blob: a5fe1ddc8e3ab799077d7cb1729b09af510479c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Script to test if a small target builds quickly on windows as expected.
# Define the timeout value in seconds
$timeout = 120
$folderPath = ".\out\win32_test\"
# Remove folder if present from out directory
if (Test-Path $folderPath) {
# Delete the folder
Remove-Item $folderPath -Recurse -Force
# Start a timer
$start = Get-Date
# Run the command
$command = "python .\cobalt\build\ $folderPath -p win-win32 -C devel ; ninja -C $folderpath eztime_test"
Invoke-Expression $command
# Get the end time
$end = Get-Date
# Calculate the execution time
$executionTime = $end - $start
$executionTimeinSecs = $executionTime.TotalSeconds
Write-Output "Execution time in secs is $executionTimeinSecs"
# Check if the execution time is greater than the timeout value
if ($executionTimeinSecs -gt $timeout) {
# Check b/291665088 for more discussion.
throw "The command took more than $timeout seconds to run."
# The command ran successfully
Write-Output "The command ran successfully."