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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The custom element type is a sequence of characters that must match the NCName production and contain a minus character</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="The custom element type is a sequence of characters that must match the NCName production and contain a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character">
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test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var validNames = ['x-frame', 'xx-frame', 'x--frame', '_-frame', 'x-', 'x--',
'x-1', 'x-_', '_-_', '__-', '_-1', '_-..'];
HTML5_ELEMENTS.forEach(function(value) {
validNames.push('x-' + value);
validNames.push('Y-' + value.toUpperCase());
validNames.forEach(function(value) {
try {
} catch (e) {
assert_unreached('Exception should not be thrown in case of attempt ' +
'to register a custom element with a name \'' + value + '\'');
}, 'Registering valid custom element types');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var invalidNames = ['xframe', 'x_frame', 'x.frame', 'x1frame', '-xframe', '1-frame',
'1x-frame', '.-frame', '_frame', 'x-f!rame', 'x-:frame'];
invalidNames.forEach(function(value) {
assert_throws('SyntaxError', function() {
}, 'Exception should be thrown in case of attempt to register element ' +
'with the name \'' + value + '\'');
}, 'Registering invalid custom element types should fail');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var forbiddenNames = ['annotation-xml',
forbiddenNames.forEach(function(value) {
assert_throws('SyntaxError', function() {
}, 'Exception should be thrown in case of attempt to register element ' +
'with the name \'' + value + '\'');
}, 'Registering forbidden custom element types should fail');