| # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| { |
| 'target_defaults': { |
| 'variables': { |
| 'base_target': 0, |
| }, |
| 'target_conditions': [ |
| # This part is shared between the targets defined below. |
| ['base_target==1', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/build/build_config.h', |
| 'allocator/allocator_extension.cc', |
| 'allocator/allocator_extension.h', |
| 'allocator/type_profiler_control.cc', |
| 'allocator/type_profiler_control.h', |
| 'at_exit.cc', |
| 'at_exit.h', |
| 'atomic_ref_count.h', |
| 'atomic_sequence_num.h', |
| 'atomicops.h', |
| 'atomicops_internals_starboard.h', |
| 'atomicops_internals_tsan.h', |
| 'base64.cc', |
| 'base64.h', |
| 'base_export.h', |
| 'base_paths.cc', |
| 'base_paths.h', |
| 'base_paths_starboard.cc', |
| 'base_switches.h', |
| 'basictypes.h', |
| 'bind.h', |
| 'bind_helpers.cc', |
| 'bind_helpers.h', |
| 'bind_internal.h', |
| 'bind_internal_functor.h', |
| 'bits.h', |
| 'build_time.cc', |
| 'build_time.h', |
| 'callback.h', |
| 'callback_helpers.h', |
| 'callback_internal.cc', |
| 'callback_internal.h', |
| 'cancelable_callback.h', |
| 'circular_buffer_shell.cc', |
| 'circular_buffer_shell.h', |
| 'command_line.cc', |
| 'command_line.h', |
| 'compiler_specific.h', |
| 'containers/linked_hash_map.h', |
| 'containers/linked_list.h', |
| 'containers/mru_cache.h', |
| 'containers/small_map.h', |
| 'containers/stack_container.h', |
| 'critical_closure.h', |
| 'debug/alias.cc', |
| 'debug/alias.h', |
| 'debug/debugger.cc', |
| 'debug/debugger.h', |
| 'debug/debugger_starboard.cc', |
| # This file depends on files from the 'allocator' target, |
| # but this target does not depend on 'allocator' (see |
| # allocator.gyp for details). |
| 'debug/leak_annotations.h', |
| 'debug/leak_tracker.h', |
| 'debug/profiler.cc', |
| 'debug/profiler.h', |
| 'debug/stack_trace.cc', |
| 'debug/stack_trace.h', |
| 'debug/stack_trace_starboard.cc', |
| 'debug/trace_event.cc', |
| 'debug/trace_event.h', |
| 'debug/trace_event_impl.cc', |
| 'debug/trace_event_impl.h', |
| 'file_path.cc', |
| 'file_path.h', |
| 'file_util.cc', |
| 'file_util.h', |
| 'file_util_proxy.cc', |
| 'file_util_proxy.h', |
| 'file_util_starboard.cc', |
| 'file_version_info.h', |
| 'files/dir_reader_dirent.h', |
| 'files/dir_reader_fallback.h', |
| 'files/scoped_temp_dir.cc', |
| 'files/scoped_temp_dir.h', |
| 'float_util.h', |
| 'format_macros.h', |
| 'gtest_prod_util.h', |
| 'guid.cc', |
| 'guid.h', |
| 'guid_posix.cc', |
| 'guid_starboard.cc', |
| 'hash.cc', |
| 'hash.h', |
| 'hash_tables.h', |
| 'hi_res_timer_manager.h', |
| 'id_map.h', |
| 'ios/device_util.h', |
| 'ios/device_util.mm', |
| 'ios/ios_util.h', |
| 'ios/ios_util.mm', |
| 'ios/scoped_critical_action.h', |
| 'ios/scoped_critical_action.mm', |
| 'json/json_file_value_serializer.cc', |
| 'json/json_file_value_serializer.h', |
| 'json/json_parser.cc', |
| 'json/json_parser.h', |
| 'json/json_reader.cc', |
| 'json/json_reader.h', |
| 'json/json_string_value_serializer.cc', |
| 'json/json_string_value_serializer.h', |
| 'json/json_value_converter.h', |
| 'json/json_writer.cc', |
