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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Date & Time Inputs</title>
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<link rel="author" title="Fabrice Clari" href="">
<link rel="author" title="Dimitri Bocquet" href="">
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<h1>Date & Time Inputs</h1>
<div style="display: none">
<input type="date" value="2011-12-01" min="2011-12-01" max="2011-12-31" step="5" />
<input type="time" value= "12:00" min="11:30" max="14:00" step="600" />
<input type="datetime" value="2011-12-01T12:00Z" min="2011-12-01T12:00Z" max="2011-12-31T22:00Z" step="7200" />
<input type="month" value="2011-01" min="2011-01" max="2011-12" step="2" />
<input type="week" value="2011-W40" min="2011-W20" max="2011-W50" step="2" />
<div id="log">
<script type="text/javascript">
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].type, "date")}, "date type support on input element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value, "2011-12-01")}, "[date] The value must be a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].min, "2011-12-01")}, "[date] The min attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].max, "2011-12-31")}, "[date] The max attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].step, "5")}, "[date] The step attribute must be expressed in seconds", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].stepUp) == "function")}, "[date] stepUp method support on input 'date' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].stepDown) == "function")}, "[date] stepDown method support on input 'date' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].type, "time")}, "[time] time type support on input element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].value, "12:00")}, "[time] The value must be a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].min, "11:30")}, "[time] The min attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].max, "14:00")}, "[time] The max attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].step, "600")}, "[time] The step attribute must be expressed in seconds", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].stepUp) == "function")}, "[time] stepUp method support on input 'time' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[1].stepDown) == "function")}, "[time] stepDown method support on input 'time' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].type, "datetime")}, "datetime type support on input element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].value, "2011-12-01T12:00Z")}, "[datetime] The must be a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].min, "2011-12-01T12:00Z")}, "[datetime] The min attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].max, "2011-12-31T22:00Z")}, "[datetime] The max attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].step, "7200")}, "[datetime] The step attribute must be expressed in seconds", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].stepUp) == "function")}, "[datetime] stepUp method support on input 'datetime' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[2].stepDown) == "function")}, "[datetime] stepDown method support on input 'datetime' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].type, "month")}, "month type support on input element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].value, "2011-01")}, "[month] The value must be a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].min, "2011-01")}, "[month] The min attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].max, "2011-12")}, "[month] The max attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].step, "2")}, "[month] The step attribute must be expressed in seconds", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].stepUp) == "function")}, "[month] stepUp method support on input 'month' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[3].stepDown) == "function")}, "[month] stepDown method support on input 'month' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].type, "week")}, "week type support on input element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].value, "2011-W40")}, "[week] The value must be a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].min, "2011-W20")}, "[week] The min attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].max, "2011-W50")}, "[week] The max attribute must have a value that is a valid global date and time string", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_equals(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].step, "2")}, "[week] The step attribute must be expressed in seconds", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].stepUp) == "function")}, "[week] stepUp method support on input 'week' element", {
"help" : "" });
test(function() {assert_true(typeof(document.getElementsByTagName("input")[4].stepDown) == "function")}, "[week] stepDown method support on input 'week' element", {
"help" : "" });