blob: 3ae8f22bce23b272c6804fed10504aa001c1abae [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
module.exports = function (grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
pkgFile: 'package.json',
files: {
server: ['lib/**/*.js'],
client: ['client/**/*.js'],
common: ['common/**/*.js'],
context: ['context/**/*.js'],
grunt: ['grunt.js', 'tasks/*.js'],
scripts: ['scripts/init-dev-env.js']
browserify: {
client: {
files: {
'static/karma.js': ['client/main.js'],
'static/context.js': ['context/main.js']
test: {
unit: 'mochaTest:unit',
client: 'test/client/karma.conf.js',
e2e: 'cucumberjs:ci'
watch: {
client: {
files: '<%= files.client %>',
tasks: 'browserify:client'
mochaTest: {
options: {
reporter: 'dot',
ui: 'bdd',
quiet: false,
colors: true
unit: {
src: [
cucumberjs: {
options: {
steps: 'test/e2e/step_definitions',
format: 'progress',
require: ['test/e2e/support/env.js', 'test/e2e/support/world.js']
all: 'test/e2e/*.feature',
current: {
files: {
src: 'test/e2e/*.feature'
options: {
tags: '@current'
ci: {
files: {
src: 'test/e2e/*.feature'
options: {
tags: 'not @not-jenkins'
eslint: {
options: {
quiet: true
target: [
'<%= files.server %>',
'<%= files.grunt %>',
'<%= files.scripts %>',
'<%= files.client %>',
'<%= files.common %>',
'<%= files.context %>',
'npm-publish': {
options: {
requires: ['build'],
abortIfDirty: true,
tag: 'latest'
'npm-contributors': {
options: {
commitMessage: 'chore: update contributors'
conventionalChangelog: {
release: {
options: {
changelogOpts: {
preset: 'angular'
src: ''
conventionalGithubReleaser: {
release: {
options: {
auth: {
type: 'oauth',
token: process.env.GH_TOKEN
changelogOpts: {
preset: 'angular'
bump: {
options: {
updateConfigs: ['pkg'],
commitFiles: [
commitMessage: 'chore: release v%VERSION%',
prereleaseName: 'rc'
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['eslint'])
grunt.registerTask('build', ['browserify:client'])
grunt.registerTask('default', ['build', 'lint', 'test'])
grunt.registerTask('test-appveyor', ['test:unit', 'test:client'])
grunt.registerTask('release', 'Build, bump and publish to NPM.', function (type) {[
'bump:' + (type || 'patch') + ':bump-only',