blob: d1f3f91849a7cc8e589fd8dfd6ffdbef4b5f13ef [file] [log] [blame]
import { root } from '../../util/root';
import { Observable } from '../../Observable';
import { Subscriber } from '../../Subscriber';
import { TeardownLogic } from '../../types';
import { map } from '../../operators/map';
export interface AjaxRequest {
url?: string;
body?: any;
user?: string;
async?: boolean;
method?: string;
headers?: Object;
timeout?: number;
password?: string;
hasContent?: boolean;
crossDomain?: boolean;
withCredentials?: boolean;
createXHR?: () => XMLHttpRequest;
progressSubscriber?: Subscriber<any>;
responseType?: string;
function getCORSRequest(): XMLHttpRequest {
if (root.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new root.XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (!!root.XDomainRequest) {
return new root.XDomainRequest();
} else {
throw new Error('CORS is not supported by your browser');
function getXMLHttpRequest(): XMLHttpRequest {
if (root.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new root.XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
let progId: string;
try {
const progIds = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
progId = progIds[i];
if (new root.ActiveXObject(progId)) {
} catch (e) {
//suppress exceptions
return new root.ActiveXObject(progId);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('XMLHttpRequest is not supported by your browser');
export interface AjaxCreationMethod {
(urlOrRequest: string | AjaxRequest): Observable<AjaxResponse>;
get(url: string, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse>;
post(url: string, body?: any, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse>;
put(url: string, body?: any, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse>;
patch(url: string, body?: any, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse>;
delete(url: string, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse>;
getJSON<T>(url: string, headers?: Object): Observable<T>;
export function ajaxGet(url: string, headers: Object = null) {
return new AjaxObservable<AjaxResponse>({ method: 'GET', url, headers });
export function ajaxPost(url: string, body?: any, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return new AjaxObservable<AjaxResponse>({ method: 'POST', url, body, headers });
export function ajaxDelete(url: string, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return new AjaxObservable<AjaxResponse>({ method: 'DELETE', url, headers });
export function ajaxPut(url: string, body?: any, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return new AjaxObservable<AjaxResponse>({ method: 'PUT', url, body, headers });
export function ajaxPatch(url: string, body?: any, headers?: Object): Observable<AjaxResponse> {
return new AjaxObservable<AjaxResponse>({ method: 'PATCH', url, body, headers });
const mapResponse = map((x: AjaxResponse, index: number) => x.response);
export function ajaxGetJSON<T>(url: string, headers?: Object): Observable<T> {
return mapResponse(
new AjaxObservable<AjaxResponse>({
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'json',
* We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc.
* @extends {Ignored}
* @hide true
export class AjaxObservable<T> extends Observable<T> {
* Creates an observable for an Ajax request with either a request object with
* url, headers, etc or a string for a URL.
* ## Example
* ```ts
* import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';
* const source1 = ajax('/products');
* const source2 = ajax({ url: 'products', method: 'GET' });
* ```
* @param {string|Object} request Can be one of the following:
* A string of the URL to make the Ajax call.
* An object with the following properties
* - url: URL of the request
* - body: The body of the request
* - method: Method of the request, such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
* - async: Whether the request is async
* - headers: Optional headers
* - crossDomain: true if a cross domain request, else false
* - createXHR: a function to override if you need to use an alternate
* XMLHttpRequest implementation.
* - resultSelector: a function to use to alter the output value type of
* the Observable. Gets {@link AjaxResponse} as an argument.
* @return {Observable} An observable sequence containing the XMLHttpRequest.
* @static true
* @name ajax
* @owner Observable
* @nocollapse
static create: AjaxCreationMethod = (() => {
const create: any = (urlOrRequest: string | AjaxRequest) => {
return new AjaxObservable(urlOrRequest);
create.get = ajaxGet; = ajaxPost;
create.delete = ajaxDelete;
create.put = ajaxPut;
create.patch = ajaxPatch;
create.getJSON = ajaxGetJSON;
return <AjaxCreationMethod>create;
private request: AjaxRequest;
constructor(urlOrRequest: string | AjaxRequest) {
const request: AjaxRequest = {
async: true,
createXHR: function(this: AjaxRequest) {
return this.crossDomain ? getCORSRequest() : getXMLHttpRequest();
crossDomain: true,
withCredentials: false,
headers: {},
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 0
if (typeof urlOrRequest === 'string') {
request.url = urlOrRequest;
} else {
for (const prop in urlOrRequest) {
if (urlOrRequest.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
request[prop] = urlOrRequest[prop];
this.request = request;
/** @deprecated This is an internal implementation detail, do not use. */
_subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>): TeardownLogic {
return new AjaxSubscriber(subscriber, this.request);
* We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc.
