blob: d6ac3f43dfaa88ba2b24de4aec183b5ec9eb1f51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// X64-specific opcodes that specify which assembly sequence to emit.
// Most opcodes specify a single instruction.
V(X64Add) \
V(X64Add32) \
V(X64And) \
V(X64And32) \
V(X64Cmp) \
V(X64Cmp32) \
V(X64Cmp16) \
V(X64Cmp8) \
V(X64Test) \
V(X64Test32) \
V(X64Test16) \
V(X64Test8) \
V(X64Or) \
V(X64Or32) \
V(X64Xor) \
V(X64Xor32) \
V(X64Sub) \
V(X64Sub32) \
V(X64Imul) \
V(X64Imul32) \
V(X64ImulHigh32) \
V(X64UmulHigh32) \
V(X64Idiv) \
V(X64Idiv32) \
V(X64Udiv) \
V(X64Udiv32) \
V(X64Not) \
V(X64Not32) \
V(X64Neg) \
V(X64Neg32) \
V(X64Shl) \
V(X64Shl32) \
V(X64Shr) \
V(X64Shr32) \
V(X64Sar) \
V(X64Sar32) \
V(X64Ror) \
V(X64Ror32) \
V(X64Lzcnt) \
V(X64Lzcnt32) \
V(X64Tzcnt) \
V(X64Tzcnt32) \
V(X64Popcnt) \
V(X64Popcnt32) \
V(X64Bswap) \
V(X64Bswap32) \
V(X64MFence) \
V(X64LFence) \
V(SSEFloat32Cmp) \
V(SSEFloat32Add) \
V(SSEFloat32Sub) \
V(SSEFloat32Mul) \
V(SSEFloat32Div) \
V(SSEFloat32Abs) \
V(SSEFloat32Neg) \
V(SSEFloat32Sqrt) \
V(SSEFloat32ToFloat64) \
V(SSEFloat32ToInt32) \
V(SSEFloat32ToUint32) \
V(SSEFloat32Round) \
V(SSEFloat64Cmp) \
V(SSEFloat64Add) \
V(SSEFloat64Sub) \
V(SSEFloat64Mul) \
V(SSEFloat64Div) \
V(SSEFloat64Mod) \
V(SSEFloat64Abs) \
V(SSEFloat64Neg) \
V(SSEFloat64Sqrt) \
V(SSEFloat64Round) \
V(SSEFloat32Max) \
V(SSEFloat64Max) \
V(SSEFloat32Min) \
V(SSEFloat64Min) \
V(SSEFloat64ToFloat32) \
V(SSEFloat64ToInt32) \
V(SSEFloat64ToUint32) \
V(SSEFloat32ToInt64) \
V(SSEFloat64ToInt64) \
V(SSEFloat32ToUint64) \
V(SSEFloat64ToUint64) \
V(SSEInt32ToFloat64) \
V(SSEInt32ToFloat32) \
V(SSEInt64ToFloat32) \
V(SSEInt64ToFloat64) \
V(SSEUint64ToFloat32) \
V(SSEUint64ToFloat64) \
V(SSEUint32ToFloat64) \
V(SSEUint32ToFloat32) \
V(SSEFloat64ExtractLowWord32) \
V(SSEFloat64ExtractHighWord32) \
V(SSEFloat64InsertLowWord32) \
V(SSEFloat64InsertHighWord32) \
V(SSEFloat64LoadLowWord32) \
V(SSEFloat64SilenceNaN) \
V(AVXFloat32Cmp) \
V(AVXFloat32Add) \
V(AVXFloat32Sub) \
V(AVXFloat32Mul) \
V(AVXFloat32Div) \
V(AVXFloat64Cmp) \
V(AVXFloat64Add) \
V(AVXFloat64Sub) \
V(AVXFloat64Mul) \
V(AVXFloat64Div) \
V(AVXFloat64Abs) \
V(AVXFloat64Neg) \
V(AVXFloat32Abs) \
V(AVXFloat32Neg) \
V(X64Movsxbl) \
V(X64Movzxbl) \
V(X64Movsxbq) \
V(X64Movzxbq) \
V(X64Movb) \
V(X64Movsxwl) \
V(X64Movzxwl) \
V(X64Movsxwq) \
V(X64Movzxwq) \
V(X64Movw) \
V(X64Movl) \
V(X64Movsxlq) \
V(X64MovqDecompressTaggedSigned) \
V(X64MovqDecompressTaggedPointer) \
V(X64MovqDecompressAnyTagged) \
V(X64MovqCompressTagged) \
V(X64DecompressSigned) \
V(X64DecompressPointer) \
V(X64DecompressAny) \
V(X64CompressSigned) \
V(X64CompressPointer) \
V(X64CompressAny) \
V(X64Movq) \
V(X64Movsd) \
V(X64Movss) \
V(X64Movdqu) \
V(X64BitcastFI) \
V(X64BitcastDL) \
V(X64BitcastIF) \
V(X64BitcastLD) \
V(X64Lea32) \
V(X64Lea) \
V(X64Dec32) \
V(X64Inc32) \
V(X64Push) \
V(X64Poke) \
V(X64Peek) \
V(X64StackCheck) \
V(X64F64x2Splat) \
V(X64F64x2ExtractLane) \
V(X64F64x2ReplaceLane) \
V(X64F64x2Abs) \
V(X64F64x2Neg) \
V(X64F64x2Eq) \
V(X64F64x2Ne) \
V(X64F64x2Lt) \
V(X64F64x2Le) \
V(X64F32x4Splat) \
V(X64F32x4ExtractLane) \
V(X64F32x4ReplaceLane) \
