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function test_append_on_Document() {
var node = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null);
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, []);
}, 'Document.append() without any argument, on a Document having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var x = document.createElement('x');
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, [x]);
}, 'Document.append() with only one element as an argument, on a Document having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var x = document.createElement('x');
var y = document.createElement('y');
assert_throws('HierarchyRequestError', function() { parent.append(y); });
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, [x]);
}, 'Document.append() with only one element as an argument, on a Document having one child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
assert_throws('HierarchyRequestError', function() { parent.append('text'); });
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, []);
}, 'Document.append() with text as an argument, on a Document having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var x = document.createElement('x');
var y = document.createElement('y');
assert_throws('HierarchyRequestError', function() { parent.append(x, y); });
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, []);
}, 'Document.append() with two elements as the argument, on a Document having no child.');