| /* |
| * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "src/gpu/ccpr/GrCCCubicShader.h" |
| |
| #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h" |
| #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder.h" |
| |
| using Shader = GrCCCoverageProcessor::Shader; |
| |
| void GrCCCubicShader::emitSetupCode( |
| GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder* s, const char* pts, const char** /*outHull4*/) const { |
| // Find the cubic's power basis coefficients. |
| s->codeAppendf("float2x4 C = float4x4(-1, 3, -3, 1, " |
| " 3, -6, 3, 0, " |
| "-3, 3, 0, 0, " |
| " 1, 0, 0, 0) * transpose(%s);", pts); |
| |
| // Find the cubic's inflection function. |
| s->codeAppend ("float D3 = +determinant(float2x2(C[0].yz, C[1].yz));"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float D2 = -determinant(float2x2(C[0].xz, C[1].xz));"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float D1 = +determinant(float2x2(C));"); |
| |
| // Shift the exponents in D so the largest magnitude falls somewhere in 1..2. This protects us |
| // from overflow while solving for roots and KLM functionals. |
| s->codeAppend ("float Dmax = max(max(abs(D1), abs(D2)), abs(D3));"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float norm;"); |
| if (s->getProgramBuilder()->shaderCaps()->fpManipulationSupport()) { |
| s->codeAppend ("int exp;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("frexp(Dmax, exp);"); |
| s->codeAppend ("norm = ldexp(1, 1 - exp);"); |
| } else { |
| s->codeAppend ("norm = 1/Dmax;"); // Dmax will not be 0 because we cull line cubics on CPU. |
| } |
| s->codeAppend ("D3 *= norm;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("D2 *= norm;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("D1 *= norm;"); |
| |
| // Calculate the KLM matrix. |
| s->declareGlobal(fKLMMatrix); |
| s->codeAppend ("float discr = 3*D2*D2 - 4*D1*D3;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float x = discr >= 0 ? 3 : 1;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float q = sqrt(x * abs(discr));"); |
| s->codeAppend ("q = x*D2 + (D2 >= 0 ? q : -q);"); |
| |
| s->codeAppend ("float2 l, m;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("l.ts = float2(q, 2*x * D1);"); |
| s->codeAppend ("m.ts = float2(2, q) * (discr >= 0 ? float2(D3, 1) " |
| ": float2(D2*D2 - D3*D1, D1));"); |
| |
| s->codeAppend ("float4 K;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float4 lm = l.sstt * m.stst;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("K = float4(0, lm.x, -lm.y - lm.z, lm.w);"); |
| |
| s->codeAppend ("float4 L, M;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("lm.yz += 2*lm.zy;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("L = float4(-1,x,-x,1) * l.sstt * (discr >= 0 ? l.ssst * l.sttt : lm);"); |
| s->codeAppend ("M = float4(-1,x,-x,1) * m.sstt * (discr >= 0 ? m.ssst * m.sttt : lm.xzyw);"); |
| |
| s->codeAppend ("int middlerow = abs(D2) > abs(D1) ? 2 : 1;"); |
| s->codeAppend ("float3x3 CI = inverse(float3x3(C[0][0], C[0][middlerow], C[0][3], " |
| "C[1][0], C[1][middlerow], C[1][3], " |
| " 0, 0, 1));"); |
| s->codeAppendf("%s = CI * float3x3(K[0], K[middlerow], K[3], " |
| "L[0], L[middlerow], L[3], " |
| "M[0], M[middlerow], M[3]);", fKLMMatrix.c_str()); |
| |
| // Evaluate the cubic at T=.5 for a mid-ish point. |
| s->codeAppendf("float2 midpoint = %s * float4(.125, .375, .375, .125);", pts); |
| |
| // Orient the KLM matrix so L & M are both positive on the side of the curve we wish to fill. |
| s->codeAppendf("float2 orientation = sign(float3(midpoint, 1) * float2x3(%s[1], %s[2]));", |
| fKLMMatrix.c_str(), fKLMMatrix.c_str()); |
| s->codeAppendf("%s *= float3x3(orientation[0] * orientation[1], 0, 0, " |
| "0, orientation[0], 0, " |
| "0, 0, orientation[1]);", fKLMMatrix.c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| void GrCCCubicShader::onEmitVaryings( |
