blob: 47704248bfae1fe0e892afed3318ee1b5affb76f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("linux") {
visibility = [ "//:optimize_gn_gen" ]
# This is included by reference in the //build/config/compiler config that
# is applied to all targets. It is here to separate out the logic that is
# Linux-only. This is not applied to Android, but is applied to ChromeOS.
config("compiler") {
# This is included by reference in the //build/config/compiler:runtime_library
# config that is applied to all targets. It is here to separate out the logic
# that is Linux-only. Please see that target for advice on what should go in
# :runtime_library vs. :compiler.
config("runtime_library") {
# Set here because OS_CHROMEOS cannot be autodetected in build_config.h like
# OS_LINUX and the like.
if (is_chromeos) {
defines = [ "OS_CHROMEOS" ]
if ((!(is_chromeos_ash || is_chromeos_lacros) ||
default_toolchain != "//build/toolchain/cros:target") &&
(!use_custom_libcxx || current_cpu == "mipsel")) {
libs = [ "atomic" ]
config("libcap") {
libs = [ "cap" ]
config("libresolv") {
libs = [ "resolv" ]
if (use_glib) {
pkg_config("glib") {
packages = [
defines = [
# Ensures all exported symbols are added to the dynamic symbol table. This is
# necessary to expose Chrome's custom operator new() and operator delete() (and
# other memory-related symbols) to libraries. Otherwise, they might
# (de)allocate memory on a different heap, which would spell trouble if pointers
# to heap-allocated memory are passed over shared library boundaries.
config("export_dynamic") {
ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]