blob: 08cfc8c96dd32d6a1c7b3ea87eb47bc32ddb4122 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax
// =============================================================================
// Tests in this file test the interaction between the wasm interpreter and
// compiled code.
// =============================================================================
// The stack trace contains file path, replace it by "file".
let stripPath = s => s.replace(/[^ (]*interpreter-mixed\.js/g, 'file');
function checkStack(stack, expected_lines) {
print('stack: ' + stack);
let lines = stack.split('\n');
assertEquals(expected_lines.length, lines.length);
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
let test =
typeof expected_lines[i] == 'string' ? assertEquals : assertMatches;
test(expected_lines[i], lines[i], 'line ' + i);
(function testGrowMemoryBetweenInterpretedAndCompiled() {
// grow_memory can be called from interpreted or compiled code, and changes
// should be reflected in either execution.
var builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
var grow_body = [kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGrowMemory, kMemoryZero];
var load_body = [kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprI32LoadMem, 0, 0];
var store_body = [kExprGetLocal, 0, kExprGetLocal, 1, kExprI32StoreMem, 0, 0];
builder.addFunction('grow_memory', kSig_i_i).addBody(grow_body).exportFunc();
builder.addFunction('load', kSig_i_i).addBody(load_body).exportFunc();
builder.addFunction('store', kSig_v_ii).addBody(store_body).exportFunc();
var grow_interp_function =
builder.addFunction('grow_memory_interpreted', kSig_i_i)
var load_interp_function = builder.addFunction('load_interpreted', kSig_i_i)
var kNumPages = 2;
var kMaxPages = 10;
builder.addMemory(kNumPages, kMaxPages, false);
var instance = builder.instantiate();
var exp = instance.exports;
%RedirectToWasmInterpreter(instance, grow_interp_function.index);
%RedirectToWasmInterpreter(instance, load_interp_function.index);
// Initially, we can load from offset 12, but not OOB.
var oob_index = kNumPages * kPageSize;
var initial_interpreted = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance);
assertEquals(0, exp.load(12));
assertEquals(0, exp.load_interpreted(12));
assertTraps(kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load(oob_index));
kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load_interpreted(oob_index));
// Grow by 2 pages from compiled code, and ensure that this is reflected in
// the interpreter.
assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory(2));
kNumPages += 2;
assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(0));
assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory(0));
// Now we can load from the previous OOB index.
assertEquals(0, exp.load(oob_index));
assertEquals(0, exp.load_interpreted(oob_index));
// Set new OOB index and ensure that it traps.
oob_index = kNumPages * kPageSize;
assertTraps(kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load(oob_index));
kTrapMemOutOfBounds, () => exp.load_interpreted(oob_index));
// Grow by another page in the interpreter, and ensure that this is reflected
// in compiled code.
assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(1));
kNumPages += 1;
assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(0));
assertEquals(kNumPages, exp.grow_memory(0));
// Now we can store to the previous OOB index and read it back in both
// environments., 47);
assertEquals(47, exp.load(oob_index));
assertEquals(47, exp.load_interpreted(oob_index));
// We cannot grow beyong kMaxPages.
assertEquals(-1, exp.grow_memory(kMaxPages - kNumPages + 1));
assertEquals(-1, exp.grow_memory_interpreted(kMaxPages - kNumPages + 1));
// Overall, we executed 9 functions in the interpreter.
assertEquals(initial_interpreted + 9, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance));
function createTwoInstancesCallingEachOther(inner_throws = false) {
let builder1 = new WasmModuleBuilder();
let id_imp = builder1.addImport('q', 'id', kSig_i_i);
let plus_one = builder1.addFunction('plus_one', kSig_i_i)
kExprGetLocal, 0, // -
kExprI32Const, 1, // -
kExprI32Add, // -
kExprCallFunction, id_imp
function imp(i) {
if (inner_throws) throw new Error('i=' + i);
return i;
let instance1 = builder1.instantiate({q: {id: imp}});
let builder2 = new WasmModuleBuilder();
let plus_one_imp = builder2.addImport('q', 'plus_one', kSig_i_i);
let plus_two = builder2.addFunction('plus_two', kSig_i_i)
// Call import, add one more.
kExprGetLocal, 0, // -
kExprCallFunction, plus_one_imp, // -
kExprI32Const, 1, // -
let instance2 =
builder2.instantiate({q: {plus_one: instance1.exports.plus_one}});
return [instance1, instance2];
function redirectToInterpreter(
instance1, instance2, redirect_plus_one, redirect_plus_two) {
// Redirect functions to the interpreter.
if (redirect_plus_one) {
if (redirect_plus_two) {
(function testImportFromOtherInstance() {
// Three runs: Break in instance 1, break in instance 2, or both.
for (let run = 0; run < 3; ++run) {
print(" - run " + run);
let [instance1, instance2] = createTwoInstancesCallingEachOther();
let interpreted_before_1 = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance1);
let interpreted_before_2 = %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance2);
// Call plus_two, which calls plus_one.
assertEquals(9, instance2.exports.plus_two(7));
// Nothing interpreted:
assertEquals(interpreted_before_1, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance1));
assertEquals(interpreted_before_2, %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance2));
// Now redirect functions to the interpreter.
redirectToInterpreter(instance1, instance2, run != 1, run != 0);
// Call plus_two, which calls plus_one.
assertEquals(9, instance2.exports.plus_two(7));
// TODO(6668): Fix patching of instances which imported others' code.
//assertEquals(interpreted_before_1 + (run == 1 ? 0 : 1),
// %WasmNumInterpretedCalls(instance1));
assertEquals(interpreted_before_2 + (run == 0 ? 0 : 1),
(function testStackTraceThroughCWasmEntry() {
for (let run = 0; run < 3; ++run) {
print(" - run " + run);
let [instance1, instance2] = createTwoInstancesCallingEachOther(true);
redirectToInterpreter(instance1, instance2, run != 1, run != 0);
try {
// Call plus_two, which calls plus_one.
assertUnreachable('should trap because of unreachable instruction');
} catch (e) {
checkStack(stripPath(e.stack), [
'Error: i=8', // -
/^ at imp \(file:\d+:29\)$/, // -
' at plus_one (wasm-function[1]:6)', // -
' at plus_two (wasm-function[1]:3)', // -
/^ at testStackTraceThroughCWasmEntry \(file:\d+:25\)$/, // -
/^ at file:\d+:3$/