| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- |
| # |
| # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| """ |
| Builds applications in release mode: |
| - Concatenates autostart modules, application modules' module.json descriptors, |
| and the application loader into a single script. |
| - Builds app.html referencing the application script. |
| """ |
| |
| from cStringIO import StringIO |
| from os import path |
| from os.path import join |
| import copy |
| import os |
| import re |
| import shutil |
| import sys |
| import subprocess |
| |
| from modular_build import read_file, write_file, bail_error |
| import modular_build |
| import rjsmin |
| import special_case_namespaces |
| |
| try: |
| import simplejson as json |
| except ImportError: |
| import json |
| |
| try: |
| original_sys_path = sys.path |
| sys.path = sys.path + [path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..')] |
| import devtools_paths |
| finally: |
| sys.path = original_sys_path |
| |
| ROLLUP_ARGS = ['--no-treeshake', '--format', 'iife', '--context', 'self'] |
| |
| |
| def main(argv): |
| try: |
| input_path_flag_index = argv.index('--input_path') |
| input_path = argv[input_path_flag_index + 1] |
| output_path_flag_index = argv.index('--output_path') |
| output_path = argv[output_path_flag_index + 1] |
| application_names = argv[1:input_path_flag_index] |
| except: |
| print('Usage: %s app_1 app_2 ... app_N --input_path <input_path> --output_path <output_path>' % argv[0]) |
| raise |
| |
| loader = modular_build.DescriptorLoader(input_path) |
| for app in application_names: |
| descriptors = loader.load_application(app) |
| builder = ReleaseBuilder(app, descriptors, input_path, output_path) |
| builder.build_app() |
| |
| |
| def resource_source_url(url): |
| return '\n/*# sourceURL=' + url + ' */' |
| |
| |
| def minify_js(javascript): |
| return rjsmin.jsmin(javascript) |
| |
| |
| def concatenated_module_filename(module_name, output_dir): |
| return join(output_dir, module_name + '/' + module_name + '_module.js') |
| |
| |
| def symlink_or_copy_file(src, dest, safe=False): |
| if safe and path.exists(dest): |
| os.remove(dest) |
| if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): |
| os.symlink(src, dest) |
| else: |
| shutil.copy(src, dest) |
| |
| |
| def symlink_or_copy_dir(src, dest): |
| if path.exists(dest): |
| shutil.rmtree(dest) |
| for src_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(src): |
| subpath = path.relpath(src_dir, src) |
| dest_dir = path.normpath(join(dest, subpath)) |
| os.mkdir(dest_dir) |
| for name in files: |
| src_name = join(os.getcwd(), src_dir, name) |
| dest_name = join(dest_dir, name) |
| symlink_or_copy_file(src_name, dest_name) |
| |
| |
| # Outputs: |
| # <app_name>.html |
| # <app_name>.js |
| # <module_name>_module.js |
| class ReleaseBuilder(object): |
| |
| def __init__(self, application_name, descriptors, application_dir, output_dir): |
| self.application_name = application_name |
| self.descriptors = descriptors |
| self.application_dir = application_dir |
| self.output_dir = output_dir |
| self._special_case_namespaces = special_case_namespaces.special_case_namespaces |
| |
| def app_file(self, extension): |
| return self.application_name + '.' + extension |
| |
| def autorun_resource_names(self): |
| result = [] |
| for module in self.descriptors.sorted_modules(): |
| if self.descriptors.application[module].get('type') != 'autostart': |
| continue |
| |
| resources = self.descriptors.modules[module].get('resources') |
| if not resources: |
| continue |
| for resource_name in resources: |
| result.append(path.join(module, resource_name)) |
| return result |
| |
| def build_app(self): |
| if self.descriptors.has_html: |
| self._build_html() |
| self._build_app_script() |
| for module in filter(lambda desc: (not desc.get('type') or desc.get('type') == 'remote'), |
| self.descriptors.application.values()): |
| self._concatenate_dynamic_module(module['name']) |
| |
| def _write_include_tags(self, descriptors, output): |
| if descriptors.extends: |
| self._write_include_tags(descriptors.extends, output) |
| output.write(self._generate_include_tag(descriptors.application_name + '.js')) |
| |
| def _build_html(self): |
| html_name = self.app_file('html') |
| output = StringIO() |
| with open(join(self.application_dir, html_name), 'r') as app_input_html: |
| for line in app_input_html: |
| if ('<script ' in line and 'type="module"' not in line) or '<link ' in line: |
| continue |
| if '</head>' in line: |
| self._write_include_tags(self.descriptors, output) |
| js_file = join(self.application_dir, self.app_file('js')) |
| if path.exists(js_file): |
| output.write(' <script type="module">%s</script>\n' % minify_js(read_file(js_file))) |
| output.write(line) |
| |
| write_file(join(self.output_dir, html_name), output.getvalue()) |
| output.close() |
| |
| def _build_app_script(self): |
| script_name = self.app_file('js') |
| output = StringIO() |
| self._concatenate_application_script(output) |
| write_file(join(self.output_dir, script_name), minify_js(output.getvalue())) |
| output.close() |
| |
| def _generate_include_tag(self, resource_path): |
| if resource_path.endswith('.js'): |
| return ' <script defer src="%s"></script>\n' % resource_path |
| else: |
