| // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/callback.h" |
| #include "base/callback_helpers.h" |
| #include "base/containers/circular_deque.h" |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" |
| #include "base/run_loop.h" |
| #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_split.h" |
| #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" |
| #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" |
| #include "base/test/gmock_callback_support.h" |
| #include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h" |
| #include "base/test/task_environment.h" |
| #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h" |
| #include "media/base/data_buffer.h" |
| #include "media/base/limits.h" |
| #include "media/base/media_switches.h" |
| #include "media/base/media_util.h" |
| #include "media/base/mock_filters.h" |
| #include "media/base/null_video_sink.h" |
| #include "media/base/test_helpers.h" |
| #include "media/base/video_frame.h" |
| #include "media/base/wall_clock_time_source.h" |
| #include "media/renderers/video_renderer_impl.h" |
| #include "media/video/mock_gpu_memory_buffer_video_frame_pool.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| using ::base::test::RunClosure; |
| using ::base::test::RunOnceCallback; |
| using ::base::test::RunOnceClosure; |
| using ::testing::_; |
| using ::testing::AnyNumber; |
| using ::testing::Combine; |
| using ::testing::DoAll; |
| using ::testing::Invoke; |
| using ::testing::Mock; |
| using ::testing::NiceMock; |
| using ::testing::Return; |
| using ::testing::SaveArg; |
| using ::testing::StrictMock; |
| using ::testing::Values; |
| |
| namespace media { |
| |
| MATCHER_P(HasTimestampMatcher, ms, "") { |
| *result_listener << "has timestamp " << arg->timestamp().InMilliseconds(); |
| return arg->timestamp().InMilliseconds() == ms; |
| } |
| |
| class VideoRendererImplTest : public testing::Test { |
| public: |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder>> CreateVideoDecodersForTest() { |
| decoder_ = new NiceMock<MockVideoDecoder>(); |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder>> decoders; |
| decoders.push_back(base::WrapUnique(decoder_)); |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, Initialize_(_, _, _, _, _, _)) |
| .WillByDefault(DoAll( |
| SaveArg<4>(&output_cb_), |
| RunOnceCallback<3>(expect_init_success_ |
| ? OkStatus() |
| : Status(StatusCode::kCodeOnlyForTesting)))); |
| // Monitor decodes from the decoder. |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, Decode_(_, _)) |
| .WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &VideoRendererImplTest::DecodeRequested)); |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, Reset_(_)) |
| .WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &VideoRendererImplTest::FlushRequested)); |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, GetMaxDecodeRequests()).WillByDefault(Return(1)); |
| return decoders; |
| } |
| |
| VideoRendererImplTest() |
| : task_environment_(base::test::TaskEnvironment::TimeSource::MOCK_TIME), |
| decoder_(nullptr), |
| demuxer_stream_(DemuxerStream::VIDEO), |
| simulate_decode_delay_(false), |
| expect_init_success_(true) { |
| null_video_sink_ = std::make_unique<NullVideoSink>( |
| false, base::Seconds(1.0 / 60), |
| base::BindRepeating(&MockCB::FrameReceived, |
| base::Unretained(&mock_cb_)), |
| base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()); |
| |
| renderer_ = std::make_unique<VideoRendererImpl>( |
| base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(), null_video_sink_.get(), |
| base::BindRepeating(&VideoRendererImplTest::CreateVideoDecodersForTest, |
| base::Unretained(this)), |
| true, &media_log_, nullptr); |
| renderer_->SetTickClockForTesting(&tick_clock_); |
| null_video_sink_->set_tick_clock_for_testing(&tick_clock_); |
| time_source_.SetTickClockForTesting(&tick_clock_); |
| |
| // Start wallclock time at a non-zero value. |
| AdvanceWallclockTimeInMs(12345); |
| |
| demuxer_stream_.set_video_decoder_config(TestVideoConfig::Normal()); |
| |
| // We expect these to be called but we don't care how/when. Tests can |
| // customize the provided buffer returned via OnDemuxerRead(). |
| ON_CALL(demuxer_stream_, OnRead(_)) |
| .WillByDefault(Invoke(this, &VideoRendererImplTest::OnDemuxerRead)); |
| } |
| |
| VideoRendererImplTest(const VideoRendererImplTest&) = delete; |
| VideoRendererImplTest& operator=(const VideoRendererImplTest&) = delete; |
| |
| ~VideoRendererImplTest() override = default; |
| |
| void Initialize() { |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(false); |
| } |
| |
| void InitializeWithLowDelay(bool low_delay) { |
| // Initialize, we shouldn't have any reads. |
| InitializeRenderer(&demuxer_stream_, low_delay, true); |
| } |
| |
| void InitializeRenderer(MockDemuxerStream* demuxer_stream, |
| bool low_delay, |
| bool expect_success) { |
| SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("InitializeRenderer(%d)", expect_success)); |
| expect_init_success_ = expect_success; |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| CallInitialize(demuxer_stream, event.GetPipelineStatusCB(), low_delay, |
| expect_success); |
| event.RunAndWaitForStatus(expect_success ? PIPELINE_OK |
| } |
| |
| void CallInitialize(MockDemuxerStream* demuxer_stream, |
| PipelineStatusCallback status_cb, |
| bool low_delay, |
| bool expect_success) { |
| if (low_delay) |
| demuxer_stream->set_liveness(DemuxerStream::LIVENESS_LIVE); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnWaiting(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnAudioConfigChange(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| renderer_->Initialize( |
| demuxer_stream, nullptr, &mock_cb_, |
| base::BindRepeating(&WallClockTimeSource::GetWallClockTimes, |
| base::Unretained(&time_source_)), |
| std::move(status_cb)); |
| } |
| |
| void StartPlayingFrom(int milliseconds) { |
| SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("StartPlayingFrom(%d)", milliseconds)); |
| const base::TimeDelta media_time = base::Milliseconds(milliseconds); |
| time_source_.SetMediaTime(media_time); |
| renderer_->StartPlayingFrom(media_time); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| void Flush() { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Flush()"); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| renderer_->Flush(event.GetClosure()); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| void Destroy() { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Destroy()"); |
| renderer_.reset(); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| void OnDemuxerRead(DemuxerStream::ReadCB& read_cb) { |
