blob: 77266ccfe0c247481dbb65e91c2e3b43a5c6ef95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/small_map.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "cobalt/base/c_val.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
// The SkFileMemoryChunkStream classes provide a stream type that mixes features
// of both file streams and memory streams. While the stream initially reads
// from its file like a file stream, it lazily caches newly encountered 32KB
// chunks of the file into memory, enabling it to avoid reading sections of the
// file more than once--subsequent reads into those cached sections are made
// directly from memory. This caching occurs until the manager's cache limit is
// exhausted. After this, reads into uncached sections of the stream are always
// made to the file and not cached, functioning similarly to a file stream.
// Reads into the already cached sections are still handled in memory.
// This stream type provides much of the speed benefits of memory streams, while
// also guaranteeing that memory will not be wasted on sections of files that
// are never used and that the combined memory usage of the streams will never
// exceed the specified limit. If the cache limit is set to 0, then the streams
// do no caching and fully function like file streams.
class SkFileMemoryChunk;
class SkFileMemoryChunkStream;
class SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider;
typedef base::SmallMap<
base::hash_map<size_t, scoped_refptr<const SkFileMemoryChunk> >, 8>
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider*>
class SkFileMemoryChunk : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SkFileMemoryChunk> {
static const size_t kSizeInBytes = 32 * 1024;
uint8_t memory[kSizeInBytes];
// SkFileMemoryChunkStreamManager is a thread-safe class that generates
// file-specific SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider objects, which can be
// used to create streams for those files. It also handles tracking the memory
// available for memory chunks within the cache and determining whether or not
// additional chunks can be created.
class SkFileMemoryChunkStreamManager {
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamManager(const std::string& name,
int cache_capacity_in_bytes);
// Returns the stream provider associated with the file path. If it does not
// exist then it is created.
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider* GetStreamProvider(
const std::string& file_path);
// Purges unused memory chunks from all existing stream providers.
void PurgeUnusedMemoryChunks();
friend SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider;
// Attempts to reserve an available memory chunk and returns true if
// successful. On success, |available_chunk_count_| is decremented by one.
bool TryReserveMemoryChunk();
// Adds the specified count to |available_chunk_count_|.
void ReleaseReservedMemoryChunks(size_t count);
SkMutex stream_provider_mutex_;
ScopedVector<SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider> stream_provider_array_;
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProviderMap stream_provider_map_;
base::subtle::Atomic32 available_chunk_count_;
const base::CVal<base::cval::SizeInBytes, base::CValPublic>
base::CVal<base::cval::SizeInBytes, base::CValPublic> cache_size_in_bytes_;
// SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider is a thread-safe class that handles creating
// streams for its specified file and processes requests from those streams for
// memory chunks. This processing work includes verifying that additional memory
// chunks are available with the manager, creating and caching new memory
// chunks, and sharing cached memory chunks between all of the streams that it
// created.
class SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider {
const std::string& file_path() const { return file_path_; }
// Returns a newly created SkFileMemoryChunkStream. It is the caller's
// responsibility to destroy it.
SkFileMemoryChunkStream* OpenStream() const;
// Returns a newly created snapshot of the provider's current memory chunks.
// While the snapshot exists, it retains references to all of those memory
// chunks, guaranteeing that they will be retained when
// PurgeUnusedMemoryChunks() is called.
scoped_ptr<const SkFileMemoryChunks> CreateMemoryChunksSnapshot();
// Purges all of the provider's memory chunks that are only referenced by the
// provider.
void PurgeUnusedMemoryChunks();
friend SkFileMemoryChunkStream;
friend SkFileMemoryChunkStreamManager;
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider(const std::string& file_path,
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamManager* manager);
// Returns the specified memory chunk if it exists. If it does not, attempts
// to create the memory chunk and populate it with data from the stream at the
// specified index. On success, the memory chunk is returned; otherwise, NULL
// is returned.
scoped_refptr<const SkFileMemoryChunk> TryGetMemoryChunk(
size_t index, SkFileMemoryChunkStream* stream);
const std::string file_path_;
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamManager* const manager_;
// The provider maintains a cache of all memory chunks that have been
// requested by any streams. This enables it share the memory chunks between
// all of the streams that it creates. The cache must be accessed behind a
// lock because the stream requests may come from multiple threads.
SkMutex memory_chunks_mutex_;
SkFileMemoryChunks memory_chunks_;
// SkFileMemoryChunkStream is a non-thread safe stream used within Skia, which
// opens a file handle to the file specified by its provider. It can read data
// from either memory chunks returned by its provider or from the file itself.
// While it maintains an internal cache to previously retrieved memory chunks,
// it relies on its provider for memory chunks that it has not already cached.
// If a memory chunk is available for a location, the stream reads that location
// directly from memory; otherwise, it reads the location from the file.
// NOTE: Although the provider handles creating new memory chunks, it does not
// directly access the file and uses the requesting stream to read the data into
// memory.
class SkFileMemoryChunkStream : public SkStreamAsset {
// Required by SkStream
virtual size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isAtEnd() const SK_OVERRIDE;
// Required by SkStreamRewindable
virtual bool rewind() SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkFileMemoryChunkStream* duplicate() const SK_OVERRIDE;
// Required by SkStreamSeekable
virtual size_t getPosition() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool seek(size_t position) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool move(long offset) SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual SkFileMemoryChunkStream* fork() const SK_OVERRIDE;
// Required by SkStreamAsset
virtual size_t getLength() const SK_OVERRIDE;
friend SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider;
explicit SkFileMemoryChunkStream(
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider* stream_provider);
// Attempts to read the file position specified by the index into the chunk's
// memory. Returns true if the read was successful.
bool ReadIndexIntoMemoryChunk(size_t index, SkFileMemoryChunk* chunk);
SkFileMemoryChunkStreamProvider* const stream_provider_;
SkFILE* const file_;
size_t file_length_;
size_t file_position_;
size_t stream_position_;
// The stream maintains its own references to any memory chunks that it has
// requested from the provider. This allows it faster access to them, as it
// does not need to worry about thread safety within its locally cached
// chunks and can directly access them, whereas a lock is required when
// the provider accesses its own memory chunks. The stream's memory chunk
// references also enable the provider to know which memory chunks are being
// used and which can be purged.
SkFileMemoryChunks memory_chunks_;