blob: d53d73b42356b28b3fe352dba869f3e7abe38219 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License [1] and the W3C
3-clause BSD License [2]. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the
policies and contribution forms [3].
// Helper Functions for PageVisibility W3C tests
HIDDEN: "hidden",
VISIBLE: "visible"
var feature_check = false;
// All test() functions in the WebPerf PageVis test suite should use pv_test() instead.
// pv_test() validates the document.hidden and document.visibilityState attributes
// exist prior to running tests and immediately shows a failure if they do not.
function pv_test(func, msg, doc)
if (!doc)
doc = document;
// only run the feature check once, unless func == null, in which case,
// this call is intended as a feature check
if (!feature_check)
feature_check = true;
var hiddenVal = doc.hidden;
var visStateVal = doc.visibilityState;
// show a single error that the Page Visibility feature is undefined
assert_true(hiddenVal !== undefined && hiddenVal != null,
"document.hidden is defined and not null.");},
"document.hidden is defined and not null.");
assert_true(visStateVal !== undefined && hiddenVal != null,
"document.visibilityState is defined and not null.");},
"document.visibilityState is defined and not null.");
if (func)
test(func, msg);
function test_feature_exists(doc, msg)
if (!msg)
msg = "";
var hiddenMsg = "document.hidden is defined" + msg + ".";
var stateMsg = "document.visibilityState is defined" + msg + ".";
pv_test(function(){assert_true(document.hidden !== undefined, hiddenMsg);}, hiddenMsg, doc);
pv_test(function(){assert_true(document.visibilityState !== undefined, stateMsg);}, stateMsg, doc);
// Common helper functions
function test_true(value, msg)
pv_test(function() { assert_true(value, msg); }, msg);
function test_equals(value, equals, msg)
pv_test(function() { assert_equals(value, equals, msg); }, msg);
// asynchronous test helper functions
function add_async_result(test_obj, pass_state)
// add assertion to manual test for the pass state
test_obj.step(function() { assert_true(pass_state) });
// end manual test
function add_async_result_assert(test_obj, func)
// add assertion to manual test for the pass state
// end manual test
var open_link;
function TabSwitch()
//var open_link ="");
open_link ='', '_blank');
setTimeout(function() { open_link.close(); }, 2000);