blob: abbf2cc7a5c34fb8e7893a7d65a2b239c9703a76 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Printing histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="Printing.ConversionSize.Emf" units="KB"
On Windows, the average size of a printed page after converting to EMF.
Recorded after conversion.
<histogram name="Printing.ConversionSize.EmfWithReducedRasterization"
units="KB" expires_after="2023-09-10">
On Windows, the average size of a printed page after converting to EMF with
the reduced rasterization feature turned on. Recorded after conversion.
<histogram name="Printing.ConversionSize.PostScript2" units="KB"
On Windows, the average size of a printed page after converting to level 2
PostScript. Recorded after conversion.
<histogram name="Printing.ConversionSize.PostScript3" units="KB"
On Windows, the average size of a printed page after converting to level 3
PostScript. Recorded after conversion.
<histogram name="Printing.ConversionSize.PostScript3WithType42Fonts" units="KB"
On Windows, the average size of a printed page after converting to level 3
PostScript with Type 42 fonts. Recorded after conversion.
<histogram name="Printing.ConversionSize.Pwg" units="KB"
On desktop, the average size of a printed page after converting to PWG
Raster format. Recorded after conversion.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.AddressResolutionResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records whether resolution of a .local address via mDNS was successful. The
metric is recorded during attempted setup of a printer discovered via mDNS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.HighestIppVersion" enum="IppVersion"
Records the highest IPP version reported by a printer when we query the
printer for attributes. Useful to understand the population of printers
currently used. Recorded during printer setup for IPP printers. Recorded
only on ChromeOS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.IppAttributesSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Record if the request for IPP attributes was successful during printer
setup. This only occurs for setup attempts of IPP and IPPS printers.
Starting with M79, this is only recorded if the printer was reachable.
Recorded when printers are queried for attributes in ChromeOS settings.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.IppDeviceReachable" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Record if the request for IPP attributes was successful in reaching the
printer. Recorded during the attempt to setup IPP/IPPS printers.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.JobDuration.JobCancelled" units="ms"
Records the print job duration of a cancelled print job. Includes time spent
in a suspended or error state. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.JobDuration.JobDone" units="ms"
Records the print job duration of a done/completed print job. Includes time
spent in a suspended or error state. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.JobResult" enum="PrintJobResult"
<!-- expires-never: Monitors printing health for Chrome OS. -->
The final status of every print job that was succesfully queued. Only used
on Chrome OS.
Recorded upon the completion of each print job by the CupsPrintJobManager.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.MigratedMakeAndModel" enum="BooleanMigrated"
Records when a synced printer's outdated separate make and model strings
have been migrated to the new merged form. Recorded during initial sync
across PrintersSyncBridge.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.NearbyNetworkAutomaticPrintersCount"
units="printers" expires_after="2023-12-11">
The number of detected network printers classified as Automatic, excluding
Saved printers. Recorded when the user navigates to the OS Settings Printing
page to set up printers. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.NearbyNetworkDiscoveredPrintersCount"
units="printers" expires_after="2023-12-11">
The number of detected network printers classified as Discovered, excluding
Saved printers. Recorded when the user navigates to the OS Settings Printing
page to set up printers. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.NearbyNetworkPrintersCount" units="printers"
The number of detected network printers that have not been saved. Recorded
when the user navigates to the OS Settings Printing page to set up printers.
Only recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrintDocumentSize" units="KB"
Records the total size of the printed document (PDF) sent to CUPS. Only
recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterAdded" enum="PrinterProtocol"
The protocol for a printer that was added. Used to track printer churn by
protocol. Only on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterEditDialogActions"
enum="PrinterEditDialogActions" expires_after="2023-09-26">
Tracks when the printer edit dialog is opened and certain user interactions.
Every time the dialog is opened, the first bucket will get incremented.
