blob: 4308081cadc103ca72afa0e87a8baefe0704f11c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/base/macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
namespace gdb_server {
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Packet {
// Empty the vector and reset the read/write pointers.
void Clear();
// Reset the read pointer, allowing the packet to be re-read.
void Rewind();
// Return true of the read pointer has reached the write pointer.
bool EndOfPacket() const;
// Store a single raw 8 bit value
void AddRawChar(char ch);
// Store a block of data as hex pairs per byte
void AddBlock(const void* ptr, uint32_t len);
// Store a byte as a 2 chars block.
void AddWord8(uint8_t val);
// Store a number up to 64 bits, formatted as a big-endian hex string with
// preceeding zeros removed. Since zeros can be removed, the width of this
// number is unknown, and the number is always followed by a NULL or a
// separator (non hex digit).
void AddNumberSep(uint64_t val, char sep);
// Add a raw string.
void AddString(const char* str);
// Add a string stored as a stream of ASCII hex digit pairs. It is safe
// to use any non-null character in this stream. If this does not terminate
// the packet, there should be a separator (non hex digit) immediately
// following.
void AddHexString(const char* str);
// Retrieve a single character if available
bool GetRawChar(char* ch);
// Retrieve "len" ASCII character pairs.
bool GetBlock(void* ptr, uint32_t len);
// Retrieve a 8, 16, 32, or 64 bit word as pairs of hex digits. These
// functions will always consume bits/4 characters from the stream.
bool GetWord8(uint8_t* val);
// Retrieve a number (formatted as a big-endian hex string) and a separator.
// If 'sep' is null, the separator is consumed but thrown away.
bool GetNumberSep(uint64_t* val, char* sep);
// Get a string from the stream
bool GetString(std::string* str);
bool GetHexString(std::string* str);
// Return a pointer to the entire packet payload
const char* GetPayload() const;
size_t GetPayloadSize() const;
// Returns true and the sequence number, or false if it is unset.
bool GetSequence(int32_t* seq) const;
// Parses sequence number in package data and moves read pointer past it.
void ParseSequence();
// Set the sequence number.
void SetSequence(int32_t seq);
enum class ErrDef { None = 0, BadFormat = 1, BadArgs = 2, Failed = 3 };
void SetError(ErrDef);
// Returns the full content of a GDB-remote packet, in the format:
// $payload#checksum
// where the two-digit checksum is computed as the modulo 256 sum of all
// characters between the leading ‘$’ and the trailing ‘#’.
std::string GetPacketData() const;
int32_t seq_;
std::string data_;
size_t read_index_;
} // namespace gdb_server
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8