| // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "media/renderers/win/media_foundation_renderer.h" |
| |
| #include <Audioclient.h> |
| #include <mferror.h> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "base/callback_helpers.h" |
| #include "base/guid.h" |
| #include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h" |
| #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/process/process_handle.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/win/scoped_bstr.h" |
| #include "base/win/scoped_hdc.h" |
| #include "base/win/scoped_propvariant.h" |
| #include "base/win/windows_version.h" |
| #include "base/win/wrapped_window_proc.h" |
| #include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h" |
| #include "media/base/cdm_context.h" |
| #include "media/base/media_log.h" |
| #include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h" |
| #include "media/base/win/mf_helpers.h" |
| #include "media/base/win/mf_initializer.h" |
| |
| namespace media { |
| |
| using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr; |
| using Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize; |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| ATOM g_video_window_class = 0; |
| |
| // The |g_video_window_class| atom obtained is used as the |lpClassName| |
| // parameter in CreateWindowEx(). |
| // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-createwindowexa |
| // |
| // To enable OPM |
| // (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/output-protection-manager) |
| // protection for video playback, We call CreateWindowEx() to get a window |
| // and pass it to MFMediaEngine as an attribute. |
| bool InitializeVideoWindowClass() { |
| if (g_video_window_class) |
| return true; |
| |
| WNDCLASSEX intermediate_class; |
| base::win::InitializeWindowClass( |
| L"VirtualMediaFoundationCdmVideoWindow", |
| &base::win::WrappedWindowProc<::DefWindowProc>, CS_OWNDC, 0, 0, nullptr, |
| reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)), nullptr, nullptr, |
| nullptr, &intermediate_class); |
| g_video_window_class = RegisterClassEx(&intermediate_class); |
| if (!g_video_window_class) { |
| HRESULT register_class_error = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "RegisterClass failed: " << PrintHr(register_class_error); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // static |
| bool MediaFoundationRenderer::IsSupported() { |
| return base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN10; |
| } |
| |
| MediaFoundationRenderer::MediaFoundationRenderer( |
| scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner, |
| std::unique_ptr<MediaLog> media_log, |
| bool force_dcomp_mode_for_testing) |
| : task_runner_(std::move(task_runner)), |
| media_log_(std::move(media_log)), |
| force_dcomp_mode_for_testing_(force_dcomp_mode_for_testing) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| } |
| |
| MediaFoundationRenderer::~MediaFoundationRenderer() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| // Perform shutdown/cleanup in the order (shutdown/detach/destroy) we wanted |
| // without depending on the order of destructors being invoked. We also need |
| // to invoke MFShutdown() after shutdown/cleanup of MF related objects. |
| |
| StopSendingStatistics(); |
| |
| if (mf_media_engine_extension_) |
| mf_media_engine_extension_->Shutdown(); |
| if (mf_media_engine_notify_) |
| mf_media_engine_notify_->Shutdown(); |
| if (mf_media_engine_) |
| mf_media_engine_->Shutdown(); |
| |
| if (mf_source_) |
| mf_source_->DetachResource(); |
| |
| if (dxgi_device_manager_) { |
| dxgi_device_manager_.Reset(); |
| MFUnlockDXGIDeviceManager(); |
| } |
| if (virtual_video_window_) |
| DestroyWindow(virtual_video_window_); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::Initialize(MediaResource* media_resource, |
| RendererClient* client, |
| PipelineStatusCallback init_cb) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| renderer_client_ = client; |
| |
| HRESULT hr = CreateMediaEngine(media_resource); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create media engine: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| } else { |
| SetVolume(volume_); |
| std::move(init_cb).Run(PIPELINE_OK); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::CreateMediaEngine( |
| MediaResource* media_resource) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| if (!InitializeMediaFoundation()) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| // TODO(frankli): Only call the followings when there is a video stream. |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(InitializeDXGIDeviceManager()); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(InitializeVirtualVideoWindow()); |
| |
| // The OnXxx() callbacks are invoked by MF threadpool thread, we would like |
| // to bind the callbacks to |task_runner_| MessgaeLoop. |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| auto weak_this = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(MakeAndInitialize<MediaEngineNotifyImpl>( |
| &mf_media_engine_notify_, |
| BindToCurrentLoop(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MediaFoundationRenderer::OnPlaybackError, weak_this)), |
