blob: f0b06e314ed1c9d34cdefaef10f263539b7fa3f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include "starboard/common/atomic.h"
#include "starboard/common/mutex.h"
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#define NUM_THREADS 4
namespace starboard {
namespace nplb {
namespace {
// TestThread that is a bare bones class wrapper around Starboard
// thread. Subclasses must override Run().
class TestThread {
TestThread() : thread_(kSbThreadInvalid) {}
virtual ~TestThread() {}
// Subclasses should override the Run method.
virtual void Run() = 0;
// Calls SbThreadCreate() with default parameters.
void Start() {
SbThreadEntryPoint entry_point = ThreadEntryPoint;
thread_ = SbThreadCreate(0, // default stack_size.
kSbThreadNoPriority, // default priority.
kSbThreadNoAffinity, // default affinity.
true, // joinable.
"TestThread", entry_point, this);
if (kSbThreadInvalid == thread_) {
ADD_FAILURE_AT(__FILE__, __LINE__) << "Invalid thread.";
void Join() {
if (!SbThreadJoin(thread_, NULL)) {
ADD_FAILURE_AT(__FILE__, __LINE__) << "Could not join thread.";
static void* ThreadEntryPoint(void* ptr) {
TestThread* this_ptr = static_cast<TestThread*>(ptr);
return NULL;
SbThread thread_;
TestThread(const TestThread&) = delete;
void operator=(const TestThread&) = delete;
// Boilerplate for test setup.
// Defines a typelist for all atomic types.
typedef ::testing::Types<atomic_int32_t,
atomic_pointer<int*> >
// Defines a typelist for just atomic number types.
typedef ::testing::
Types<atomic_int32_t, atomic_int64_t, atomic_float, atomic_double>
// Defines a typelist for just atomic number types.
typedef ::testing::Types<atomic_int32_t, atomic_int64_t> AtomicIntegralTypes;
// Defines test type that will be instantiated using each type in
// AllAtomicTypes type list.
template <typename T>
class AtomicBaseTest : public ::testing::Test {};
TYPED_TEST_CASE(AtomicBaseTest, AllAtomicTypes); // Registration.
// Defines test type that will be instantiated using each type in
// AtomicNumberTypes type list.
template <typename T>
class AtomicNumberTest : public ::testing::Test {};
TYPED_TEST_CASE(AtomicNumberTest, AtomicNumberTypes); // Registration.
template <typename T>
class AtomicIntegralTest : public ::testing::Test {};
TYPED_TEST_CASE(AtomicIntegralTest, AtomicIntegralTypes); // Registration.
// Singlethreaded tests.
// Tests default constructor and single-argument constructor.
TYPED_TEST(AtomicBaseTest, Constructors) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
const T zero(0);
const T one = zero + 1; // Allows AtomicPointer<T*>.
AtomicT atomic_default;
// Tests that default value is zero.
ASSERT_EQ(atomic_default.load(), zero);
AtomicT atomic_val(one);
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic_val.load());
// Tests load() and exchange().
TYPED_TEST(AtomicBaseTest, Load_Exchange_SingleThread) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
const T zero(0);
const T one = zero + 1; // Allows AtomicPointer<T*>.
AtomicT atomic;
ASSERT_EQ(atomic.load(), zero); // Default is 0.
ASSERT_EQ(zero,; // Old value was 0.
// Tests that AtomicType has const get function.
const AtomicT& const_atomic = atomic;
ASSERT_EQ(one, const_atomic.load());
// Tests compare_exchange_strong().
TYPED_TEST(AtomicNumberTest, CompareExchangeStrong_SingleThread) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
const T zero(0);
const T one = zero + 1; // Allows AtomicPointer<T*>.
AtomicT atomic;
ASSERT_EQ(atomic.load(), zero); // Default is 0.
T expected_value = zero;
// Should succeed.
one)); // New value.
ASSERT_EQ(zero, expected_value);
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.load()); // Expect that value was set.
expected_value = zero;
// Asserts that when the expected and actual value is mismatched that the
// compare_exchange_strong() fails.
ASSERT_FALSE(atomic.compare_exchange_strong(&expected_value, // Mismatched.
zero)); // New value.
// Failed and this means that expected_value should be set to what the
// internal value was. In this case, one.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, one);
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.load());
ASSERT_TRUE(atomic.compare_exchange_strong(&expected_value, // Matches.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, one);
// Tests atomic fetching and adding.