V(X64F32x4SConvertI32x4) \
V(X64F32x4UConvertI32x4) \
V(X64F32x4Abs) \
V(X64F32x4Neg) \
V(X64F32x4RecipApprox) \
V(X64F32x4RecipSqrtApprox) \
V(X64F32x4Add) \
V(X64F32x4AddHoriz) \
V(X64F32x4Sub) \
V(X64F32x4Mul) \
V(X64F32x4Min) \
V(X64F32x4Max) \
V(X64F32x4Eq) \
V(X64F32x4Ne) \
V(X64F32x4Lt) \
V(X64F32x4Le) \
V(X64I64x2Splat) \
V(X64I64x2ExtractLane) \
V(X64I64x2ReplaceLane) \
V(X64I64x2Neg) \
V(X64I64x2Shl) \
V(X64I64x2ShrS) \
V(X64I64x2Add) \
V(X64I64x2Sub) \
V(X64I64x2Mul) \
V(X64I64x2Eq) \
V(X64I64x2Ne) \
V(X64I64x2GtS) \
V(X64I64x2GeS) \
V(X64I64x2ShrU) \
V(X64I64x2GtU) \
V(X64I64x2GeU) \
V(X64I32x4Splat) \
V(X64I32x4ExtractLane) \
V(X64I32x4ReplaceLane) \
V(X64I32x4SConvertF32x4) \
V(X64I32x4SConvertI16x8Low) \
V(X64I32x4SConvertI16x8High) \
V(X64I32x4Neg) \
V(X64I32x4Shl) \
V(X64I32x4ShrS) \
V(X64I32x4Add) \
V(X64I32x4AddHoriz) \
V(X64I32x4Sub) \
V(X64I32x4Mul) \
V(X64I32x4MinS) \
V(X64I32x4MaxS) \
V(X64I32x4Eq) \
V(X64I32x4Ne) \
V(X64I32x4GtS) \
V(X64I32x4GeS) \
V(X64I32x4UConvertF32x4) \
V(X64I32x4UConvertI16x8Low) \
V(X64I32x4UConvertI16x8High) \
V(X64I32x4ShrU) \
V(X64I32x4MinU) \
V(X64I32x4MaxU) \
V(X64I32x4GtU) \
V(X64I32x4GeU) \
V(X64I16x8Splat) \
V(X64I16x8ExtractLane) \
V(X64I16x8ReplaceLane) \
V(X64I16x8SConvertI8x16Low) \
V(X64I16x8SConvertI8x16High) \
V(X64I16x8Neg) \
V(X64I16x8Shl) \
V(X64I16x8ShrS) \
V(X64I16x8SConvertI32x4) \
V(X64I16x8Add) \
V(X64I16x8AddSaturateS) \
V(X64I16x8AddHoriz) \
V(X64I16x8Sub) \
V(X64I16x8SubSaturateS) \
V(X64I16x8Mul) \
V(X64I16x8MinS) \
V(X64I16x8MaxS) \
V(X64I16x8Eq) \
V(X64I16x8Ne) \
V(X64I16x8GtS) \
V(X64I16x8GeS) \
V(X64I16x8UConvertI8x16Low) \
V(X64I16x8UConvertI8x16High) \
V(X64I16x8ShrU) \
V(X64I16x8UConvertI32x4) \
V(X64I16x8AddSaturateU) \
V(X64I16x8SubSaturateU) \
V(X64I16x8MinU) \
V(X64I16x8MaxU) \
V(X64I16x8GtU) \
V(X64I16x8GeU) \
V(X64I8x16Splat) \
V(X64I8x16ExtractLane) \
V(X64I8x16ReplaceLane) \
V(X64I8x16SConvertI16x8) \
V(X64I8x16Neg) \
V(X64I8x16Shl) \
V(X64I8x16ShrS) \
V(X64I8x16Add) \
V(X64I8x16AddSaturateS) \
V(X64I8x16Sub) \
V(X64I8x16SubSaturateS) \
V(X64I8x16Mul) \
V(X64I8x16MinS) \
V(X64I8x16MaxS) \
V(X64I8x16Eq) \
V(X64I8x16Ne) \
V(X64I8x16GtS) \
V(X64I8x16GeS) \
V(X64I8x16UConvertI16x8) \
V(X64I8x16AddSaturateU) \
V(X64I8x16SubSaturateU) \
V(X64I8x16ShrU) \
V(X64I8x16MinU) \
V(X64I8x16MaxU) \
V(X64I8x16GtU) \
V(X64I8x16GeU) \
V(X64S128Zero) \
V(X64S128Not) \
V(X64S128And) \
V(X64S128Or) \
V(X64S128Xor) \
V(X64S128Select) \
V(X64S8x16Shuffle) \
V(X64S32x4Swizzle) \
V(X64S32x4Shuffle) \
V(X64S16x8Blend) \
V(X64S16x8HalfShuffle1) \
V(X64S16x8HalfShuffle2) \
V(X64S8x16Alignr) \
V(X64S16x8Dup) \
V(X64S8x16Dup) \
V(X64S16x8UnzipHigh) \
V(X64S16x8UnzipLow) \
V(X64S8x16UnzipHigh) \
V(X64S8x16UnzipLow) \
V(X64S64x2UnpackHigh) \
V(X64S32x4UnpackHigh) \
V(X64S16x8UnpackHigh) \
V(X64S8x16UnpackHigh) \
V(X64S64x2UnpackLow) \
V(X64S32x4UnpackLow) \
V(X64S16x8UnpackLow) \
V(X64S8x16UnpackLow) \
V(X64S8x16TransposeLow) \
V(X64S8x16TransposeHigh) \
V(X64S8x8Reverse) \
V(X64S8x4Reverse) \
V(X64S8x2Reverse) \
V(X64S1x2AnyTrue) \
V(X64S1x2AllTrue) \
V(X64S1x4AnyTrue) \
V(X64S1x4AllTrue) \
V(X64S1x8AnyTrue) \