| if (simulate_demuxer_stall_after_n_reads_ >= 0) { |
| if (simulate_demuxer_stall_after_n_reads_-- == 0) { |
| stalled_demixer_read_cb_ = std::move(read_cb); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> decoder_buffer(new DecoderBuffer(0)); |
| |
| // Set |decoder_buffer| timestamp such that it won't match any of the |
| // times provided to QueueFrames(). Otherwise the default timestamp of 0 may |
| // match some frames and not others, which causes non-uniform handling in |
| // DecoderStreamTraits. |
| decoder_buffer->set_timestamp(kNoTimestamp); |
| |
| // Test hook for to specify a custom buffer duration. |
| decoder_buffer->set_duration(buffer_duration_); |
| |
| std::move(read_cb).Run(DemuxerStream::kOk, decoder_buffer); |
| } |
| |
| bool IsDemuxerStalled() { return !!stalled_demixer_read_cb_; } |
| |
| void UnstallDemuxer() { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(IsDemuxerStalled()); |
| OnDemuxerRead(stalled_demixer_read_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| // Parses a string representation of video frames and generates corresponding |
| // VideoFrame objects in |decode_results_|. |
| // |
| // Syntax: |
| // nn - Queue a decoder buffer with timestamp nn * 1000us |
| // abort - Queue an aborted read |
| // error - Queue a decoder error |
| // |
| // Examples: |
| // A clip that is four frames long: "0 10 20 30" |
| // A clip that has a decode error: "60 70 error" |
| void QueueFrames(const std::string& str) { |
| for (const std::string& token : |
| base::SplitString(str, " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, |
| base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL)) { |
| if (token == "abort") { |
| scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> null_frame; |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::ABORTED, null_frame); |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| if (token == "error") { |
| scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> null_frame; |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::DECODE_ERROR, null_frame); |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| int timestamp_in_ms = 0; |
| if (base::StringToInt(token, ×tamp_in_ms)) { |
| gfx::Size natural_size = TestVideoConfig::NormalCodedSize(); |
| scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame = VideoFrame::CreateFrame( |
| PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, natural_size, gfx::Rect(natural_size), |
| natural_size, base::Milliseconds(timestamp_in_ms)); |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, frame); |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| CHECK(false) << "Unrecognized decoder buffer token: " << token; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Queues video frames to be served by the decoder during rendering. |
| void QueueFrame(DecodeStatus status, scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame) { |
| decode_results_.push_back(std::make_pair(status, frame)); |
| } |
| |
| bool IsDecodePending() { return !!decode_cb_; } |
| |
| void WaitForError(PipelineStatus expected) { |
| SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("WaitForError(%d)", expected)); |
| |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| PipelineStatusCallback error_cb = event.GetPipelineStatusCB(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnError(_)) |
| .WillOnce(Invoke([cb = &error_cb](PipelineStatus status) { |
| std::move(*cb).Run(status); |
| })); |
| event.RunAndWaitForStatus(expected); |
| } |
| |
| void WaitForEnded() { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("WaitForEnded()"); |
| |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnEnded()) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| void WaitForPendingDecode() { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("WaitForPendingDecode()"); |
| if (decode_cb_) |
| return; |
| |
| DCHECK(!wait_for_pending_decode_cb_); |
| |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| wait_for_pending_decode_cb_ = event.GetClosure(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| |
| DCHECK(decode_cb_); |
| DCHECK(!wait_for_pending_decode_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| void SatisfyPendingDecode() { |
| CHECK(decode_cb_); |
| CHECK(!decode_results_.empty()); |
| |
| // Post tasks for OutputCB and DecodeCB. |
| scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame = decode_results_.front().second; |
| if (frame.get()) |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask( |
| FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(output_cb_, frame)); |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask( |
| base::BindOnce(std::move(decode_cb_), decode_results_.front().first)); |
| decode_results_.pop_front(); |
| } |
| |
| void SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream() { |
| DCHECK(decode_cb_); |
| |
| // Return EOS buffer to trigger EOS frame. |
| EXPECT_CALL(demuxer_stream_, OnRead(_)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceCallback<0>(DemuxerStream::kOk, |
| DecoderBuffer::CreateEOSBuffer())); |
| |
| // Satify pending |decode_cb_| to trigger a new DemuxerStream::Read(). |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask( |
| FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(std::move(decode_cb_), DecodeStatus::OK)); |
| |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask( |
| FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(std::move(decode_cb_), DecodeStatus::OK)); |
| } |
| |
| bool HasQueuedFrames() const { return decode_results_.size() > 0; } |
| |
| void AdvanceWallclockTimeInMs(int time_ms) { |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); |
| base::AutoLock l(lock_); |
| tick_clock_.Advance(base::Milliseconds(time_ms)); |
| } |
| |
| void AdvanceTimeInMs(int time_ms) { |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); |
| base::AutoLock l(lock_); |
| time_ += base::Milliseconds(time_ms); |
| time_source_.StopTicking(); |
| time_source_.SetMediaTime(time_); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| } |
| |
| MOCK_METHOD0(OnSimulateDecodeDelay, base::TimeDelta(void)); |
| |
| protected: |
| base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_; |
| NullMediaLog media_log_; |
| |
| // Fixture members. |
| std::unique_ptr<VideoRendererImpl> renderer_; |
| base::SimpleTestTickClock tick_clock_; |
| NiceMock<MockVideoDecoder>* decoder_; // Owned by |renderer_|. |
| NiceMock<MockDemuxerStream> demuxer_stream_; |
| bool simulate_decode_delay_; |
| |
| bool expect_init_success_; |
| |
| // Specifies how many reads should complete before demuxer stalls. |