* @ignore
* @extends {Ignored}
export class AjaxSubscriber<T> extends Subscriber<Event> {
private xhr: XMLHttpRequest;
private done: boolean = false;
constructor(destination: Subscriber<T>, public request: AjaxRequest) {
const headers = request.headers = request.headers || {};
// force CORS if requested
if (!request.crossDomain && !this.getHeader(headers, 'X-Requested-With')) {
headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
// ensure content type is set
let contentTypeHeader = this.getHeader(headers, 'Content-Type');
if (!contentTypeHeader && !(root.FormData && request.body instanceof root.FormData) && typeof request.body !== 'undefined') {
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
// properly serialize body
request.body = this.serializeBody(request.body, this.getHeader(request.headers, 'Content-Type'));
next(e: Event): void {
this.done = true;
const { xhr, request, destination } = this;
let result;
try {
result = new AjaxResponse(e, xhr, request);
} catch (err) {
return destination.error(err);
private send(): void {
const {
request: { user, method, url, async, password, headers, body }
} = this;
try {
const xhr = this.xhr = request.createXHR();
// set up the events before open XHR
// You need to add the event listeners before calling open() on the request.
// Otherwise the progress events will not fire.
this.setupEvents(xhr, request);
// open XHR
if (user) {, url, async, user, password);
} else {, url, async);
// timeout, responseType and withCredentials can be set once the XHR is open
if (async) {
xhr.timeout = request.timeout;
xhr.responseType = request.responseType as any;
if ('withCredentials' in xhr) {
xhr.withCredentials = !!request.withCredentials;
// set headers
this.setHeaders(xhr, headers);
// finally send the request
if (body) {
} else {
} catch (err) {
private serializeBody(body: any, contentType?: string) {
if (!body || typeof body === 'string') {
return body;
} else if (root.FormData && body instanceof root.FormData) {
return body;
if (contentType) {
const splitIndex = contentType.indexOf(';');
if (splitIndex !== -1) {
contentType = contentType.substring(0, splitIndex);
switch (contentType) {
case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
return Object.keys(body).map(key => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(body[key])}`).join('&');
case 'application/json':
return JSON.stringify(body);
return body;
private setHeaders(xhr: XMLHttpRequest, headers: Object) {
for (let key in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
private getHeader(headers: {}, headerName: string): any {
for (let key in headers) {
if (key.toLowerCase() === headerName.toLowerCase()) {
return headers[key];
return undefined;
private setupEvents(xhr: XMLHttpRequest, request: AjaxRequest) {
const progressSubscriber = request.progressSubscriber;
function xhrTimeout(this: XMLHttpRequest, e: ProgressEvent): void {
const {subscriber, progressSubscriber, request } = (<any>xhrTimeout);
if (progressSubscriber) {
let error;
try {
error = new AjaxTimeoutError(this, request); // TODO: Make betterer.
} catch (err) {
error = err;
xhr.ontimeout = xhrTimeout;
(<any>xhrTimeout).request = request;
(<any>xhrTimeout).subscriber = this;
(<any>xhrTimeout).progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber;
if (xhr.upload && 'withCredentials' in xhr) {
if (progressSubscriber) {
let xhrProgress: (e: ProgressEvent) => void;
xhrProgress = function(e: ProgressEvent) {
const { progressSubscriber } = (<any>xhrProgress);;
if (root.XDomainRequest) {
xhr.onprogress = xhrProgress;
} else {
xhr.upload.onprogress = xhrProgress;
(<any>xhrProgress).progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber;
let xhrError: (e: any) => void;
xhrError = function(this: XMLHttpRequest, e: ErrorEvent) {
const { progressSubscriber, subscriber, request } = (<any>xhrError);
if (progressSubscriber) {
let error;
try {
error = new AjaxError('ajax error', this, request);
} catch (err) {
error = err;
xhr.onerror = xhrError;
(<any>xhrError).request = request;
(<any>xhrError).subscriber = this;
(<any>xhrError).progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber;
function xhrReadyStateChange(this: XMLHttpRequest, e: Event) {
xhr.onreadystatechange = xhrReadyStateChange;
(<any>xhrReadyStateChange).subscriber = this;
(<any>xhrReadyStateChange).progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber;
(<any>xhrReadyStateChange).request = request;
function xhrLoad(this: XMLHttpRequest, e: Event) {
const { subscriber, progressSubscriber, request } = (<any>xhrLoad);
if (this.readyState === 4) {
// normalize IE9 bug (
let status: number = this.status === 1223 ? 204 : this.status;
let response: any = (this.responseType === 'text' ? (
this.response || this.responseText) : this.response);
// fix status code when it is 0 (0 status is undocumented).
