(, start,
effect, control);
Node* length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), receiver);
// Replace {end} argument with {length} if it is undefined.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), end,
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse), check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue = length;
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* vfalse = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckSmi(, end, efalse, if_false);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
end = graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
Node* initStart = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Select(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, BranchHint::kFalse),
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), start,
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), length, start),
// The select above guarantees that initStart is non-negative, but
// our typer can't figure that out yet.
initStart = effect = graph()->NewNode(
common()->TypeGuard(Type::UnsignedSmall()), initStart, effect, control);
Node* resultLength = graph()->NewNode(
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberMax(), end,
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), length, initStart));
// The the select below uses {resultLength} only if {resultLength > 0},
// but our typer can't figure that out yet.
Node* to = effect = graph()->NewNode(
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), initStart, resultLength),
effect, control);
Node* result_string = nullptr;
// Return empty string if {from} is smaller than {to}.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(),
jsgraph()->ZeroConstant(), resultLength);
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue = etrue =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringSubstring(), receiver, initStart,
to, etrue, if_true);
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* vfalse = jsgraph()->EmptyStringConstant();
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
result_string =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, result_string, effect, control);
return Replace(result_string);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSConstructWithArrayLike(Node* node) {
JSConstructWithArrayLikeNode n(node);
ConstructParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
const int arraylike_index = n.LastArgumentIndex();
DCHECK_EQ(n.ArgumentCount(), 1); // The arraylike object.
return ReduceCallOrConstructWithArrayLikeOrSpread(
node, arraylike_index, p.frequency(),,
SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation, CallFeedbackRelation::kRelated);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceJSConstructWithSpread(Node* node) {
JSConstructWithSpreadNode n(node);
ConstructParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
const int spread_index = n.LastArgumentIndex();
DCHECK_GE(n.ArgumentCount(), 1); // At least the spread.
return ReduceCallOrConstructWithArrayLikeOrSpread(
node, spread_index, p.frequency(),,
SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation, CallFeedbackRelation::kRelated);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceReturnReceiver(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
ReplaceWithValue(node, receiver);
return Replace(receiver);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceForInsufficientFeedback(
Node* node, DeoptimizeReason reason) {
DCHECK(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCall ||
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSConstruct);
if (!(flags() & kBailoutOnUninitialized)) return NoChange();
// TODO(mythria): May be add additional flags to specify if we need to deopt
// on calls / construct rather than checking for TurboProp here. We may need
// it for NativeContextIndependent code too.
if (broker()->is_turboprop()) return NoChange();
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* frame_state =
NodeProperties::FindFrameStateBefore(node, jsgraph()->Dead());
Node* deoptimize = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Deoptimize(DeoptimizeKind::kSoft, reason, FeedbackSource()),
frame_state, effect, control);
// TODO(bmeurer): This should be on the AdvancedReducer somehow.
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), deoptimize);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, common()->Dead());
return Changed(node);
Node* JSCallReducer::LoadReceiverElementsKind(Node* receiver, Effect* effect,
Control control) {
Node* effect_node = *effect;
Node* receiver_map = effect_node =
receiver, effect_node, control);
Node* receiver_bit_field2 = effect_node = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForMapBitField2()), receiver_map,
effect_node, control);
Node* receiver_elements_kind = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberBitwiseAnd(), receiver_bit_field2,
*effect = effect_node;
return receiver_elements_kind;
void JSCallReducer::CheckIfElementsKind(Node* receiver_elements_kind,
ElementsKind kind, Node* control,
Node** if_true, Node** if_false) {
Node* is_packed_kind =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), receiver_elements_kind,
Node* packed_branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), is_packed_kind, control);
Node* if_packed = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), packed_branch);
if (IsHoleyElementsKind(kind)) {
Node* if_not_packed = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), packed_branch);
Node* is_holey_kind =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), receiver_elements_kind,
Node* holey_branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), is_holey_kind, if_not_packed);
Node* if_holey = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), holey_branch);
Node* if_not_packed_not_holey =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), holey_branch);
*if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_packed, if_holey);
*if_false = if_not_packed_not_holey;
} else {
*if_true = if_packed;
*if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), packed_branch);
// ES6 section Array.prototype.push ( )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayPrototypePush(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
int const num_values = n.ArgumentCount();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
std::vector<ElementsKind> kinds;
if (!CanInlineArrayResizingBuiltin(broker(), receiver_maps, &kinds, true)) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnNoElementsProtector()) UNREACHABLE();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
std::vector<Node*> controls_to_merge;
std::vector<Node*> effects_to_merge;
std::vector<Node*> values_to_merge;
Node* return_value = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
Node* receiver_elements_kind =
LoadReceiverElementsKind(receiver, &effect, control);
Node* next_control = control;
Node* next_effect = effect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
ElementsKind kind = kinds[i];
control = next_control;
effect = next_effect;
// We do not need branch for the last elements kind.
if (i != kinds.size() - 1) {
Node* control_node = control;
CheckIfElementsKind(receiver_elements_kind, kind, control_node,
&control_node, &next_control);
control = control_node;
// Collect the value inputs to push.
std::vector<Node*> values(num_values);
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
values[i] = n.Argument(i);
for (auto& value : values) {
if (IsSmiElementsKind(kind)) {
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckSmi(,
value, effect, control);
} else if (IsDoubleElementsKind(kind)) {
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckNumber(, value, effect, control);
// Make sure we do not store signaling NaNs into double arrays.
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSilenceNaN(), value);
// Load the "length" property of the {receiver}.
Node* length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
return_value = length;
// Check if we have any {values} to push.
if (num_values > 0) {
// Compute the resulting "length" of the {receiver}.
Node* new_length = return_value = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberAdd(), length, jsgraph()->Constant(num_values));
// Load the elements backing store of the {receiver}.
Node* elements = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* elements_length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
elements, effect, control);
GrowFastElementsMode mode =
? GrowFastElementsMode::kDoubleElements
: GrowFastElementsMode::kSmiOrObjectElements;
elements = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->MaybeGrowFastElements(mode,, receiver,
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), length,
jsgraph()->Constant(num_values - 1)),
elements_length, effect, control);
// Update the JSArray::length field. Since this is observable,
// there must be no other check after this.
effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, new_length, effect, control);
// Append the {values} to the {elements}.
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
Node* value = values[i];
Node* index = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), length,
effect =
elements, index, value, effect, control);
if (controls_to_merge.size() > 1) {
int const count = static_cast<int>(controls_to_merge.size());
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(count), count,
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(count), count + 1,
return_value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, count),
count + 1, &values_to_merge.front());
ReplaceWithValue(node, return_value, effect, control);
return Replace(return_value);
// ES6 section Array.prototype.pop ( )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayPrototypePop(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
std::vector<ElementsKind> kinds;
if (!CanInlineArrayResizingBuiltin(broker(), receiver_maps, &kinds)) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnNoElementsProtector()) UNREACHABLE();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
std::vector<Node*> controls_to_merge;
std::vector<Node*> effects_to_merge;
std::vector<Node*> values_to_merge;
Node* value = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
Node* receiver_elements_kind =
LoadReceiverElementsKind(receiver, &effect, control);
Node* next_control = control;
Node* next_effect = effect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
ElementsKind kind = kinds[i];
control = next_control;
effect = next_effect;
// We do not need branch for the last elements kind.
if (i != kinds.size() - 1) {
Node* control_node = control;
CheckIfElementsKind(receiver_elements_kind, kind, control_node,
&control_node, &next_control);
control = control_node;
// Load the "length" property of the {receiver}.
