blob: e4a729b8ccc0251d2d835e2be1f62462b5490264 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that audits panel works.
========== Audits Start Audit State ==========
[x] Performance
[x] Progressive Web App
[x] Best practices
[x] Accessibility
[x] SEO
[ ] Publisher Ads
Generate report: enabled visible
=============== Lighthouse Status Updates ===============
Create config
Requiring gatherers
Requiring audits
Runner setup
Connecting to browser
Resetting state with about:blank
Getting browser version
Benchmarking machine
Resetting state with about:blank
Setting up network for the pass trace
Cleaning browser cache
Running beforePass methods
Gathering setup: CSSUsage
Gathering setup: ViewportDimensions
Gathering setup: RuntimeExceptions
Gathering setup: ConsoleMessages
Gathering setup: AnchorElements
Gathering setup: ImageElements
Gathering setup: LinkElements
Gathering setup: MetaElements
Gathering setup: ScriptElements
Gathering setup: AppCacheManifest
Gathering setup: Doctype
Gathering setup: DOMStats
Gathering setup: OptimizedImages
Gathering setup: PasswordInputsWithPreventedPaste
Gathering setup: ResponseCompression
Gathering setup: TagsBlockingFirstPaint
Gathering setup: FontSize
Gathering setup: EmbeddedContent
Gathering setup: RobotsTxt
Gathering setup: TapTargets
Gathering setup: Accessibility
Beginning devtoolsLog and trace
Getting browser version
Loading page & waiting for onload
Running pass methods
Gathering in-page: CSSUsage
Gathering in-page: ViewportDimensions
Gathering in-page: RuntimeExceptions
Gathering in-page: ConsoleMessages
Gathering in-page: AnchorElements
Gathering in-page: ImageElements
Gathering in-page: LinkElements
Gathering in-page: MetaElements
Gathering in-page: ScriptElements
Gathering in-page: AppCacheManifest
Gathering in-page: Doctype
Gathering in-page: DOMStats
Gathering in-page: OptimizedImages
Gathering in-page: PasswordInputsWithPreventedPaste
Gathering in-page: ResponseCompression
Gathering in-page: TagsBlockingFirstPaint
Gathering in-page: FontSize
Gathering in-page: EmbeddedContent
Gathering in-page: RobotsTxt
Gathering in-page: TapTargets
Gathering in-page: Accessibility
Gathering trace
Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
Running afterPass methods
Gathering: CSSUsage
Gathering: ViewportDimensions
Gathering: RuntimeExceptions
Gathering: ConsoleMessages
Gathering: AnchorElements
Gathering: ImageElements
Gathering: LinkElements
Gathering: MetaElements
Gathering: ScriptElements
Gathering: AppCacheManifest
Gathering: Doctype
Gathering: DOMStats
Gathering: OptimizedImages
Gathering: PasswordInputsWithPreventedPaste
Gathering: ResponseCompression
Gathering: TagsBlockingFirstPaint
Gathering: FontSize
Gathering: EmbeddedContent
Gathering: RobotsTxt
Gathering: TapTargets
Gathering: Accessibility
Resetting state with about:blank
Setting up network for the pass trace
Running beforePass methods
Gathering setup: ServiceWorker
Gathering setup: Offline
Gathering setup: StartUrl
Beginning devtoolsLog and trace
Loading page & waiting for onload
Running pass methods
Gathering in-page: ServiceWorker
Gathering in-page: Offline
Gathering in-page: StartUrl
Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
Running afterPass methods
Gathering: ServiceWorker
Gathering: Offline
Gathering: StartUrl
Resetting state with about:blank
Setting up network for the pass trace
Running beforePass methods
Gathering setup: HTTPRedirect
Gathering setup: HTMLWithoutJavaScript
Beginning devtoolsLog and trace
Loading page & waiting for onload
Running pass methods
Gathering in-page: HTTPRedirect
Gathering in-page: HTMLWithoutJavaScript
Gathering devtoolsLog & network records
Running afterPass methods
Gathering: HTTPRedirect
Gathering: HTMLWithoutJavaScript
Disconnecting from browser...
Analyzing and running audits...
