blob: 03bbdfab731e237280b3da77a0077f64d2ce6eaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/media_util.h"
#include <cctype>
#include "starboard/character.h"
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/common/string.h"
#include "starboard/log.h"
#include "starboard/memory.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/codec_util.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/media_support_internal.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/mime_type.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
namespace media {
namespace {
const int64_t kDefaultBitRate = 0;
const int64_t kDefaultAudioChannels = 2;
bool IsSupportedAudioCodec(const MimeType& mime_type,
const std::string& codec,
const char* key_system) {
SbMediaAudioCodec audio_codec = GetAudioCodecFromString(codec.c_str());
if (audio_codec == kSbMediaAudioCodecNone) {
return false;
// TODO: allow platform-specific rejection of a combination of codec &
// number of channels, by passing channels to SbMediaAudioIsSupported and /
// or SbMediaIsSupported.
if (SbStringGetLength(key_system) != 0) {
if (!SbMediaIsSupported(kSbMediaVideoCodecNone, audio_codec, key_system)) {
return false;
int channels = mime_type.GetParamIntValue("channels", kDefaultAudioChannels);
if (!IsAudioOutputSupported(kSbMediaAudioCodingTypePcm, channels)) {
return false;
int bitrate = mime_type.GetParamIntValue("bitrate", kDefaultBitRate);
if (!SbMediaIsAudioSupported(audio_codec, bitrate)) {
return false;
switch (audio_codec) {
case kSbMediaAudioCodecNone:
return false;
case kSbMediaAudioCodecAac:
return mime_type.subtype() == "mp4";
case kSbMediaAudioCodecAc3:
return mime_type.subtype() == "mp4";
case kSbMediaAudioCodecEac3:
return mime_type.subtype() == "mp4";
#endif // SB_HAS(AC3_AUDIO)
case kSbMediaAudioCodecOpus:
case kSbMediaAudioCodecVorbis:
return mime_type.subtype() == "webm";
return false;
bool IsSupportedVideoCodec(const MimeType& mime_type,
const std::string& codec,
const char* key_system,
bool decode_to_texture_required) {
#endif // SB_API_VERSION < 10
SbMediaVideoCodec video_codec;
int profile = -1;
int level = -1;
int bit_depth = 8;
SbMediaPrimaryId primary_id = kSbMediaPrimaryIdUnspecified;
SbMediaTransferId transfer_id = kSbMediaTransferIdUnspecified;
SbMediaMatrixId matrix_id = kSbMediaMatrixIdUnspecified;
if (!ParseVideoCodec(codec.c_str(), &video_codec, &profile, &level,
&bit_depth, &primary_id, &transfer_id, &matrix_id)) {
return false;
SB_DCHECK(video_codec != kSbMediaVideoCodecNone);
if (SbStringGetLength(key_system) != 0) {
if (!SbMediaIsSupported(video_codec, kSbMediaAudioCodecNone, key_system)) {
return false;
std::string eotf = mime_type.GetParamStringValue("eotf", "");
if (!eotf.empty()) {
SbMediaTransferId transfer_id_from_eotf = GetTransferIdFromString(eotf);
// If the eotf is not known, reject immediately - without checking with
// the platform.
if (transfer_id_from_eotf == kSbMediaTransferIdUnknown) {
return false;
if (transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdUnspecified &&
transfer_id != transfer_id_from_eotf) {
SB_LOG_IF(WARNING, transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdUnspecified)
<< "transfer_id " << transfer_id << " set by the codec string \""
<< codec << "\" will be overwritten by the eotf attribute " << eotf;
transfer_id = transfer_id_from_eotf;
if (!SbMediaIsTransferCharacteristicsSupported(transfer_id)) {
return false;
std::string cryptoblockformat =
mime_type.GetParamStringValue("cryptoblockformat", "");
if (!cryptoblockformat.empty()) {
if (mime_type.subtype() != "webm" || cryptoblockformat != "subsample") {
return false;
int width = mime_type.GetParamIntValue("width", 0);
int height = mime_type.GetParamIntValue("height", 0);
int fps = mime_type.GetParamIntValue("framerate", 0);
int bitrate = mime_type.GetParamIntValue("bitrate", kDefaultBitRate);
if (!SbMediaIsVideoSupported(video_codec, profile, level, bit_depth,
primary_id, transfer_id, matrix_id, width,
height, bitrate, fps
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 10
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 10
)) {
return false;
if (!SbMediaIsVideoSupported(video_codec, width, height, bitrate, fps
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 10
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 10
)) {
return false;
switch (video_codec) {
case kSbMediaVideoCodecNone:
return false;
case kSbMediaVideoCodecH264:
case kSbMediaVideoCodecH265:
return mime_type.subtype() == "mp4";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecMpeg2:
case kSbMediaVideoCodecTheora:
return false; // No associated container in YT.
