blob: 4da301cb2b7b5137a810cbc5e08fbb7aa60044b9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The entity that handles framing writes for a Quic client or server.
// Each QuicSession will have a connection associated with it.
// On the server side, the Dispatcher handles the raw reads, and hands off
// packets via ProcessUdpPacket for framing and processing.
// On the client side, the Connection handles the raw reads, as well as the
// processing.
// Note: this class is not thread-safe.
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_fec_group.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_framer.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_packet_creator.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
namespace net {
class QuicClock;
class QuicConnection;
class QuicEncrypter;
class QuicFecGroup;
class QuicReceiptMetricsCollector;
class QuicSendScheduler;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionVisitorInterface {
typedef std::set<QuicPacketSequenceNumber> AckedPackets;
virtual ~QuicConnectionVisitorInterface() {}
// A simple visitor interface for dealing with data frames. The session
// should determine if all frames will be accepted, and return true if so.
// If any frames can't be processed or buffered, none of the data should
// be used, and the callee should return false.
virtual bool OnPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address,
const IPEndPoint& peer_address,
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
const std::vector<QuicStreamFrame>& frame) = 0;
// Called when the stream is reset by the peer.
virtual void OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) = 0;
// Called when the connection is closed either locally by the framer, or
// remotely by the peer.
virtual void ConnectionClose(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) = 0;
// Called when packets are acked by the peer.
virtual void OnAck(AckedPackets acked_packets) = 0;
// Called when a blocked socket becomes writable. If all pending bytes for
// this visitor are consumed by the connection successfully this should
// return true, otherwise it should return false.
virtual bool OnCanWrite() = 0;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionHelperInterface {
virtual ~QuicConnectionHelperInterface() {}
// Sets the QuicConnection to be used by this helper. This method
// must only be called once.
virtual void SetConnection(QuicConnection* connection) = 0;
// Returns a QuicClock to be used for all time related functions.
virtual const QuicClock* GetClock() const = 0;
// Sends the packet out to the peer, possibly simulating packet
// loss if FLAGS_fake_packet_loss_percentage is set. If the write failed
// errno will be copied to |*error|.
virtual int WritePacketToWire(const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
int* error) = 0;
// Sets up an alarm to resend the packet with the given sequence number if we
// haven't gotten an ack in the expected time frame. Implementations must
// invoke MaybeResendPacket when the alarm fires. Implementations must also
// handle the case where |this| is deleted before the alarm fires.
virtual void SetResendAlarm(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicTime::Delta delay) = 0;
// Sets an alarm to send packets after |delay_in_us|. Implementations must
// invoke OnCanWrite when the alarm fires. Implementations must also
// handle the case where |this| is deleted before the alarm fires.
virtual void SetSendAlarm(QuicTime::Delta delay) = 0;
// Sets An alarm which fires when the connection may have timed out.
// Implementations must call CheckForTimeout() and then reregister the alarm
// if the connection has not yet timed out.
virtual void SetTimeoutAlarm(QuicTime::Delta delay) = 0;
// Returns true if a send alarm is currently set.
virtual bool IsSendAlarmSet() = 0;
// If a send alarm is currently set, this method unregisters it. If
// no send alarm is set, it does nothing.
virtual void UnregisterSendAlarmIfRegistered() = 0;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnection : public QuicFramerVisitorInterface {
// Constructs a new QuicConnection for the specified |guid| and |address|.
// |helper| will be owned by this connection.
QuicConnection(QuicGuid guid,
IPEndPoint address,
QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper);
virtual ~QuicConnection();
// Send the data payload to the peer.
// TODO(wtc): document the return value.
size_t SendStreamData(QuicStreamId id,
base::StringPiece data,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool fin,
QuicPacketSequenceNumber* last_packet);
// Send a stream reset frame to the peer.
virtual void SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id,
QuicErrorCode error,
QuicStreamOffset offset);
// Sends a connection close frame to the peer, and notifies the visitor of
// the close.
virtual void SendConnectionClose(QuicErrorCode error);
// Processes an incoming UDP packet (consisting of a QuicEncryptedPacket) from
// the peer. If processing this packet permits a packet to be revived from
// its FEC group that packet will be revived and processed.
virtual void ProcessUdpPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address,
const IPEndPoint& peer_address,
const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet);
// Called when the underlying connection becomes writable to allow
// queued writes to happen. Returns false if the socket has become blocked.
virtual bool OnCanWrite();
// From QuicFramerVisitorInterface
virtual void OnError(QuicFramer* framer) override;
virtual void OnPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address,
const IPEndPoint& peer_address) override;
virtual void OnRevivedPacket() override;
virtual bool OnPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) override;
virtual void OnFecProtectedPayload(base::StringPiece payload) override;
virtual void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) override;
virtual void OnAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& frame) override;
virtual void OnCongestionFeedbackFrame(
const QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame& frame) override;
virtual void OnRstStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override;
virtual void OnConnectionCloseFrame(
const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame) override;
virtual void OnFecData(const QuicFecData& fec) override;
virtual void OnPacketComplete() override;
// Accessors
void set_visitor(QuicConnectionVisitorInterface* visitor) {
visitor_ = visitor;
const IPEndPoint& self_address() const { return self_address_; }
const IPEndPoint& peer_address() const { return peer_address_; }
QuicGuid guid() const { return guid_; }
const QuicClock* clock() const { return clock_; }
// Updates the internal state concerning which packets have been acked, and
// sends an ack if new data frames have been received.
