blob: d0f68b2bbfc9a2642a520a0b66b713de91333455 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<!doctype html>
<title>document.createElement() namespace tests</title>
<link rel=author title="Aryeh Gregor">
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"use strict";
* This tests the namespace of elements created by the Document interface's
* createElement() method. See bug:
* Test that an element created using the Document object doc has the HTML
* namespace.
function testDoc(doc, contentType) {
if (doc.contentType !== undefined) {
// Sanity check
assert_equals(doc.contentType, contentType,
"Wrong MIME type -- incorrect server config?");
assert_equals(doc.createElement("x").namespaceURI, "");
// First test various objects we create in JS
test(function() {
testDoc(document, "text/html")
}, "Created element's namespace in current document");
test(function() {
testDoc(document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""), "text/html");
}, "Created element's namespace in created HTML document");
test(function() {
testDoc(document.implementation.createDocument(null, "", null),
}, "Created element's namespace in created XML document");
test(function() {
testDoc(document.implementation.createDocument("", "html", null),
}, "Created element's namespace in created XHTML document");
test(function() {
testDoc(document.implementation.createDocument("", "svg", null),
}, "Created element's namespace in created SVG document");
test(function() {
testDoc(document.implementation.createDocument("", "math", null),
}, "Created element's namespace in created MathML document");
// Now for various externally-loaded files. Note: these lists must be kept
// synced with the lists in in the subdirectory, and that script
// must be run whenever the lists are updated. (We could keep the lists in a
// shared JSON file, but it seems like too much effort.)
var testExtensions = {
html: "text/html",
xhtml: "application/xhtml+xml",
xml: "application/xml",
svg: "image/svg+xml",
// Was not able to get server MIME type working properly :(
//mml: "application/mathml+xml",
var tests = [
tests.forEach(function(testName) {
Object.keys(testExtensions).forEach(function(ext) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "Document-createElement-namespace-tests/" +
testName + "." + ext;
var t = async_test("Created element's namespace in " + testName + "." + ext);
iframe.onload = function() {
t.step(function() {
testDoc(iframe.contentDocument, testExtensions[ext]);