Auditing: Uses HTTPS
Computing artifact: NetworkRecords
Auditing: Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS
Auditing: Registers a service worker that controls page and `start_url`
Auditing: Current page responds with a 200 when offline
Auditing: Has a `<meta name="viewport">` tag with `width` or `initial-scale`
Computing artifact: ViewportMeta
Auditing: Contains some content when JavaScript is not available
Auditing: First Contentful Paint
Computing artifact: FirstContentfulPaint
Computing artifact: TraceOfTab
Computing artifact: LanternFirstContentfulPaint
Computing artifact: PageDependencyGraph
Computing artifact: LoadSimulator
Computing artifact: NetworkAnalysis
Auditing: First Meaningful Paint
Computing artifact: FirstMeaningfulPaint
Computing artifact: LanternFirstMeaningfulPaint
Auditing: Page load is fast enough on mobile networks
Computing artifact: Interactive
Computing artifact: LanternInteractive
Auditing: Speed Index
Computing artifact: SpeedIndex
Computing artifact: LanternSpeedIndex
Computing artifact: Speedline
Auditing: Screenshot Thumbnails
Auditing: Final Screenshot
Computing artifact: Screenshots
Auditing: Estimated Input Latency
Computing artifact: EstimatedInputLatency
Computing artifact: LanternEstimatedInputLatency
Auditing: Total Blocking Time
Computing artifact: TotalBlockingTime
Computing artifact: LanternTotalBlockingTime
Auditing: Max Potential First Input Delay
Computing artifact: MaxPotentialFID
Computing artifact: LanternMaxPotentialFID
Auditing: No browser errors logged to the console
Auditing: Server response times are low (TTFB)
Computing artifact: MainResource
Auditing: First CPU Idle
Computing artifact: FirstCPUIdle
Computing artifact: LanternFirstCPUIdle
Auditing: Time to Interactive
Auditing: User Timing marks and measures
Computing artifact: UserTimings
Auditing: Avoid chaining critical requests
Computing artifact: CriticalRequestChains
Auditing: Avoid multiple page redirects
Auditing: Web app manifest meets the installability requirements
Computing artifact: ManifestValues
Auditing: Provides a valid `apple-touch-icon`
Auditing: Configured for a custom splash screen
Auditing: Sets a theme color for the address bar.
Auditing: Content is sized correctly for the viewport
Auditing: Displays images with correct aspect ratio
Auditing: Avoids deprecated APIs
Auditing: Minimizes main-thread work
Computing artifact: MainThreadTasks
Auditing: JavaScript execution time
Auditing: Preload key requests
Computing artifact: LoadSimulator
Auditing: Preconnect to required origins
Auditing: All text remains visible during webfont loads
Auditing: Diagnostics
Auditing: Network Requests
Auditing: Network Round Trip Times
Auditing: Server Backend Latencies
Auditing: Tasks
Auditing: Metrics
Auditing: `start_url` responds with a 200 when offline
Auditing: Performance budget
Computing artifact: ResourceSummary
Auditing: Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small
Auditing: Minimize third-party usage
Auditing: Site works cross-browser
Auditing: Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network
Auditing: Each page has a URL
Auditing: `[accesskey]` values are unique
Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes match their roles
Auditing: `[role]`s have all required `[aria-*]` attributes
Auditing: Elements with an ARIA `[role]` that require children to contain a specific `[role]` have all required children.
Auditing: `[role]`s are contained by their required parent element
Auditing: `[role]` values are valid
Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes have valid values
Auditing: `[aria-*]` attributes are valid and not misspelled
Auditing: `<audio>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind="captions"]`
Auditing: Buttons have an accessible name
Auditing: The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region
Auditing: Background and foreground colors have a sufficient contrast ratio
Auditing: `<dl>`'s contain only properly-ordered `<dt>` and `<dd>` groups, `<script>` or `<template>` elements.
Auditing: Definition list items are wrapped in `<dl>` elements
Auditing: Document has a `<title>` element
Auditing: `[id]` attributes on the page are unique
Auditing: `<frame>` or `<iframe>` elements have a title
Auditing: `<html>` element has a `[lang]` attribute
Auditing: `<html>` element has a valid value for its `[lang]` attribute
Auditing: Image elements have `[alt]` attributes
Auditing: `<input type="image">` elements have `[alt]` text
Auditing: Form elements have associated labels
Auditing: Presentational `<table>` elements avoid using `<th>`, `<caption>` or the `[summary]` attribute.
Auditing: Links have a discernible name
Auditing: Lists contain only `<li>` elements and script supporting elements (`<script>` and `<template>`).
Auditing: List items (`<li>`) are contained within `<ul>` or `<ol>` parent elements
Auditing: The document does not use `<meta http-equiv="refresh">`
Auditing: `[user-scalable="no"]` is not used in the `<meta name="viewport">` element and the `[maximum-scale]` attribute is not less than 5.
Auditing: `<object>` elements have `[alt]` text
Auditing: No element has a `[tabindex]` value greater than 0
Auditing: Cells in a `<table>` element that use the `[headers]` attribute refer to table cells within the same table.
Auditing: `<th>` elements and elements with `[role="columnheader"/"rowheader"]` have data cells they describe.