Node* length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
// Check if the {receiver} has any elements.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), length,
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse), check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* vfalse;
// TODO(tebbi): We should trim the backing store if the capacity is too
// big, as implemented in
// Load the elements backing store from the {receiver}.
Node* elements = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, efalse, if_false);
// Ensure that we aren't popping from a copy-on-write backing store.
if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind)) {
elements = efalse =
receiver, elements, efalse, if_false);
// Compute the new {length}.
length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), length,
// Store the new {length} to the {receiver}.
efalse = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, length, efalse, if_false);
// Load the last entry from the {elements}.
vfalse = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
elements, length, efalse, if_false);
// Store a hole to the element we just removed from the {receiver}.
efalse = graph()->NewNode(
elements, length, jsgraph()->TheHoleConstant(), efalse, if_false);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
value = graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
// Convert the hole to undefined. Do this last, so that we can optimize
// conversion operator via some smart strength reduction in many cases.
if (IsHoleyElementsKind(kind)) {
value =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(), value);
if (controls_to_merge.size() > 1) {
int const count = static_cast<int>(controls_to_merge.size());
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(count), count,
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(count), count + 1,
value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, count),
count + 1, &values_to_merge.front());
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Array.prototype.shift ( )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayPrototypeShift(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* target =;
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
std::vector<ElementsKind> kinds;
if (!CanInlineArrayResizingBuiltin(broker(), receiver_maps, &kinds)) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnNoElementsProtector()) UNREACHABLE();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
std::vector<Node*> controls_to_merge;
std::vector<Node*> effects_to_merge;
std::vector<Node*> values_to_merge;
Node* value = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
Node* receiver_elements_kind =
LoadReceiverElementsKind(receiver, &effect, control);
Node* next_control = control;
Node* next_effect = effect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
ElementsKind kind = kinds[i];
control = next_control;
effect = next_effect;
// We do not need branch for the last elements kind.
if (i != kinds.size() - 1) {
Node* control_node = control;
CheckIfElementsKind(receiver_elements_kind, kind, control_node,
&control_node, &next_control);
control = control_node;
// Load length of the {receiver}.
Node* length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
// Return undefined if {receiver} has no elements.
Node* check0 = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), length,
Node* branch0 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse), check0, control);
Node* if_true0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch0);
Node* etrue0 = effect;
Node* vtrue0 = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
Node* if_false0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch0);
Node* efalse0 = effect;
Node* vfalse0;
// Check if we should take the fast-path.
Node* check1 =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThanOrEqual(), length,
Node* branch1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue),
check1, if_false0);
Node* if_true1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch1);
Node* etrue1 = efalse0;
Node* vtrue1;
Node* elements = etrue1 = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, etrue1, if_true1);
// Load the first element here, which we return below.
vtrue1 = etrue1 = graph()->NewNode(
elements, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant(), etrue1, if_true1);
// Ensure that we aren't shifting a copy-on-write backing store.
if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind)) {
elements = etrue1 =
receiver, elements, etrue1, if_true1);
// Shift the remaining {elements} by one towards the start.
Node* loop = graph()->NewNode(common()->Loop(2), if_true1, if_true1);
Node* eloop =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue1, etrue1, loop);
Node* terminate = graph()->NewNode(common()->Terminate(), eloop, loop);
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), terminate);
Node* index = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
jsgraph()->Constant(JSArray::kMaxCopyElements - 1), loop);
Node* check2 =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), index, length);
Node* branch2 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), check2, loop);
if_true1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch2);
etrue1 = eloop;
Node* control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch2);
Node* effect = etrue1;
ElementAccess const access =
Node* value = effect =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->LoadElement(access), elements,
index, effect, control);
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->StoreElement(access), elements,
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), index,
value, effect, control);
loop->ReplaceInput(1, control);
eloop->ReplaceInput(1, effect);
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), index,
// Compute the new {length}.
length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), length,
// Store the new {length} to the {receiver}.
etrue1 = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, length, etrue1, if_true1);
// Store a hole to the element we just removed from the {receiver}.
etrue1 = graph()->NewNode(
elements, length, jsgraph()->TheHoleConstant(), etrue1, if_true1);
Node* if_false1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch1);
Node* efalse1 = efalse0;
Node* vfalse1;
// Call the generic C++ implementation.
const int builtin_index = Builtins::kArrayShift;
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetCEntryStubCallDescriptor(
graph()->zone(), 1, BuiltinArguments::kNumExtraArgsWithReceiver,
Builtins::name(builtin_index), node->op()->properties(),
Node* stub_code = jsgraph()->CEntryStubConstant(1, kDontSaveFPRegs,
kArgvOnStack, true);
Address builtin_entry = Builtins::CppEntryOf(builtin_index);
Node* entry = jsgraph()->ExternalConstant(
Node* argc =
if_false1 = efalse1 = vfalse1 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Call(call_descriptor), stub_code,
receiver, jsgraph()->PaddingConstant(), argc,
target, jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant(), entry,
argc, context, frame_state, efalse1, if_false1);
if_false0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true1, if_false1);
efalse0 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue1, efalse1, if_false0);
vfalse0 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue1, vfalse1, if_false0);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true0, if_false0);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue0, efalse0, control);
value = graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue0, vfalse0, control);
// Convert the hole to undefined. Do this last, so that we can optimize
// conversion operator via some smart strength reduction in many cases.
if (IsHoleyElementsKind(kind)) {
value =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(), value);
if (controls_to_merge.size() > 1) {
int const count = static_cast<int>(controls_to_merge.size());
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(count), count,
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(count), count + 1,
value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, count),
count + 1, &values_to_merge.front());
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Array.prototype.slice ( )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayPrototypeSlice(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
if (!FLAG_turbo_inline_array_builtins) return NoChange();
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* start = n.ArgumentOr(0, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Node* end = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Optimize for the case where we simply clone the {receiver},
// i.e. when the {start} is zero and the {end} is undefined
// (meaning it will be set to {receiver}s "length" property).
if (!NumberMatcher(start).Is(0) ||
!HeapObjectMatcher(end).Is(factory()->undefined_value())) {
return NoChange();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
// Check that the maps are of JSArray (and more).
// TODO(turbofan): Consider adding special case for the common pattern
// ``, for example jQuery makes heavy use of that.
bool can_be_holey = false;
for (Handle<Map> map : receiver_maps) {
MapRef receiver_map(broker(), map);
if (!receiver_map.supports_fast_array_iteration())
return inference.NoChange();
if (IsHoleyElementsKind(receiver_map.elements_kind())) {
can_be_holey = true;
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArraySpeciesProtector())
return inference.NoChange();
if (can_be_holey) {
if (!dependencies()->DependOnNoElementsProtector()) UNREACHABLE();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// TODO(turbofan): We can do even better here, either adding a CloneArray
// simplified operator, whose output type indicates that it's an Array,
// saving subsequent checks, or yet better, by introducing new operators
// CopySmiOrObjectElements / CopyDoubleElements and inlining the JSArray
// allocation in here. That way we'd even get escape analysis and scalar
// replacement to help in some cases.
