blob: f5219e84252f8f8bbaae40b12066edc1ce50a57c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/blitter.h"
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/event.h"
#include "starboard/system.h"
#include "starboard/thread.h"
#include "starboard/time.h"
#include "starboard/window.h"
class Application {
// The callback function passed to SbEventSchedule(). Its purpose is to
// forward to the non-static RenderScene() method.
static void RenderSceneEventCallback(void* param);
// Renders one frame of the animated scene, incrementing |frame_| each time
// it is called.
void RenderScene();
static Application* application_;
// The current frame we are rendering, initialized to 0 and incremented after
// each frame.
int frame_;
// The SbWindow within which we will perform our rendering.
SbWindow window_;
// The blitting device we will be targeting.
SbBlitterDevice device_;
// The swap chain that represents |window_|'s display.
SbBlitterSwapChain swap_chain_;
static const int kOutputWidth = 1920;
static const int kOutputHeight = 1080;
// The surface of a simple unchanging RGBA bitmap image we will use while
// rendering.
SbBlitterSurface rgba_image_surface_;
// The surface of a simple unchanging alpha-only bitmap image we will use
// while rendering.
SbBlitterSurface alpha_image_surface_;
static const int kImageWidth = 100;
static const int kImageHeight = 100;
// An offscreen surface that we will render to and render from each frame.
SbBlitterSurface offscreen_surface_;
static const int kOffscreenWidth = 400;
static const int kOffscreenHeight = 400;
// The context within which we will issue all our draw commands.
SbBlitterContext context_;
namespace {
// Populates a region of memory designated as pixel data with a gradient texture
// that includes transparent alpha.
void FillGradientImageData(int width,
int height,
int pitch_in_bytes,
void* pixel_data) {
uint8_t* pixels = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pixel_data);
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
// Setup a vertical gradient in the alpha color channel.
float alpha = static_cast<float>(y) / height;
uint8_t alpha_byte = static_cast<uint8_t>(alpha) * 255;
// Setup a horizontal gradient in the green color channel.
uint8_t green_byte =
static_cast<uint8_t>((alpha * static_cast<float>(x) / width) * 255);
// Assuming BGRA color format.
pixels[x * 4 + 0] = 0;
pixels[x * 4 + 1] = green_byte;
pixels[x * 4 + 0] = 0;
pixels[x * 4 + 3] = alpha_byte;
pixels += pitch_in_bytes;
// Populates a region of memory designated as pixel data with a checker texture
// using an alpha-only pixel format.
void FillAlphaCheckerImageData(int width,
int height,
int pitch,
void* pixel_data) {
uint8_t* pixels = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pixel_data);
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
bool is_first_vertical_half = y <= height / 2;
bool is_first_horizontal_half = x <= width / 2;
uint8_t color =
is_first_horizontal_half ^ is_first_vertical_half ? 255 : 0;
pixels[x + y * pitch] = color;
} // namespace
Application::Application() {
frame_ = 0;
// In order to access most of the Blitter API, we'll need to create a SbWindow
// object whose display we can have the Blitter API target.
SbWindowOptions options;
options.size.width = 1920;
options.size.height = 1080;
window_ = SbWindowCreate(NULL);
// We start by constructing a SbBlitterDevice which represents the connection
// to the hardware blitting device (e.g. a GPU).
device_ = SbBlitterCreateDefaultDevice();
// Creating the swap chain associates our blitting device to the target
// window's output display.
swap_chain_ = SbBlitterCreateSwapChainFromWindow(device_, window_);
// Let's setup a texture. We start by creating a SbBlitterPixelData object
// which can be populated with pixel data by the CPU and then passed on to
// the device for reference within blit calls.
SbBlitterPixelData image_data = SbBlitterCreatePixelData(
device_, kImageWidth, kImageHeight, kSbBlitterPixelDataFormatBGRA8);
// Once our pixel data object is created, we can extract from it the image
// data pitch as well as a CPU-accessible pointer to the pixel data. We
// pass this information into a function to populate the image.
int image_data_pitch = SbBlitterGetPixelDataPitchInBytes(image_data);
FillGradientImageData(kImageHeight, kImageHeight, image_data_pitch,
// Now that our pixel data is finalized, we create a surface from it. After
// this call, our SbBlitterPixelData object is invalid (i.e. it is transformed
// into a SbBlitterSurface object).
rgba_image_surface_ =
SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData(device_, image_data);
// Now setup our alpha-only image.
SbBlitterPixelData alpha_image_data = SbBlitterCreatePixelData(
device_, kImageWidth, kImageHeight, kSbBlitterPixelDataFormatA8);
int alpha_image_data_pitch =
FillAlphaCheckerImageData(kImageHeight, kImageHeight, alpha_image_data_pitch,
alpha_image_surface_ =
SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData(device_, alpha_image_data);
// We will also create a (initially blank) surface for use as an offscreen
// render target.
offscreen_surface_ = SbBlitterCreateRenderTargetSurface(
device_, kOffscreenWidth, kOffscreenHeight, kSbBlitterSurfaceFormatRGBA8);
// Finally, in order to issue draw calls, we need a context that maintains
// draw state for us.
context_ = SbBlitterCreateContext(device_);
Application::~Application() {
// Cleanup all used resources.
void Application::RenderSceneEventCallback(void* param) {
// Forward the call to the application instance specified as the parameter.
Application* application = static_cast<Application*>(param);
void Application::RenderScene() {
// Setup our animation parameter that follows a sawtooth pattern.
int frame_mod_255 = frame_ % 255;
// We can get a render target from a swap chain, so that we can target the
// display with draw calls.
