blob: a553db7c9f26224adcdb989cce7f51ecda8932ba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export class ContrastInfo extends Common.Object {
* @param {?SDK.CSSModel.ContrastInfo} contrastInfo
constructor(contrastInfo) {
this._isNull = true;
/** @type {?number} */
this._contrastRatio = null;
/** @type {?Object<string, number>} */
this._contrastRatioThresholds = null;
/** @type {?Common.Color} */
this._fgColor = null;
/** @type {?Common.Color} */
this._bgColor = null;
if (!contrastInfo) {
if (!contrastInfo.computedFontSize || !contrastInfo.computedFontWeight || !contrastInfo.backgroundColors ||
contrastInfo.backgroundColors.length !== 1) {
this._isNull = false;
const isLargeFont = ContrastInfo.computeIsLargeFont(contrastInfo.computedFontSize, contrastInfo.computedFontWeight);
this._contrastRatioThresholds = _ContrastThresholds[(isLargeFont ? 'largeFont' : 'normalFont')];
const bgColorText = contrastInfo.backgroundColors[0];
const bgColor = Common.Color.parse(bgColorText);
if (bgColor) {
* @return {boolean}
isNull() {
return this._isNull;
* @param {!Common.Color} fgColor
setColor(fgColor) {
this._fgColor = fgColor;
* @return {?Common.Color}
color() {
return this._fgColor;
* @return {?number}
contrastRatio() {
return this._contrastRatio;
* @param {!Common.Color} bgColor
setBgColor(bgColor) {
* @param {!Common.Color} bgColor
_setBgColorInternal(bgColor) {
this._bgColor = bgColor;
if (!this._fgColor) {
const fgRGBA = this._fgColor.rgba();
// If we have a semi-transparent background color over an unknown
// background, draw the line for the "worst case" scenario: where
// the unknown background is the same color as the text.
if (bgColor.hasAlpha()) {
const blendedRGBA = [];
Common.Color.blendColors(bgColor.rgba(), fgRGBA, blendedRGBA);
this._bgColor = new Common.Color(blendedRGBA, Common.Color.Format.RGBA);
this._contrastRatio = Common.Color.calculateContrastRatio(fgRGBA, this._bgColor.rgba());
* @return {?Common.Color}
bgColor() {
return this._bgColor;
_updateContrastRatio() {
if (!this._bgColor || !this._fgColor) {
this._contrastRatio = Common.Color.calculateContrastRatio(this._fgColor.rgba(), this._bgColor.rgba());
* @param {string} level
* @return {?number}
contrastRatioThreshold(level) {
if (!this._contrastRatioThresholds) {
return null;
return this._contrastRatioThresholds[level];
* @param {string} fontSize
* @param {string} fontWeight
* @return {boolean}
static computeIsLargeFont(fontSize, fontWeight) {
const boldWeights = ['bold', 'bolder', '600', '700', '800', '900'];
const fontSizePx = parseFloat(fontSize.replace('px', ''));
const isBold = (boldWeights.indexOf(fontWeight) !== -1);
const fontSizePt = fontSizePx * 72 / 96;
if (isBold) {
return fontSizePt >= 14;
} else {
return fontSizePt >= 18;
/** @enum {symbol} */
export const Events = {
ContrastInfoUpdated: Symbol('ContrastInfoUpdated')
const _ContrastThresholds = {
largeFont: {aa: 3.0, aaa: 4.5},
normalFont: {aa: 4.5, aaa: 7.0}
/* Legacy exported object */
self.ColorPicker = self.ColorPicker || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
ColorPicker = ColorPicker || {};
/** @constructor */
ColorPicker.ContrastInfo = ContrastInfo;
ColorPicker.ContrastInfo.Events = Events;