| int simulate_demuxer_stall_after_n_reads_ = -1; |
| DemuxerStream::ReadCB stalled_demixer_read_cb_; |
| |
| // Use StrictMock<T> to catch missing/extra callbacks. |
| class MockCB : public MockRendererClient { |
| public: |
| MOCK_METHOD1(FrameReceived, void(scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>)); |
| }; |
| StrictMock<MockCB> mock_cb_; |
| |
| // Must be destroyed before |renderer_| since they share |tick_clock_|. |
| std::unique_ptr<NullVideoSink> null_video_sink_; |
| |
| WallClockTimeSource time_source_; |
| |
| // Duration set on DecoderBuffers. See OnDemuxerRead(). |
| base::TimeDelta buffer_duration_; |
| |
| private: |
| void DecodeRequested(scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> buffer, |
| VideoDecoder::DecodeCB& decode_cb) { |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); |
| CHECK(!decode_cb_); |
| decode_cb_ = std::move(decode_cb); |
| |
| // Wake up WaitForPendingDecode() if needed. |
| if (wait_for_pending_decode_cb_) |
| std::move(wait_for_pending_decode_cb_).Run(); |
| |
| if (decode_results_.empty()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (simulate_decode_delay_) |
| tick_clock_.Advance(OnSimulateDecodeDelay()); |
| |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| } |
| |
| void FlushRequested(base::OnceClosure& callback) { |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); |
| decode_results_.clear(); |
| if (decode_cb_) { |
| QueueFrames("abort"); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| } |
| |
| task_environment_.GetMainThreadTaskRunner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, |
| std::move(callback)); |
| } |
| |
| // Used to protect |time_|. |
| base::Lock lock_; |
| base::TimeDelta time_; |
| |
| // Used for satisfying reads. |
| VideoDecoder::OutputCB output_cb_; |
| VideoDecoder::DecodeCB decode_cb_; |
| base::TimeDelta next_frame_timestamp_; |
| |
| // Run during DecodeRequested() to unblock WaitForPendingDecode(). |
| base::OnceClosure wait_for_pending_decode_cb_; |
| |
| base::circular_deque<std::pair<DecodeStatus, scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>>> |
| decode_results_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DoNothing) { |
| // Test that creation and deletion doesn't depend on calls to Initialize() |
| // and/or Destroy(). |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DestroyWithoutInitialize) { |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Initialize) { |
| Initialize(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, InitializeAndStartPlayingFrom) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, InitializeAndEndOfStream) { |
| Initialize(); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| { |
| // Buffering state changes must happen before end of stream. |
| testing::InSequence in_sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnEnded()); |
| } |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| // Firing a time state changed to true should be ignored... |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(null_video_sink_->is_started()); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, InitializeAndEndOfStreamOneStaleFrame) { |
| Initialize(); |
| StartPlayingFrom(10000); |
| QueueFrames("0"); |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, VideoFrame::CreateEOSFrame()); |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| |
| { |
| // Buffering state changes must happen before end of stream. |
| testing::InSequence in_sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnEnded()); |
| } |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| // Firing a time state changed to true should be ignored... |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(null_video_sink_->is_started()); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, ReinitializeForAnotherStream) { |
| Initialize(); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| Flush(); |
| NiceMock<MockDemuxerStream> new_stream(DemuxerStream::VIDEO); |
| new_stream.set_video_decoder_config(TestVideoConfig::Normal()); |
| InitializeRenderer(&new_stream, false, true); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DestroyWhileInitializing) { |
| CallInitialize(&demuxer_stream_, NewExpectedStatusCB(PIPELINE_ERROR_ABORT), |
| false, PIPELINE_OK); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DestroyWhileFlushing) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| renderer_->Flush(NewExpectedClosure()); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, Play) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, FlushWithNothingBuffered) { |
| Initialize(); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| |
| // We shouldn't expect a buffering state change since we never reached |
| Flush(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Verify that the flush callback is invoked outside of VideoRenderer lock, so |
| // we should be able to call other renderer methods from the Flush callback. |
| static void VideoRendererImplTest_FlushDoneCB(VideoRendererImplTest* test, |
| VideoRenderer* renderer, |
| base::OnceClosure success_cb) { |
| test->QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| renderer->StartPlayingFrom(base::Seconds(0)); |
| std::move(success_cb).Run(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, FlushCallbackNoLock) { |
| Initialize(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| renderer_->Flush( |
| base::BindOnce(&VideoRendererImplTest_FlushDoneCB, base::Unretained(this), |
| base::Unretained(renderer_.get()), event.GetClosure())); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DecodeError_Playing) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(_)).Times(testing::AtLeast(1)); |
| |
| // Consider the case that rendering is faster than we setup the test event. |
| // In that case, when we run out of the frames, BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING will |
| // be called. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)) |
| .Times(testing::AtMost(1)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| |
| QueueFrames("error"); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DecodeError_DuringStartPlayingFrom) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("error"); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StartPlayingFrom_Exact) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("50 60 70 80 90"); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(60))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(60); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StartPlayingFrom_RightBefore) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("50 60 70 80 90"); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(50))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(100))); |