Callable callable =
Builtins::CallableFor(isolate(), Builtins::kCloneFastJSArray);
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph()->zone(), callable.descriptor(),
callable.descriptor().GetStackParameterCount(), CallDescriptor::kNoFlags,
Operator::kNoThrow | Operator::kNoDeopt);
// Calls to Builtins::kCloneFastJSArray produce COW arrays
// if the original array is COW
Node* clone = effect = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Call(call_descriptor), jsgraph()->HeapConstant(callable.code()),
receiver, context, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, clone, effect, control);
return Replace(clone);
// ES6 section Array.isArray ( arg )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayIsArray(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
// We certainly know that undefined is not an array.
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Node* object = n.Argument(0);
node->ReplaceInput(0, object);
node->ReplaceInput(1, context);
node->ReplaceInput(2, frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(3, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(4, control);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->ObjectIsArray());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayIterator(Node* node,
ArrayIteratorKind array_kind,
IterationKind iteration_kind) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Check if we know that {receiver} is a valid JSReceiver.
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAreJSReceiver()) {
return NoChange();
// TypedArray iteration is stricter: it throws if the receiver is not a typed
// array. So don't bother optimizing in that case.
if (array_kind == ArrayIteratorKind::kTypedArray &&
!inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(InstanceType::JS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPE)) {
return NoChange();
if (array_kind == ArrayIteratorKind::kTypedArray) {
// Make sure we deopt when the JSArrayBuffer is detached.
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArrayBufferDetachingProtector()) {
CallParameters const& p = CallParametersOf(node->op());
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* buffer = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* buffer_bit_field = effect = graph()->NewNode(
buffer, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberBitwiseAnd(), buffer_bit_field,
effect = graph()->NewNode(
check, effect, control);
// Morph the {node} into a JSCreateArrayIterator with the given {kind}.
node->ReplaceInput(0, receiver);
node->ReplaceInput(1, context);
node->ReplaceInput(2, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(3, control);
return Changed(node);
// ES
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayIteratorPrototypeNext(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
Node* iterator = n.receiver();
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (iterator->opcode() != IrOpcode::kJSCreateArrayIterator) return NoChange();
IterationKind const iteration_kind =
Node* iterated_object = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(iterator, 0);
Node* iterator_effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(iterator);
MapInference inference(broker(), iterated_object, iterator_effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& iterated_object_maps = inference.GetMaps();
// Check that various {iterated_object_maps} have compatible elements kinds.
ElementsKind elements_kind =
MapRef(broker(), iterated_object_maps[0]).elements_kind();
if (IsTypedArrayElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
// TurboFan doesn't support loading from BigInt typed arrays yet.
if (elements_kind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS ||
elements_kind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return inference.NoChange();
for (Handle<Map> map : iterated_object_maps) {
MapRef iterated_object_map(broker(), map);
if (iterated_object_map.elements_kind() != elements_kind) {
return inference.NoChange();
} else {
if (!CanInlineArrayIteratingBuiltin(broker(), iterated_object_maps,
&elements_kind)) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (IsHoleyElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
if (!dependencies()->DependOnNoElementsProtector()) UNREACHABLE();
// Since the map inference was done relative to {iterator_effect} rather than
// {effect}, we need to guard the use of the map(s) even when the inference
// was reliable.
inference.InsertMapChecks(jsgraph(), &effect, control,;
if (IsTypedArrayElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
// See if we can skip the detaching check.
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArrayBufferDetachingProtector()) {
// Bail out if the {iterated_object}s JSArrayBuffer was detached.
Node* buffer = effect = graph()->NewNode(
iterated_object, effect, control);
Node* buffer_bit_field = effect = graph()->NewNode(
buffer, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberBitwiseAnd(), buffer_bit_field,
effect = graph()->NewNode(
check, effect, control);
// Load the [[NextIndex]] from the {iterator} and leverage the fact
// that we definitely know that it's in Unsigned32 range since the
// {iterated_object} is either a JSArray or a JSTypedArray. For the
// latter case we even know that it's a Smi in UnsignedSmall range.
FieldAccess index_access = AccessBuilder::ForJSArrayIteratorNextIndex();
if (IsTypedArrayElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
index_access.type = TypeCache::Get()->kJSTypedArrayLengthType;
} else {
index_access.type = TypeCache::Get()->kJSArrayLengthType;
Node* index = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->LoadField(index_access),
iterator, effect, control);
// Load the elements of the {iterated_object}. While it feels
// counter-intuitive to place the elements pointer load before
// the condition below, as it might not be needed (if the {index}
// is out of bounds for the {iterated_object}), it's better this
// way as it allows the LoadElimination to eliminate redundant
// reloads of the elements pointer.
Node* elements = effect = graph()->NewNode(
iterated_object, effect, control);
// Load the length of the {iterated_object}. Due to the map checks we
// already know something about the length here, which we can leverage
// to generate Word32 operations below without additional checking.
FieldAccess length_access =
? AccessBuilder::ForJSTypedArrayLength()
: AccessBuilder::ForJSArrayLength(elements_kind);
Node* length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(length_access), iterated_object, effect, control);
// Check whether {index} is within the valid range for the {iterated_object}.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), index, length);
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kNone), check, control);
Node* done_true;
Node* value_true;
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
// We know that the {index} is range of the {length} now.
index = etrue = graph()->NewNode(
Type::Range(0.0, length_access.type.Max() - 1.0, graph()->zone())),
index, etrue, if_true);
done_true = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
if (iteration_kind == IterationKind::kKeys) {
// Just return the {index}.
value_true = index;
} else {
DCHECK(iteration_kind == IterationKind::kEntries ||
iteration_kind == IterationKind::kValues);
if (IsTypedArrayElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
Node* base_ptr = etrue =
iterated_object, etrue, if_true);
Node* external_ptr = etrue = graph()->NewNode(
iterated_object, etrue, if_true);
ExternalArrayType array_type = kExternalInt8Array;
switch (elements_kind) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype) \
array_type = kExternal##Type##Array; \
Node* buffer = etrue =
iterated_object, etrue, if_true);
value_true = etrue =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->LoadTypedElement(array_type), buffer,
base_ptr, external_ptr, index, etrue, if_true);
} else {
value_true = etrue = graph()->NewNode(
elements, index, etrue, if_true);
// Convert hole to undefined if needed.
if (elements_kind == HOLEY_ELEMENTS ||
elements_kind == HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS) {
value_true = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(), value_true);
} else if (elements_kind == HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) {
// TODO(6587): avoid deopt if not all uses of value are truncated.