Additional buckets will get incremented for specific actions, such as
clicking the View PPD button. Therefore, the first bucket acts as the total
number of potential events and subsequest buckets track how many times
specific events occurred. Only on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterRemoved" enum="PrinterProtocol"
The protocol for a printer that was removed. Used to track printer churn by
protocol. Only on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrintersDiscovered" units="printers"
The number of printers shown in the discovered printers dialog during
printer set up. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterSetupResult" enum="PrinterSetupResult"
<!-- expires-never: Monitors printer setup health for Chrome OS. -->
The success or error code for the setup of a CUPS printer. Recorded when
setup is attempted through the settings dialogs. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
Printer setup results go into either this histogram or the
Printing.CUPS.ZeroconfPrinterSetupResult histogram - not both.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterSetupResult.PrintPreview"
enum="PrinterSetupResult" expires_after="2023-09-03">
The success or error code for the setup of a CUPS printer. Recorded when
setup is attempted from the print preview dialog. Only recorded on Chrome
OS. Printer setup results go into either this histogram or the
Printing.CUPS.ZeroconfPrinterSetupResult.PrintPreview histogram - not both.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterSetupResult.SettingsDiscoveredPrinters"
enum="PrinterSetupResult" expires_after="2024-02-01">
The success or error code for the setup of printers classified as
&quot;Discovered&quot;. Recorded when the user clicks the Setup button in OS
Printer Settings when attempting to save a printer. Only recorded on Chrome
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterStatusQueryResult"
enum="PrinterStatusQueryResult" expires_after="2023-09-10">
Records the success outcome of a printer status query to a local printer.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterStatusReasons"
enum="PrinterStatusReasons" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records the status reasons returned by a local printer from a printer status
query. Each returned printer status request can contain multiple status
reasons so summing these buckets will overcount the total # of status
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.PrinterStatusRetrySuccess" enum="Boolean"
Records the success outcome for a retried printer status query to an
unreachable local printer. Only recorded for the retry attempt. The result
for the first attempt is recorded by Printing.CUPS.PrinterStatusQueryResult.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.ProtocolUsed" enum="PrinterProtocol"
Records the protocol for a selected printer in Chrome OS. Used to track
usage of the various printer protocols. Since a selection occurs when print
preview is opened, this will count at least one every time that happens if a
CUPS printer was selected.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.TotalNetworkPrintersCount" units="printers"
The total number of detected network printers. Recorded when the user
navigates to the OS Settings Printing page to set up printers. Only recorded
on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.UnknownPpdColorModel" enum="Boolean"
Records instances in which print preview encounters an unknown PPD color
model. Recorded after print settings are received from print preview. Note
that this this histogram expired on 2021-02-01 and was extended on
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.UsbSetupSource" enum="UsbPrinterSetupSource"
Records the source from which a USB printer was configured in Chrome OS.
Used to track relative usage of the various printer setup routes. Only emits
after a successful printer setup.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.ZeroconfPrinterSetupResult"
enum="PrinterSetupResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: Monitors printer setup health for Chrome OS. -->
The success or error code for the setup of a Zeroconf printer. Recorded when
setup is attempted through the settings dialogs. Only recorded on Chrome OS.
Printer setup results go into either this histogram or the
Printing.CUPS.PrinterSetupResult histogram - not both.
<histogram name="Printing.CUPS.ZeroconfPrinterSetupResult.PrintPreview"
enum="PrinterSetupResult" expires_after="2023-09-03">
The success or error code for the setup of a Zeroconf printer. Recorded when
setup is attempted from the print preview dialog. Only recorded on Chrome
OS. Printer setup results go into either this histogram or the
Printing.CUPS.PrinterSetupResult.PrintPreview histogram - not both.
<histogram name="Printing.Oop.PrintResult" enum="PrintOopResult"
Records the final result of a print job where the interactions with the
system printing APIs are performed out-of-process in the PrintBackend
This covers printing initiated from Print Preview as well as from a system
print dialog for platforms which provide that.
Recorded upon completion of each print job by PrintJobWorkerOop.
enum="BooleanFound" expires_after="2023-05-14">
Records if any printer driver operations were found to fail because of
access-denied errors when used in a sandboxed utility process. This can
occur from queries for setting up print preview as well as when printing a
document to a destination.
<histogram name="Printing.PrintServers.ServersToQuery" units="servers"
Records the number of print servers that must be queried according to
policies. Only non-zero values are recorded. The histogram is emitted when
ExternalPrintServers* policies are loaded and processed. It happens when a
profile is opened or when one of the policies is modified.