blob: 51ef41fc1c1ac3346e1735d1a4aee34471448331 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_tracker/tool/print_csv_tool.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cobalt/base/c_val.h"
#include "cobalt/browser/memory_tracker/tool/util.h"
#include "nb/analytics/memory_tracker.h"
#include "nb/analytics/memory_tracker_helpers.h"
#include "starboard/log.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace browser {
namespace memory_tracker {
PrintCSVTool::PrintCSVTool(int sampling_interval_ms, int sampling_time_ms)
: sample_interval_ms_(sampling_interval_ms),
sampling_time_ms_(sampling_time_ms) {}
std::string PrintCSVTool::ToCsvString(const MapAllocationSamples& samples_in) {
typedef MapAllocationSamples Map;
typedef Map::const_iterator MapIt;
size_t largest_sample_size = 0;
size_t smallest_sample_size = INT_MAX;
// Sanitize samples_in and store as samples.
MapAllocationSamples samples;
for (MapIt it = samples_in.begin(); it != samples_in.end(); ++it) {
std::string name = it->first;
const AllocationSamples& value = it->second;
if (value.allocated_bytes_.size() != value.number_allocations_.size()) {
SB_NOTREACHED() << "Error at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__;
return "ERROR";
const size_t n = value.allocated_bytes_.size();
if (n > largest_sample_size) {
largest_sample_size = n;
if (n < smallest_sample_size) {
smallest_sample_size = n;
const bool duplicate_found = (samples.end() != samples.find(name));
if (duplicate_found) {
SB_NOTREACHED() << "Error, duplicate found for entry: " << name
<< kNewLine;
// Store value as a sanitized sample.
samples[name] = value;
SB_DCHECK(largest_sample_size == smallest_sample_size);
std::stringstream ss;
// Begin output to CSV.
// Sometimes we need to skip the CPU memory entry.
const MapIt total_cpu_memory_it = samples.find(UntrackedMemoryKey());
// Preamble
ss << kNewLine << "//////////////////////////////////////////////";
ss << kNewLine << "// CSV of bytes / allocation" << kNewLine;
ss << "Name" << kDelimiter << kQuote << "Bytes/Alloc" << kQuote << kNewLine;
// DATA.
for (MapIt it = samples.begin(); it != samples.end(); ++it) {
if (total_cpu_memory_it == it) {
const AllocationSamples& samples = it->second;
if (samples.allocated_bytes_.empty() ||
samples.number_allocations_.empty()) {
SB_NOTREACHED() << "Should not be here";
return "ERROR";
const int64 n_allocs = samples.number_allocations_.back();
const int64 n_bytes = samples.allocated_bytes_.back();
int64 bytes_per_alloc = 0;
if (n_allocs > 0) {
bytes_per_alloc = n_bytes / n_allocs;
const std::string& name = it->first;
ss << kQuote << SanitizeCSVKey(name) << kQuote << kDelimiter
<< bytes_per_alloc << kNewLine;
ss << kNewLine;
// Preamble
ss << kNewLine << "//////////////////////////////////////////////" << kNewLine
<< "// CSV of bytes allocated per region (MB's)." << kNewLine
<< "// Units are in Megabytes. This is designed" << kNewLine
<< "// to be used in a stacked graph." << kNewLine;
for (MapIt it = samples.begin(); it != samples.end(); ++it) {
if (total_cpu_memory_it == it) {
// Strip out any characters that could make parsing the csv difficult.
const std::string name = SanitizeCSVKey(it->first);
ss << kQuote << name << kQuote << kDelimiter;
// Save the total for last.
if (total_cpu_memory_it != samples.end()) {
const std::string& name = SanitizeCSVKey(total_cpu_memory_it->first);
ss << kQuote << name << kQuote << kDelimiter;
ss << kNewLine;
// Print out the values of each of the samples.
for (size_t i = 0; i < smallest_sample_size; ++i) {
for (MapIt it = samples.begin(); it != samples.end(); ++it) {
if (total_cpu_memory_it == it) {
const int64 alloc_bytes = it->second.allocated_bytes_[i];
// Convert to float megabytes with decimals of precision.
double n = alloc_bytes / (1000 * 10);
n = n / (100.);
ss << n << kDelimiter;
if (total_cpu_memory_it != samples.end()) {
const int64 alloc_bytes = total_cpu_memory_it->second.allocated_bytes_[i];
// Convert to float megabytes with decimals of precision.
double n = alloc_bytes / (1000 * 10);
n = n / (100.);
ss << n << kDelimiter;
ss << kNewLine;
ss << kNewLine;
// Preamble
ss << kNewLine << "//////////////////////////////////////////////";
ss << kNewLine << "// CSV of number of allocations per region." << kNewLine;
for (MapIt it = samples.begin(); it != samples.end(); ++it) {
if (total_cpu_memory_it == it) {
const std::string& name = SanitizeCSVKey(it->first);
ss << kQuote << name << kQuote << kDelimiter;
ss << kNewLine;
for (size_t i = 0; i < smallest_sample_size; ++i) {
for (MapIt it = samples.begin(); it != samples.end(); ++it) {
if (total_cpu_memory_it == it) {
const int64 n_allocs = it->second.number_allocations_[i];
ss << n_allocs << kDelimiter;
ss << kNewLine;
std::string output = ss.str();
return output;
const char* PrintCSVTool::UntrackedMemoryKey() { return "Untracked Memory"; }
void PrintCSVTool::Run(Params* params) {
params->logger()->Output("\nMemoryTrackerPrintCSVThread is sampling...\n");
int sample_count = 0;
MapAllocationSamples map_samples;
while (!TimeExpiredYet(*params) && !params->finished()) {
// Sample total memory used by the system.
nb::analytics::MemoryStats mem_stats =
int64 untracked_used_memory =
mem_stats.used_cpu_memory + mem_stats.used_gpu_memory;
std::vector<const nb::analytics::AllocationGroup*> vector_output;
// Sample all known memory scopes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_output.size(); ++i) {
const nb::analytics::AllocationGroup* group = vector_output[i];
const std::string& name = group->name();
const bool first_creation =
map_samples.find(group->name()) == map_samples.end();
AllocationSamples* new_entry = &(map_samples[name]);
// Didn't see it before so create new entry.
if (first_creation) {
// Make up for lost samples...
new_entry->allocated_bytes_.resize(sample_count, 0);
new_entry->number_allocations_.resize(sample_count, 0);
int32 num_allocs = -1;
int64 allocation_bytes = -1;
group->GetAggregateStats(&num_allocs, &allocation_bytes);
untracked_used_memory -= allocation_bytes;
// Now push in remaining total.
AllocationSamples* process_sample = &(map_samples[UntrackedMemoryKey()]);
if (untracked_used_memory < 0) {
// On some platforms, total GPU memory may not be correctly reported.
// However the allocations from the GPU memory may be reported. In this
// case untracked_used_memory will go negative. To protect the memory
// reporting the untracked_used_memory is set to 0 so that it doesn't
// cause an error in reporting.
untracked_used_memory = 0;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Time now: " << params->TimeInMinutesString() << ",\n";
ss << ToCsvString(map_samples);
// Prevents the "thread exited code 0" from being interleaved into the
// output. This happens if flush is not implemented correctly in the system.
bool PrintCSVTool::TimeExpiredYet(const Params& params) {
base::TimeDelta dt = params.time_since_start();
int64 dt_ms = dt.InMilliseconds();
const bool expired_time = dt_ms > sampling_time_ms_;
return expired_time;
} // namespace memory_tracker
} // namespace browser
} // namespace cobalt