CheckFloat64HoleMode mode = CheckFloat64HoleMode::kAllowReturnHole;
value_true = etrue = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckFloat64Hole(mode,, value_true,
etrue, if_true);
if (iteration_kind == IterationKind::kEntries) {
// Allocate elements for key/value pair
value_true = etrue =
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreateKeyValueArray(), index,
value_true, context, etrue);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(IterationKind::kValues, iteration_kind);
// Increment the [[NextIndex]] field in the {iterator}. The TypeGuards
// above guarantee that the {next_index} is in the UnsignedSmall range.
Node* next_index = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), index,
etrue = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StoreField(index_access), iterator,
next_index, etrue, if_true);
Node* done_false;
Node* value_false;
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
// iterator.[[NextIndex]] >= array.length, stop iterating.
done_false = jsgraph()->TrueConstant();
value_false = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
if (!IsTypedArrayElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
// Mark the {iterator} as exhausted by setting the [[NextIndex]] to a
// value that will never pass the length check again (aka the maximum
// value possible for the specific iterated object). Note that this is
// different from what the specification says, which is changing the
// [[IteratedObject]] field to undefined, but that makes it difficult
// to eliminate the map checks and "length" accesses in for..of loops.
// This is not necessary for JSTypedArray's, since the length of those
// cannot change later and so if we were ever out of bounds for them
// we will stay out-of-bounds forever.
Node* end_index = jsgraph()->Constant(index_access.type.Max());
efalse = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StoreField(index_access),
iterator, end_index, efalse, if_false);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
value_true, value_false, control);
Node* done =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
done_true, done_false, control);
// Create IteratorResult object.
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreateIterResultObject(),
value, done, context, effect);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section String.prototype.charCodeAt ( pos )
// ES6 section String.prototype.codePointAt ( pos )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeStringAt(
const Operator* string_access_operator, Node* node) {
DCHECK(string_access_operator->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStringCharCodeAt ||
string_access_operator->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStringCodePointAt);
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* index = n.ArgumentOr(0, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Ensure that the {receiver} is actually a String.
receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckString(,
receiver, effect, control);
// Determine the {receiver} length.
Node* receiver_length =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), receiver);
// Check that the {index} is within range.
index = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckBounds(,
index, receiver_length, effect, control);
// Return the character from the {receiver} as single character string.
Node* masked_index = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->PoisonIndex(), index);
Node* value = effect = graph()->NewNode(string_access_operator, receiver,
masked_index, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES section
// String.prototype.startsWith ( searchString [ , position ] )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeStartsWith(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckString(, receiver,
effect, control);
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
Node* search_string = n.Argument(0);
Node* position = n.ArgumentOr(1, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
HeapObjectMatcher m(search_string);
if (m.HasResolvedValue()) {
ObjectRef target_ref = m.Ref(broker());
if (target_ref.IsString()) {
StringRef str = target_ref.AsString();
if (str.length() == 1) {
receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, receiver, effect, control);
position = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckSmi(, position, effect, control);
Node* string_length =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), receiver);
Node* unsigned_position = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberMax(), position, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(),
unsigned_position, string_length);
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kNone),
check, control);
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* vfalse = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue;
Node* masked_position =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->PoisonIndex(), unsigned_position);
Node* string_first = etrue =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringCharCodeAt(), receiver,
masked_position, etrue, if_true);
Node* search_first = jsgraph()->Constant(str.GetFirstChar());
vtrue = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), string_first,
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
effect =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES section String.prototype.charAt ( pos )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeCharAt(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* index = n.ArgumentOr(0, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Ensure that the {receiver} is actually a String.
receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckString(,
receiver, effect, control);
// Determine the {receiver} length.
Node* receiver_length =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), receiver);
// Check that the {index} is within range.
index = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckBounds(,
index, receiver_length, effect, control);
// Return the character from the {receiver} as single character string.
Node* masked_index = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->PoisonIndex(), index);
Node* value = effect =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringCharCodeAt(), receiver, masked_index,
effect, control);
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringFromSingleCharCode(), value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeToLowerCaseIntl(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, n.receiver(), effect, control);
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(0, receiver);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, simplified()->StringToLowerCaseIntl());
NodeProperties::SetType(node, Type::String());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeToUpperCaseIntl(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, n.receiver(), effect, control);
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(0, receiver);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, simplified()->StringToUpperCaseIntl());
NodeProperties::SetType(node, Type::String());
return Changed(node);
#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
// ES #sec-string.fromcharcode
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringFromCharCode(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() == 1) {
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
input = effect = graph()->NewNode(
input, effect, control);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringFromSingleCharCode(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES #sec-string.fromcodepoint
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringFromCodePoint(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() != 1) return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
input = effect = graph()->NewNode(
input, jsgraph()->Constant(0x10FFFF + 1), effect, control);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringFromSingleCodePoint(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeIterator(Node* node) {
// TODO(jgruber): We could reduce here when generating native context
// independent code, if LowerJSCreateStringIterator were implemented in
// generic lowering.
if (broker()->is_native_context_independent()) return NoChange();
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, n.receiver(), effect, control);
Node* iterator = effect =
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreateStringIterator(), receiver,
jsgraph()->NoContextConstant(), effect);
ReplaceWithValue(node, iterator, effect, control);
return Replace(iterator);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringIteratorPrototypeNext(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* context = n.context();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() ||
!inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(JS_STRING_ITERATOR_TYPE)) {
return NoChange();
Node* string = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* index = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), string);
// branch0: if (index < length)
Node* check0 =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), index, length);
Node* branch0 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kNone), check0, control);
Node* etrue0 = effect;
Node* if_true0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch0);
Node* done_true;
Node* vtrue0;
done_true = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
vtrue0 = etrue0 = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringFromCodePointAt(),
string, index, etrue0, if_true0);
// Update iterator.[[NextIndex]]
Node* char_length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), vtrue0);
index = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), index, char_length);
etrue0 = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, index, etrue0, if_true0);
Node* if_false0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch0);
Node* done_false;
Node* vfalse0;
vfalse0 = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
done_false = jsgraph()->TrueConstant();
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true0, if_false0);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue0, effect, control);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2), vtrue0,
vfalse0, control);
Node* done =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
done_true, done_false, control);
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreateIterResultObject(),
value, done, context, effect);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES #sec-string.prototype.concat
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceStringPrototypeConcat(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
const int parameter_count = n.ArgumentCount();
if (parameter_count > 1) return NoChange();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* receiver = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, n.receiver(), effect, control);
if (parameter_count == 0) {
ReplaceWithValue(node, receiver, effect, control);
return Replace(receiver);
Node* argument = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, n.Argument(0), effect, control);
Node* receiver_length =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), receiver);
Node* argument_length =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringLength(), argument);
Node* length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), receiver_length,
length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckBounds(, length,
jsgraph()->Constant(String::kMaxLength + 1), effect, control);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringConcat(), length, receiver,
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReducePromiseConstructor(Node* node) {
// TODO(jgruber): We could reduce here when generating native context
// independent code, if LowerJSCreatePromise were implemented in generic
// lowering.
if (broker()->is_native_context_independent()) return NoChange();
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
PromiseBuiltinReducerAssembler a(this, node, broker());
// We only inline when we have the executor.