| StartPlayingFrom(59); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StartPlayingFrom_RightAfter) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("50 60 70 80 90"); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(60))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(100))); |
| StartPlayingFrom(61); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StartPlayingFrom_LowDelay) { |
| // In low-delay mode only one frame is required to finish preroll. But frames |
| // prior to the start time will not be used. |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(true); |
| QueueFrames("0 10"); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(10))); |
| // Expect some amount of have enough/nothing due to only requiring one frame. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)) |
| .Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(10); |
| |
| QueueFrames("20"); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(20))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(20); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Verify that a late decoder response doesn't break invariants in the renderer. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, DestroyDuringOutstandingRead) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| |
| // Check that there is an outstanding Read() request. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(IsDecodePending()); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Verifies that the first frame is painted w/o rendering being started. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, RenderingStopsAfterFirstFrame) { |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(true); |
| QueueFrames("0"); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnEnded()).Times(0); |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Waiting for first frame to be painted."); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(IsDecodePending()); |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Verifies that the sink is stopped after rendering the first frame if |
| // playback has started. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, RenderingStopsAfterOneFrameWithEOS) { |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(true); |
| QueueFrames("0"); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Waiting for sink to stop."); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| |
| null_video_sink_->set_stop_cb(event.GetClosure()); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(IsDecodePending()); |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| WaitForEnded(); |
| |
| renderer_->OnTimeStopped(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests the case where the video started and received a single Render() call, |
| // then the video was put into the background. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, RenderingStartedThenStopped) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90"); |
| |
| // Start the sink and wait for the first callback. Set statistics to a non |
| // zero value, once we have some decoded frames they should be overwritten. |
| PipelineStatistics last_pipeline_statistics; |
| last_pipeline_statistics.video_frames_dropped = 1; |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)) |
| .Times(5) |
| .WillRepeatedly(SaveArg<0>(&last_pipeline_statistics)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| // Four calls to update statistics should have been made, each reporting a |
| // single decoded frame and one frame worth of memory usage. No dropped frames |
| // should be reported later since we're in background rendering mode. These |
| // calls must all have occurred before playback starts. |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, last_pipeline_statistics.video_frames_dropped); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, last_pipeline_statistics.video_frames_decoded); |
| |
| // Note: This is not the total, but just the increase in the last call since |
| // the previous call, the total should be 4 * 115200. |
| EXPECT_EQ(115200, last_pipeline_statistics.video_memory_usage); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->GetPreferredRenderInterval(), |
| last_pipeline_statistics.video_frame_duration_average); |
| |
| // Consider the case that rendering is faster than we setup the test event. |
| // In that case, when we run out of the frames, BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING will |
| // be called. And then during SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream, |
| // BUFFER_HAVE_ENOUGH will be called again. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .Times(testing::AtMost(1)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)) |
| .Times(testing::AtMost(1)); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| |
| // Suspend all future callbacks and synthetically advance the media time, |
| // because this is a background render, we won't underflow by waiting until |
| // a pending read is ready. |
| null_video_sink_->set_background_render(true); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(91); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(90))); |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)) |
| .WillOnce(SaveArg<0>(&last_pipeline_statistics)); |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(30); |
| WaitForEnded(); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, last_pipeline_statistics.video_frames_dropped); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, last_pipeline_statistics.video_frames_decoded); |
| |
| // Memory usage is relative, so the prior lines increased memory usage to |
| // 4 * 115200, so this last one should show we only have 1 frame left. |
| EXPECT_EQ(-3 * 115200, last_pipeline_statistics.video_memory_usage); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests the case where underflow evicts all frames before EOS. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, UnderflowEvictionBeforeEOS) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90 100"); |
| |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| // Jump time far enough forward that no frames are valid. |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(1000); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| |
| renderer_->OnTimeStopped(); |
| time_source_.StopTicking(); |
| |