| BindToCurrentLoop(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MediaFoundationRenderer::OnPlaybackEnded, weak_this)), |
| BindToCurrentLoop(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MediaFoundationRenderer::OnBufferingStateChange, weak_this)), |
| BindToCurrentLoop(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MediaFoundationRenderer::OnVideoNaturalSizeChange, weak_this)), |
| BindToCurrentLoop(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MediaFoundationRenderer::OnTimeUpdate, weak_this)))); |
| |
| ComPtr<IMFAttributes> creation_attributes; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(MFCreateAttributes(&creation_attributes, 6)); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(creation_attributes->SetUnknown( |
| MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CALLBACK, mf_media_engine_notify_.Get())); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(creation_attributes->SetUINT32( |
| MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_AUDIO_CATEGORY, AudioCategory_Media)); |
| if (virtual_video_window_) { |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(creation_attributes->SetUINT64( |
| reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(virtual_video_window_))); |
| } |
| |
| if (dxgi_device_manager_) { |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(creation_attributes->SetUnknown( |
| MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_DXGI_MANAGER, dxgi_device_manager_.Get())); |
| } |
| |
| MakeAndInitialize<MediaEngineExtension>(&mf_media_engine_extension_)); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(creation_attributes->SetUnknown( |
| MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION, mf_media_engine_extension_.Get())); |
| |
| ComPtr<IMFMediaEngineClassFactory> class_factory; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MFMediaEngineClassFactory, nullptr, |
| IID_PPV_ARGS(&class_factory))); |
| // TODO(frankli): Use MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_REAL_TIME_MODE for low latency hint |
| // instead of 0. |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(class_factory->CreateInstance(0, creation_attributes.Get(), |
| &mf_media_engine_)); |
| |
| auto media_resource_type_ = media_resource->GetType(); |
| if (media_resource_type_ != MediaResource::Type::STREAM) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "MediaResource is not of STREAM"; |
| return E_INVALIDARG; |
| } |
| |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(MakeAndInitialize<MediaFoundationSourceWrapper>( |
| &mf_source_, media_resource, media_log_.get(), task_runner_)); |
| |
| if (force_dcomp_mode_for_testing_) |
| ignore_result(SetDCompModeInternal()); |
| |
| if (!mf_source_->HasEncryptedStream()) { |
| // Supports clear stream for testing. |
| return SetSourceOnMediaEngine(); |
| } |
| |
| // Has encrypted stream. |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(MakeAndInitialize<MediaFoundationProtectionManager>( |
| &content_protection_manager_, task_runner_, |
| base::BindRepeating(&MediaFoundationRenderer::OnWaiting, |
| weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))); |
| ComPtr<IMFMediaEngineProtectedContent> protected_media_engine; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_media_engine_.As(&protected_media_engine)); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(protected_media_engine->SetContentProtectionManager( |
| content_protection_manager_.Get())); |
| |
| waiting_for_mf_cdm_ = true; |
| if (!cdm_context_) |
| return S_OK; |
| |
| // Has |cdm_context_|. |
| if (!cdm_context_->GetMediaFoundationCdmProxy( |
| base::BindOnce(&MediaFoundationRenderer::OnCdmProxyReceived, |
| weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << __func__ |
| << ": CdmContext does not support MF CDM interface."; |
| return MF_E_UNEXPECTED; |
| } |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::SetSourceOnMediaEngine() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| if (!mf_source_) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "mf_source_ is null."; |
| } |
| |
| ComPtr<IUnknown> source_unknown; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_source_.As(&source_unknown)); |
| mf_media_engine_extension_->SetMediaSource(source_unknown.Get())); |
| |
| DVLOG(2) << "Set MFRendererSrc scheme as the source for MFMediaEngine."; |
| base::win::ScopedBstr mf_renderer_source_scheme( |
| base::ASCIIToWide("MFRendererSrc")); |
| // We need to set our source scheme first in order for the MFMediaEngine to |
| // load of our custom MFMediaSource. |
| mf_media_engine_->SetSource(mf_renderer_source_scheme.Get())); |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::InitializeDXGIDeviceManager() { |
| UINT device_reset_token; |
| MFLockDXGIDeviceManager(&device_reset_token, &dxgi_device_manager_)); |
| |
| ComPtr<ID3D11Device> d3d11_device; |
| UINT creation_flags = |
| static const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_levels[] = { |
| D3D11CreateDevice(nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, 0, creation_flags, |
| feature_levels, base::size(feature_levels), |
| D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &d3d11_device, nullptr, nullptr)); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(media::SetDebugName(d3d11_device.Get(), "Media_MFRenderer")); |