void AckPacket(const QuicPacketHeader& header);
// Called by a ResendAlarm when the timer goes off. If the packet has been
// acked it's a no op, otherwise the packet is resent and another alarm is
// scheduled.
void MaybeResendPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number);
QuicPacketCreator::Options* options() { return packet_creator_.options(); }
bool connected() { return connected_; }
size_t NumFecGroups() const { return group_map_.size(); }
size_t NumQueuedPackets() const { return queued_packets_.size(); }
// If the connection has timed out, this will close the connection and return
// true. Otherwise, it will return false and will reset the timeout alarm.
bool CheckForTimeout();
// Returns true of the next packet to be sent should be "lost" by
// not actually writing it to the wire.
bool ShouldSimulateLostPacket();
// Send a packet to the peer. If should_resend is true, this packet contains
// data, and contents will be resent with a new sequence number if we don't
// get an ack. If force is true, then the packet will be sent immediately and
// the send scheduler will not be consulted. If is_retransmit is true, this
// packet is being retransmitted with a new sequence number.
// TODO(wtc): none of the callers check the return value.
virtual bool SendPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber number,
QuicPacket* packet,
bool should_resend,
bool force,
bool is_retransmit);
// Make sure an ack we got from our peer is sane.
bool ValidateAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& incoming_ack);
// These two are called by OnAckFrame to update the appropriate internal
// state.
// Updates internal state based on incoming_ack.received_info
void UpdatePacketInformationReceivedByPeer(
const QuicAckFrame& incoming_ack);
// Updates internal state based in incoming_ack.sent_info
void UpdatePacketInformationSentByPeer(const QuicAckFrame& incoming_ack);
// Utility which sets SetLeastUnacked to least_unacked, and updates the list
// of non-retransmitting packets accordingly.
void SetLeastUnacked(QuicPacketSequenceNumber least_unacked);
// Helper to update least unacked. If acked_sequence_number was not the least
// unacked packet, this is a no-op. If it was the least least unacked packet,
// This finds the new least unacked packet and updates the outgoing ack frame.
void UpdateLeastUnacked(QuicPacketSequenceNumber acked_sequence_number);
QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper() { return helper_; }
friend class QuicConnectionPeer;
// Packets which have not been written to the wire.
struct QueuedPacket {
QueuedPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicPacket* packet,
bool resend,
bool retransmit)
: sequence_number(sequence_number),
retransmit(retransmit) {
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number;
QuicPacket* packet;
bool resend;
bool retransmit;
struct UnackedPacket {
explicit UnackedPacket(QuicPacket* packet)
: packet(packet), number_nacks(0) {
QuicPacket* packet;
uint8 number_nacks;
typedef std::list<QueuedPacket> QueuedPacketList;
typedef base::hash_map<QuicPacketSequenceNumber,
UnackedPacket> UnackedPacketMap;
typedef std::map<QuicFecGroupNumber, QuicFecGroup*> FecGroupMap;
// The amount of time we wait before resending a packet.
static const QuicTime::Delta DefaultResendTime() {
return QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(500);
// Sets up a packet with an QuicAckFrame and sends it out.
void SendAck();
// If a packet can be revived from the current FEC group, then
// revive and process the packet.
void MaybeProcessRevivedPacket();
// Get the FEC group associate with the last processed packet.
QuicFecGroup* GetFecGroup();
// Fills the ack frame with the appropriate latched information.
void FillAckFrame(QuicAckFrame* ack);
// Closes any FEC groups protecting packets before |sequence_number|.
void CloseFecGroupsBefore(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number);
QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper_;
QuicFramer framer_;
const QuicClock* clock_;
const QuicGuid guid_;
IPEndPoint self_address_;
IPEndPoint peer_address_;
bool last_packet_revived_; // True if the last packet was revived from FEC.
size_t last_size_; // Size of the last received packet.
QuicPacketHeader last_header_;
std::vector<QuicStreamFrame> frames_;
QuicAckFrame outgoing_ack_;
QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame outgoing_congestion_feedback_;
// Track some client state so we can do less bookkeeping
QuicPacketSequenceNumber largest_seen_packet_with_ack_;
QuicPacketSequenceNumber least_packet_awaiting_ack_;
// When new packets are created which may be resent, they are added
// to this map, which contains owning pointers.
UnackedPacketMap unacked_packets_;
// When packets could not be sent because the socket was not writable,
// they are added to this list. For packets that are not resendable, this
// list contains owning pointers, since they are not added to
// unacked_packets_.
QueuedPacketList queued_packets_;
// True when the socket becomes unwritable.
bool write_blocked_;
FecGroupMap group_map_;
QuicPacketHeader revived_header_;
scoped_array<char> revived_payload_;
QuicConnectionVisitorInterface* visitor_;
QuicPacketCreator packet_creator_;
// Network idle time before we kill of this connection.
const QuicTime::Delta timeout_;
// The time that we got or tried to send a packet for this connection.
QuicTime time_of_last_packet_;
scoped_ptr<QuicReceiptMetricsCollector> collector_;
// Scheduler which drives packet send rate.
scoped_ptr<QuicSendScheduler> scheduler_;
// The number of packets we resent since sending the last ack.
uint8 packets_resent_since_last_ack_;
// True by default. False if we've received or sent an explicit connection
// close.
bool connected_;
} // namespace net