blob: 741227fecbefcbc9e61923ef606d78f97cd49cc4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <set>
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/common/mutex.h"
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "starboard/thread.h"
namespace nb {
// Like base::ThreadLocalPointer<T> but destroys objects. This is important
// for using ThreadLocalObjects that aren't tied to a singleton, or for
// access by threads which will call join().
// | Thread Join | Container Destroyed
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ThreadLocalPointer<T> | LEAKS | LEAKS
// ThreadLocalObject<T> | Object Destroyed | Objects Destroyed
// ThreadLocalObject<std::map<std::string, int> > map_tls;
// Map* map = map_tls->GetOrCreate();
// (*map)["my string"] = 15;
// Thread t = new Thread(&map_tls);
// t->start();
// // t creates it's own thread local map.
// t->join(); // Make sure that thread joins before map_tls is destroyed!
// There are two ways for an object to be destroyed by the ThreadLocalObject.
// The first way is via a thread join. In this case only the object
// associated with the thread is deleted.
// The second way an object is destroyed is by the ThreadLocalObject
// container to be destroyed, in this case ALL thread local objects are
// destroyed.
// ThreadLocalObject is fast for the Get() function if the object has
// has already been created, requiring one extra pointer dereference
// over ThreadLocalPointer<T>.
template <typename Type>
class ThreadLocalObject {
ThreadLocalObject() : slot_() {
slot_ = SbThreadCreateLocalKey(DeleteEntry);
SB_DCHECK(kSbThreadLocalKeyInvalid != slot_);
constructing_thread_id_ = SbThreadGetId();
// Enables destruction by any other thread. Otherwise, the class instance
// will warn when a different thread than the constructing destroys this.
void EnableDestructionByAnyThread() {
constructing_thread_id_ = kSbThreadInvalidId;
// Thread Local Objects are destroyed after this call.
~ThreadLocalObject() {
SB_DCHECK(entry_set_.size() < 2)
<< "Logic error: Some threads may still be accessing the objects "
<< "that are about to be destroyed. Only one object is expected "
<< "and that should be for the main thread. The caller should "
<< "ensure that other threads that access this object are"
<< " externally synchronized.";
// No locking is done because the entries should not be accessed by
// different threads while this object is shutting down. If access is
// occuring then the caller has a race condition, external to this class.
typedef typename Set::iterator Iter;
for (Iter it = entry_set_.begin(); it != entry_set_.end(); ++it) {
Entry* entry = *it;
SB_DCHECK(entry->owner_ == this);
delete entry->ptr_;
delete entry;
// Cleanup the thread local key.
// Warns if there is a misuse of this object.
void CheckCurrentThreadAllowedToDestruct() const {
if (kSbThreadInvalidId == constructing_thread_id_) {
return; // EnableDestructionByAnyThread() called.
const SbThreadId curr_thread_id = SbThreadGetId();
if (curr_thread_id == constructing_thread_id_) {
return; // Same thread that constructed this.
SB_DCHECK(false) << "ThreadLocalObject<T> was created in thread "
<< constructing_thread_id_ << "\nbut was destroyed by "
<< curr_thread_id
<< ". If this is intentional then call "
<< "EnableDestructionByAnyThread() to silence this "
<< "warning.";
// Either returns the created pointer for the current thread, or otherwise
// constructs the object using the default constructor and returns it.
Type* GetOrCreate() {
Type* object = GetIfExists();
if (!object) { // create object.
object = new Type();
Entry* entry = new Entry(this, object);
// Insert into the set of tls entries.
// Performance: Its assumed that creation of objects is much less
// frequent than getting an object.
starboard::ScopedLock lock(entry_set_mutex_);
SbThreadSetLocalValue(slot_, entry);
return object;
template <typename ConstructorArg>
Type* GetOrCreate(const ConstructorArg& arg) {
Type* object = GetIfExists();
if (!object) { // create object.
object = new Type(arg);
Entry* entry = new Entry(this, object);
// Insert into the set of tls entries.
// Performance: Its assumed that creation of objects is much less
// frequent than getting an object.
starboard::ScopedLock lock(entry_set_mutex_);
SbThreadSetLocalValue(slot_, entry);
return object;
// Returns the pointer if it exists in the current thread, otherwise NULL.
Type* GetIfExists() const {
Entry* entry = GetEntryIfExists();
if (!entry) {
return NULL;
return entry->ptr_;
// Releases ownership of the pointer FROM THE CURRENT THREAD.
// The caller has responsibility to make sure that the pointer is destroyed.
Type* Release() {
if (Entry* entry = GetEntryIfExists()) {
// The entry will no longer run it's destructor on thread join.
SbThreadSetLocalValue(slot_, NULL); // NULL out pointer for TLS.
Type* object = entry->ptr_;
return object;
} else {
return NULL;
struct Entry {
Entry(ThreadLocalObject* own, Type* ptr) : owner_(own), ptr_(ptr) {}
~Entry() {
ptr_ = NULL;
owner_ = NULL;
ThreadLocalObject* owner_;
Type* ptr_;
// Deletes the TLSEntry.
static void DeleteEntry(void* ptr) {
if (!ptr) {
Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(ptr);
ThreadLocalObject* tls = entry->owner_;
Type* object = entry->ptr_;
if (tls) {
delete object;
void RemoveEntry(Entry* entry) {
starboard::ScopedLock lock(entry_set_mutex_);
delete entry;
Entry* GetEntryIfExists() const {
void* ptr = SbThreadGetLocalValue(slot_);
Entry* entry = static_cast<Entry*>(ptr);
return entry;
typedef std::set<Entry*> Set;
// Allows GetIfExists() to be const.
mutable SbThreadLocalKey slot_;
// entry_set_ contains all the outstanding entries for the thread local
// objects that have been created.
Set entry_set_;
mutable starboard::Mutex entry_set_mutex_;
// Used to warn when there is a mismatch between thread that constructed and
// thread that destroyed this object.
SbThreadId constructing_thread_id_;
ThreadLocalObject<Type>(const ThreadLocalObject<Type>&) = delete;
void operator=(const ThreadLocalObject<Type>&) = delete;
} // namespace nb