blob: bad26677f3fde6df5c7cf4312be0d523160011fa [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t1.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %p/Inputs/x86-64-split-stack-main.s -o %t2.o
# RUN: ld.lld --defsym __morestack=0x100 --defsym __morestack_non_split=0x200 %t1.o %t2.o -o %t -z notext
# RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t | FileCheck %s
# Avoid duplicating the prologue for every test via macros.
.macro prologue1 function_to_call
.global prologue1_calls_\function_to_call
.type prologue1_calls_\function_to_call,@function
cmp %fs:0x70,%rsp
jae 1f
callq __morestack
# Various and duplicate calls to ensure every code path is taken.
callq \function_to_call
callq \function_to_call
callq 1b
callq non_function_text_symbol
.size prologue1_calls_\function_to_call,. - prologue1_calls_\function_to_call
.macro prologue2 function_to_call register
.global prologue2_calls_\function_to_call\register
.type prologue2_calls_\function_to_call\register,@function
lea -0x200(%rsp),%\register
cmp %fs:0x70,%\register
jae 1f
callq __morestack
# Various and duplicate calls to ensure every code path is taken.
callq \function_to_call
callq \function_to_call
callq 1b
callq non_function_text_symbol
.size prologue2_calls_\function_to_call\register,. - prologue2_calls_\function_to_call\register
.local foo
.section .text,"ax",@progbits
.quad foo
# For split-stack code calling split-stack code, ensure prologue v1 still
# calls plain __morestack, and that any raw bytes written to the prologue
# make sense.
# CHECK: prologue1_calls_split:
# CHECK-NEXT: cmp{{.*}}%fs:{{[^,]*}},{{.*}}%rsp
# CHECK: jae{{.*$}}
# CHECK-NEXT: callq{{.*}}<__morestack>
prologue1 split
# For split-stack code calling split-stack code, ensure prologue v2 still
# calls plain __morestack, that any raw bytes written to the prologue
# make sense, and that the register number is preserved.
# CHECK: prologue2_calls_splitr10:
# CHECK-NEXT: lea{{.*}} -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp),{{.*}}%r10
# CHECK: cmp{{.*}}%fs:{{[^,]*}},{{.*}}%r{{[0-9]+}}
# CHECK: jae{{.*}}
# CHECK-NEXT: callq{{.*}}<__morestack>
prologue2 split r10
# CHECK: prologue2_calls_splitr11:
# CHECK-NEXT: lea{{.*}} -{{[0-9]+}}(%rsp),{{.*}}%r11
# CHECK: cmp{{.*}}%fs:{{[^,]*}},{{.*}}%r{{[0-9]+}}
# CHECK: jae{{.*}}
# CHECK-NEXT: callq{{.*}}<__morestack>
prologue2 split r11
# For split-stack code calling non-split-stack code, ensure prologue v1
# calls __morestack_non_split, and that any raw bytes written to the prologue
# make sense.
# CHECK: prologue1_calls_non_split:
# CHECK-NEXT: stc{{.*$}}
# CHECK-NEXT: nopl{{.*$}}
# CHECK: jae{{.*$}}
# CHECK-NEXT: callq{{.*}}<__morestack_non_split>
prologue1 non_split
# For split-stack code calling non-split-stack code, ensure prologue v2
# calls __morestack_non_split, that any raw bytes written to the prologue
# make sense, and that the register number is preserved
# CHECK: prologue2_calls_non_splitr10:
# CHECK-NEXT: lea{{.*$}}
# CHECK: cmp{{.*}}%fs:{{[^,]*}},{{.*}}%r10
# CHECK: jae{{.*$}}
# CHECK-NEXT: callq{{.*}}<__morestack_non_split>
prologue2 non_split r10
# CHECK: prologue2_calls_non_splitr11:
# CHECK-NEXT: lea{{.*$}}
# CHECK: cmp{{.*}}%fs:{{[^,]*}},{{.*}}%r11
# CHECK: jae{{.*$}}
# CHECK-NEXT: callq{{.*}}<__morestack_non_split>
prologue2 non_split r11
# call foo@plt # for code-coverage.
.global split
.type split,@function
.size split,. - split
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
.section .note.GNU-split-stack,"",@progbits