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVc1:
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVp10:
#else // SB_API_VERSION < 11
case kSbMediaVideoCodecAv1:
#endif // SB_API_VERSION < 11
return mime_type.subtype() == "mp4";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVp8:
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVp9:
return mime_type.subtype() == "webm";
return false;
} // namespace
bool IsAudioOutputSupported(SbMediaAudioCodingType coding_type, int channels) {
int count = SbMediaGetAudioOutputCount();
for (int output_index = 0; output_index < count; ++output_index) {
SbMediaAudioConfiguration configuration;
if (!SbMediaGetAudioConfiguration(output_index, &configuration)) {
if (configuration.coding_type == coding_type &&
configuration.number_of_channels >= channels) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsSDRVideo(int bit_depth,
SbMediaPrimaryId primary_id,
SbMediaTransferId transfer_id,
SbMediaMatrixId matrix_id) {
if (bit_depth != 8) {
return false;
if (primary_id != kSbMediaPrimaryIdBt709 &&
primary_id != kSbMediaPrimaryIdUnspecified &&
primary_id != kSbMediaPrimaryIdSmpte170M) {
return false;
if (transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdBt709 &&
transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdUnspecified &&
transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdSmpte170M) {
return false;
if (matrix_id != kSbMediaMatrixIdBt709 &&
matrix_id != kSbMediaMatrixIdUnspecified &&
matrix_id != kSbMediaMatrixIdSmpte170M) {
return false;
return true;
SbMediaTransferId GetTransferIdFromString(const std::string& transfer_id) {
if (transfer_id == "bt709") {
return kSbMediaTransferIdBt709;
} else if (transfer_id == "smpte2084") {
return kSbMediaTransferIdSmpteSt2084;
} else if (transfer_id == "arib-std-b67") {
return kSbMediaTransferIdAribStdB67;
return kSbMediaTransferIdUnknown;
int GetBytesPerSample(SbMediaAudioSampleType sample_type) {
switch (sample_type) {
case kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16Deprecated:
return 2;
case kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeFloat32:
return 4;
return 4;
SbMediaSupportType CanPlayMimeAndKeySystem(const MimeType& mime_type,
const char* key_system) {
if (mime_type.type() != "audio" && mime_type.type() != "video") {
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
auto codecs = mime_type.GetCodecs();
// Pre-filter for |key_system|.
if (SbStringGetLength(key_system) != 0) {
if (!SbMediaIsSupported(kSbMediaVideoCodecNone, kSbMediaAudioCodecNone,
key_system)) {
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
bool decode_to_texture_required = false;
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 10
std::string decode_to_texture_value =
mime_type.GetParamStringValue("decode-to-texture", "false");
if (decode_to_texture_value == "true") {
decode_to_texture_required = true;
} else if (decode_to_texture_value != "false") {
// If an invalid value (e.g. not "true" or "false") is passed in for
// decode-to-texture, trivially reject.
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 10
if (codecs.size() == 0) {
// This is a progressive query. We only support "video/mp4" in this case.
if (mime_type.type() == "video" && mime_type.subtype() == "mp4") {
return kSbMediaSupportTypeMaybe;
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
if (codecs.size() > 2) {
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
bool has_audio_codec = false;
bool has_video_codec = false;
for (const auto& codec : codecs) {
if (IsSupportedAudioCodec(mime_type, codec, key_system)) {
if (has_audio_codec) {
// We don't support two audio codecs in one stream.
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
has_audio_codec = true;
if (IsSupportedVideoCodec(mime_type, codec, key_system,
decode_to_texture_required)) {
if (mime_type.type() != "video") {
// Video can only be contained in "video/*", while audio can be
// contained in both "audio/*" and "video/*".