TYPED_TEST(AtomicNumberTest, FetchAdd_SingleThread) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
const T zero(0);
const T one = zero + 1; // Allows atomic_pointer<T*>.
const T two = zero + 2;
AtomicT atomic;
ASSERT_EQ(atomic.load(), zero); // Default is 0.
ASSERT_EQ(zero, atomic.fetch_add(one)); // Prev value was 0.
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.load()); // Now value is this.
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.fetch_add(one)); // Prev value was 1.
ASSERT_EQ(two,; // Old value was 2.
// Tests atomic fetching and subtracting.
TYPED_TEST(AtomicNumberTest, FetchSub_SingleThread) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
const T zero(0);
const T one = zero + 1; // Allows AtomicPointer<T*>.
const T two = zero + 2;
const T neg_two(zero - 2);
AtomicT atomic;
ASSERT_EQ(atomic.load(), zero); // Default is 0.;
ASSERT_EQ(two, atomic.fetch_sub(one)); // Prev value was 2.
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.load()); // New value.
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.fetch_sub(one)); // Prev value was one.
ASSERT_EQ(zero, atomic.load()); // New 0.
ASSERT_EQ(zero, atomic.fetch_sub(two));
ASSERT_EQ(neg_two, atomic.load()); // 0-2 = -2
TYPED_TEST(AtomicIntegralTest, IncrementAndDecrement_SingleThread) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
const T zero(0);
const T one = zero + 1; // Allows AtomicPointer<T*>.
AtomicT atomic;
ASSERT_EQ(atomic.load(), zero); // Default is 0.
ASSERT_EQ(zero, atomic.increment()); // Tests for post-increment operation.
ASSERT_EQ(one, atomic.decrement()); // Tests for post-decrement operation.
// Multithreaded tests.
// A thread that will execute compare_exchange_strong() and write out a result
// to a shared output.
template <typename AtomicT>
class CompareExchangeThread : public TestThread {
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
CompareExchangeThread(int start_num,
int end_num,
AtomicT* atomic_value,
std::vector<T>* output,
starboard::Mutex* output_mutex)
: start_num_(start_num),
output_mutex_(output_mutex) {}
virtual void Run() {
std::vector<T> output_buffer;
output_buffer.reserve(end_num_ - start_num_);
for (int i = start_num_; i < end_num_; ++i) {
T new_value = T(i);
while (true) {
if (std::rand() % 3 == 0) {
// 1 in 3 chance of yielding.
// Attempt to cause more contention by giving other threads a chance
// to run.
const T prev_value = atomic_value_->load();
T expected_value = prev_value;
const bool success =
atomic_value_->compare_exchange_strong(&expected_value, new_value);
if (success) {
// Lock the output to append this output buffer.
starboard::ScopedLock lock(*output_mutex_);
output_->insert(output_->end(), output_buffer.begin(), output_buffer.end());
const int start_num_;
const int end_num_;
AtomicT* const atomic_value_;
std::vector<T>* const output_;
starboard::Mutex* const output_mutex_;
// Tests Atomic<T>::compare_exchange_strong(). Each thread has a unique
// sequential range [0,1,2,3 ... ), [5,6,8, ...) that it will generate.
// The numbers are sequentially written to the shared Atomic type and then
// exposed to other threads:
// Generates [0,1,2,...,n/2)
// +------+ Thread A <--------+ (Write Exchanged Value)
// | |
// | compare_exchange() +---> exchanged? ---+
// +----> +------------+ +----+ v
// | AtomicType | Output vector
// +----> +------------+ +----+ ^
// | compare_exchange() +---> exchanged? ---+
// | |
// +------+ Thread B <--------+
// Generates [n/2,n/2+1,...,n)
// By repeatedly calling atomic<T>::compare_exchange_strong() by each of the
// threads, each will see the previous value of the shared variable when their
// exchange (atomic swap) operation is successful. If all of the swapped out
// values are recombined then it will form the original generated sequence from
// all threads.
// sort( output vector ) AND TEST THAT
// output vector Contains [0,1,2,...,n)
// The test passes when the output array is tested that it contains every
// expected generated number from all threads. If compare_exchange_strong() is
// written incorrectly for an atomic type then the output array will have
// duplicates or otherwise not be equal to the expected natural number set.