| // Providing the end of stream packet should remove all frames and exit. |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| WaitForEnded(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests the case where underflow evicts all frames in the HAVE_ENOUGH state. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, UnderflowEvictionWhileHaveEnough) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90 100"); |
| |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| // Now wait until we have no effective frames. |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Waiting for zero effective frames."); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| null_video_sink_->set_background_render(true); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(1000); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(_)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 0u); |
| } |
| |
| // When OnTimeStopped() is called it should transition to HAVE_NOTHING. |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| renderer_->OnTimeStopped(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, StartPlayingFromThenFlushThenEOS) { |
| Initialize(); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90"); |
| |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| |
| // Cycle ticking so that we get a non-null reference time. |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| time_source_.StopTicking(); |
| |
| // Flush and simulate a seek past EOS, where some error prevents the decoder |
| // from returning any frames. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)); |
| Flush(); |
| |
| StartPlayingFrom(200); |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| WaitForEnded(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, FramesAreNotExpiredDuringPreroll) { |
| Initialize(); |
| // !CanReadWithoutStalling() puts the renderer in state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH |
| // after the first frame. |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, CanReadWithoutStalling()).WillByDefault(Return(false)); |
| // Set background rendering to simulate the first couple of Render() calls |
| // by VFC. |
| null_video_sink_->set_background_render(true); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .Times(testing::AtMost(1)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| // Frame "10" should not have been expired. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(10))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, VideoConfigChange) { |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| // Configure demuxer stream to allow config changes. |
| EXPECT_CALL(demuxer_stream_, SupportsConfigChanges()) |
| .WillRepeatedly(Return(true)); |
| |
| // Signal a config change at the next DemuxerStream::Read(). |
| EXPECT_CALL(demuxer_stream_, OnRead(_)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceCallback<0>(DemuxerStream::kConfigChanged, nullptr)); |
| |
| // Use LargeEncrypted config (non-default) to ensure its plumbed through to |
| // callback. |
| demuxer_stream_.set_video_decoder_config(TestVideoConfig::LargeEncrypted()); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoConfigChange( |
| DecoderConfigEq(TestVideoConfig::LargeEncrypted()))) |
| .Times(1); |
| |
| // Start plyaing to trigger DemuxerStream::Read(), surfacing the config change |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, NaturalSizeChange) { |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| gfx::Size initial_size(8, 8); |
| gfx::Size larger_size(16, 16); |
| |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, initial_size, |
| gfx::Rect(initial_size), initial_size, |
| base::Milliseconds(0))); |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, larger_size, |
| gfx::Rect(larger_size), larger_size, |
| base::Milliseconds(10))); |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, larger_size, |
| gfx::Rect(larger_size), larger_size, |
| base::Milliseconds(20))); |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, initial_size, |
| gfx::Rect(initial_size), initial_size, |
| base::Milliseconds(30))); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| |
| { |
| // Callback is fired for the first frame. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(initial_size)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| } |
| { |
| // Callback should be fired once when switching to the larger size. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(larger_size)); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(10))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| { |
| // Called is not fired because frame size does not change. |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(20))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| { |
| // Callback is fired once when switching to the larger size. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(initial_size)); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(30))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, OpacityChange) { |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| gfx::Size frame_size(8, 8); |
| VideoPixelFormat opaque_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_I420; |
| VideoPixelFormat non_opaque_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_I420A; |
| |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(non_opaque_format, frame_size, |
| gfx::Rect(frame_size), frame_size, |
| base::Milliseconds(0))); |
| QueueFrame(DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(non_opaque_format, frame_size, |
| gfx::Rect(frame_size), frame_size, |
| base::Milliseconds(10))); |
| QueueFrame( |
| DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(opaque_format, frame_size, gfx::Rect(frame_size), |
| frame_size, base::Milliseconds(20))); |
| QueueFrame( |
| DecodeStatus::OK, |
| VideoFrame::CreateFrame(opaque_format, frame_size, gfx::Rect(frame_size), |
| frame_size, base::Milliseconds(30))); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(frame_size)).Times(1); |
| |
| { |
| // Callback is fired for the first frame. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(false)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| } |
| { |
| // Callback is not fired because opacity does not change. |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(10))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| { |
| // Called is fired when opacity changes. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(true)); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(20))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| { |
