| # XMLHttpRequest tests. |
| # All 'sync' tests are unsupported. |
| # Anything with multiple windows or workers is disabled. |
| # |
| abort-after-receive.htm,PASS |
| abort-after-send.htm,PASS |
| # Requires window.stop() |
| abort-after-stop.htm,FAIL |
| abort-after-timeout.htm,PASS |
| # synchronous |
| abort-during-done.htm,FAIL |
| abort-during-open.htm,PASS |
| abort-during-unsent.htm,PASS |
| abort-during-upload.htm,PASS |
| abort-event-abort.htm,PASS |
| abort-event-listeners.htm,PASS |
| abort-event-loadend.htm,PASS |
| abort-event-order.htm,PASS |
| abort-upload-event-abort.htm,PASS |
| abort-upload-event-loadend.htm,PASS |
| anonymous-mode-unsupported.htm,PASS |
| # Unsupported by XHR currently. |
| data-uri.htm,FAIL |
| event-abort.htm,PASS |
| event-error.html,PASS |
| event-loadend.htm,PASS |
| event-load.htm,PASS |
| event-loadstart.htm,PASS |
| event-progress.htm,PASS |
| # We intentionally fire multiple LOADING events. |
| event-readystatechange-loaded.htm,DISABLE |
| event-timeout.htm,PASS |
| event-upload-progress-crossorigin.sub.htm,PASS |
| event-upload-progress.htm,PASS |
| # FormData is not implemented |
| FormData-append.html,DISABLE |
| formdata-blob.htm,DISABLE |
| formdata.htm,DISABLE |
| getallresponseheaders-cookies.htm,PASS |
| getallresponseheaders-status.htm,PASS |
| getresponseheader-case-insensitive.htm,PASS |
| getresponseheader-chunked-trailer.htm,PASS |
| getresponseheader-cookies-and-more.htm,PASS |
| getresponseheader-error-state.htm,PASS |
| getresponseheader-server-date.htm,PASS |
| getresponseheader-special-characters.htm,FAIL |
| getresponseheader-unsent-opened-state.htm,PASS |
| # parser fails to parse: script[type=text\/plain] {} |
| interfaces.html,DISABLE |
| open-after-abort.htm,PASS |
| open-after-setrequestheader.htm,PASS |
| open-during-abort.htm,PASS |
| open-method-bogus.htm,PASS |
| open-method-case-insensitive.htm,FAIL |
| open-method-case-sensitive.htm,FAIL |
| open-method-insecure.htm,PASS |
| open-method-responsetype-set-sync.htm,FAIL |
| open-open-send.htm,PASS |
| open-open-sync-send.htm,FAIL |
| open-referer.htm,FAIL |
| open-send-open.htm,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| open-sync-open-send.htm,FAIL |
| open-url-about-blank-window.htm,FAIL |
| open-url-base.htm,FAIL |
| open-url-base-inserted-after-open.htm,FAIL |
| open-url-base-inserted.htm,FAIL |
| open-url-bogus.htm,FAIL |
| # Check failed: IsStringUTF8() |
| open-url-encoding.htm,DISABLE |
| # Synchronous |
| open-url-fragment.htm,FAIL |
| # Multi-window is completely unsupported. |
| open-url-javascript-window-2.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-javascript-window.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-multi-window-2.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-multi-window-3.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-multi-window-4.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-multi-window-5.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-multi-window.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-worker-origin.htm,DISABLE |
| open-url-worker-simple.htm,DISABLE |
| # Synchronous |
| open-user-password-non-same-origin.htm,FAIL |
| overridemimetype-done-state.htm,PASS |
| # Check failed: IsStringUTF8() |
| overridemimetype-headers-received-state-force-shiftjis.htm,DISABLE |
| overridemimetype-invalid-mime-type.htm,FAIL |
| overridemimetype-loading-state.htm,PASS |
| overridemimetype-open-state-force-utf-8.htm,PASS |
| # Cobalt doesn't support charset=Shift-JIS |
| overridemimetype-open-state-force-xml.htm,DISABLE |
| # Check failed: IsStringUTF8() |
| overridemimetype-unsent-state-force-shiftjis.htm,DISABLE |
| preserve-ua-header-on-redirect.htm,PASS |
| preserve-ua-header-on-redirect.htm,FAIL,XMLHttpRequest: User-Agent header is preserved on redirect 1 |
| progress-events-response-data-gzip.htm,PASS |
| response-data-arraybuffer.htm,PASS |
| response-data-blob.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| response-data-deflate.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| response-data-gzip.htm,FAIL |
| response-data-progress.htm,PASS |
| response-invalid-responsetype.htm,PASS |
| response-json.htm,PASS |
| response-json.htm,FAIL,JSON object roundtrip |
| response-json.htm,FAIL,JSON roundtrip with Japanese text |
| # Synchronous |
| response-method.htm,FAIL |
| # Check failed: IsStringUTF8() |
| responsetext-decoding.htm,DISABLE |
| responseText-status.html,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| responsetype.html,DISABLE |
| responsexml-basic.htm,FAIL |
| # js_error: responsexml-document-properties.htm,FAIL |
| responsexml-media-type.htm,FAIL |
| responsexml-non-document-types.htm,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| responsexml-non-well-formed.htm,FAIL |