// Occurs when accessing file resources or on Android 4.1 stock browser
// while retrieving files from application cache.
if (status === 0) {
status = response ? 200 : 0;
// 4xx and 5xx should error (
if (status < 400) {
if (progressSubscriber) {
} else {
if (progressSubscriber) {
let error;
try {
error = new AjaxError('ajax error ' + status, this, request);
} catch (err) {
error = err;
xhr.onload = xhrLoad;
(<any>xhrLoad).subscriber = this;
(<any>xhrLoad).progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber;
(<any>xhrLoad).request = request;
unsubscribe() {
const { done, xhr } = this;
if (!done && xhr && xhr.readyState !== 4 && typeof xhr.abort === 'function') {
* A normalized AJAX response.
* @see {@link ajax}
* @class AjaxResponse
export class AjaxResponse {
/** @type {number} The HTTP status code */
status: number;
/** @type {string|ArrayBuffer|Document|object|any} The response data */
response: any;
/** @type {string} The raw responseText */
responseText: string;
/** @type {string} The responseType (e.g. 'json', 'arraybuffer', or 'xml') */
responseType: string;
constructor(public originalEvent: Event, public xhr: XMLHttpRequest, public request: AjaxRequest) {
this.status = xhr.status;
this.responseType = xhr.responseType || request.responseType;
this.response = parseXhrResponse(this.responseType, xhr);
export type AjaxErrorNames = 'AjaxError' | 'AjaxTimeoutError';
* A normalized AJAX error.
* @see {@link ajax}
* @class AjaxError
export interface AjaxError extends Error {
/** @type {XMLHttpRequest} The XHR instance associated with the error */
xhr: XMLHttpRequest;
/** @type {AjaxRequest} The AjaxRequest associated with the error */
request: AjaxRequest;
/** @type {number} The HTTP status code */
status: number;
/** @type {string} The responseType (e.g. 'json', 'arraybuffer', or 'xml') */
responseType: string;
/** @type {string|ArrayBuffer|Document|object|any} The response data */
response: any;
export interface AjaxErrorCtor {
new(message: string, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, request: AjaxRequest): AjaxError;
const AjaxErrorImpl = (() => {
function AjaxErrorImpl(this: any, message: string, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, request: AjaxRequest): AjaxError {;
this.message = message; = 'AjaxError';
this.xhr = xhr;
this.request = request;
this.status = xhr.status;
this.responseType = xhr.responseType || request.responseType;
this.response = parseXhrResponse(this.responseType, xhr);
return this;
AjaxErrorImpl.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
return AjaxErrorImpl;
export const AjaxError: AjaxErrorCtor = AjaxErrorImpl as any;
function parseJson(xhr: XMLHttpRequest) {
// HACK(benlesh): TypeScript shennanigans
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any XMLHttpRequest is defined to always have 'response' inferring xhr as never for the else clause.
if ('response' in (xhr as any)) {
//IE does not support json as responseType, parse it internally
return xhr.responseType ? xhr.response : JSON.parse(xhr.response || xhr.responseText || 'null');
} else {
return JSON.parse((xhr as any).responseText || 'null');
function parseXhrResponse(responseType: string, xhr: XMLHttpRequest) {
switch (responseType) {
case 'json':
return parseJson(xhr);
case 'xml':
return xhr.responseXML;
case 'text':
// HACK(benlesh): TypeScript shennanigans
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any XMLHttpRequest is defined to always have 'response' inferring xhr as never for the else sub-expression.
return ('response' in (xhr as any)) ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText;
export interface AjaxTimeoutError extends AjaxError {
export interface AjaxTimeoutErrorCtor {
new(xhr: XMLHttpRequest, request: AjaxRequest): AjaxTimeoutError;
function AjaxTimeoutErrorImpl(this: any, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, request: AjaxRequest) {, 'ajax timeout', xhr, request); = 'AjaxTimeoutError';
return this;
* @see {@link ajax}
* @class AjaxTimeoutError
export const AjaxTimeoutError: AjaxTimeoutErrorCtor = AjaxTimeoutErrorImpl as any;