| // Callback is not fired because opacity does not change. |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(30))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(10); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplTest, VideoFrameRateChange) { |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| |
| // Send 50fps frames first. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(50))); |
| QueueFrames("0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200"); |
| QueueFrames("220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400"); |
| |
| // Also queue some frames that aren't at 50fps, so that we get an unknown fps. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>())); |
| QueueFrames("500 600"); |
| |
| // Drain everything. |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| // Send in all the frames we queued. |
| while (HasQueuedFrames()) { |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(20); |
| AdvanceWallclockTimeInMs(20); |
| // This runs the sink callbacks to consume frames. |
| task_environment_.FastForwardBy(base::Milliseconds(20)); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| class VideoRendererImplAsyncAddFrameReadyTest : public VideoRendererImplTest { |
| public: |
| void InitializeWithMockGpuMemoryBufferVideoFramePool() { |
| renderer_ = std::make_unique<VideoRendererImpl>( |
| base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(), null_video_sink_.get(), |
| base::BindRepeating(&VideoRendererImplAsyncAddFrameReadyTest:: |
| CreateVideoDecodersForTest, |
| base::Unretained(this)), |
| true, &media_log_, |
| std::make_unique<MockGpuMemoryBufferVideoFramePool>(&frame_ready_cbs_)); |
| VideoRendererImplTest::Initialize(); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| std::vector<base::OnceClosure> frame_ready_cbs_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplAsyncAddFrameReadyTest, InitializeAndStartPlayingFrom) { |
| InitializeWithMockGpuMemoryBufferVideoFramePool(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_ready_cbs_.size()); |
| |
| uint32_t frame_ready_index = 0; |
| while (frame_ready_index < frame_ready_cbs_.size()) { |
| std::move(frame_ready_cbs_[frame_ready_index++]).Run(); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererImplAsyncAddFrameReadyTest, WeakFactoryDiscardsOneFrame) { |
| InitializeWithMockGpuMemoryBufferVideoFramePool(); |
| QueueFrames("0 10 20 30"); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| Flush(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_ready_cbs_.size()); |
| // This frame will be discarded. |
| std::move(frame_ready_cbs_.front()).Run(); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| enum class UnderflowTestType { |
| // Renderer will require a default amount of buffering to reach HAVE_ENOUGH. |
| // Both of these require only a single frame to reach HAVE_ENOUGH. |
| }; |
| |
| class UnderflowTest |
| : public VideoRendererImplTest, |
| public testing::WithParamInterface< |
| ::std::tuple<UnderflowTestType, BufferingStateChangeReason>> { |
| protected: |
| void SetUp() override { std::tie(test_type, underflow_type) = GetParam(); } |
| |
| void TestBufferToHaveEnoughThenUnderflow() { |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(test_type == UnderflowTestType::LOW_DELAY); |
| |
| if (test_type == UnderflowTestType::CANT_READ_WITHOUT_STALLING) |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, CanReadWithoutStalling()).WillByDefault(Return(false)); |
| |
| if (underflow_type == DEMUXER_UNDERFLOW) { |
| simulate_demuxer_stall_after_n_reads_ = 4; |
| } |
| QueueFrames("0 20 40 60"); |
| |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, |
| OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| // Start playing. |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| |
| // Advance time slightly, but enough to exceed the duration of the last |
| // frame. |
| // Frames should be dropped and we should NOT signal having nothing. |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Waiting for frame drops"); |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(20))).Times(0); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(40))).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(60))) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(61); |
| |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| // Advance time more. Now we should signal having nothing. And put |
| // the last frame up for display. |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, |
| underflow_type)) |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(18); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, renderer_->frames_queued_for_testing()); |
| time_source_.StopTicking(); |
| renderer_->OnTimeStopped(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, renderer_->frames_queued_for_testing()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(underflow_type == DEMUXER_UNDERFLOW, IsDemuxerStalled()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(underflow_type == DECODER_UNDERFLOW, IsDecodePending()); |
| |
| // Stopping time signals a confirmed underflow to VRI. Verify updates to |
| // buffering limits. |
| switch (test_type) { |
| // In the normal and cant_read modes, min and max buffered frames should |
| // always be equal, and both should increase upon underflow. |
| case UnderflowTestType::NORMAL: |
| case UnderflowTestType::CANT_READ_WITHOUT_STALLING: |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), |
| limits::kMaxVideoFrames + 1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->max_buffered_frames_for_testing(), |
| limits::kMaxVideoFrames + 1); |
| break; |
| // In low_delay mode only the max should increase while min remains 1. |
| case UnderflowTestType::LOW_DELAY: |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->max_buffered_frames_for_testing(), |
| limits::kMaxVideoFrames + 1); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| UnderflowTestType test_type; |
| BufferingStateChangeReason underflow_type; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(UnderflowTest, UnderflowAndEosTest) { |
| TestBufferToHaveEnoughThenUnderflow(); |
| |
| if (IsDemuxerStalled()) |
| UnstallDemuxer(); |
| |
| // Receiving end of stream should signal having enough. |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, |
| OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnEnded()); |
| SatisfyPendingDecodeWithEndOfStream(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(UnderflowTest, UnderflowAndRecoverTest) { |
| TestBufferToHaveEnoughThenUnderflow(); |
| |
| if (IsDemuxerStalled()) |
| UnstallDemuxer(); |
| |
| // Queue some frames, satisfy reads, and make sure expired frames are gone |