| |
| ComPtr<ID3D10Multithread> multithreaded_device; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(d3d11_device.As(&multithreaded_device)); |
| multithreaded_device->SetMultithreadProtected(TRUE); |
| |
| return dxgi_device_manager_->ResetDevice(d3d11_device.Get(), |
| device_reset_token); |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::InitializeVirtualVideoWindow() { |
| if (!InitializeVideoWindowClass()) |
| return E_FAIL; |
| |
| virtual_video_window_ = |
| reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(g_video_window_class), L"", |
| nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); |
| if (!virtual_video_window_) { |
| HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create virtual window: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| return hr; |
| } |
| |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SetCdm(CdmContext* cdm_context, |
| CdmAttachedCB cdm_attached_cb) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| if (cdm_context_ || !cdm_context) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed in checking CdmContext."; |
| std::move(cdm_attached_cb).Run(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| cdm_context_ = cdm_context; |
| |
| if (waiting_for_mf_cdm_) { |
| if (!cdm_context_->GetMediaFoundationCdmProxy( |
| base::BindOnce(&MediaFoundationRenderer::OnCdmProxyReceived, |
| weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Decryptor does not support MF CDM interface."; |
| std::move(cdm_attached_cb).Run(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| std::move(cdm_attached_cb).Run(true); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SetLatencyHint( |
| absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> /*latency_hint*/) { |
| // TODO(frankli): Ensure MFMediaEngine rendering pipeine is in real time mode. |
| NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "We do not use the latency hint today"; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnCdmProxyReceived( |
| scoped_refptr<MediaFoundationCdmProxy> cdm_proxy) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| if (!waiting_for_mf_cdm_ || !content_protection_manager_) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed in checking internal state."; |
| renderer_client_->OnError(PipelineStatus::PIPELINE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| waiting_for_mf_cdm_ = false; |
| cdm_proxy_ = std::move(cdm_proxy); |
| content_protection_manager_->SetCdmProxy(cdm_proxy_); |
| mf_source_->SetCdmProxy(cdm_proxy_); |
| |
| HRESULT hr = SetSourceOnMediaEngine(); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set source on media engine: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| renderer_client_->OnError(PipelineStatus::PIPELINE_ERROR_COULD_NOT_RENDER); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::Flush(base::OnceClosure flush_cb) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| |
| HRESULT hr = mf_media_engine_->Pause(); |
| // Ignore any Pause() error. We can continue to flush |mf_source_| instead of |
| // stopping the playback with error. |
| DVLOG_IF(1, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to pause playback on flush: " |
| << PrintHr(hr); |
| |
| StopSendingStatistics(); |
| mf_source_->FlushStreams(); |
| std::move(flush_cb).Run(); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::StartPlayingFrom(base::TimeDelta time) { |
| double current_time = time.InSecondsF(); |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2) << "current_time=" << current_time; |
| |
| // Note: It is okay for |waiting_for_mf_cdm_| to be true here. The |
| // MFMediaEngine supports calls to Play/SetCurrentTime before a source is set |
| // (it will apply the relevant changes to the playback state once a source is |
| // set on it). |
| |
| // SetCurrentTime() completes asynchronously. When the seek operation starts, |
| // the MFMediaEngine sends an MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT_SEEKING event. When the |
| // seek operation completes, the MFMediaEngine sends an |
| HRESULT hr = mf_media_engine_->SetCurrentTime(current_time); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to SetCurrentTime: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| renderer_client_->OnError(PipelineStatus::PIPELINE_ERROR_COULD_NOT_RENDER); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| hr = mf_media_engine_->Play(); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start playback: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| renderer_client_->OnError(PipelineStatus::PIPELINE_ERROR_COULD_NOT_RENDER); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| StartSendingStatistics(); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SetPlaybackRate(double playback_rate) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2) << "playback_rate=" << playback_rate; |
| |
| HRESULT hr = mf_media_engine_->SetPlaybackRate(playback_rate); |
| // Ignore error so that the media continues to play rather than stopped. |
