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Clang 7.0.0 Release Notes
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Written by the `LLVM Team <>`_
This document contains the release notes for the Clang C/C++/Objective-C
frontend, part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release 7.0.0. Here we
describe the status of Clang in some detail, including major
improvements from the previous release and new feature work. For the
general LLVM release notes, see `the LLVM
documentation <>`_. All LLVM
releases may be downloaded from the `LLVM releases web
site <>`_.
For more information about Clang or LLVM, including information about the
latest release, please see the `Clang Web Site <>`_ or the
`LLVM Web Site <>`_.
What's New in Clang 7.0.0?
Some of the major new features and improvements to Clang are listed
here. Generic improvements to Clang as a whole or to its underlying
infrastructure are described first, followed by language-specific
sections with improvements to Clang's support for those languages.
Major New Features
- A new Implicit Conversion Sanitizer (``-fsanitize=implicit-conversion``) group
was added. Please refer to the :ref:`release-notes-ubsan` section of the
release notes for the details.
- Preliminary/experimental support for DWARF v5 debugging information. If you
compile with ``-gdwarf-5 -O0`` you should get fully conforming DWARF v5
information, including the new .debug_names accelerator table. Type units
and split DWARF are known not to conform, and higher optimization levels
will likely get a mix of v4 and v5 formats.
Improvements to Clang's diagnostics
- ``-Wc++98-compat-extra-semi`` is a new flag, which was previously inseparable
from ``-Wc++98-compat-pedantic``. The latter still controls the new flag.
- ``-Wextra-semi`` now also controls ``-Wc++98-compat-extra-semi``.
Please do note that if you pass ``-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic``, it implies
``-Wno-c++98-compat-extra-semi``, so if you want that diagnostic, you need
to explicitly re-enable it (e.g. by appending ``-Wextra-semi``).
- ``-Wself-assign`` and ``-Wself-assign-field`` were extended to diagnose
self-assignment operations using overloaded operators (i.e. classes).
If you are doing such an assignment intentionally, e.g. in a unit test for
a data structure, the first warning can be disabled by passing
``-Wno-self-assign-overloaded``, also the warning can be suppressed by adding
``*&`` to the right-hand side or casting it to the appropriate reference type.
Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
- Clang binary and libraries have been renamed from 7.0 to 7.
For example, the ``clang`` binary will be called ``clang-7``
instead of ``clang-7.0``.
- The optimization flag to merge constants (``-fmerge-all-constants``) is no
longer applied by default.
- Clang implements a collection of recent fixes to the C++ standard's definition
of "standard-layout". In particular, a class is only considered to be
standard-layout if all base classes and the first data member (or bit-field)
can be laid out at offset zero.
- Clang's handling of the GCC ``packed`` class attribute in C++ has been fixed
to apply only to non-static data members and not to base classes. This fixes
an ABI difference between Clang and GCC, but creates an ABI difference between
Clang 7 and earlier versions. The old behavior can be restored by setting
``-fclang-abi-compat`` to ``6`` or lower.
- Clang implements the proposed resolution of LWG issue 2358, along with the
`corresponding change to the Itanium C++ ABI
<>`_, which make classes
containing only unnamed non-zero-length bit-fields be considered non-empty.
This is an ABI break compared to prior Clang releases, but makes Clang
generate code that is ABI-compatible with other compilers. The old
behavior can be restored by setting ``-fclang-abi-compat`` to ``6`` or
- An existing tool named ``diagtool`` has been added to the release. As the
name suggests, it helps with dealing with diagnostics in ``clang``, such as
finding out the warning hierarchy, and which of them are enabled by default
or for a particular compiler invocation.
- By default, Clang emits an address-significance table into
every ELF object file when using the integrated assembler.
Address-significance tables allow linkers to implement `safe ICF
<>`_ without the false
positives that can result from other implementation techniques such as
relocation scanning. The ``-faddrsig`` and ``-fno-addrsig`` flags can be
used to control whether to emit the address-significance table.
