blob: c22f738ffbd16940f94dcd79599cf30cad9d9cab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Similar to window_internal.h.
#include <directfb.h>
#include "starboard/blitter.h"
#include "starboard/common/mutex.h"
#include "starboard/shared/internal_only.h"
struct SbBlitterDevicePrivate {
// Internally we store our DirectFB interface object inside of the
// SbBlitterDevice object.
IDirectFB* dfb;
// Mutex to ensure thread-safety in all SbBlitterDevice-related function
// calls.
starboard::Mutex mutex;
struct SbBlitterRenderTargetPrivate {
// Every render target has a reference to a DirectFB surface.
IDirectFBSurface* surface;
struct SbBlitterSwapChainPrivate {
// In DirectFB, swap chains are synonymous with [specifically flagged]
// surfaces, so we just need to keep a handle to it (through a
// SbBlitterRenderTarget object).
SbBlitterRenderTargetPrivate render_target;
struct SbBlitterPixelDataPrivate {
// Keep track of the device that was used to create this
// SbBlitterPixelData object.
SbBlitterDevicePrivate* device;
// The actual DirectFB surface that contains the pixels.
IDirectFBSurface* surface;
// The CPU-accessible data pointer to the (locked) surface pixels.
void* data;
// The pitch of the pixel data, in bytes.
int pitch_in_bytes;
// Surface information including its dimensions.
SbBlitterSurfaceInfo info;
struct SbBlitterSurfacePrivate {
// Keep track of the device used to create this surface.
SbBlitterDevicePrivate* device;
// This is where our internal reference to a DirectFB surface lives.
IDirectFBSurface* surface;
// Surface information including its dimensions.
SbBlitterSurfaceInfo info;
// Surfaces may own a render target object that they can setup as context
// render targets.
SbBlitterRenderTargetPrivate render_target;
struct SbBlitterContextPrivate {
// Keep track of the device used to create this context.
SbBlitterDevicePrivate* device;
// Keep track of the last set render target on this context.
SbBlitterRenderTargetPrivate* current_render_target;
// Keep track of whether or not blending is enabled on this context.
bool blending_enabled;
// The current color that will be used in draw calls such as to determine
// the color of fill rectangles and to modulate the color of blit calls.
SbBlitterColor current_color;
// Keep track of whether blits should be modulated by the current color.
bool modulate_blits_with_color;
// Track the current scissor rectangle.
SbBlitterRect scissor;
struct SbBlitterDeviceRegistry {
// This implementation only supports a single, default, device, so we remember
// it here.
SbBlitterDevicePrivate* default_device;
// The mutex is necessary since SbBlitterDeviceRegistry is a global structure
// that must be accessed by any thread to create/destroy devices.
starboard::Mutex mutex;
SbBlitterDeviceRegistry* GetBlitterDeviceRegistry();
// DirectFB stores context state information within its surfaces. The surface's
// state is active whenever it is set as a render target. This method sets
// up a surface's state based on the current context state.
bool SetupDFBSurfaceBlitStateFromBlitterContextState(SbBlitterContext context,
SbBlitterSurface source,
IDirectFBSurface* surface);
bool SetupDFBSurfaceDrawStateFromBlitterContextState(SbBlitterContext context,
IDirectFBSurface* surface);