| DVLOG_IF(1, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to set playback rate: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::GetDCompSurface(GetDCompSurfaceCB callback) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| HRESULT hr = SetDCompModeInternal(); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set DComp mode: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| std::move(callback).Run(base::win::ScopedHandle()); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| HANDLE surface_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; |
| hr = GetDCompSurfaceInternal(&surface_handle); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DComp surface: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| std::move(callback).Run(base::win::ScopedHandle()); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Only need read & execute access right for the handle to be duplicated |
| // without breaking in sandbox_win.cc!CheckDuplicateHandle(). |
| const base::ProcessHandle process = ::GetCurrentProcess(); |
| HANDLE duplicated_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; |
| const BOOL result = ::DuplicateHandle( |
| process, surface_handle, process, &duplicated_handle, |
| if (!result) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Duplicate surface_handle failed: " << ::GetLastError(); |
| std::move(callback).Run(base::win::ScopedHandle()); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::move(callback).Run(base::win::ScopedHandle(duplicated_handle)); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(crbug.com/1070030): Investigate if we need to add |
| // OnSelectedVideoTracksChanged() to media renderer.mojom. |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SetVideoStreamEnabled(bool enabled) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1) << "enabled=" << enabled; |
| if (!mf_source_) |
| return; |
| |
| const bool needs_restart = mf_source_->SetVideoStreamEnabled(enabled); |
| if (needs_restart) { |
| // If the media source indicates that we need to restart playback (e.g due |
| // to a newly enabled stream being EOS), queue a pause and play operation. |
| mf_media_engine_->Pause(); |
| mf_media_engine_->Play(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SetOutputRect(const gfx::Rect& output_rect, |
| SetOutputRectCB callback) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| |
| if (virtual_video_window_ && |
| !::SetWindowPos(virtual_video_window_, HWND_BOTTOM, output_rect.x(), |
| output_rect.y(), output_rect.width(), |
| output_rect.height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE)) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to SetWindowPos: " |
| << PrintHr(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); |
| std::move(callback).Run(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (FAILED(UpdateVideoStream(output_rect))) { |
| std::move(callback).Run(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::move(callback).Run(true); |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::UpdateVideoStream(const gfx::Rect& rect) { |
| ComPtr<IMFMediaEngineEx> mf_media_engine_ex; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_media_engine_.As(&mf_media_engine_ex)); |
| RECT dest_rect = {0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()}; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_media_engine_ex->UpdateVideoStream( |
| /*pSrc=*/nullptr, &dest_rect, /*pBorderClr=*/nullptr)); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::SetDCompModeInternal() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| ComPtr<IMFMediaEngineEx> media_engine_ex; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_media_engine_.As(&media_engine_ex)); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(media_engine_ex->EnableWindowlessSwapchainMode(true)); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::GetDCompSurfaceInternal( |
| HANDLE* surface_handle) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1); |
| |
| ComPtr<IMFMediaEngineEx> media_engine_ex; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_media_engine_.As(&media_engine_ex)); |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(media_engine_ex->GetVideoSwapchainHandle(surface_handle)); |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| HRESULT MediaFoundationRenderer::PopulateStatistics( |
| PipelineStatistics& statistics) { |
| ComPtr<IMFMediaEngineEx> media_engine_ex; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(mf_media_engine_.As(&media_engine_ex)); |
| base::win::ScopedPropVariant frames_rendered; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(media_engine_ex->GetStatistics( |
| MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC_FRAMES_RENDERED, frames_rendered.Receive())); |
| base::win::ScopedPropVariant frames_dropped; |
| RETURN_IF_FAILED(media_engine_ex->GetStatistics( |
| MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC_FRAMES_DROPPED, frames_dropped.Receive())); |
| DVLOG_FUNC(3) << "video_frames_decoded=" << frames_rendered.get().ulVal |
| << ", video_frames_dropped=" << frames_dropped.get().ulVal; |
| statistics.video_frames_decoded = frames_rendered.get().ulVal; |
| statistics.video_frames_dropped = frames_dropped.get().ulVal; |
| return S_OK; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SendStatistics() { |
| PipelineStatistics new_stats = {}; |