| assert resource_path |
| |
| def _release_module_descriptors(self): |
| module_descriptors = self.descriptors.modules |
| result = [] |
| for name in module_descriptors: |
| module = copy.copy(module_descriptors[name]) |
| module_type = self.descriptors.application[name].get('type') |
| # Clear scripts, as they are not used at runtime |
| # (only the fact of their presence is important). |
| resources = module.get('resources', None) |
| if module.get('scripts') or resources: |
| if module_type == 'autostart': |
| # Autostart modules are already baked in. |
| del module['scripts'] |
| else: |
| # Non-autostart modules are vulcanized. |
| module['scripts'] = [name + '_module.js'] |
| module['modules'] = module.get('modules', []) |
| # Resources are already baked into scripts. |
| if resources is not None: |
| del module['resources'] |
| result.append(module) |
| return json.dumps(result) |
| |
| def _write_module_resources(self, resource_names, output): |
| for resource_name in resource_names: |
| resource_name = path.normpath(resource_name).replace('\\', '/') |
| output.write('Root.Runtime.cachedResources["%s"] = "' % resource_name) |
| resource_content = read_file(path.join(self.application_dir, resource_name)) |
| resource_content += resource_source_url(resource_name).encode('utf-8') |
| resource_content = resource_content.replace('\\', '\\\\') |
| resource_content = resource_content.replace('\n', '\\n') |
| resource_content = resource_content.replace('"', '\\"') |
| output.write(resource_content) |
| output.write('";\n') |
| |
| def _concatenate_autostart_modules(self, output): |
| non_autostart = set() |
| sorted_module_names = self.descriptors.sorted_modules() |
| for name in sorted_module_names: |
| desc = self.descriptors.modules[name] |
| name = desc['name'] |
| type = self.descriptors.application[name].get('type') |
| if type == 'autostart': |
| deps = set(desc.get('dependencies', [])) |
| non_autostart_deps = deps & non_autostart |
| if len(non_autostart_deps): |
| bail_error( |
| 'Non-autostart dependencies specified for the autostarted module "%s": %s' % (name, non_autostart_deps)) |
| namespace = self._map_module_to_namespace(name) |
| output.write('\n/* Module %s */\n' % name) |
| output.write('\nself[\'%s\'] = self[\'%s\'] || {};\n' % (namespace, namespace)) |
| modular_build.concatenate_scripts(desc.get('scripts'), join(self.application_dir, name), self.output_dir, output) |
| else: |
| non_autostart.add(name) |
| |
| def _map_module_to_namespace(self, module): |
| camel_case_namespace = "".join(map(lambda x: x[0].upper() + x[1:], module.split('_'))) |
| return self._special_case_namespaces.get(module, camel_case_namespace) |
| |
| def _concatenate_application_script(self, output): |
| if not self.descriptors.extends: |
| runtime_contents = read_file(join(self.application_dir, 'Runtime.js')) |
| output.write('/* Runtime.js */\n') |
| output.write(runtime_contents) |
| output.write('Root.allDescriptors.push(...%s);' % self._release_module_descriptors()) |
| output.write('/* Application descriptor %s */\n' % self.app_file('json')) |
| output.write('Root.applicationDescriptor = %s;' % self.descriptors.application_json()) |
| else: |
| output.write('/* Additional descriptors */\n') |
| output.write('Root.allDescriptors.push(...%s);' % self._release_module_descriptors()) |
| output.write('/* Additional descriptors %s */\n' % self.app_file('json')) |
| output.write('Root.applicationDescriptor.modules.push(...%s);' % json.dumps(self.descriptors.application.values())) |
| |
| output.write('\n/* Autostart modules */\n') |
| if (self.descriptors.worker): |
| self._rollup_worker(output) |
| else: |
| self._concatenate_autostart_modules(output) |
| output.write(';\n/* Autostart resources */\n') |
| self._write_module_resources(self.autorun_resource_names(), output) |
| if not self.descriptors.has_html and not self.descriptors.worker: |
| js_file = join(self.application_dir, self.app_file('js')) |
| if path.exists(js_file): |
| output.write(';\n/* Autostart script for worker */\n') |
| output.write(read_file(js_file)) |
| |
| def _rollup_worker(self, output): |
| js_entrypoint = join(self.application_dir, self.app_file('unbundled.js')) |
| rollup_process = subprocess.Popen( |
| [devtools_paths.node_path(), devtools_paths.rollup_path()] + ROLLUP_ARGS + ['--input', js_entrypoint], |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess.PIPE) |
| out, error = rollup_process.communicate() |
| |
| if rollup_process.returncode != 0: |
| print('Error while running rollup:') |
| print(error) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| output.write(minify_js(out)) |
| |
| def _concatenate_dynamic_module(self, module_name): |
| module = self.descriptors.modules[module_name] |
| scripts = module.get('scripts') |
| resources = self.descriptors.module_resources(module_name) |
| module_dir = join(self.application_dir, module_name) |
| output = StringIO() |
| if scripts: |
| modular_build.concatenate_scripts(scripts, module_dir, self.output_dir, output) |
| if resources: |
| self._write_module_resources(resources, output) |
| output_file_path = concatenated_module_filename(module_name, self.output_dir) |
| write_file(output_file_path, minify_js(output.getvalue())) |
| output.close() |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) |