| 'json/json_writer.h', |
| 'json/string_escape.cc', |
| 'json/string_escape.h', |
| 'lazy_instance.cc', |
| 'lazy_instance.h', |
| 'location.cc', |
| 'location.h', |
| 'logging.cc', |
| 'logging.h', |
| 'memory/aligned_memory.cc', |
| 'memory/aligned_memory.h', |
| 'memory/linked_ptr.h', |
| 'memory/manual_constructor.h', |
| 'memory/raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h', |
| 'memory/ref_counted.cc', |
| 'memory/ref_counted.h', |
| 'memory/ref_counted_memory.cc', |
| 'memory/ref_counted_memory.h', |
| 'memory/scoped_handle.h', |
| 'memory/scoped_nsobject.h', |
| 'memory/scoped_open_process.h', |
| 'memory/scoped_policy.h', |
| 'memory/scoped_ptr.h', |
| 'memory/scoped_vector.h', |
| 'memory/singleton.cc', |
| 'memory/singleton.h', |
| 'memory/weak_ptr.cc', |
| 'memory/weak_ptr.h', |
| 'message_loop.cc', |
| 'message_loop.h', |
| 'message_loop_proxy.cc', |
| 'message_loop_proxy.h', |
| 'message_loop_proxy_impl.cc', |
| 'message_loop_proxy_impl.h', |
| 'message_pump.cc', |
| 'message_pump.h', |
| 'message_pump_default.cc', |
| 'message_pump_default.h', |
| 'message_pump_io_starboard.cc', |
| 'message_pump_io_starboard.h', |
| 'message_pump_ui_starboard.cc', |
| 'message_pump_ui_starboard.h', |
| 'metrics/bucket_ranges.cc', |
| 'metrics/bucket_ranges.h', |
| 'metrics/histogram.cc', |
| 'metrics/histogram.h', |
| 'metrics/histogram_base.cc', |
| 'metrics/histogram_base.h', |
| 'metrics/histogram_flattener.h', |
| 'metrics/histogram_samples.cc', |
| 'metrics/histogram_samples.h', |
| 'metrics/histogram_snapshot_manager.cc', |
| 'metrics/histogram_snapshot_manager.h', |
| 'metrics/sample_map.cc', |
| 'metrics/sample_map.h', |
| 'metrics/sample_vector.cc', |
| 'metrics/sample_vector.h', |
| 'metrics/sparse_histogram.cc', |
| 'metrics/sparse_histogram.h', |
| 'metrics/statistics_recorder.cc', |
| 'metrics/statistics_recorder.h', |
| 'metrics/stats_counters.cc', |
| 'metrics/stats_counters.h', |
| 'move.h', |
| 'native_library.h', |
| 'observer_list.h', |
| 'observer_list_threadsafe.h', |
| 'optional.h', |
| 'path_service.cc', |
| 'path_service.h', |
| 'pending_task.cc', |
| 'pending_task.h', |
| 'pickle.cc', |
| 'pickle.h', |
| 'platform_file.cc', |
| 'platform_file.h', |
| 'platform_file_starboard.cc', |
| 'port.h', |
| 'posix/eintr_wrapper.h', |
| 'process.h', |
| 'process_starboard.cc', |
| 'process_util.h', |
| 'process_util_starboard.cc', |
| 'profiler/alternate_timer.cc', |
| 'profiler/alternate_timer.h', |
| 'profiler/scoped_profile.cc', |
| 'profiler/scoped_profile.h', |
| 'profiler/tracked_time.cc', |
| 'profiler/tracked_time.h', |
| 'rand_util.cc', |
| 'rand_util.h', |
| 'rand_util_starboard.cc', |
| 'run_loop.cc', |
| 'run_loop.h', |
| 'sequenced_task_runner.cc', |
| 'sequenced_task_runner.h', |
| 'sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h', |
| 'sha1.h', |
| 'sha1_portable.cc', |
| 'single_thread_task_runner.h', |
| 'state_machine_shell.h', |
| 'stl_util.h', |
| 'string16.cc', |
| 'string16.h', |
| 'string_number_conversions.cc', |
| 'string_number_conversions.h', |
| 'string_piece.cc', |
| 'string_piece.h', |