| HRESULT hr = PopulateStatistics(new_stats); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| LIMITED_MEDIA_LOG(INFO, media_log_, populate_statistics_failure_count_, 3) |
| << "MediaFoundationRenderer failed to populate stats: " + PrintHr(hr); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (statistics_ != new_stats) { |
| statistics_ = new_stats; |
| renderer_client_->OnStatisticsUpdate(statistics_); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::StartSendingStatistics() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| const auto kPipelineStatsPollingPeriod = base::Milliseconds(500); |
| statistics_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, kPipelineStatsPollingPeriod, this, |
| &MediaFoundationRenderer::SendStatistics); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::StopSendingStatistics() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| statistics_timer_.Stop(); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::SetVolume(float volume) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2) << "volume=" << volume; |
| volume_ = volume; |
| if (!mf_media_engine_) |
| return; |
| |
| HRESULT hr = mf_media_engine_->SetVolume(volume_); |
| DVLOG_IF(1, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to set volume: " << PrintHr(hr); |
| } |
| |
| base::TimeDelta MediaFoundationRenderer::GetMediaTime() { |
| // GetCurrentTime is expanded as GetTickCount in base/win/windows_types.h |
| #undef GetCurrentTime |
| double current_time = mf_media_engine_->GetCurrentTime(); |
| // Restore macro definition. |
| #define GetCurrentTime() GetTickCount() |
| auto media_time = base::Seconds(current_time); |
| DVLOG_FUNC(3) << "media_time=" << media_time; |
| return media_time; |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnPlaybackError(PipelineStatus status, |
| HRESULT hr) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(1) << "status=" << status << ", hr=" << hr; |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| base::UmaHistogramSparse("Media.MediaFoundationRenderer.PlaybackError", hr); |
| |
| if (status == PIPELINE_ERROR_HARDWARE_CONTEXT_RESET && cdm_proxy_) |
| cdm_proxy_->OnHardwareContextReset(); |
| |
| MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) |
| << "MediaFoundationRenderer OnPlaybackError: " << status << ", " |
| << PrintHr(hr); |
| |
| renderer_client_->OnError(status); |
| StopSendingStatistics(); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnPlaybackEnded() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| renderer_client_->OnEnded(); |
| StopSendingStatistics(); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnBufferingStateChange( |
| BufferingState state, |
| BufferingStateChangeReason reason) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| if (state == BufferingState::BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH) { |
| max_buffering_state_ = state; |
| } |
| |
| if (state == BufferingState::BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING && |
| max_buffering_state_ != BufferingState::BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH) { |
| // Prevent sending BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING if we haven't previously sent a |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2) << "state=" << state << ", reason=" << reason; |
| renderer_client_->OnBufferingStateChange(state, reason); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnVideoNaturalSizeChange() { |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| |
| const bool has_video = mf_media_engine_->HasVideo(); |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2) << "has_video=" << has_video; |
| |
| // Skip if there are no video streams. This can happen because this is |
| if (!has_video) |
| return; |
| |
| DWORD native_width; |
| DWORD native_height; |
| HRESULT hr = |
| mf_media_engine_->GetNativeVideoSize(&native_width, &native_height); |
| if (FAILED(hr)) { |
| // TODO(xhwang): Add UMA to probe if this can happen. |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get native video size from MediaEngine, using " |
| "default (640x320). hr=" |
| << hr; |
| native_video_size_ = {640, 320}; |
| } else { |
| native_video_size_ = {base::checked_cast<int>(native_width), |
| base::checked_cast<int>(native_height)}; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(frankli): Let test code to call `UpdateVideoStream()`. |
| if (force_dcomp_mode_for_testing_) { |
| const gfx::Rect test_rect(/*x=*/0, /*y=*/0, /*width=*/640, /*height=*/320); |
| // This invokes IMFMediaEngineEx::UpdateVideoStream() for video frames to |
| // be presented. Otherwise, the Media Foundation video renderer will not |
| // request video samples from our source. |
| ignore_result(UpdateVideoStream(test_rect)); |
| } |
| |
| renderer_client_->OnVideoNaturalSizeChange(native_video_size_); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnTimeUpdate() { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(3); |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| } |
| |
| void MediaFoundationRenderer::OnWaiting(WaitingReason reason) { |
| DVLOG_FUNC(2); |
| DCHECK(task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); |
| renderer_client_->OnWaiting(reason); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace media |