if (a.ConstructArity() < 1) return NoChange();
// Only handle builtins Promises, not subclasses.
if (a.TargetInput() != a.NewTargetInput()) return NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseHookProtector()) return NoChange();
TNode<Object> subgraph = a.ReducePromiseConstructor(native_context());
return ReplaceWithSubgraph(&a, subgraph);
bool JSCallReducer::DoPromiseChecks(MapInference* inference) {
if (!inference->HaveMaps()) return false;
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference->GetMaps();
// Check whether all {receiver_maps} are JSPromise maps and
// have the initial Promise.prototype as their [[Prototype]].
for (Handle<Map> map : receiver_maps) {
MapRef receiver_map(broker(), map);
if (!receiver_map.IsJSPromiseMap()) return false;
if (should_disallow_heap_access() && !receiver_map.serialized_prototype()) {
TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker(), "prototype for map " << receiver_map);
return false;
if (!receiver_map.prototype().equals(
native_context().promise_prototype())) {
return false;
return true;
// ES section #sec-promise.prototype.catch
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReducePromisePrototypeCatch(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!DoPromiseChecks(&inference)) return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseThenProtector()) {
return inference.NoChange();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// Massage the {node} to call "then" instead by first removing all inputs
// following the onRejected parameter, and then filling up the parameters
// to two inputs from the left with undefined.
Node* target = jsgraph()->Constant(native_context().promise_then());
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, target, 0);
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
for (; arity > 1; --arity) node->RemoveInput(3);
for (; arity < 2; ++arity) {
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 2, jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
node, javascript()->Call(
JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(arity), p.frequency(),,
ConvertReceiverMode::kNotNullOrUndefined, p.speculation_mode(),
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReducePromisePrototypeThen(node));
Node* JSCallReducer::CreateClosureFromBuiltinSharedFunctionInfo(
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared, Node* context, Node* effect, Node* control) {
Handle<FeedbackCell> feedback_cell =
Callable const callable = Builtins::CallableFor(
isolate(), static_cast<Builtins::Name>(shared.builtin_id()));
return graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CreateClosure(shared.object(), callable.code()),
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(feedback_cell), context, effect, control);
// ES section #sec-promise.prototype.finally
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReducePromisePrototypeFinally(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* on_finally = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!DoPromiseChecks(&inference)) return inference.NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseHookProtector()) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseThenProtector()) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseSpeciesProtector()) {
return inference.NoChange();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// Check if {on_finally} is callable, and if so wrap it into appropriate
// closures that perform the finalization.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsCallable(), on_finally);
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* catch_true;
Node* then_true;
Node* context = jsgraph()->Constant(native_context());
Node* constructor =
// Allocate shared context for the closures below.
context = etrue =
PromiseBuiltins::kPromiseFinallyContextLength -
context, etrue, if_true);
etrue = graph()->NewNode(
context, on_finally, etrue, if_true);
etrue = graph()->NewNode(
context, constructor, etrue, if_true);
// Allocate the closure for the reject case.
SharedFunctionInfoRef promise_catch_finally(
broker(), factory()->promise_catch_finally_shared_fun());
catch_true = etrue = CreateClosureFromBuiltinSharedFunctionInfo(
promise_catch_finally, context, etrue, if_true);
// Allocate the closure for the fulfill case.
SharedFunctionInfoRef promise_then_finally(
broker(), factory()->promise_then_finally_shared_fun());
then_true = etrue = CreateClosureFromBuiltinSharedFunctionInfo(
promise_then_finally, context, etrue, if_true);
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* catch_false = on_finally;
Node* then_false = on_finally;
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
Node* catch_finally =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
catch_true, catch_false, control);
Node* then_finally =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
then_true, then_false, control);
// At this point we definitely know that {receiver} has one of the
// {receiver_maps}, so insert a MapGuard as a hint for the lowering
// of the call to "then" below.
ZoneHandleSet<Map> maps;
for (Handle<Map> map : receiver_maps) maps.insert(map, graph()->zone());
effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->MapGuard(maps), receiver, effect,
// Massage the {node} to call "then" instead by first removing all inputs
// following the onFinally parameter, and then replacing the only parameter
// input with the {on_finally} value.
Node* target = jsgraph()->Constant(native_context().promise_then());
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, target, n.TargetIndex());
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, effect);
NodeProperties::ReplaceControlInput(node, control);
for (; arity > 2; --arity) node->RemoveInput(2);
for (; arity < 2; ++arity) {
node->InsertInput(graph()->zone(), 2, then_finally);
node->ReplaceInput(2, then_finally);
node->ReplaceInput(3, catch_finally);
node, javascript()->Call(
JSCallNode::ArityForArgc(arity), p.frequency(),,
ConvertReceiverMode::kNotNullOrUndefined, p.speculation_mode(),
return Changed(node).FollowedBy(ReducePromisePrototypeThen(node));
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReducePromisePrototypeThen(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* on_fulfilled = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* on_rejected = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!DoPromiseChecks(&inference)) return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseHookProtector()) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (!dependencies()->DependOnPromiseSpeciesProtector()) {
return inference.NoChange();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// Check that {on_fulfilled} is callable.
on_fulfilled = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Select(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, BranchHint::kTrue),
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsCallable(), on_fulfilled),
on_fulfilled, jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
// Check that {on_rejected} is callable.
on_rejected = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Select(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, BranchHint::kTrue),
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsCallable(), on_rejected),
on_rejected, jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
// Create the resulting JSPromise.
Node* promise = effect =
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreatePromise(), context, effect);
// Chain {result} onto {receiver}.
promise = effect = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->PerformPromiseThen(), receiver, on_fulfilled, on_rejected,
promise, context, frame_state, effect, control);
// At this point we know that {promise} is going to have the
// initial Promise map, since even if {PerformPromiseThen}
// above called into the host rejection tracker, the {promise}
// doesn't escape to user JavaScript. So bake this information
// into the graph such that subsequent passes can use the
// information for further optimizations.
MapRef promise_map = native_context().promise_function().initial_map();
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->MapGuard(ZoneHandleSet<Map>(promise_map.object())), promise,
effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, promise, effect, control);
return Replace(promise);
// ES section #sec-promise.resolve
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReducePromiseResolveTrampoline(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf no_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* value = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
// Only reduce when the receiver is guaranteed to be a JSReceiver.
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAreJSReceiver()) {
return NoChange();
// Morph the {node} into a JSPromiseResolve operation.
node->ReplaceInput(0, receiver);
node->ReplaceInput(1, value);
node->ReplaceInput(2, context);
node->ReplaceInput(3, frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(4, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(5, control);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->PromiseResolve());
return Changed(node);
// ES #sec-typedarray-constructors
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceTypedArrayConstructor(
Node* node, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared) {
JSConstructNode n(node);
ConstructParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
int arity = p.arity_without_implicit_args();
Node* target =;
Node* arg0 = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
Node* arg1 = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
Node* arg2 = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(2, jsgraph());
Node* new_target = n.new_target();
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// Insert a construct stub frame into the chain of frame states. This will
// reconstruct the proper frame when deoptimizing within the constructor.
frame_state = CreateArtificialFrameState(
node, frame_state, arity, BailoutId::ConstructStubInvoke(),
FrameStateType::kConstructStub, shared, context, common(), graph());
// This continuation just returns the newly created JSTypedArray. We
// pass the_hole as the receiver, just like the builtin construct stub
// does in this case.