| 'string_split.cc', |
| 'string_split.h', |
| 'string_tokenizer.h', |
| 'string_util.cc', |
| 'string_util.h', |
| 'stringize_macros.h', |
| 'stringprintf.cc', |
| 'stringprintf.h', |
| 'supports_user_data.cc', |
| 'supports_user_data.h', |
| 'synchronization/cancellation_flag.cc', |
| 'synchronization/cancellation_flag.h', |
| 'synchronization/condition_variable.h', |
| 'synchronization/condition_variable_starboard.cc', |
| 'synchronization/lock.cc', |
| 'synchronization/lock.h', |
| 'synchronization/lock_impl.h', |
| 'synchronization/lock_impl_starboard.cc', |
| 'synchronization/waitable_event.h', |
| 'synchronization/waitable_event_starboard.cc', |
| 'sys_byteorder.h', |
| 'sys_info.cc', |
| 'sys_info.h', |
| 'sys_info_starboard.cc', |
| 'sys_string_conversions.h', |
| 'sys_string_conversions_starboard.cc', |
| 'system_monitor/system_monitor.cc', |
| 'system_monitor/system_monitor.h', |
| 'system_monitor/system_monitor_starboard.cc', |
| 'task_runner.cc', |
| 'task_runner.h', |
| 'task_runner_util.h', |
| 'template_util.h', |
| 'third_party/dmg_fp/dmg_fp.h', |
| 'third_party/dmg_fp/dtoa_wrapper.cc', |
| 'third_party/dmg_fp/g_fmt.cc', |
| 'third_party/icu/icu_utf.cc', |
| 'third_party/icu/icu_utf.h', |
| 'third_party/nspr/prtime.cc', |
| 'third_party/nspr/prtime.h', |
| 'thread_task_runner_handle.cc', |
| 'thread_task_runner_handle.h', |
| 'threading/non_thread_safe.h', |
| 'threading/non_thread_safe_impl.cc', |
| 'threading/non_thread_safe_impl.h', |
| 'threading/platform_thread.h', |
| 'threading/platform_thread_starboard.cc', |
| 'threading/post_task_and_reply_impl.cc', |
| 'threading/post_task_and_reply_impl.h', |
| 'threading/sequenced_worker_pool.cc', |
| 'threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h', |
| 'threading/simple_thread.cc', |
| 'threading/simple_thread.h', |
| 'threading/thread.cc', |
| 'threading/thread.h', |
| 'threading/thread_checker.h', |
| 'threading/thread_checker_impl.h', |
| 'threading/thread_checker_impl_atomic.cc', |
| 'threading/thread_collision_warner.cc', |
| 'threading/thread_collision_warner.h', |
| 'threading/thread_local.h', |
| 'threading/thread_local_starboard.cc', |
| 'threading/thread_local_storage.h', |
| 'threading/thread_local_storage_starboard.cc', |
| 'threading/thread_restrictions.cc', |
| 'threading/thread_restrictions.h', |
| 'threading/watchdog.cc', |
| 'threading/watchdog.h', |
| 'threading/worker_pool.cc', |
| 'threading/worker_pool.h', |
| 'threading/worker_pool_starboard.cc', |
| 'time.cc', |
| 'time.h', |
| 'time_starboard.cc', |
| 'timer.cc', |
| 'timer.h', |
| 'tracked_objects.cc', |
| 'tracked_objects.h', |
| 'tracking_info.cc', |
| 'tracking_info.h', |
| 'tuple.h', |
| 'utf_offset_string_conversions.cc', |
| 'utf_offset_string_conversions.h', |
| 'utf_string_conversion_utils.cc', |
| 'utf_string_conversion_utils.h', |
| 'utf_string_conversions.cc', |
| 'utf_string_conversions.h', |
| 'value_conversions.cc', |
| 'value_conversions.h', |
| 'values.cc', |
| 'values.h', |
| 'version.cc', |
| 'version.h', |
| 'vlog.cc', |
| 'vlog.h', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| } |