blob: 23d20e2973e38e877563567d65ff42294442580a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script generates a two roots - one legacy one signed with MD5, and
# another (newer) one signed with SHA256 - and has a leaf certificate signed
# by these without any distinguishers.
# The "cross-signed" comes from the fact that both the MD5 and SHA256 roots
# share the same Authority Key ID, Subject Key ID, Subject, and Subject Public
# Key Info. When the chain building algorithm is evaluating paths, if it prefers
# untrusted over trusted, then it will see the MD5 certificate as a self-signed
# cert that is "cross-signed" by the trusted SHA256 root.
# The SHA256 root should be (temporarily) trusted, and the resulting chain
# should be leaf -> SHA256root, not leaf -> MD5root, leaf -> SHA256root ->
# MD5root, or leaf -> MD5root -> SHA256root
try() {
"$@" || (e=$?; echo "$@" > /dev/stderr; exit $e)
try rm -rf out
try mkdir out
try /bin/sh -c "echo 01 > out/2048-sha256-root-serial"
try /bin/sh -c "echo 02 > out/2048-md5-root-serial"
touch out/2048-sha256-root-index.txt
touch out/2048-md5-root-index.txt
# Generate the key
try openssl genrsa -out out/2048-sha256-root.key 2048
# Generate the root certificate
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Dup-Hash Root CA" \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key out/2048-sha256-root.key \
-out out/2048-sha256-root.req \
-config ca.cnf
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Dup-Hash Root CA" \
try openssl x509 \
-req -days 3650 \
-sha256 \
-in out/2048-sha256-root.req \
-out out/2048-sha256-root.pem \
-text \
-signkey out/2048-sha256-root.key \
-extfile ca.cnf \
-extensions ca_cert
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Dup-Hash Root CA" \
try openssl x509 \
-req -days 3650 \
-md5 \
-in out/2048-sha256-root.req \
-out out/2048-md5-root.pem \
-text \
-signkey out/2048-sha256-root.key \
-extfile ca.cnf \
-extensions ca_cert
# Generate the leaf certificate request
try openssl req \
-new \
-keyout out/ok_cert.key \
-out out/ok_cert.req \
-config ee.cnf
# Generate the leaf certificates
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Dup-Hash Root CA" \
try openssl ca \
-batch \
-extensions user_cert \
-days 3650 \
-in out/ok_cert.req \
-out out/ok_cert.pem \
-config ca.cnf
try openssl x509 -text \
-in out/2048-md5-root.pem > ../certificates/cross-signed-root-md5.pem
try openssl x509 -text \
-in out/2048-sha256-root.pem > ../certificates/cross-signed-root-sha256.pem
try openssl x509 -text \
-in out/ok_cert.pem > ../certificates/cross-signed-leaf.pem