V(X64S1x8AllTrue) \
V(X64S1x16AnyTrue) \
V(X64S1x16AllTrue) \
V(X64Word64AtomicLoadUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicLoadUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicLoadUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicLoadUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicStoreWord8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicStoreWord16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicStoreWord32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicStoreWord64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAddUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAddUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAddUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAddUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicSubUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicSubUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicSubUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicSubUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAndUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAndUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAndUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicAndUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicOrUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicOrUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicOrUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicOrUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicXorUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicXorUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicXorUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicXorUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicExchangeUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicExchangeUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicExchangeUint32) \
V(X64Word64AtomicExchangeUint64) \
V(X64Word64AtomicCompareExchangeUint8) \
V(X64Word64AtomicCompareExchangeUint16) \
V(X64Word64AtomicCompareExchangeUint32) \
// Addressing modes represent the "shape" of inputs to an instruction.
// Many instructions support multiple addressing modes. Addressing modes
// are encoded into the InstructionCode of the instruction and tell the
// code generator after register allocation which assembler method to call.
// We use the following local notation for addressing modes:
// M = memory operand
// R = base register
// N = index register * N for N in {1, 2, 4, 8}
// I = immediate displacement (32-bit signed integer)
V(MR) /* [%r1 ] */ \
V(MRI) /* [%r1 + K] */ \
V(MR1) /* [%r1 + %r2*1 ] */ \
V(MR2) /* [%r1 + %r2*2 ] */ \
V(MR4) /* [%r1 + %r2*4 ] */ \
V(MR8) /* [%r1 + %r2*8 ] */ \
V(MR1I) /* [%r1 + %r2*1 + K] */ \
V(MR2I) /* [%r1 + %r2*2 + K] */ \
V(MR4I) /* [%r1 + %r2*3 + K] */ \
V(MR8I) /* [%r1 + %r2*4 + K] */ \
V(M1) /* [ %r2*1 ] */ \
V(M2) /* [ %r2*2 ] */ \
V(M4) /* [ %r2*4 ] */ \
V(M8) /* [ %r2*8 ] */ \
V(M1I) /* [ %r2*1 + K] */ \
V(M2I) /* [ %r2*2 + K] */ \
V(M4I) /* [ %r2*4 + K] */ \
V(M8I) /* [ %r2*8 + K] */ \
V(Root) /* [%root + K] */
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8