| // when the renderer paints the first frame. |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(80))).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, |
| OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| |
| switch (test_type) { |
| // In the normal underflow case we queue 5 frames here instead of four |
| // since the underflow increases the number of required frames to reach |
| // the have enough state. |
| case UnderflowTestType::NORMAL: |
| QueueFrames("80 100 120 140 160"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(50))); |
| break; |
| // In either of these modes the HAVE_ENOUGH transition should still |
| // occur with a single frame. |
| case UnderflowTestType::LOW_DELAY: |
| case UnderflowTestType::CANT_READ_WITHOUT_STALLING: |
| QueueFrames("80"); |
| break; |
| } |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| } |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| ChrisTest, |
| UnderflowTest, |
| Combine(Values(UnderflowTestType::NORMAL, |
| UnderflowTestType::LOW_DELAY, |
| |
| class VideoRendererLatencyHintTest : public VideoRendererImplTest { |
| public: |
| void VerifyDefaultRebufferingBehavior(int start_playing_from) { |
| // Keep it simple. Only call this if you're starting from empty. |
| DCHECK_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 0u); |
| |
| // Initial frames should trigger various callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, |
| FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(start_playing_from))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| |
| // Queue 3 frames, 20 msec apart. Stop 1 shy of min_buffered_frames_. |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 4); |
| int frame_time = start_playing_from; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
| QueueFrames(base::NumberToString(frame_time)); |
| frame_time += 20; |
| } |
| |
| // Verify no transition to HAVE_ENOUGH since 3 < |min_buffered_frames_| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| |
| StartPlayingFrom(start_playing_from); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 3u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Queuing one extra frame should trigger the transition. |
| QueueFrames(base::NumberToString(frame_time)); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Test default HaveEnough transition when no latency hint is set. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererLatencyHintTest, HaveEnough_NoLatencyHint) { |
| Initialize(); |
| VerifyDefaultRebufferingBehavior(0); |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Test early HaveEnough transition when low latency hint is set. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererLatencyHintTest, HaveEnough_LowLatencyHint) { |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| // Set latencyHint to bare minimum. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(base::TimeDelta()); |
| |
| // Initial frames should trigger various callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(2); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| |
| // Only 1 frame should be needed to trigger have enough. |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 1); |
| QueueFrames("0"); |
| |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 1u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Verify latency hint doesn't reduce our ability to buffer beyond the |
| // 1-frame HAVE_ENOUGH (i.e. don't throttle decoding in the name of latency). |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->max_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 4); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(3); |
| QueueFrames("10 20 30"); |
| WaitForPendingDecode(); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->frames_queued_for_testing(), 4u); |
| |
| // Unset latencyHint, to verify default behavior. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(absl::nullopt); |
| |
| // Flush to return to clean slate. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)); |
| Flush(); |
| |
| VerifyDefaultRebufferingBehavior(1000); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Test late HaveEnough transition when high latency hint is set. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererLatencyHintTest, HaveEnough_HighLatencyHint) { |
| // We must provide a |buffer_duration_| for the latencyHint to take effect |
| // immediately. The VideoRendererAlgorithm will eventually provide a PTS-delta |
| // duration, but not until after we've started rendering. |
| buffer_duration_ = base::Milliseconds(30); |
| |
| // Set latencyHint to a large value. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(base::Milliseconds(400)); |
| |
| // NOTE: other tests will SetLatencyHint after Initialize(). Either way should |
| // work. Initializing later is especially interesting for "high" hints because |
| // the renderer will try to set buffering caps based on stream state that |
| // isn't yet available. |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| // Initial frames should trigger various callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| |
| // Queue 12 frames, each 30 ms apart. At this framerate, 400ms rounds to 13 |
| // frames, so 12 frames should be 1 shy of the HaveEnough threshold. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(33))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330"); |
| |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 13); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 12u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Queue 1 additional frame and verify HaveEnough threshold is reached. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| QueueFrames("360"); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Unset latencyHint, to verify default behavior. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(absl::nullopt); |
| |
| // Flush to return to clean slate. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)); |
| Flush(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| VerifyDefaultRebufferingBehavior(1000); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Test updates to buffering limits upon underflow when latency hint set. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererLatencyHintTest, |
| LatencyHintUnderflowUpdatesMaxBufferingLimit) { |
| // Enable low delay mode. Low delay mode is tested separately. |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(true); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 1); |
| |
| // We must provide a |buffer_duration_| for the latencyHint to take effect |
| // immediately. The VideoRendererAlgorithm will eventually provide a PTS-delta |
