blob: 8b643341430c67064835c13d92a73cc641501760 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ic/stub-cache.h"
#include "src/ast/ast.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-inl.h" // For InYoungGeneration().
#include "src/ic/ic-inl.h"
#include "src/logging/counters.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged-value-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
StubCache::StubCache(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) {
// Ensure the nullptr (aka Smi::zero()) which StubCache::Get() returns
// when the entry is not found is not considered as a handler.
void StubCache::Initialize() {
// Hash algorithm for the primary table. This algorithm is replicated in
// the AccessorAssembler. Returns an index into the table that
// is scaled by 1 << kCacheIndexShift.
int StubCache::PrimaryOffset(Name name, Map map) {
// Compute the hash of the name (use entire hash field).
uint32_t field = name.hash_field();
// Using only the low bits in 64-bit mode is unlikely to increase the
// risk of collision even if the heap is spread over an area larger than
// 4Gb (and not at all if it isn't).
uint32_t map_low32bits =
static_cast<uint32_t>(map.ptr() ^ (map.ptr() >> kMapKeyShift));
// Base the offset on a simple combination of name and map.
uint32_t key = map_low32bits + field;
return key & ((kPrimaryTableSize - 1) << kCacheIndexShift);
// Hash algorithm for the secondary table. This algorithm is replicated in
// assembler for every architecture. Returns an index into the table that
// is scaled by 1 << kCacheIndexShift.
int StubCache::SecondaryOffset(Name name, int seed) {
// Use the seed from the primary cache in the secondary cache.
uint32_t name_low32bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(name.ptr());
uint32_t key = (seed - name_low32bits) + kSecondaryMagic;
return key & ((kSecondaryTableSize - 1) << kCacheIndexShift);
int StubCache::PrimaryOffsetForTesting(Name name, Map map) {
return PrimaryOffset(name, map);
int StubCache::SecondaryOffsetForTesting(Name name, int seed) {
return SecondaryOffset(name, seed);
#ifdef DEBUG
namespace {
bool CommonStubCacheChecks(StubCache* stub_cache, Name name, Map map,
MaybeObject handler) {
// Validate that the name and handler do not move on scavenge, and that we
// can use identity checks instead of structural equality checks.
if (handler->ptr() != kNullAddress) DCHECK(IC::IsHandler(handler));
return true;
} // namespace
void StubCache::Set(Name name, Map map, MaybeObject handler) {
DCHECK(CommonStubCacheChecks(this, name, map, handler));
// Compute the primary entry.
int primary_offset = PrimaryOffset(name, map);
Entry* primary = entry(primary_, primary_offset);
MaybeObject old_handler(
TaggedValue::ToMaybeObject(isolate(), primary->value));
// If the primary entry has useful data in it, we retire it to the
// secondary cache before overwriting it.
if (old_handler != MaybeObject::FromObject(
isolate()->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kIllegal)) &&
!primary->map.IsSmi()) {
Map old_map =
Map::cast(StrongTaggedValue::ToObject(isolate(), primary->map));
int seed = PrimaryOffset(
Name::cast(StrongTaggedValue::ToObject(isolate(), primary->key)),
int secondary_offset = SecondaryOffset(
Name::cast(StrongTaggedValue::ToObject(isolate(), primary->key)), seed);
Entry* secondary = entry(secondary_, secondary_offset);
*secondary = *primary;
// Update primary cache.
primary->key = StrongTaggedValue(name);
primary->value = TaggedValue(handler);
primary->map = StrongTaggedValue(map);
MaybeObject StubCache::Get(Name name, Map map) {
DCHECK(CommonStubCacheChecks(this, name, map, MaybeObject()));
int primary_offset = PrimaryOffset(name, map);
Entry* primary = entry(primary_, primary_offset);
if (primary->key == name && primary->map == map) {
return TaggedValue::ToMaybeObject(isolate(), primary->value);
int secondary_offset = SecondaryOffset(name, primary_offset);
Entry* secondary = entry(secondary_, secondary_offset);
if (secondary->key == name && secondary->map == map) {
return TaggedValue::ToMaybeObject(isolate(), secondary->value);
return MaybeObject();
void StubCache::Clear() {
MaybeObject empty = MaybeObject::FromObject(
Name empty_string = ReadOnlyRoots(isolate()).empty_string();
for (int i = 0; i < kPrimaryTableSize; i++) {
primary_[i].key = StrongTaggedValue(empty_string);
primary_[i].map = StrongTaggedValue(Smi::zero());
primary_[i].value = TaggedValue(empty);
for (int j = 0; j < kSecondaryTableSize; j++) {
secondary_[j].key = StrongTaggedValue(empty_string);
secondary_[j].map = StrongTaggedValue(Smi::zero());
secondary_[j].value = TaggedValue(empty);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8