blob: 64f3900a1c2f3e957ece52134463eb02259708f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Verify that the lld can handle .lib files and emit .idata sections.
# RUN: lld-link /out:%t.exe /entry:main /subsystem:console \
# RUN: %p/Inputs/hello64.obj %p/Inputs/std64.lib
# RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.exe | FileCheck -check-prefix=TEXT %s
# RUN: llvm-readobj -coff-imports %t.exe | FileCheck -check-prefix=IMPORT %s
# RUN: lld-link /out:%t.exe /entry:main /subsystem:console \
# RUN: %p/Inputs/hello64.obj %p/Inputs/std64.lib /include:ExitProcess
# RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.exe | FileCheck -check-prefix=TEXT %s
# RUN: llvm-readobj -coff-imports %t.exe | FileCheck -check-prefix=IMPORT %s
TEXT: Disassembly of section .text:
TEXT-NEXT: .text:
TEXT-NEXT: subq $40, %rsp
TEXT-NEXT: movq $0, %rcx
TEXT-NEXT: leaq 8180(%rip), %rdx
TEXT-NEXT: leaq 8167(%rip), %r8
TEXT-NEXT: movl $0, %r9d
TEXT-NEXT: callq 60
TEXT-NEXT: movl $0, %ecx
TEXT-NEXT: callq 18
TEXT-NEXT: callq 29
TEXT: jmpq *4098(%rip)
TEXT: jmpq *4090(%rip)
TEXT: jmpq *4082(%rip)
IMPORT: Import {
IMPORT-NEXT: Name: std64.dll
IMPORT-NEXT: ImportLookupTableRVA: 0x2028
IMPORT-NEXT: ImportAddressTableRVA: 0x2048
IMPORT-NEXT: Symbol: ExitProcess (0)
IMPORT-NEXT: Symbol: (50)
IMPORT-NEXT: Symbol: MessageBoxA (1)