| // duration, but not until after we've started rendering. |
| buffer_duration_ = base::Milliseconds(30); |
| |
| // Set latency hint to a medium value. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(base::Milliseconds(200)); |
| |
| // Stall the demuxer after 7 frames. |
| simulate_demuxer_stall_after_n_reads_ = 7; |
| |
| // Queue up enough frames to trigger HAVE_ENOUGH. Each frame is 30 ms apart. |
| // At this spacing, 200ms rounds to 7 frames. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(33))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90 120 150 180"); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 7); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 7u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Advance time to trigger HAVE_NOTHING (underflow). |
| { |
| WaitableMessageLoopEvent event; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(180))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, |
| .WillOnce(RunOnceClosure(event.GetClosure())); |
| renderer_->OnTimeProgressing(); |
| time_source_.StartTicking(); |
| AdvanceTimeInMs(300); |
| event.RunAndWait(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| } |
| |
| // Simulate delayed buffering state callbacks. |
| time_source_.StopTicking(); |
| renderer_->OnTimeStopped(); |
| |
| // When latency hint set the max should increase while min remains steady |
| // (user controls the min via hint). |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 7); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->max_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 7 + 1); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that latency hint overrides low delay mode. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererLatencyHintTest, LatencyHintOverridesLowDelay) { |
| // Enable low delay mode. Low delay mode is tested separately. |
| InitializeWithLowDelay(true); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 1); |
| |
| // We must provide a |buffer_duration_| for the latencyHint to take effect |
| // immediately. The VideoRendererAlgorithm will eventually provide a PTS-delta |
| // duration, but not until after we've started rendering. |
| buffer_duration_ = base::Milliseconds(30); |
| |
| // Set latency hint to a medium value. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(base::Milliseconds(200)); |
| |
| // Initial frames should trigger various callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| |
| // Queue 6 frames, each 30 ms apart. At this spacing, 200ms rounds to |
| // 7 frames, so 6 frames should be 1 shy of the HaveEnough threshold. Verify |
| // that HAVE_ENOUGH is not triggered in spite of being initialized with low |
| // delay mode. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(absl::optional<int>(33))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| QueueFrames("0 30 60 90 120 150"); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 7); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 6u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Queue 1 additional frame and verify HaveEnough threshold is reached. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| QueueFrames("180"); |
| SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Unset latencyHint, to verify default behavior. NOTE: low delay mode is not |
| // restored when latency hint unset. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(absl::nullopt); |
| |
| // Flush to return to clean slate. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)); |
| Flush(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| VerifyDefaultRebufferingBehavior(1000); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that !CanReadWithoutStalling() overrides latency hint. |
| TEST_F(VideoRendererLatencyHintTest, |
| CantReadWithoutStallingOverridesLatencyHint) { |
| Initialize(); |
| |
| // Let decoder indicate that it CANT read without stalling, meaning we should |
| // enter HAVE_ENOUGH with just one effective frame (waiting for more frames |
| // will stall the decoder). |
| ON_CALL(*decoder_, CanReadWithoutStalling()).WillByDefault(Return(false)); |
| |
| // We must provide a |buffer_duration_| for the latencyHint to take effect |
| // immediately. The VideoRendererAlgorithm will eventually provide a PTS-delta |
| // duration, but not until after we've started rendering. |
| buffer_duration_ = base::Milliseconds(30); |
| |
| // Set latency hint to a medium value. At a spacing of 30ms this would set |
| // the HAVE_ENOUGH threshold to 4 frames. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(base::Milliseconds(200)); |
| |
| // Initial frames should trigger various callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(0))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoOpacityChange(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| |
| // Queue 1 frame. This is well short of what the latency hint would require, |
| // but we CANT READ WITHOUT STALLING, so expect a transition to HAVE_ENOUGH |
| // after just 1 frame. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| QueueFrames("0"); |
| StartPlayingFrom(0); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 7); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 1u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Queue some additional frames, verify buffering state holds at HAVE_ENOUGH. |
| QueueFrames("30 60 90 120"); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(_, _)).Times(0); |
| // SatisfyPendingDecode(); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Unset latency hint to verify 1-frame HAVE_ENOUGH threshold is maintained. |
| renderer_->SetLatencyHint(absl::nullopt); |
| |
| // Flush to return to clean slate. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING, _)); |
| Flush(); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| // Expect HAVE_ENOUGH (and various other callbacks) again. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnBufferingStateChange(BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, FrameReceived(HasTimestampMatcher(1000))); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnStatisticsUpdate(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_cb_, OnVideoFrameRateChange(_)).Times(AnyNumber()); |
| |
| // Queue 1 frame. |
| QueueFrames("1000"); |
| StartPlayingFrom(1000); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(renderer_->min_buffered_frames_for_testing(), 4); |
| EXPECT_EQ(renderer_->effective_frames_queued_for_testing(), 1u); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_cb_); |
| |
| Destroy(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace media |