blob: 7600ad3d77da369bd74d2dddd33ac220d44db378 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export default class EmulationModel extends SDK.SDKModel {
* @param {!SDK.Target} target
constructor(target) {
this._emulationAgent = target.emulationAgent();
this._pageAgent = target.pageAgent();
this._deviceOrientationAgent = target.deviceOrientationAgent();
this._cssModel = target.model(SDK.CSSModel);
this._overlayModel = target.model(SDK.OverlayModel);
if (this._overlayModel) {
this._overlayModel.addEventListener(SDK.OverlayModel.Events.InspectModeWillBeToggled, this._updateTouch, this);
const disableJavascriptSetting = Common.settings.moduleSetting('javaScriptDisabled');
() => this._emulationAgent.setScriptExecutionDisabled(disableJavascriptSetting.get()));
if (disableJavascriptSetting.get()) {
const mediaTypeSetting = Common.moduleSetting('emulatedCSSMedia');
const mediaFeaturePrefersColorSchemeSetting = Common.moduleSetting('emulatedCSSMediaFeaturePrefersColorScheme');
const mediaFeaturePrefersReducedMotionSetting = Common.moduleSetting('emulatedCSSMediaFeaturePrefersReducedMotion');
// Note: this uses a different format than what the CDP API expects,
// because we want to update these values per media type/feature
// without having to search the `features` array (inefficient) or
// hardcoding the indices (not readable/maintainable).
this._mediaConfiguration = new Map([
['type', mediaTypeSetting.get()],
['prefers-color-scheme', mediaFeaturePrefersColorSchemeSetting.get()],
['prefers-reduced-motion', mediaFeaturePrefersReducedMotionSetting.get()],
mediaTypeSetting.addChangeListener(() => {
this._mediaConfiguration.set('type', mediaTypeSetting.get());
mediaFeaturePrefersColorSchemeSetting.addChangeListener(() => {
this._mediaConfiguration.set('prefers-color-scheme', mediaFeaturePrefersColorSchemeSetting.get());
mediaFeaturePrefersReducedMotionSetting.addChangeListener(() => {
this._mediaConfiguration.set('prefers-reduced-motion', mediaFeaturePrefersReducedMotionSetting.get());
this._touchEnabled = false;
this._touchMobile = false;
this._customTouchEnabled = false;
this._touchConfiguration = {enabled: false, configuration: 'mobile', scriptId: ''};
* @return {boolean}
supportsDeviceEmulation() {
* @return {!Promise}
resetPageScaleFactor() {
return this._emulationAgent.resetPageScaleFactor();
* @param {?Protocol.PageAgent.SetDeviceMetricsOverrideRequest} metrics
* @return {!Promise}
emulateDevice(metrics) {
if (metrics) {
return this._emulationAgent.invoke_setDeviceMetricsOverride(metrics);
} else {
return this._emulationAgent.clearDeviceMetricsOverride();
* @return {?SDK.OverlayModel}
overlayModel() {
return this._overlayModel;
* @param {?Geolocation} geolocation
async emulateGeolocation(geolocation) {
if (!geolocation) {
if (geolocation.error) {
} else {
return Promise.all([
.setGeolocationOverride(geolocation.latitude, geolocation.longitude, Geolocation.DefaultMockAccuracy)
.catch(err => Promise.reject({type: 'emulation-set-geolocation', message: err.message})),
.catch(err => Promise.reject({type: 'emulation-set-timezone', message: err.message}))
* @param {?DeviceOrientation} deviceOrientation
emulateDeviceOrientation(deviceOrientation) {
if (deviceOrientation) {
deviceOrientation.alpha, deviceOrientation.beta, deviceOrientation.gamma);
} else {
* @param {string} type
* @param {!Array<{name: string, value: string}>} features
_emulateCSSMedia(type, features) {
this._emulationAgent.setEmulatedMedia(type, features);
if (this._cssModel) {
* @param {number} rate
setCPUThrottlingRate(rate) {
* @param {boolean} enabled
* @param {boolean} mobile
emulateTouch(enabled, mobile) {
this._touchEnabled = enabled;
this._touchMobile = mobile;
* @param {boolean} enabled
overrideEmulateTouch(enabled) {
this._customTouchEnabled = enabled;
_updateTouch() {
let configuration = {
enabled: this._touchEnabled,
configuration: this._touchMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop',
if (this._customTouchEnabled) {
configuration = {enabled: true, configuration: 'mobile'};
if (this._overlayModel && this._overlayModel.inspectModeEnabled()) {
configuration = {enabled: false, configuration: 'mobile'};
if (!this._touchConfiguration.enabled && !configuration.enabled) {
if (this._touchConfiguration.enabled && configuration.enabled &&
this._touchConfiguration.configuration === configuration.configuration) {
this._touchConfiguration = configuration;
this._emulationAgent.setTouchEmulationEnabled(configuration.enabled, 1);
this._emulationAgent.setEmitTouchEventsForMouse(configuration.enabled, configuration.configuration);
_updateCssMedia() {
// See the note above, where this._mediaConfiguration is defined.