| GrGLSLVaryingHandler* varyingHandler, GrGLSLVarying::Scope scope, SkString* code, |
| const char* position, const char* coverage, const char* cornerCoverage, const char* wind) { |
| code->appendf("float3 klm = float3(%s, 1) * %s;", position, fKLMMatrix.c_str()); |
| if (coverage) { |
| fKLM_fEdge.reset(kFloat4_GrSLType, scope); |
| varyingHandler->addVarying("klm_and_edge", &fKLM_fEdge); |
| // Give L&M both the same sign as wind, in order to pass this value to the fragment shader. |
| // (Cubics are pre-chopped such that L&M do not change sign within any individual segment.) |
| code->appendf("%s.xyz = klm * float3(1, %s, %s);", OutName(fKLM_fEdge), wind, wind); |
| // Flat edge opposite the curve. |
| code->appendf("%s.w = %s;", OutName(fKLM_fEdge), coverage); |
| } else { |
| fKLM_fEdge.reset(kFloat3_GrSLType, scope); |
| varyingHandler->addVarying("klm", &fKLM_fEdge); |
| code->appendf("%s = klm;", OutName(fKLM_fEdge)); |
| } |
| |
| fGradMatrix.reset(kFloat4_GrSLType, scope); |
| varyingHandler->addVarying("grad_matrix", &fGradMatrix); |
| code->appendf("%s.xy = 2*bloat * 3 * klm[0] * %s[0].xy;", |
| OutName(fGradMatrix), fKLMMatrix.c_str()); |
| code->appendf("%s.zw = -2*bloat * (klm[1] * %s[2].xy + klm[2] * %s[1].xy);", |
| OutName(fGradMatrix), fKLMMatrix.c_str(), fKLMMatrix.c_str()); |
| |
| if (cornerCoverage) { |
| SkASSERT(coverage); |
| code->appendf("half hull_coverage; {"); |
| this->calcHullCoverage(code, OutName(fKLM_fEdge), OutName(fGradMatrix), "hull_coverage"); |
| code->appendf("}"); |
| fCornerCoverage.reset(kHalf2_GrSLType, scope); |
| varyingHandler->addVarying("corner_coverage", &fCornerCoverage); |
| code->appendf("%s = half2(hull_coverage, 1) * %s;", |
| OutName(fCornerCoverage), cornerCoverage); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void GrCCCubicShader::emitFragmentCoverageCode( |
| GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder* f, const char* outputCoverage) const { |
| this->calcHullCoverage( |
| &AccessCodeString(f), fKLM_fEdge.fsIn(), fGradMatrix.fsIn(), outputCoverage); |
| |
| // Wind is the sign of both L and/or M. Take the sign of whichever has the larger magnitude. |
| // (In reality, either would be fine because we chop cubics with more than a half pixel of |
| // padding around the L & M lines, so neither should approach zero.) |
| f->codeAppend ("half wind = sign(half(l + m));"); |
| f->codeAppendf("%s *= wind;", outputCoverage); |
| |
| if (fCornerCoverage.fsIn()) { |
| f->codeAppendf("%s = %s.x * %s.y + %s;", // Attenuated corner coverage. |
| outputCoverage, fCornerCoverage.fsIn(), fCornerCoverage.fsIn(), |
| outputCoverage); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void GrCCCubicShader::calcHullCoverage(SkString* code, const char* klmAndEdge, |
| const char* gradMatrix, const char* outputCoverage) const { |
| code->appendf("float k = %s.x, l = %s.y, m = %s.z;", klmAndEdge, klmAndEdge, klmAndEdge); |
| code->append ("float f = k*k*k - l*m;"); |
| code->appendf("float2 grad = %s.xy * k + %s.zw;", gradMatrix, gradMatrix); |
| code->append ("float fwidth = abs(grad.x) + abs(grad.y);"); |
| code->appendf("float curve_coverage = min(0.5 - f/fwidth, 1);"); |
| // Flat edge opposite the curve. |
| code->appendf("float edge_coverage = min(%s.w, 0);", klmAndEdge); |
| // Total hull coverage. |
| code->appendf("%s = max(half(curve_coverage + edge_coverage), 0);", outputCoverage); |
| } |
| |
| void GrCCCubicShader::emitSampleMaskCode(GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder* f) const { |
| f->codeAppendf("float k = %s.x, l = %s.y, m = %s.z;", |
| fKLM_fEdge.fsIn(), fKLM_fEdge.fsIn(), fKLM_fEdge.fsIn()); |
| f->codeAppendf("float f = k*k*k - l*m;"); |
| f->codeAppendf("float2x2 grad_matrix = float2x2(%s);", fGradMatrix.fsIn()); |
| f->codeAppendf("float2 grad = grad_matrix * float2(k, 1);"); |
| f->applyFnToMultisampleMask("f", "grad", GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder::ScopeFlags::kTopLevel); |
| } |