| security-consideration.sub.html,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| send-accept.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| send-accept-language.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| send-after-setting-document-domain.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-basic-cors.htm,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| send-authentication-basic-cors-not-enabled.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-basic.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-basic-repeat-no-args.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-basic-setrequestheader-existing-session.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-basic-setrequestheader.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-competing-names-passwords.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-cors-basic-setrequestheader.htm,FAIL |
| # js_error: send-authentication-existing-session-manual.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| send-authentication-prompt-2-manual.htm,FAIL |
| send-authentication-prompt-manual.htm,FAIL |
| send-conditional.htm,FAIL |
| send-content-type-charset.htm,FAIL |
| send-content-type-string.htm,FAIL |
| send-data-arraybuffer.htm,PASS |
| send-data-blob.htm,FAIL |
| send-data-es-object.htm,DISABLE |
| send-data-unexpected-tostring.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| send-entity-body-basic.htm,FAIL |
| send-entity-body-document-bogus.htm,FAIL |
| # SyntaxError: Unexpected EOF |
| # js_error: send-entity-body-document.htm,FAIL |
| send-entity-body-empty.htm,FAIL |
| send-entity-body-get-head-async.htm,PASS |
| send-entity-body-get-head.htm,FAIL |
| send-entity-body-none.htm,FAIL |
| send-network-error-async-events.sub.htm,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| send-network-error-sync-events.sub.htm,FAIL |
| send-non-same-origin.sub.htm,FAIL |
| send-no-response-event-loadend.htm,PASS |
| send-no-response-event-loadstart.htm,PASS |
| send-no-response-event-order.htm,PASS |
| # Check failed : IsStringUTF8() |
| send-receive-utf16.htm,DISABLE |
| send-redirect-bogus.htm,PASS |
| send-redirect-bogus-sync.htm,FAIL |
| send-redirect.htm,PASS |
| send-redirect-infinite.htm,PASS |
| send-redirect-infinite-sync.htm,FAIL |
| send-redirect-no-location.htm,PASS |
| send-redirect-to-cors.htm,FAIL |
| send-redirect-to-non-cors.htm,PASS |
| send-response-event-order.htm,FAIL |
| send-response-upload-event-loadend.htm,PASS |
| send-response-upload-event-loadstart.htm,PASS |
| send-response-upload-event-progress.htm,PASS |
| send-send.htm,PASS |
| send-sync-blocks-async.htm,FAIL |
| send-sync-no-response-event-loadend.htm,FAIL |
| send-sync-no-response-event-load.htm,FAIL |
| send-sync-no-response-event-order.htm,FAIL |
| send-sync-response-event-order.htm,FAIL |
| send-sync-timeout.htm,FAIL |
| send-timeout-events.htm,PASS |
| # Infinite loop? |
| send-usp.html,DISABLE |
| setrequestheader-after-send.htm,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| setrequestheader-allow-empty-value.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-allow-whitespace-in-value.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-before-open.htm,PASS |
| setrequestheader-bogus-name.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-bogus-value.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-bogus-value.htm,PASS,Omitted value argument |
| setrequestheader-case-insensitive.htm,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| setrequestheader-content-type.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-header-allowed.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-header-forbidden.htm,FAIL |
| setrequestheader-open-setrequestheader.htm,PASS |
| status-async.htm,DISABLE |
| status-basic.htm,FAIL |
| status-error.htm,PASS |
| # Flaky. |
| timeout-cors-async.htm,PASS |
| timeout-sync.htm,FAIL |
| xmlhttprequest-basic.htm,PASS |
| xmlhttprequest-eventtarget.htm,PASS |
| xmlhttprequest-network-error.htm,PASS |
| xmlhttprequest-network-error-sync.htm,FAIL |
| # Not sure why these fail. Seems to break the harness. |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-aborted.html,FAIL |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-abortedonmain.html,FAIL |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-overridesexpires.html,FAIL |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-overrides.html,FAIL |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-simple.html,FAIL |
| # Synchronous |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-synconmain.html,FAIL |
| # js_error: xmlhttprequest-timeout-twice.html,FAIL |
| # Workers are disabled. |
| xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-aborted.html,DISABLE |
| xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-overridesexpires.html,DISABLE |
| xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-overrides.html,DISABLE |
| xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-simple.html,DISABLE |
| xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-synconworker.html,DISABLE |
| xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-twice.html,DISABLE |
| xmlhttprequest-unsent.htm,PASS |
| XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials.html,PASS |
| # Synchronous |
| XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials.html,FAIL,setting on synchronous XHR |
| XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials.html,FAIL,setting withCredentials when in DONE state (synchronous) |