blob: 49628512f0eab535738f4491476946499adc417a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Playback agent.
var Benchmark = Benchmark || {};
* Playback agent class.
* @param {Object} data Test data.
* @constructor
Benchmark.Agent = function(data) {
this.timeline = data.timeline;
this.timelinePosition = 0;
this.steps = data.steps;
this.stepsPosition = 0;
this.randoms = data.randoms;
this.randomsPosition = 0;
this.ticks = data.ticks;
this.ticksPosition = 0;
this.delayedScriptElements = {};
this.callStackDepth = 0;
document.cookie = data.cookie;
if (window.innerWidth != data.width || window.innerHeight != data.height) {
Benchmark.die('Wrong window size: ' +
window.innerWidth + 'x' + window.innerHeight +
' instead of ' + data.width + 'x' + data.height);
this.startTime =;
* Returns current timeline event.
* @return {Object} Event.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.getCurrentEvent = function() {
return this.timeline[this.timelinePosition];
* Returns next recorded event in timeline. If event is the last event in
* timeline, posts test results to driver.
* @param {Object} event Event that actually happened, should correspond to
* the recorded one (used for debug only).
* @return {Object} Recorded event from timeline.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.getNextEvent = function(event) {
var recordedEvent = this.getCurrentEvent();
this.ensureEqual(event, recordedEvent);
if (event.type == 'random' || event.type == 'ticks') {
recordedEvent.count -= 1;
if (recordedEvent.count == 0) {
this.timelinePosition += 1;
} else {
this.timelinePosition += 1;
if (this.timelinePosition == this.steps[this.stepsPosition][1]) {
var score = - this.startTime;
return recordedEvent;
* Checks if two events can be considered equal. Throws exception if events
* differ.
* @param {Object} event Event that actually happened.
* @param {Object} recordedEvent Event taken from timeline.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.ensureEqual = function(event, recordedEvent) {
var equal = false;
if (event.type == recordedEvent.type &&
event.type in Benchmark.eventPropertiesMap) {
equal = true;
var properties = Benchmark.eventPropertiesMap[event.type];
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length && equal; ++i)
if (event[properties[i]] != recordedEvent[properties[i]])
equal = false;
if (!equal) {
Benchmark.die('unexpected event: ' + JSON.stringify(event) +
' instead of ' + JSON.stringify(recordedEvent));
* Gets next event from timeline and returns its identifier.
* @param {Object} event Object with event information.
* @return {number} Event identifier.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.createAsyncEvent = function(event) {
return this.getNextEvent(event).id;
* Stores callback to be invoked according to timeline order.
* @param {number} eventId 'Parent' event identifier.
* @param {function} callback Callback.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.fireAsyncEvent = function(eventId, callback) {
var event = this.timeline[eventId];
if (!event.callbackReference) return;
this.timeline[event.callbackReference].callback = callback;
* Ensures that things are happening according to recorded timeline.
* @param {number} eventId Identifier of cancelled event.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.cancelAsyncEvent = function(eventId) {
this.getNextEvent({type: 'cancel', reference: eventId});
* Checks if script isn't going to be executed too early and delays script
* execution if necessary.
* @param {number} scriptId Unique script identifier.
* @param {HTMLElement} doc Document element.
* @param {boolean} inlined Indicates whether script is a text block in the page
* or resides in a separate file.
* @param {string} src Script url (if script is not inlined).
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.readyToExecuteScript = function(scriptId, doc,
inlined, src) {
var event = this.getCurrentEvent();
if (event.type == 'willExecuteScript' && event.scriptId == scriptId) {
this.timelinePosition += 1;
return true;
var element;
var elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = 0, el; (el = elements[i]) && !element; ++i) {
if (inlined) {
if (el.src) continue;
var text = el.textContent;
if (scriptId == text.substring(2, text.indexOf("*/")))
element = elements[i];
} else {
if (!el.src) continue;
if (el.src.indexOf(src) != -1 || src.indexOf(el.src) != -1) {
element = el;
if (!element) {
Benchmark.die('script element not found', scriptId, src);
for (var el2 = element; el2; el2 = el2.parentElement) {
if (el2.onload) {
console.log('found', el2);
this.delayedScriptElements[scriptId] = element;
return false;
* Ensures that things are happening according to recorded timeline.
* @param {Object} event Object with event information.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.didExecuteScript = function(scriptId ) {
this.getNextEvent({type: 'didExecuteScript', scriptId: scriptId});
* Invokes async events' callbacks according to timeline order.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.fireSome = function() {
while (this.timelinePosition < this.timeline.length) {
var event = this.getCurrentEvent();
if (event.type == 'willFire') {
if(!event.callback) break;
this.timelinePosition += 1;
this.callStackDepth += 1;
this.callStackDepth -= 1;
this.getNextEvent({type: 'didFire', reference: event.reference});
} else if (event.type == 'willExecuteScript') {
if (event.scriptId in this.delayedScriptElements) {
var element = this.delayedScriptElements[event.scriptId];
var parent = element.parentElement;
var cloneElement = element.cloneNode();
delete this.delayedScriptElements[event.scriptId];
parent.replaceChild(cloneElement, element);
} else if (this.callStackDepth > 0) {
} else {
Benchmark.die('unexpected event in fireSome:' + JSON.stringify(event));
* Returns recorded random.
* @return {number} Recorded random.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.random = function() {
this.getNextEvent({type: 'random'});
return this.randoms[this.randomsPosition++];
* Returns recorded ticks.
* @return {number} Recorded ticks.
Benchmark.Agent.prototype.dateNow = function(event) {
this.getNextEvent({type: 'ticks'});
return this.ticks[this.ticksPosition++];
* Event type -> property list mapping used for matching events.
* @const
Benchmark.eventPropertiesMap = {
'timeout': ['timeout'],
'request': ['url'],
'addEventListener': ['eventType'],
'script load': ['src'],
'willExecuteScript': ['scriptId'],
'didExecuteScript': ['scriptId'],
'willFire': ['reference'],
'didFire': ['reference'],
'cancel': ['reference'],
'random': [],
'ticks': []
* Agent used by native window functions wrappers.
Benchmark.agent = new Benchmark.Agent(;
* Playback flag.
* @const
Benchmark.playback = true;
Benchmark.reportScore = function(score) {
Benchmark.score = score;
window, 'message', function(event) {
if (Benchmark.score) {
event.source.postMessage(Benchmark.score, event.origin);
}, false);