blob: bc791eacd2b1bceac3433be3f422ce0c69db6118 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BASE_CPP14ONCPP11_H_
#define BASE_CPP14ONCPP11_H_
#include <memory>
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#if defined(STARBOARD)
// This file contains a collection of implementations of C++14 std classes
// and functions, if possible. If it is not possible to reproduce C++14
// functionality, this class provides facilities to help with porting.
#if __cplusplus < 201402L
// Starboard is currently targetting C++11, not C++14, so unfortunately we
// do away with constexpr usage.
// This type of STATIC_ASSERT is only used in unit tests so far for convenience
// purpose.
#define STATIC_ASSERT(value, message) EXPECT_TRUE(value)
// In classes like base::span constexpr is desired while CHECK() is the only
// obstacle, disabling CHECK in C++11 version is preferred.
#define CHECK14(expr)
#define CONSTEXPR constexpr
#define STATIC_ASSERT(value, message) static_assert(value, message)
#define CHECK14(expr) CHECK(expr)
#if __cplusplus < 201402L
namespace {
template <int Index, class TargetType, class SkipType, class... Types>
struct get_internal {
typedef typename get_internal<Index + 1, TargetType, Types...>::type type;
// The line above will expand until TargetType is found,
// Only the index of the get_internal not expanded will return.
static constexpr int index = Index;
template <int Index, class TargetType, class... Types>
struct get_internal<Index, TargetType, TargetType, Types...> {
typedef get_internal type;
// This line is for the case that first type matches TargetType.
static constexpr int index = Index;
} // namespace
namespace std {
// 201402L is the official C++14 standard version. But some platforms are
// capable of some C++14 features, has 201300 as their C++ version.
#if __cplusplus < 201300L
#if !defined(SB_IS_COMPILER_MSVC)
template <class TargetType, class... Types>
TargetType get(std::tuple<Types...> tuple) {
return std::get<get_internal<0, TargetType, Types...>::type::index>(tuple);
template <size_t... Ints>
class index_sequence {};
namespace detail {
template <size_t N>
class GetSequenceHelper {
template <typename T>
struct AddIndex {};
template <size_t... Ints>
struct AddIndex<index_sequence<Ints...>> {
typedef index_sequence<Ints..., N - 1> type;
typedef typename AddIndex<typename GetSequenceHelper<N - 1>::type>::type type;
template <>
class GetSequenceHelper<0> {
typedef index_sequence<> type;
} // namespace detail
template <class T>
struct type_teller {
typedef std::unique_ptr<T> object_type;
template <class T>
struct type_teller<T[]> {
typedef std::unique_ptr<T[]> array_type;
#if !defined(SB_IS_COMPILER_MSVC)
template <typename T, typename... Args>
typename type_teller<T>::object_type make_unique(Args&&... args) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <typename T>
typename type_teller<T>::array_type make_unique(size_t n) {
typedef typename remove_extent<T>::type underlying_type;
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new underlying_type[n]());
// In C++14, less<void> has a special meaning and defines the is_transparent
// member meaning that we can compare heterogeneous types (T and U).
template <> struct less<void> {
template <class T, class U> auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
-> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) < std::forward<U>(u)) {
return t < u;
typedef int is_transparent;
template <size_t N>
using make_index_sequence = typename detail::GetSequenceHelper<N>::type;
template<typename T>
using decay_t = typename decay<T>::type;
template<bool B, typename T, typename F>
using conditional_t = typename conditional<B,T,F>::type;
template<bool B, typename T = void>
using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<B,T>::type;
template <std::size_t I, typename T>
using tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element<I, T>::type;
template<typename T>
using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using remove_pointer_t = typename remove_pointer<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using remove_cv_t = typename remove_cv<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using remove_const_t = typename remove_const<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using remove_volatile_t = typename remove_volatile<T>::type;
#endif // __cplusplus < 201300L
#if !defined(SB_IS_COMPILER_MSVC)
template<typename T>
using add_cv_t = typename add_cv<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using add_const_t = typename add_const<T>::type;
template<typename T>
using add_volatile_t = typename add_volatile<T>::type;
template< class C >
auto rbegin( C& c ) -> decltype(c.rbegin()) {
return c.rbegin();
template< class C >
auto rbegin( const C& c ) -> decltype(c.rbegin()) {
return c.rbegin();
template< class T, size_t N >
reverse_iterator<T*> rbegin( T (&array)[N] ) {
return reverse_iterator<T*>(array + N);
template< class C >
auto crbegin( const C& c ) -> decltype(std::rbegin(c)) {
return std::rbegin(c);
template< class C >
auto rend( C& c ) -> decltype(c.rend()) {
return c.rend();
template< class C >
auto rend( const C& c ) -> decltype(c.rend()) {
return c.rend();
template< class T, size_t N >
reverse_iterator<T*> rend( T (&array)[N] ) {
return reverse_iterator<T*>(array);
template< class C >
auto crend( const C& c ) -> decltype(std::rend(c)) {
return std::rend(c);
} // namespace std
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
#endif // BASE_CPP14ONCPP11_H_