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
if (has_video_codec) {
// We don't support two video codecs in one stream.
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
has_video_codec = true;
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
if (has_audio_codec || has_video_codec) {
return kSbMediaSupportTypeProbably;
return kSbMediaSupportTypeNotSupported;
const char* GetCodecName(SbMediaAudioCodec codec) {
switch (codec) {
case kSbMediaAudioCodecNone:
return "none";
case kSbMediaAudioCodecAac:
return "aac";
case kSbMediaAudioCodecAc3:
return "ac3";
case kSbMediaAudioCodecEac3:
return "ec3";
#endif // SB_HAS(AC3_AUDIO)
case kSbMediaAudioCodecOpus:
return "opus";
case kSbMediaAudioCodecVorbis:
return "vorbis";
return "invalid";
const char* GetCodecName(SbMediaVideoCodec codec) {
switch (codec) {
case kSbMediaVideoCodecNone:
return "none";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecH264:
return "avc";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecH265:
return "hevc";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecMpeg2:
return "mpeg2";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecTheora:
return "theora";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVc1:
return "vc1";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVp10:
return "vp10";
#else // SB_API_VERSION < 11
case kSbMediaVideoCodecAv1:
return "av1";
#endif // SB_API_VERSION < 11
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVp8:
return "vp8";
case kSbMediaVideoCodecVp9:
return "vp9";
return "invalid";
const char* GetPrimaryIdName(SbMediaPrimaryId primary_id) {
switch (primary_id) {
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdReserved0:
return "Reserved0";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdBt709:
return "Bt709";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdUnspecified:
return "Unspecified";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdReserved:
return "Reserved";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdBt470M:
return "Bt470M";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdBt470Bg:
return "Bt470Bg";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdSmpte170M:
return "Smpte170M";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdSmpte240M:
return "Smpte240M";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdFilm:
return "Film";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdBt2020:
return "Bt2020";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdSmpteSt4281:
return "SmpteSt4281";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdSmpteSt4312:
return "SmpteSt4312";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdSmpteSt4321:
return "SmpteSt4321";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdUnknown:
return "Unknown";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdXyzD50:
return "XyzD50";
case kSbMediaPrimaryIdCustom:
return "Custom";
return "Invalid";
const char* GetTransferIdName(SbMediaTransferId transfer_id) {
switch (transfer_id) {
case kSbMediaTransferIdReserved0:
return "Reserved0";
case kSbMediaTransferIdBt709:
return "Bt709";
case kSbMediaTransferIdUnspecified:
return "Unspecified";
case kSbMediaTransferIdReserved:
return "Reserved";
case kSbMediaTransferIdGamma22:
return "Gamma22";
case kSbMediaTransferIdGamma28:
return "Gamma28";
case kSbMediaTransferIdSmpte170M:
return "Smpte170M";
case kSbMediaTransferIdSmpte240M:
return "Smpte240M";
case kSbMediaTransferIdLinear:
return "Linear";
case kSbMediaTransferIdLog:
return "Log";
case kSbMediaTransferIdLogSqrt:
return "LogSqrt";
case kSbMediaTransferIdIec6196624:
return "Iec6196624";
case kSbMediaTransferIdBt1361Ecg:
return "Bt1361Ecg";
case kSbMediaTransferIdIec6196621:
return "Iec6196621";
case kSbMediaTransferId10BitBt2020:
return "10BitBt2020";
case kSbMediaTransferId12BitBt2020:
return "12BitBt2020";
case kSbMediaTransferIdSmpteSt2084:
return "SmpteSt2084";
case kSbMediaTransferIdSmpteSt4281:
return "SmpteSt4281";
case kSbMediaTransferIdAribStdB67:
return "AribStdB67/HLG";
case kSbMediaTransferIdUnknown:
return "Unknown";
case kSbMediaTransferIdGamma24:
return "Gamma24";
case kSbMediaTransferIdSmpteSt2084NonHdr:
return "SmpteSt2084NonHdr";
case kSbMediaTransferIdCustom:
return "Custom";
return "Invalid";
const char* GetMatrixIdName(SbMediaMatrixId matrix_id) {
switch (matrix_id) {
case kSbMediaMatrixIdRgb:
return "Rgb";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdBt709:
return "Bt709";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdUnspecified:
return "Unspecified";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdReserved:
return "Reserved";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdFcc:
return "Fcc";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdBt470Bg:
return "Bt470Bg";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdSmpte170M:
return "Smpte170M";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdSmpte240M:
return "Smpte240M";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdYCgCo:
return "YCgCo";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdBt2020NonconstantLuminance:
return "Bt2020NonconstantLuminance";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdBt2020ConstantLuminance:
return "Bt2020ConstantLuminance";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdYDzDx:
return "YDzDx";
case kSbMediaMatrixIdUnknown:
return "Unknown";
return "Invalid";
const char* GetRangeIdName(SbMediaRangeId range_id) {
switch (range_id) {
case kSbMediaRangeIdUnspecified:
return "Unspecified";
case kSbMediaRangeIdLimited:
return "Limited";
case kSbMediaRangeIdFull:
return "Full";
case kSbMediaRangeIdDerived:
return "Derived";
return "Invalid";
} // namespace media
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard
bool operator==(const SbMediaColorMetadata& metadata_1,
const SbMediaColorMetadata& metadata_2) {
return SbMemoryCompare(&metadata_1, &metadata_2,
sizeof(SbMediaColorMetadata)) == 0;
bool operator==(const SbMediaVideoSampleInfo& sample_info_1,
const SbMediaVideoSampleInfo& sample_info_2) {
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 11
if (sample_info_1.codec != sample_info_2.codec) {
return false;
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
if (sample_info_1.is_key_frame != sample_info_2.is_key_frame) {
return false;
if (sample_info_1.frame_width != sample_info_2.frame_width) {
return false;
if (sample_info_1.frame_height != sample_info_2.frame_height) {
return false;
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 11
return sample_info_1.color_metadata == sample_info_2.color_metadata;
#else // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
return *sample_info_1.color_metadata == *sample_info_2.color_metadata;
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
bool operator!=(const SbMediaColorMetadata& metadata_1,
const SbMediaColorMetadata& metadata_2) {
return !(metadata_1 == metadata_2);
bool operator!=(const SbMediaVideoSampleInfo& sample_info_1,
const SbMediaVideoSampleInfo& sample_info_2) {
return !(sample_info_1 == sample_info_2);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const SbMediaColorMetadata& metadata) {
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::GetPrimaryIdName;
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::GetTransferIdName;
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::GetMatrixIdName;
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::GetRangeIdName;
os << metadata.bits_per_channel
<< " bits, primary: " << GetPrimaryIdName(metadata.primaries)
<< ", transfer: " << GetTransferIdName(metadata.transfer)
<< ", matrix: " << GetMatrixIdName(metadata.matrix)
<< ", range: " << GetRangeIdName(metadata.range);
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const SbMediaVideoSampleInfo& sample_info) {
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::GetCodecName;
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 11
os << GetCodecName(sample_info.codec) << ", ";
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
if (sample_info.is_key_frame) {
os << "key frame, ";
os << sample_info.frame_width << 'x' << sample_info.frame_height << ' ';
#if SB_API_VERSION >= 11
os << '(' << sample_info.color_metadata << ')';
#else // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
os << '(' << *sample_info.color_metadata << ')';
#endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 11
return os;
std::string GetHexRepresentation(const uint8_t* data, int size) {
const char kBinToHex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
result += kBinToHex[data[i] / 16];
result += kBinToHex[data[i] % 16];
if (i != size - 1) {
result += ' ';
return result;
std::string GetStringRepresentation(const uint8_t* data, int size) {
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (std::isspace(data[i])) {
result += ' ';
} else if (std::isprint(data[i])) {
result += data[i];
} else {
result += '?';
return result;
std::string GetMixedRepresentation(const uint8_t* data,
int size,
int bytes_per_line) {
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += bytes_per_line) {
if (i + bytes_per_line <= size) {
result += GetHexRepresentation(data + i, bytes_per_line);
result += " | ";
result += GetStringRepresentation(data + i, bytes_per_line);
result += '\n';
} else {
int bytes_left = size - i;
result += GetHexRepresentation(data + i, bytes_left);
result += std::string((bytes_per_line - bytes_left) * 3, ' ');
result += " | ";
result += GetStringRepresentation(data + i, bytes_left);
result += std::string(bytes_per_line - bytes_left, ' ');
result += '\n';
return result;