Auditing: `[lang]` attributes have a valid value
Auditing: `<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind="captions"]`
Auditing: `<video>` elements contain a `<track>` element with `[kind="description"]`
Auditing: Custom controls have associated labels
Auditing: Custom controls have ARIA roles
Auditing: User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region
Auditing: Interactive controls are keyboard focusable
Auditing: Headings don't skip levels
Auditing: Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state
Auditing: The page has a logical tab order
Auditing: The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page
Auditing: Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology
Auditing: HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation
Auditing: Visual order on the page follows DOM order
Auditing: Uses efficient cache policy on static assets
Auditing: Avoids enormous network payloads
Auditing: Defer offscreen images
Auditing: Eliminate render-blocking resources
Computing artifact: FirstContentfulPaint
Computing artifact: LanternFirstContentfulPaint
Auditing: Minify CSS
Auditing: Minify JavaScript
Auditing: Remove unused CSS
Auditing: Serve images in next-gen formats
Auditing: Efficiently encode images
Auditing: Enable text compression
Auditing: Properly size images
Auditing: Use video formats for animated content
Auditing: Avoids Application Cache
Auditing: Page has the HTML doctype
Auditing: Avoids an excessive DOM size
Auditing: Links to cross-origin destinations are safe
Auditing: Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load
Auditing: Avoids `document.write()`
Auditing: Avoids front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities
Auditing: Detected JavaScript libraries
Auditing: Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load
Auditing: Allows users to paste into password fields
Auditing: Uses HTTP/2 for its own resources
Auditing: Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Auditing: Document has a meta description
Auditing: Page has successful HTTP status code
Auditing: Document uses legible font sizes
Auditing: Links have descriptive text
Auditing: Page isn’t blocked from indexing
Auditing: robots.txt is valid
Auditing: Tap targets are sized appropriately
Auditing: Document has a valid `hreflang`
Auditing: Document avoids plugins
Auditing: Document has a valid `rel=canonical`
Auditing: Structured data is valid
Generating results...
=============== Lighthouse Results ===============
Version: 5.7.0
TestedAsMobileDevice: true
ViewportDimensions: {
"innerWidth": 981,
"innerHeight": 1570,
"outerWidth": 412,
"outerHeight": 660,
"devicePixelRatio": 2.625
accesskeys: notApplicable
appcache-manifest: pass
apple-touch-icon: fail
aria-allowed-attr: notApplicable
aria-required-attr: notApplicable
aria-required-children: notApplicable
aria-required-parent: notApplicable
aria-roles: notApplicable
aria-valid-attr: notApplicable
aria-valid-attr-value: notApplicable
audio-caption: notApplicable
bootup-time: flaky
button-name: notApplicable
bypass: notApplicable
canonical: notApplicable
color-contrast: pass
content-width: fail
critical-request-chains: notApplicable
custom-controls-labels: manual
custom-controls-roles: manual
definition-list: notApplicable
deprecations: pass
diagnostics: informative
dlitem: notApplicable
doctype: pass
document-title: fail
dom-size: numeric
duplicate-id: notApplicable
efficient-animated-content: flaky
errors-in-console: pass
estimated-input-latency: flaky
external-anchors-use-rel-noopener: pass
final-screenshot: ERROR Chrome didn't collect any screenshots during the page load. Please make sure there is content visible on the page, and then try re-running Lighthouse. (NO_SCREENSHOTS)
first-contentful-paint: flaky
first-cpu-idle: flaky
first-meaningful-paint: flaky
focus-traps: manual
focusable-controls: manual
font-display: pass
font-size: fail
frame-title: notApplicable
geolocation-on-start: pass
heading-levels: manual
hreflang: pass
html-has-lang: fail
html-lang-valid: notApplicable
http-status-code: pass
image-alt: notApplicable
image-aspect-ratio: pass
input-image-alt: notApplicable
installable-manifest: fail
interactive: flaky
interactive-element-affordance: manual
is-crawlable: pass
is-on-https: pass
js-libraries: pass
label: notApplicable
layout-table: notApplicable
link-name: notApplicable
link-text: pass
list: notApplicable
listitem: notApplicable
load-fast-enough-for-pwa: flaky
logical-tab-order: manual
main-thread-tasks: informative
mainthread-work-breakdown: numeric
managed-focus: manual
max-potential-fid: numeric
meta-description: fail
meta-refresh: notApplicable
meta-viewport: notApplicable
metrics: flaky
network-requests: informative
network-rtt: informative
network-server-latency: informative
no-document-write: pass
no-vulnerable-libraries: pass
notification-on-start: pass
object-alt: notApplicable
offline-start-url: fail
offscreen-content-hidden: manual
offscreen-images: flaky
password-inputs-can-be-pasted-into: pass
performance-budget: notApplicable
plugins: pass
pwa-cross-browser: manual
pwa-each-page-has-url: manual
pwa-page-transitions: manual
redirects: flaky
redirects-http: fail
render-blocking-resources: flaky
resource-summary: informative
robots-txt: notApplicable
screenshot-thumbnails: flaky
service-worker: fail
speed-index: flaky
splash-screen: fail
structured-data: manual
tabindex: notApplicable
tap-targets: fail
td-headers-attr: notApplicable
th-has-data-cells: notApplicable
themed-omnibox: fail
third-party-summary: notApplicable
time-to-first-byte: pass
total-blocking-time: numeric
total-byte-weight: numeric
unminified-css: flaky
unminified-javascript: flaky
unused-css-rules: flaky
use-landmarks: manual
user-timings: flaky
uses-http2: fail
uses-long-cache-ttl: numeric
uses-optimized-images: flaky
uses-passive-event-listeners: pass
uses-rel-preconnect: numeric
uses-rel-preload: flaky
uses-responsive-images: flaky
uses-text-compression: flaky
uses-webp-images: flaky
valid-lang: notApplicable
video-caption: notApplicable
video-description: notApplicable
viewport: fail
visual-order-follows-dom: manual
without-javascript: pass
works-offline: fail
# of .lh-audit divs: 115