Node* const parameters[] = {jsgraph()->TheHoleConstant()};
int const num_parameters = static_cast<int>(arraysize(parameters));
frame_state = CreateJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameState(
jsgraph(), shared, Builtins::kGenericLazyDeoptContinuation, target,
context, parameters, num_parameters, frame_state,
Node* result =
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreateTypedArray(), target, new_target,
arg0, arg1, arg2, context, frame_state, effect, control);
return Replace(result);
// ES #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype-@@tostringtag
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceTypedArrayPrototypeToStringTag(Node* node) {
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
NodeVector values(graph()->zone());
NodeVector effects(graph()->zone());
NodeVector controls(graph()->zone());
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsSmi(), receiver);
control =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse), check, control);
controls.push_back(graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), control));
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), control);
Node* receiver_map = effect =
receiver, effect, control);
Node* receiver_bit_field2 = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForMapBitField2()), receiver_map,
effect, control);
Node* receiver_elements_kind = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberBitwiseAnd(), receiver_bit_field2,
// Offset the elements kind by FIRST_FIXED_TYPED_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_KIND,
// so that the branch cascade below is turned into a simple table
// switch by the ControlFlowOptimizer later.
receiver_elements_kind = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberSubtract(), receiver_elements_kind,
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype) \
do { \
Node* check = graph()->NewNode( \
simplified()->NumberEqual(), receiver_elements_kind, \
jsgraph()->Constant(TYPE##_ELEMENTS - \
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), check, control); \
values.push_back(jsgraph()->Constant( \
broker()->GetTypedArrayStringTag(TYPE##_ELEMENTS))); \
effects.push_back(effect); \
controls.push_back(graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), control)); \
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), control); \
} while (false);
int const count = static_cast<int>(controls.size());
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(count), count, &controls.front());
effect =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(count), count + 1, &effects.front());
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, count),
count + 1, &values.front());
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES #sec-number.isfinite
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceNumberIsFinite(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsFiniteNumber(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// ES #sec-number.isfinite
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceNumberIsInteger(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsInteger(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// ES #sec-number.issafeinteger
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceNumberIsSafeInteger(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsSafeInteger(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// ES #sec-number.isnan
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceNumberIsNaN(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsNaN(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMapPrototypeGet(Node* node) {
// We only optimize if we have target, receiver and key parameters.
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() != 1) return NoChange();
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* key = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 2);
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(JS_MAP_TYPE)) {
return NoChange();
Node* table = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSCollectionTable()), receiver,
effect, control);
Node* entry = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->FindOrderedHashMapEntry(), table, key, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), entry,
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), check, control);
// Key not found.
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
// Key found.
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* vfalse = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
table, entry, efalse, if_false);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2), vtrue, vfalse, control);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceMapPrototypeHas(Node* node) {
// We only optimize if we have target, receiver and key parameters.
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() != 1) return NoChange();
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* key = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 2);
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(JS_MAP_TYPE)) {
return NoChange();
Node* table = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSCollectionTable()), receiver,
effect, control);
Node* index = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->FindOrderedHashMapEntry(), table, key, effect, control);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), index,
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanNot(), value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
namespace {
InstanceType InstanceTypeForCollectionKind(CollectionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case CollectionKind::kMap:
return JS_MAP_TYPE;
case CollectionKind::kSet:
return JS_SET_TYPE;
} // namespace
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceCollectionIteration(
Node* node, CollectionKind collection_kind, IterationKind iteration_kind) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCall, node->opcode());
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* context = NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
InstanceType type = InstanceTypeForCollectionKind(collection_kind);
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(type)) {
return NoChange();
Node* js_create_iterator = effect = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CreateCollectionIterator(collection_kind, iteration_kind),
receiver, context, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, js_create_iterator, effect);
return Replace(js_create_iterator);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceCollectionPrototypeSize(
Node* node, CollectionKind collection_kind) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCall, node->opcode());
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
InstanceType type = InstanceTypeForCollectionKind(collection_kind);
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(type)) {
return NoChange();
Node* table = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSCollectionTable()), receiver,
effect, control);
Node* value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
table, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceCollectionIteratorPrototypeNext(
Node* node, int entry_size, Handle<HeapObject> empty_collection,
InstanceType collection_iterator_instance_type_first,
InstanceType collection_iterator_instance_type_last) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* context = n.context();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
// A word of warning to begin with: This whole method might look a bit
// strange at times, but that's mostly because it was carefully handcrafted
// to allow for full escape analysis and scalar replacement of both the
// collection iterator object and the iterator results, including the
// key-value arrays in case of Set/Map entry iteration.
// TODO(turbofan): Currently the escape analysis (and the store-load
// forwarding) is unable to eliminate the allocations for the key-value
// arrays in case of Set/Map entry iteration, and we should investigate
// how to update the escape analysis / arrange the graph in a way that
// this becomes possible.
InstanceType receiver_instance_type;
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps()) return NoChange();
MapHandles const& receiver_maps = inference.GetMaps();
receiver_instance_type = MapRef(broker(), receiver_maps[0]).instance_type();
for (size_t i = 1; i < receiver_maps.size(); ++i) {
if (MapRef(broker(), receiver_maps[i]).instance_type() !=
receiver_instance_type) {
return inference.NoChange();
if (receiver_instance_type < collection_iterator_instance_type_first ||
receiver_instance_type > collection_iterator_instance_type_last) {
return inference.NoChange();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
// Transition the JSCollectionIterator {receiver} if necessary
// (i.e. there were certain mutations while we're iterating).
Node* done_loop;
Node* done_eloop;
Node* loop = control =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Loop(2), control, control);
Node* eloop = effect =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), effect, effect, loop);
Node* terminate = graph()->NewNode(common()->Terminate(), eloop, loop);
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), terminate);
// Check if reached the final table of the {receiver}.
Node* table = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* next_table = effect =
table, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsSmi(), next_table);
control =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
// Abort the {loop} when we reach the final table.
done_loop = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), control);
done_eloop = effect;
// Migrate to the {next_table} otherwise.
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), control);
// Self-heal the {receiver}s index.
Node* index = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Callable const callable =
Builtins::CallableFor(isolate(), Builtins::kOrderedHashTableHealIndex);
auto call_descriptor = Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
graph()->zone(), callable.descriptor(),
CallDescriptor::kNoFlags, Operator::kEliminatable);
index = effect =
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(callable.code()), table, index,
jsgraph()->NoContextConstant(), effect);
index = effect = graph()->NewNode(
common()->TypeGuard(TypeCache::Get()->kFixedArrayLengthType), index,
effect, control);
// Update the {index} and {table} on the {receiver}.
effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, index, effect, control);
effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, next_table, effect, control);
// Tie the knot.
loop->ReplaceInput(1, control);
eloop->ReplaceInput(1, effect);
control = done_loop;
effect = done_eloop;
// Get current index and table from the JSCollectionIterator {receiver}.
