| // RUN: %clang_cc1 -S -o - -triple i686-windows -verify -fblocks \ |
| // RUN: -Wno-unused-comparison %s |
| |
| #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-comparison" |
| |
| #define nil ((id)nullptr) |
| |
| @protocol NSObject |
| @end |
| |
| @protocol NSCopying |
| @end |
| |
| @protocol OtherProtocol |
| @end |
| |
| __attribute__((objc_root_class)) |
| @interface NSObject <NSObject, NSCopying> |
| @end |
| |
| __attribute__((objc_root_class)) |
| @interface Test |
| @end |
| |
| int main() { |
| void (^block)() = ^{}; |
| NSObject *object; |
| id<NSObject, NSCopying> qualifiedId; |
| |
| id<OtherProtocol> poorlyQualified1; |
| Test *objectOfWrongType; |
| |
| block == nil; |
| block == object; |
| block == qualifiedId; |
| |
| nil == block; |
| object == block; |
| qualifiedId == block; |
| |
| // these are still not valid: blocks must be compared with id, NSObject*, or a protocol-qualified id |
| // conforming to NSCopying or NSObject. |
| |
| block == poorlyQualified1; // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('void (^)()' and 'id<OtherProtocol>')}} |
| block == objectOfWrongType; // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('void (^)()' and 'Test *')}} |
| |
| poorlyQualified1 == block; // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('id<OtherProtocol>' and 'void (^)()')}} |
| objectOfWrongType == block; // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('Test *' and 'void (^)()')}} |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |