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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Document, created with createHTMLDocument or createDocument with HTML namespace, should share registry with the associated document</title>
<meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="When DOMImplementation's createDocument method is invoked with namespace set to HTML Namespace or when the createHTMLDocument method is invoked, use the registry of the associated document to the new instance.">
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test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var name = 'x-frame';
var GeneratedConstructor = doc.registerElement(name);
var doc2 = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument('Document 2');
function() { doc2.registerElement(name); },
'Registering a custom element type name that is already registered in a shared ' +
'registry should throw an exception');
var xframe = doc2.createElement(name);
assert_true(xframe instanceof GeneratedConstructor,
'Created element should be x-frame instance');
}, 'Document created by createHTMLDocument should share an existing registry');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var name = 'x-frame-1';
var GeneratedConstructor = doc.registerElement(name);
var doc2 = doc.implementation.createDocument(HTML_NAMESPACE, 'html', null);
function() { doc2.registerElement(name); },
'Exception should be thrown for custom element, ' +
'which is already registered in shared registry');
var xframe = doc2.createElement(name);
assert_true(xframe instanceof GeneratedConstructor,
'Created element should be x-frame instance');
}, 'Document created by createDocument with HTML namespace should share an existing registry');