Node* index = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* table = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
// Create the {JSIteratorResult} first to ensure that we always have
// a dominating Allocate node for the allocation folding phase.
Node* iterator_result = effect = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->CreateIterResultObject(), jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant(),
jsgraph()->TrueConstant(), context, effect);
// Look for the next non-holey key, starting from {index} in the {table}.
Node* controls[2];
Node* effects[3];
// Compute the currently used capacity.
Node* number_of_buckets = effect = graph()->NewNode(
table, effect, control);
Node* number_of_elements = effect = graph()->NewNode(
table, effect, control);
Node* number_of_deleted_elements = effect = graph()->NewNode(
table, effect, control);
Node* used_capacity =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), number_of_elements,
// Skip holes and update the {index}.
Node* loop = graph()->NewNode(common()->Loop(2), control, control);
Node* eloop =
graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), effect, effect, loop);
Node* terminate = graph()->NewNode(common()->Terminate(), eloop, loop);
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), terminate);
Node* iloop = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2), index, index, loop);
Node* index = effect = graph()->NewNode(
common()->TypeGuard(TypeCache::Get()->kFixedArrayLengthType), iloop,
eloop, control);
Node* check0 = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), index,
Node* branch0 =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check0, loop);
Node* if_false0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch0);
Node* efalse0 = effect;
// Mark the {receiver} as exhausted.
efalse0 = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, jsgraph()->HeapConstant(empty_collection), efalse0,
controls[0] = if_false0;
effects[0] = efalse0;
Node* if_true0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch0);
Node* etrue0 = effect;
// Load the key of the entry.
STATIC_ASSERT(OrderedHashMap::HashTableStartIndex() ==
Node* entry_start_position = graph()->NewNode(
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberMultiply(), index,
Node* entry_key = etrue0 = graph()->NewNode(
table, entry_start_position, etrue0, if_true0);
// Advance the index.
index = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAdd(), index,
Node* check1 =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), entry_key,
Node* branch1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse),
check1, if_true0);
// Abort loop with resulting value.
Node* control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch1);
Node* effect = etrue0;
Node* value = effect =
entry_key, effect, control);
Node* done = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
// Advance the index on the {receiver}.
effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, index, effect, control);
// The actual {value} depends on the {receiver} iteration type.
switch (receiver_instance_type) {
value = effect =
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CreateKeyValueArray(), value,
value, context, effect);
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberAdd(), entry_start_position,
effect, control);
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberAdd(), entry_start_position,
effect, control);
value = effect =
entry_key, value, context, effect);
// Store final {value} and {done} into the {iterator_result}.
effect =
iterator_result, value, effect, control);
effect =
iterator_result, done, effect, control);
controls[1] = control;
effects[1] = effect;
// Continue with next loop index.
loop->ReplaceInput(1, graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch1));
eloop->ReplaceInput(1, etrue0);
iloop->ReplaceInput(1, index);
control = effects[2] = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), 2, controls);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), 3, effects);
// Yield the final {iterator_result}.
ReplaceWithValue(node, iterator_result, effect, control);
return Replace(iterator_result);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayBufferIsView(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* value = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(0, jsgraph());
node->ReplaceInput(0, value);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, simplified()->ObjectIsArrayBufferView());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
Node* node, InstanceType instance_type, FieldAccess const& access) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() ||
!inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(instance_type)) {
return NoChange();
// Load the {receiver}s field.
Node* value = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->LoadField(access),
receiver, effect, control);
// See if we can skip the detaching check.
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArrayBufferDetachingProtector()) {
// Check whether {receiver}s JSArrayBuffer was detached.
Node* buffer = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* buffer_bit_field = effect = graph()->NewNode(
buffer, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberBitwiseAnd(), buffer_bit_field,
// TODO(turbofan): Ideally we would bail out here if the {receiver}s
// JSArrayBuffer was detached, but there's no way to guard against
// deoptimization loops right now, since the JSCall {node} is usually
// created from a LOAD_IC inlining, and so there's no CALL_IC slot
// from which we could use the speculation bit.
value = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Select(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, BranchHint::kTrue),
check, value, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
namespace {
uint32_t ExternalArrayElementSize(const ExternalArrayType element_type) {
switch (element_type) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype) \
case kExternal##Type##Array: \
DCHECK_LE(sizeof(ctype), 8); \
return sizeof(ctype);
} // namespace
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceDataViewAccess(Node* node, DataViewAccess access,
ExternalArrayType element_type) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
size_t const element_size = ExternalArrayElementSize(element_type);
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* offset = n.ArgumentOr(0, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Node* value = nullptr;
if (access == DataViewAccess::kSet) {
value = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
const int endian_index = (access == DataViewAccess::kGet ? 1 : 2);
Node* is_little_endian =
n.ArgumentOr(endian_index, jsgraph()->FalseConstant());
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
// Only do stuff if the {receiver} is really a DataView.
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() ||
!inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(JS_DATA_VIEW_TYPE)) {
return NoChange();
// Check that the {offset} is within range for the {receiver}.
HeapObjectMatcher m(receiver);
if (m.HasResolvedValue() && m.Ref(broker()).IsJSDataView()) {
// We only deal with DataViews here whose [[ByteLength]] is at least
// {element_size}, as for all other DataViews it'll be out-of-bounds.
JSDataViewRef dataview = m.Ref(broker()).AsJSDataView();
size_t length = dataview.byte_length();
if (length < element_size) return NoChange();
// Check that the {offset} is within range of the {length}.
Node* byte_length = jsgraph()->Constant(length - (element_size - 1));
offset = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckBounds(,
offset, byte_length, effect, control);
} else {
// We only deal with DataViews here that have Smi [[ByteLength]]s.
Node* byte_length = effect =
receiver, effect, control);
if (element_size > 1) {
// For non-byte accesses we also need to check that the {offset}
// plus the {element_size}-1 fits within the given {byte_length}.
// So to keep this as a single check on the {offset}, we subtract
// the {element_size}-1 from the {byte_length} here (clamped to
// positive safe integer range), and perform a check against that
// with the {offset} below.
byte_length = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberMax(), jsgraph()->ZeroConstant(),
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), byte_length,
jsgraph()->Constant(element_size - 1)));
// Check that the {offset} is within range of the {byte_length}.
offset = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckBounds(,
offset, byte_length, effect, control);
// Coerce {is_little_endian} to boolean.
is_little_endian =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ToBoolean(), is_little_endian);
// Coerce {value} to Number.
if (access == DataViewAccess::kSet) {
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
value, effect, control);
// We need to retain either the {receiver} itself or it's backing
// JSArrayBuffer to make sure that the GC doesn't collect the raw
// memory. We default to {receiver} here, and only use the buffer
// if we anyways have to load it (to reduce register pressure).
Node* buffer_or_receiver = receiver;
if (!dependencies()->DependOnArrayBufferDetachingProtector()) {
// Get the underlying buffer and check that it has not been detached.
Node* buffer = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
// Bail out if the {buffer} was detached.