- The integrated assembler is enabled by default on OpenBSD / FreeBSD
for MIPS 64-bit targets.
- On MIPS FreeBSD, default CPUs have been changed to ``mips2``
for 32-bit targets and ``mips3`` for 64-bit targets.
New Compiler Flags
- ``-fstrict-float-cast-overflow`` and ``-fno-strict-float-cast-overflow``.
When converting a floating-point value to int and the value is not
representable in the destination integer type,
the code has undefined behavior according to the language standard. By
default, Clang will not guarantee any particular result in that case. With the
'no-strict' option, Clang attempts to match the overflowing behavior of the
target's native float-to-int conversion instructions.
- ``-fforce-emit-vtables`` and ``-fno-force-emit-vtables``.
In order to improve devirtualization, forces emission of vtables even in
modules where it isn't necessary. It causes more inline virtual functions
to be emitted.
- Added the ``-mcrc`` and ``-mno-crc`` flags to enable/disable using
of MIPS Cyclic Redundancy Check instructions.
- Added the ``-mvirt`` and ``-mno-virt`` flags to enable/disable using
of MIPS Virtualization instructions.
- Added the ``-mginv`` and ``-mno-ginv`` flags to enable/disable using
of MIPS Global INValidate instructions.
Modified Compiler Flags
- Before Clang 7, we prepended the `#` character to the ``--autocomplete``
argument to enable cc1 flags. For example, when the ``-cc1`` or ``-Xclang`` flag
is in the :program:`clang` invocation, the shell executed
``clang --autocomplete=#-<flag to be completed>``. Clang 7 now requires the
whole invocation including all flags to be passed to the ``--autocomplete`` like
this: ``clang --autocomplete=-cc1,-xc++,-fsyn``.
Attribute Changes in Clang
- Clang now supports function multiversioning with attribute 'target' on ELF
based x86/x86-64 environments by using indirect functions. This implementation
has a few minor limitations over the GCC implementation for the sake of AST
sanity, however it is otherwise compatible with existing code using this
feature for GCC. Consult the `documentation for the target attribute
<AttributeReference.html#target-gnu-target>`_ for more information.
Windows Support
- clang-cl's support for precompiled headers has been much improved:
- When using a pch file, clang-cl now no longer redundantly emits inline
methods that are already stored in the obj that was built together with
the pch file (matching cl.exe). This speeds up builds using pch files
by around 30%.
- The ``/Ycfoo.h`` and ``/Yufoo.h`` flags can now be used without ``/FIfoo.h`` when
foo.h is instead included by an explicit ``#include`` directive. This means
Visual Studio's default stdafx.h setup now uses precompiled headers with
- The alternative entry point names
(``wmain``/``WinMain``/``wWinMain``/``DllMain``) now are properly mangled
as plain C names in C++ contexts when targeting MinGW, without having to
explicit specify ``extern "C"``. (This was already the case for MSVC
Objective-C Language Changes in Clang
Clang now supports the GNUstep Objective-C ABI v2 on ELF platforms. This is
enabled with the ``-fobjc-runtime=gnustep-2.0`` flag. The new ABI is incompatible
with the older GNUstep ABIs, which were incremental changes on the old GCC ABI.
The new ABI provides richer reflection metadata and allows the linker to remove
duplicate selector and protocol definitions, giving smaller binaries. Windows
support for the new ABI is underway, but was not completed in time for the LLVM
7.0.0 release.
OpenCL C/C++ Language Changes in Clang
Miscellaneous changes in OpenCL C:
- Added ``cles_khr_int64`` extension.
- Added bug fixes and simplifications to Clang blocks in OpenCL mode.
- Added compiler flag ``-cl-uniform-work-group-size`` to allow extra compile time optimisation.
- Propagate ``denorms-are-zero`` attribute to IR if ``-cl-denorms-are-zero`` is passed to the compiler.
- Separated ``read_only`` and ``write_only`` pipe IR types.
