blob: 5e3ee93f17917e4fec558e5a743ef7b0fa7a9ebd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/code-stub-assembler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class StringBuiltinsAssembler : public CodeStubAssembler {
explicit StringBuiltinsAssembler(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state)
: CodeStubAssembler(state) {}
// ES#sec-getsubstitution
TNode<String> GetSubstitution(TNode<Context> context,
TNode<String> subject_string,
TNode<Smi> match_start_index,
TNode<Smi> match_end_index,
TNode<String> replace_string);
void StringEqual_Core(TNode<String> lhs, TNode<Word32T> lhs_instance_type,
TNode<String> rhs, TNode<Word32T> rhs_instance_type,
TNode<IntPtrT> length, Label* if_equal,
Label* if_not_equal, Label* if_indirect);
void BranchIfStringPrimitiveWithNoCustomIteration(TNode<Object> object,
TNode<Context> context,
Label* if_true,
Label* if_false);
TNode<Int32T> LoadSurrogatePairAt(TNode<String> string, TNode<IntPtrT> length,
TNode<IntPtrT> index,
UnicodeEncoding encoding);
TNode<String> StringFromSingleUTF16EncodedCodePoint(TNode<Int32T> codepoint);
// Return a new string object which holds a substring containing the range
// [from,to[ of string.
// TODO(v8:9880): Fix implementation to use UintPtrT arguments and drop
// IntPtrT version once all callers use UintPtrT version.
TNode<String> SubString(TNode<String> string, TNode<IntPtrT> from,
TNode<IntPtrT> to);
TNode<String> SubString(TNode<String> string, TNode<UintPtrT> from,
TNode<UintPtrT> to) {
return SubString(string, Signed(from), Signed(to));
// Copies |character_count| elements from |from_string| to |to_string|
// starting at the |from_index|'th character. |from_string| and |to_string|
// can either be one-byte strings or two-byte strings, although if
// |from_string| is two-byte, then |to_string| must be two-byte.
// |from_index|, |to_index| and |character_count| must be intptr_ts s.t. 0 <=
// |from_index| <= |from_index| + |character_count| <= from_string.length and
// 0 <= |to_index| <= |to_index| + |character_count| <= to_string.length.
template <typename T>
void CopyStringCharacters(TNode<T> from_string, TNode<String> to_string,
TNode<IntPtrT> from_index, TNode<IntPtrT> to_index,
TNode<IntPtrT> character_count,
String::Encoding from_encoding,
String::Encoding to_encoding);
void StringEqual_Loop(TNode<String> lhs, TNode<Word32T> lhs_instance_type,
MachineType lhs_type, TNode<String> rhs,
TNode<Word32T> rhs_instance_type, MachineType rhs_type,
TNode<IntPtrT> length, Label* if_equal,
Label* if_not_equal);
TNode<RawPtrT> DirectStringData(TNode<String> string,
TNode<Word32T> string_instance_type);
void DispatchOnStringEncodings(const TNode<Word32T> lhs_instance_type,
const TNode<Word32T> rhs_instance_type,
Label* if_one_one, Label* if_one_two,
Label* if_two_one, Label* if_two_two);
template <typename SubjectChar, typename PatternChar>
TNode<IntPtrT> CallSearchStringRaw(const TNode<RawPtrT> subject_ptr,
const TNode<IntPtrT> subject_length,
const TNode<RawPtrT> search_ptr,
const TNode<IntPtrT> search_length,
const TNode<IntPtrT> start_position);
TNode<RawPtrT> PointerToStringDataAtIndex(TNode<RawPtrT> string_data,
TNode<IntPtrT> index,
String::Encoding encoding);
void GenerateStringEqual(TNode<String> left, TNode<String> right);
void GenerateStringRelationalComparison(TNode<String> left,
TNode<String> right, Operation op);
using StringAtAccessor = std::function<TNode<Object>(
TNode<String> receiver, TNode<IntPtrT> length, TNode<IntPtrT> index)>;
void StringIndexOf(const TNode<String> subject_string,
const TNode<String> search_string,
const TNode<Smi> position,
const std::function<void(TNode<Smi>)>& f_return);
const TNode<Smi> IndexOfDollarChar(const TNode<Context> context,
const TNode<String> string);
TNode<JSArray> StringToArray(TNode<NativeContext> context,
TNode<String> subject_string,
TNode<Smi> subject_length,
TNode<Number> limit_number);
TNode<BoolT> SmiIsNegative(TNode<Smi> value) {
return SmiLessThan(value, SmiConstant(0));
TNode<String> AllocateConsString(TNode<Uint32T> length, TNode<String> left,
TNode<String> right);
TNode<String> StringAdd(TNode<ContextOrEmptyContext> context,
TNode<String> left, TNode<String> right);
// Check if |string| is an indirect (thin or flat cons) string type that can
// be dereferenced by DerefIndirectString.
void BranchIfCanDerefIndirectString(TNode<String> string,
TNode<Int32T> instance_type,
Label* can_deref, Label* cannot_deref);
// Allocate an appropriate one- or two-byte ConsString with the first and
// second parts specified by |left| and |right|.
// Unpack an indirect (thin or flat cons) string type.
void DerefIndirectString(TVariable<String>* var_string,
TNode<Int32T> instance_type);
// Check if |var_string| has an indirect (thin or flat cons) string type, and
// unpack it if so.
void MaybeDerefIndirectString(TVariable<String>* var_string,
TNode<Int32T> instance_type, Label* did_deref,
Label* cannot_deref);
// Check if |var_left| or |var_right| has an indirect (thin or flat cons)
// string type, and unpack it/them if so. Fall through if nothing was done.
void MaybeDerefIndirectStrings(TVariable<String>* var_left,
TNode<Int32T> left_instance_type,
TVariable<String>* var_right,
TNode<Int32T> right_instance_type,
Label* did_something);
TNode<String> DerefIndirectString(TNode<String> string,
TNode<Int32T> instance_type,
Label* cannot_deref);
// Implements boilerplate logic for {match, split, replace, search} of the
// form:
// if (!IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(object)) {
// var maybe_function = object[symbol];
// if (!IS_UNDEFINED(maybe_function)) {
// return %_Call(maybe_function, ...);
// }
// }
// Contains fast paths for Smi and RegExp objects.
// Important: {regexp_call} may not contain any code that can call into JS.
using NodeFunction0 = std::function<void()>;
using NodeFunction1 = std::function<void(TNode<Object> fn)>;
using DescriptorIndexNameValue =
void MaybeCallFunctionAtSymbol(
const TNode<Context> context, const TNode<Object> object,
const TNode<Object> maybe_string, Handle<Symbol> symbol,
DescriptorIndexNameValue additional_property_to_check,
const NodeFunction0& regexp_call, const NodeFunction1& generic_call);
template <typename T>
TNode<String> AllocAndCopyStringCharacters(TNode<T> from,
TNode<Int32T> from_instance_type,
TNode<IntPtrT> from_index,
TNode<IntPtrT> character_count);
class StringIncludesIndexOfAssembler : public StringBuiltinsAssembler {
explicit StringIncludesIndexOfAssembler(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state)
: StringBuiltinsAssembler(state) {}
enum SearchVariant { kIncludes, kIndexOf };
void Generate(SearchVariant variant, TNode<IntPtrT> argc,
TNode<Context> context);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8