Node* buffer_bit_field = effect = graph()->NewNode(
buffer, effect, control);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->NumberBitwiseAnd(), buffer_bit_field,
effect = graph()->NewNode(
check, effect, control);
// We can reduce register pressure by holding on to the {buffer}
// now to retain the backing store memory.
buffer_or_receiver = buffer;
// Load the {receiver}s data pointer.
Node* data_pointer = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
switch (access) {
case DataViewAccess::kGet:
// Perform the load.
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadDataViewElement(element_type), buffer_or_receiver,
data_pointer, offset, is_little_endian, effect, control);
case DataViewAccess::kSet:
// Perform the store.
effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->StoreDataViewElement(element_type), buffer_or_receiver,
data_pointer, offset, value, is_little_endian, effect, control);
value = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Changed(value);
// ES6 section 18.2.2 isFinite ( number )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceGlobalIsFinite(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->FalseConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
input = effect =
input, effect, control);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberIsFinite(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section 18.2.3 isNaN ( number )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceGlobalIsNaN(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->TrueConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* input = n.Argument(0);
input = effect =
input, effect, control);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberIsNaN(), input);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Date.prototype.getTime ( )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceDatePrototypeGetTime(Node* node) {
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
MapInference inference(broker(), receiver, effect);
if (!inference.HaveMaps() || !inference.AllOfInstanceTypesAre(JS_DATE_TYPE)) {
return NoChange();
Node* value = effect =
receiver, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section ( )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceDateNow(Node* node) {
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* value = effect =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->DateNow(), effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// ES6 section Number.parseInt ( string, radix )
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceNumberParseInt(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->NaNConstant();
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Node* object = n.Argument(0);
Node* radix = n.ArgumentOrUndefined(1, jsgraph());
node->ReplaceInput(0, object);
node->ReplaceInput(1, radix);
node->ReplaceInput(2, context);
node->ReplaceInput(3, frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(4, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(5, control);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->ParseInt());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceRegExpPrototypeTest(Node* node) {
DisallowHeapAccessIf disallow_heap_access(should_disallow_heap_access());
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (FLAG_force_slow_path) return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 1) return NoChange();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* regexp = n.receiver();
// Only the initial JSRegExp map is valid here, since the following lastIndex
// check as well as the lowered builtin call rely on a known location of the
// lastIndex field.
Handle<Map> regexp_initial_map =
MapInference inference(broker(), regexp, effect);
if (!inference.Is(regexp_initial_map)) return inference.NoChange();
MapHandles const& regexp_maps = inference.GetMaps();
ZoneVector<PropertyAccessInfo> access_infos(graph()->zone());
AccessInfoFactory access_info_factory(broker(), dependencies(),
if (should_disallow_heap_access()) {
// Obtain precomputed access infos from the broker.
for (auto map : regexp_maps) {
MapRef map_ref(broker(), map);
PropertyAccessInfo access_info = broker()->GetPropertyAccessInfo(
map_ref, NameRef(broker(), isolate()->factory()->exec_string()),
} else {
// Compute property access info for "exec" on {resolution}.
MapHandles(regexp_maps.begin(), regexp_maps.end()),
factory()->exec_string(), AccessMode::kLoad, &access_infos);
PropertyAccessInfo ai_exec =
if (ai_exec.IsInvalid()) return inference.NoChange();
// If "exec" has been modified on {regexp}, we can't do anything.
if (ai_exec.IsDataConstant()) {
Handle<JSObject> holder;
// Do not reduce if the exec method is not on the prototype chain.
if (!ai_exec.holder().ToHandle(&holder)) return inference.NoChange();
JSObjectRef holder_ref(broker(), holder);
// Bail out if the exec method is not the original one.
base::Optional<ObjectRef> constant = holder_ref.GetOwnDataProperty(
ai_exec.field_representation(), ai_exec.field_index());
if (!constant.has_value() ||
!constant->equals(native_context().regexp_exec_function())) {
return inference.NoChange();
// Add proper dependencies on the {regexp}s [[Prototype]]s.
ai_exec.lookup_start_object_maps(), kStartAtPrototype,
JSObjectRef(broker(), holder));
} else {
return inference.NoChange();
inference.RelyOnMapsPreferStability(dependencies(), jsgraph(), &effect,
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
Node* search = n.Argument(0);
Node* search_string = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckString(, search, effect, control);
Node* lastIndex = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSRegExpLastIndex()), regexp,
effect, control);
Node* lastIndexSmi = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->CheckSmi(, lastIndex, effect, control);
Node* is_positive = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThanOrEqual(),
jsgraph()->ZeroConstant(), lastIndexSmi);
effect = graph()->NewNode(
is_positive, effect, control);
node->ReplaceInput(0, regexp);
node->ReplaceInput(1, search_string);
node->ReplaceInput(2, context);
node->ReplaceInput(3, frame_state);
node->ReplaceInput(4, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(5, control);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->RegExpTest());
return Changed(node);
// ES section #sec-number-constructor
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceNumberConstructor(Node* node) {
JSCallNode n(node);
Node* target =;
Node* receiver = n.receiver();
Node* value = n.ArgumentOr(0, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
Node* context = n.context();
FrameState frame_state = n.frame_state();
// Create the artificial frame state in the middle of the Number constructor.
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_info =
Node* stack_parameters[] = {receiver};
int stack_parameter_count = arraysize(stack_parameters);
Node* continuation_frame_state =
jsgraph(), shared_info, Builtins::kGenericLazyDeoptContinuation,
target, context, stack_parameters, stack_parameter_count, frame_state,
// Convert the {value} to a Number.
NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInputs(node, value);
NodeProperties::ChangeOp(node, javascript()->ToNumberConvertBigInt());
NodeProperties::ReplaceFrameStateInput(node, continuation_frame_state);
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSCallReducer::ReduceBigIntAsUintN(Node* node) {
if (!jsgraph()->machine()->Is64()) return NoChange();
JSCallNode n(node);
CallParameters const& p = n.Parameters();
if (p.speculation_mode() == SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation) {
return NoChange();
if (n.ArgumentCount() < 2) {
return NoChange();
Effect effect = n.effect();
Control control = n.control();
Node* bits = n.Argument(0);
Node* value = n.Argument(1);
NumberMatcher matcher(bits);
if (matcher.IsInteger() && matcher.IsInRange(0, 64)) {
const int bits_value = static_cast<int>(matcher.ResolvedValue());
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckBigInt(,
value, effect, control);
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BigIntAsUintN(bits_value), value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
Graph* JSCallReducer::graph() const { return jsgraph()->graph(); }
Isolate* JSCallReducer::isolate() const { return jsgraph()->isolate(); }
Factory* JSCallReducer::factory() const { return isolate()->factory(); }
NativeContextRef JSCallReducer::native_context() const {
return broker()->target_native_context();
CommonOperatorBuilder* JSCallReducer::common() const {
return jsgraph()->common();
JSOperatorBuilder* JSCallReducer::javascript() const {
return jsgraph()->javascript();
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* JSCallReducer::simplified() const {
return jsgraph()->simplified();
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8