blob: 1597bfa8a374533b81492e6f54d90d6a82d86e1e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; This test ensures that IVUsers works correctly in the legacy pass manager
; without LCSSA and in the specific ways that some of its users (LSR) require.
; FIXME: We need some way to match the precision here in the new PM where loop
; passes *always* work on LCSSA. This should stop using a different set of
; checks at that point.
; RUN: opt < %s -analyze -iv-users | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-NO-LCSSA
; RUN: opt < %s -disable-output -passes='print<ivusers>' 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
; Provide legal integer types.
target datalayout = "n8:16:32:64"
; The value of %r is dependent on a polynomial iteration expression.
; CHECK-LABEL: IV Users for loop %foo.loop
; CHECK-NO-LCSSA: {1,+,3,+,2}<%foo.loop>
define i64 @foo(i64 %n) {
br label %foo.loop
%indvar = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [, %foo.loop ] = add i64 %indvar, 1
%c = icmp eq i64, %n
br i1 %c, label %exit, label %foo.loop
%r = mul i64,
ret i64 %r
; PR15470: LSR miscompile. The test1 function should return '1'.
; It is valid to fold SCEVUnknown into the recurrence because it
; was defined before the loop.
; SCEV does not know how to denormalize chained recurrences, so make
; sure they aren't marked as post-inc users.
; CHECK-LABEL: IV Users for loop %test1.loop
; CHECK-NO-LCSSA: = {0,+,(16777216 + (-16777216 *<nuw><nsw>,+,33554432}<%test1.loop> (post-inc with loop %test1.loop) in %f = ashr i32, 24
define i32 @test1(i1 %cond) {
entry: = select i1 %cond, i32 0, i32 0
br label %test1.loop
test1.loop: = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [, %test1.loop ] = add nsw i32, 1 = icmp slt i32, 2
br i1, label %test1.loop, label %for.end
for.end: = icmp eq i32, 0 = shl i32, 24 = sub nsw i32, = mul i32,
%f = ashr i32, 24
br label %exit
ret i32 %f
; PR15470: LSR miscompile. The test2 function should return '1'.
; It is illegal to fold SCEVUnknown ( into the recurrence
; because it is defined after the loop where this recurrence belongs.
; SCEV does not know how to denormalize chained recurrences, so make
; sure they aren't marked as post-inc users.
; CHECK-LABEL: IV Users for loop %test2.loop
; CHECK-NO-LCSSA: = ((-1 *<nuw><nsw> + {0,+,1}<nuw><nsw><%test2.loop>) (post-inc with loop %test2.loop) in = mul i32,
define i32 @test2() {
br label %test2.loop
test2.loop: = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [, %test2.loop ] = add nsw i32, 1 = icmp slt i32, 2
br i1, label %test2.loop, label %for.end
for.end: = icmp eq i32, 0 = select i1, i32 0, i32 0 = shl i32, 24 = sub nsw i32, = mul i32,
%f = ashr i32, 24
br label %exit
ret i32 %f