TYPED_TEST(AtomicNumberTest, Test_CompareExchange_MultiThreaded) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
static const int kNumElements = 1000;
AtomicT atomic_value(T(-1));
std::vector<TestThread*> threads;
std::vector<T> output_values;
starboard::Mutex output_mutex;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
const int start_num = (kNumElements * i) / NUM_THREADS;
const int end_num = (kNumElements * (i + 1)) / NUM_THREADS;
threads.push_back(new CompareExchangeThread<AtomicT>(
start_num, // defines the number range to generate.
end_num, &atomic_value, &output_values, &output_mutex));
// These threads will generate unique numbers in their range and then
// write them to the output array.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
// Cleanup threads.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
delete threads[i];
// Final value needs to be written out. The last thread to join doesn't
// know it's the last and therefore the final value in the shared
// has not be pushed to the output array.
std::sort(output_values.begin(), output_values.end());
// We expect the -1 value because it was the explicit initial value of the
// shared atomic.
ASSERT_EQ(T(-1), output_values[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(T(0), output_values[1]);
output_values.erase(output_values.begin()); // Chop off the -1 at the front.
// Finally, assert that the output array is equal to the natural numbers
// after it has been sorted.
ASSERT_EQ(output_values.size(), kNumElements);
// All of the elements should be equal too.
for (int i = 0; i < output_values.size(); ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(output_values[i], T(i));
// A thread that will invoke increment() and decrement() and equal number
// of times to atomic_value. The value after this is done should be equal to
// 0.
template <typename AtomicT>
class IncrementAndDecrementThread : public TestThread {
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
IncrementAndDecrementThread(size_t half_number_of_operations,
AtomicT* atomic_value)
: atomic_value_(atomic_value) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < half_number_of_operations; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < half_number_of_operations; ++i) {
std::shuffle(operation_sequence_.begin(), operation_sequence_.end(),
virtual void Run() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < operation_sequence_.size(); ++i) {
if (std::rand() % 3 == 0) {
// 1 in 3 chance of yielding.
// Attempt to cause more contention by giving other threads a chance
// to run.
T prev_value = 0;
if (operation_sequence_[i]) {
prev_value = atomic_value_->increment();
} else {
prev_value = atomic_value_->decrement();
// Used purely for true/false values. Note that we don't
// use std::vector<bool> because some platforms won't support
// swapping elements of std::vector<bool>, which is required for
// std::random_shuffle().
std::vector<uint8_t> operation_sequence_;
AtomicT* const atomic_value_;
TYPED_TEST(AtomicIntegralTest, Test_IncrementAndDecrement_MultiThreaded) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
static const int kNumOperations = 10000;
AtomicT atomic_value(T(0));
std::vector<TestThread*> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
threads.push_back(new IncrementAndDecrementThread<AtomicT>(kNumOperations,
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
// Cleanup threads.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
delete threads[i];
// After an equal number of decrements and increments, the final value should
// be 0.
ASSERT_EQ(0, atomic_value.load());
template <typename AtomicT>
class FetchAddSubThread : public TestThread {
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
FetchAddSubThread(const int32_t start_value,
const int32_t end_value,
AtomicT* atomic_value)
: start_value_(start_value),
atomic_value_(atomic_value) {}
virtual void Run() {
for (int32_t i = start_value_; i < end_value_; ++i) {
if (std::rand() % 3 == 0) {
// 1 in 3 chance of yielding.
// Attempt to cause more contention by giving other threads a chance
// to run.s
if (std::rand() % 2 == 0) {
} else {
int32_t start_value_;
int32_t end_value_;
AtomicT* const atomic_value_;
TYPED_TEST(AtomicIntegralTest, Test_FetchAdd_MultiThreaded) {
typedef TypeParam AtomicT;
typedef typename AtomicT::ValueType T;
static const int kNumOperations = 10000;
AtomicT atomic_value(T(0));
std::vector<TestThread*> threads;
// First value is inclusive, second is exclusive.
new FetchAddSubThread<AtomicT>(-kNumOperations, 0, &atomic_value));
new FetchAddSubThread<AtomicT>(1, kNumOperations + 1, &atomic_value));
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i) {
// Cleanup threads.
for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i) {
delete threads[i];
// After an equal number of decrements and increments, the final value should
// be 0.
ASSERT_EQ(0, atomic_value.load());
} // namespace
} // namespace nplb
} // namespace starboard