- Fixed address space for the ``__func__`` predefined macro.
- Improved diagnostics of kernel argument types.
Started OpenCL C++ support:
- Added ``-std/-cl-std=c++``.
- Added support for keywords.
OpenMP Support in Clang
- Clang gained basic support for OpenMP 4.5 offloading for NVPTX target.
To compile your program for NVPTX target use the following options:
``-fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda`` for 64 bit platforms or
``-fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx-nvidia-cuda`` for 32 bit platform.
- Passing options to the OpenMP device offloading toolchain can be done using
the ``-Xopenmp-target=<triple> -opt=val`` flag. In this way the ``-opt=val``
option will be forwarded to the respective OpenMP device offloading toolchain
described by the triple. For example passing the compute capability to
the OpenMP NVPTX offloading toolchain can be done as follows:
``-Xopenmp-target=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -march=sm_60``. For the case when only one
target offload toolchain is specified under the ``-fopenmp-targets=<triples>``
option, then the triple can be skipped: ``-Xopenmp-target -march=sm_60``.
- Other bugfixes.
CUDA Support in Clang
- Clang will now try to locate the CUDA installation next to :program:`ptxas`
in the `PATH` environment variable. This behavior can be turned off by passing
the new flag ``--cuda-path-ignore-env``.
- Clang now supports generating object files with relocatable device code. This
feature needs to be enabled with ``-fcuda-rdc`` and may result in performance
penalties compared to whole program compilation. Please note that NVIDIA's
:program:`nvcc` must be used for linking.
Internal API Changes
These are major API changes that have happened since the 6.0.0 release of
Clang. If upgrading an external codebase that uses Clang as a library,
this section should help get you past the largest hurdles of upgrading.
- The methods ``getLocStart``, ``getStartLoc`` and ``getLocEnd`` in the AST
classes are deprecated. New APIs ``getBeginLoc`` and ``getEndLoc`` should
be used instead. While the old methods remain in this release, they will
not be present in the next release of Clang.
- Clang-format will now support detecting and formatting code snippets in raw
string literals. This is configured through the ``RawStringFormats`` style
Static Analyzer
- The new `MmapWriteExec` checker had been introduced to detect attempts to map pages both writable and executable.
.. _release-notes-ubsan:
Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan)
* A new Implicit Conversion Sanitizer (``-fsanitize=implicit-conversion``) group
was added.
Currently, only one type of issues is caught - implicit integer truncation
(``-fsanitize=implicit-integer-truncation``), also known as integer demotion.
While there is a ``-Wconversion`` diagnostic group that catches this kind of
issues, it is both noisy, and does not catch **all** the cases.
.. code-block:: c++
unsigned char store = 0;
bool consume(unsigned int val);
void test(unsigned long val) {
if (consume(val)) // the value may have been silently truncated.
store = store + 768; // before addition, 'store' was promoted to int.
(void)consume((unsigned int)val); // OK, the truncation is explicit.
Just like other ``-fsanitize=integer`` checks, these issues are **not**
undefined behaviour. But they are not *always* intentional, and are somewhat
hard to track down. This group is **not** enabled by ``-fsanitize=undefined``,
but the ``-fsanitize=implicit-integer-truncation`` check
is enabled by ``-fsanitize=integer``.
libc++ Changes
Users that wish to link together translation units built with different
versions of libc++'s headers into the same final linked image should define the
`_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI_PER_TU` macro to `1` when building those translation
units. In a future release, not defining `_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI_PER_TU` to `1`
and linking translation units built with different versions of libc++'s headers
together may lead to ODR violations and ABI issues.
Additional Information
A wide variety of additional information is available on the `Clang web
page <>`_. The web page contains versions of the
API documentation which are up-to-date with the Subversion version of
the source code. You can access versions of these documents specific to
this release by going into the "``clang/docs/``" directory in the Clang
If you have any questions or comments about Clang, please feel free to
contact us via the `mailing
list <>`_.