blob: cc82d1088110006215bf3dd0970bd7c9baef97d3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
; RUN: opt -S -objc-arc < %s | FileCheck %s
; rdar://10210274
%0 = type opaque
declare i8* @objc_retain(i8*)
declare void @objc_release(i8*)
declare i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8*)
; Don't delete the autorelease.
; CHECK-LABEL: define %0* @test0(
; CHECK: @objc_retain
; CHECK-NOT: @objc_r
; CHECK: @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue
; CHECK-NOT: @objc_
; CHECK: }
define %0* @test0(%0* %buffer) nounwind {
%1 = bitcast %0* %buffer to i8*
%2 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %1) nounwind
br i1 undef, label, label %._crit_edge ; preds =, %0
br i1 false, label, label %._crit_edge
._crit_edge: ; preds =, %0
%3 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %1) nounwind
tail call void @objc_release(i8* %1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
%4 = tail call i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8* %1) nounwind
ret %0* %buffer
; Do delete the autorelease, even with the retain in a different block.
; CHECK-LABEL: define %0* @test1(
; CHECK-NOT: @objc
; CHECK: }
define %0* @test1() nounwind {
%buffer = call %0* @foo()
%1 = bitcast %0* %buffer to i8*
%2 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %1) nounwind
br i1 undef, label, label %._crit_edge ; preds =, %0
br i1 false, label, label %._crit_edge
._crit_edge: ; preds =, %0
%3 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %1) nounwind
tail call void @objc_release(i8* %1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
%4 = tail call i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8* %1) nounwind
ret %0* %buffer
declare %0* @foo()
!0 = !{}