SbBlitterRenderTarget primary_render_target =
// Surfaces created for use as a render target provide both a
// SbBlitterRenderTarget and SbBlitterTexture objects, for use as target and
// source in draw calls, respectively.
SbBlitterRenderTarget offscreen_render_target =
// First we set the render target to our offscreen surface.
SbBlitterSetRenderTarget(context_, offscreen_render_target);
// And enable alpha blending.
SbBlitterSetBlending(context_, true);
// We start by clearing our entire surface to a animating shade of red.
SbBlitterSetColor(context_, SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(frame_mod_255, 0, 0, 255));
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kOffscreenWidth, kOffscreenHeight));
// We then draw a green rectangle in the top left corner.
SbBlitterSetColor(context_, SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(0, 255, 0, 32));
SbBlitterFillRect(context_, SbBlitterMakeRect(50, 50, 100, 100));
// Now we disable blending for the next few draw calls, resulting in their
// alpha channels replacing the alpha channels that already exist in the
// render target.
SbBlitterSetBlending(context_, false);
// Punch a blue half-transparent rectangle out in the top right corner.
SbBlitterSetColor(context_, SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(0, 0, 255, 128));
SbBlitterFillRect(context_, SbBlitterMakeRect(250, 50, 100, 100));
// Render our surface to the offscreen surface as well, stretched
// horizontally, in two different locations.
SbBlitterSetBlending(context_, true);
SbBlitterSetModulateBlitsWithColor(context_, false);
SbBlitterBlitRectToRect(context_, rgba_image_surface_,
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kImageWidth, kImageHeight),
SbBlitterMakeRect(frame_mod_255, frame_mod_255,
kImageWidth * 2, kImageHeight));
SbBlitterSetModulateBlitsWithColor(context_, true);
SbBlitterSetColor(context_, SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(255, 255, 255, 128));
SbBlitterBlitRectToRect(context_, rgba_image_surface_,
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kImageWidth, kImageHeight),
SbBlitterMakeRect(frame_mod_255, frame_mod_255 + 100,
kImageWidth * 2, kImageHeight));
// Blit out our alpha checker surface in the color blue.
SbBlitterSetColor(context_, SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(0, 0, 255, 255));
context_, alpha_image_surface_,
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kImageWidth, kImageHeight),
SbBlitterMakeRect(50, 200, kImageWidth, kImageHeight));
// Now switch to the primary display render target.
SbBlitterSetRenderTarget(context_, primary_render_target);
// Clear the display to an animating shade of green.
SbBlitterSetColor(context_, SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(0, frame_mod_255, 0, 255));
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kOutputWidth, kOutputHeight));
// Render our offscreen surface to the display in three different places
// and sizes.
SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(255, 255, 255, frame_mod_255));
SbBlitterSetModulateBlitsWithColor(context_, true);
context_, offscreen_surface_,
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kOffscreenWidth, kOffscreenHeight),
SbBlitterMakeRect(10, 10, 200, 200));
context_, offscreen_surface_,
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kOffscreenWidth, kOffscreenHeight),
SbBlitterMakeRect(300, 10, 400, 400));
context_, offscreen_surface_,
SbBlitterMakeRect(0, 0, kOffscreenWidth, kOffscreenHeight),
SbBlitterMakeRect(10, 500, 800, 200));
SbBlitterSetModulateBlitsWithColor(context_, false);
// Blit an animated tiling of the offscreen surface.
context_, offscreen_surface_,
frame_mod_255 * 3, frame_mod_255 * 5,
1 + static_cast<int>(kOffscreenWidth * (frame_mod_255 / 31.0f)),
1 + static_cast<int>(kOffscreenWidth * (frame_mod_255 / 63.0f))),
SbBlitterMakeRect(900, 100, 400, 400));
// Blit a batch of 4 instances of the offscreen surface in one draw call.
const int kNumBatchRects = 4;
SbBlitterRect src_rects[kNumBatchRects];
SbBlitterRect dst_rects[kNumBatchRects];
for (int j = 0; j < kNumBatchRects; ++j) {
src_rects[j].x = 0;
src_rects[j].y = 0;
src_rects[j].width = kOffscreenWidth;
src_rects[j].height = kOffscreenHeight;
dst_rects[j].x = 900 + j * 220;
dst_rects[j].y = 600;
dst_rects[j].width = 200;
dst_rects[j].height = 300;
SbBlitterBlitRectsToRects(context_, offscreen_surface_, src_rects, dst_rects,
// Ensure that all draw commands issued to the context are flushed to
// the device and guaranteed to eventually be processed.
// Flip the swap chain to reveal our masterpiece to the user.
// Schedule another frame render ASAP.
SbEventSchedule(&Application::RenderSceneEventCallback, this, 0);
Application* s_application = NULL;
// Simple Starboard window event handling to kick off our blitter application.
void SbEventHandle(const SbEvent* event) {
switch (event->type) {
case kSbEventTypeStart: {
// Create the application, after which it will use SbEventSchedule()
// on itself to trigger a frame update until the application is
// terminated.
s_application = new Application();
} break;
case kSbEventTypeStop: {
// Shutdown the application.
delete s_application;
} break;
default: {}
#else // SB_HAS(BLITTER)
void SbEventHandle(const SbEvent* event) {
switch (event->type) {
case kSbEventTypeStart: {
<< "Starboard Blitter API is not available on this platform.";
} break;
default: {}
#endif // SB_HAS(BLITTER)