const type = this._mediaConfiguration.get('type');
const features = [
name: 'prefers-color-scheme',
value: this._mediaConfiguration.get('prefers-color-scheme'),
name: 'prefers-reduced-motion',
value: this._mediaConfiguration.get('prefers-reduced-motion'),
this._emulateCSSMedia(type, features);
export class Geolocation {
* @param {number} latitude
* @param {number} longitude
* @param {string} timezoneId
* @param {boolean} error
constructor(latitude, longitude, timezoneId, error) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
this.timezoneId = timezoneId;
this.error = error;
* @return {!Geolocation}
static parseSetting(value) {
if (value) {
const [position, timezoneId, error] = value.split(':');
const [latitude, longitude] = position.split('@');
return new Geolocation(parseFloat(latitude), parseFloat(longitude), timezoneId, Boolean(error));
return new Geolocation(0, 0, '', false);
* @param {string} latitudeString
* @param {string} longitudeString
* @param {string} timezoneId
* @return {?Geolocation}
static parseUserInput(latitudeString, longitudeString, timezoneId) {
if (!latitudeString && !longitudeString) {
return null;
const {valid: isLatitudeValid} = Geolocation.latitudeValidator(latitudeString);
const {valid: isLongitudeValid} = Geolocation.longitudeValidator(longitudeString);
if (!isLatitudeValid && !isLongitudeValid) {
return null;
const latitude = isLatitudeValid ? parseFloat(latitudeString) : -1;
const longitude = isLongitudeValid ? parseFloat(longitudeString) : -1;
return new Geolocation(latitude, longitude, timezoneId, false);
* @param {string} value
* @return {{valid: boolean, errorMessage: (string|undefined)}}
static latitudeValidator(value) {
const numValue = parseFloat(value);
const valid = /^([+-]?[\d]+(\.\d+)?|[+-]?\.\d+)$/.test(value) && numValue >= -90 && numValue <= 90;
return {valid};
* @param {string} value
* @return {{valid: boolean, errorMessage: (string|undefined)}}
static longitudeValidator(value) {
const numValue = parseFloat(value);
const valid = /^([+-]?[\d]+(\.\d+)?|[+-]?\.\d+)$/.test(value) && numValue >= -180 && numValue <= 180;
return {valid};
* @param {string} value
* @return {{valid: boolean, errorMessage: (string|undefined)}}
static timezoneIdValidator(value) {
// Chromium uses ICU's timezone implementation, which is very
// liberal in what it accepts. ICU does not simply use an allowlist
// but instead tries to make sense of the input, even for
// weird-looking timezone IDs. There's not much point in validating
// the input other than checking if it contains at least one alphabet.
// The empty string resets the override, and is accepted as well.
const valid = value === '' || /[a-zA-Z]/.test(value);
return {valid};
* @return {string}
toSetting() {
return `${this.latitude}@${this.longitude}:${this.timezoneId}:${this.error || ''}`;
Geolocation.DefaultMockAccuracy = 150;
export class DeviceOrientation {
* @param {number} alpha
* @param {number} beta
* @param {number} gamma
constructor(alpha, beta, gamma) {
this.alpha = alpha;
this.beta = beta;
this.gamma = gamma;
* @return {!DeviceOrientation}
static parseSetting(value) {
if (value) {
const jsonObject = JSON.parse(value);
return new DeviceOrientation(jsonObject.alpha, jsonObject.beta, jsonObject.gamma);
return new DeviceOrientation(0, 0, 0);
* @return {?DeviceOrientation}
static parseUserInput(alphaString, betaString, gammaString) {
if (!alphaString && !betaString && !gammaString) {
return null;
const {valid: isAlphaValid} = DeviceOrientation.validator(alphaString);
const {valid: isBetaValid} = DeviceOrientation.validator(betaString);
const {valid: isGammaValid} = DeviceOrientation.validator(gammaString);
if (!isAlphaValid && !isBetaValid && !isGammaValid) {
return null;
const alpha = isAlphaValid ? parseFloat(alphaString) : -1;
const beta = isBetaValid ? parseFloat(betaString) : -1;
const gamma = isGammaValid ? parseFloat(gammaString) : -1;
return new DeviceOrientation(alpha, beta, gamma);
* @param {string} value
* @return {{valid: boolean, errorMessage: (string|undefined)}}
static validator(value) {
const valid = /^([+-]?[\d]+(\.\d+)?|[+-]?\.\d+)$/.test(value);
return {valid};
* @return {string}
toSetting() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
/* Legacy exported object */
self.SDK = self.SDK || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
SDK = SDK || {};
/** @constructor */
SDK.EmulationModel = EmulationModel;
/** @constructor */
SDK.EmulationModel.Geolocation = Geolocation;
/** @constructor */
SDK.EmulationModel.DeviceOrientation = DeviceOrientation;
SDK.SDKModel.register(EmulationModel, SDK.Target.Capability.Emulation, true);